Spielberg's Hoax: The Last Days Of The Big Lie...

Why do people freak out at the mention of Hitler? Maybe the kids today are less freaked. The babyboomers are inconsolable after a kind word about Hitler.

The Hitler/Nazi meme elicits a predictable emotional response. We've all been taught since childhood that Hitler and the Nazis were the closest thing to the Devil the planet's ever seen. That's why the U.S. Government often uses it to scare the People into supporting more war. It's a proven winner.

It's called PSYOP (Psychological Operations). If you can paint your latest enemy flavor of the week as another 'Hitler', the People will tend to follow like sheep into any war being proposed. It's psychological warfare. And the U.S. Government doesn't only conduct it against its foreign enemies. It conducts it against its own People as well.

yep they have used that on the american sheep for decades now.Hollywood is controlled and owned by the zionists.

The Kuwait incubator scam is a perfect example of Government lying to get the sheeple on board supporting more war. The whole thing turned out to be a farce. And of course they did the same thing with WMD to get us into the next Iraq War. And i have no doubt they're lying right now trying to get us into more wars. It's how it works. It's a Permanent War agenda.

thats why I can only laugh when i hear people saying Obama should be tried for treason when its pretty obvious presidents get away with mass murder everyday especially the Bush family.
I know this one is incredibly controversial, but it's worth checking out. This documentary delves into questioning Spielberg and others' Holocaust claims. So i will warn you, if you're easily offended and very emotional, i would skip it. It can elicit a lot of emotion. I've been down this road before when i presented contoversial opinions on the Sandy Hook incident.

But i think it's very important to be inquisitive and to question. It's especially important if it counters everything you've been taught to accept as the only narrative realities. So again, if you're easily offended and very emotional, i would advise you skip this one. But for those who wanna give it a shot, check it out and discuss your thoughts afterward. Thanks.

I like to punch Holocaust deniers in the face

Where can I meet you?
Why do people freak out at the mention of Hitler? Maybe the kids today are less freaked. The babyboomers are inconsolable after a kind word about Hitler.

The Hitler/Nazi meme elicits a predictable emotional response. We've all been taught since childhood that Hitler and the Nazis were the closest thing to the Devil the planet's ever seen. That's why the U.S. Government often uses it to scare the People into supporting more war. It's a proven winner.

It's called PSYOP (Psychological Operations). If you can paint your latest enemy flavor of the week as another 'Hitler', the People will tend to follow like sheep into any war being proposed. It's psychological warfare. And the U.S. Government doesn't only conduct it against its foreign enemies. It conducts it against its own People as well.

yep they have used that on the american sheep for decades now.Hollywood is controlled and owned by the zionists.

The Kuwait incubator scam is a perfect example of Government lying to get the sheeple on board supporting more war. The whole thing turned out to be a farce. And of course they did the same thing with WMD to get us into the next Iraq War. And i have no doubt they're lying right now trying to get us into more wars. It's how it works. It's a Permanent War agenda.

thats why I can only laugh when i hear people saying Obama should be tried for treason when its pretty obvious presidents get away with mass murder everyday especially the Bush family.

If the U.S. didn't own the International 'Justice' System, its leaders would be standing trial for War Crimes. The second Iraq War was especially horrific. Untold thousands & thousands of children were brutally slaughtered. To this day, many Iraqi children are suffering from terrible birth defect afflictions caused by depleted uranium used in some U.S. weapons.

But don't expect the American Government/Corporate Media to talk about that. It's onto the next war for them. You're dealing with psychopathic killers at the highest levels of Government. They rarely get held accountable for their horrific crimes. The Iraq War is all the proof you need of that.
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I know this one is incredibly controversial, but it's worth checking out. This documentary delves into questioning Spielberg and others' Holocaust claims. So i will warn you, if you're easily offended and very emotional, i would skip it. It can elicit a lot of emotion. I've been down this road before when i presented contoversial opinions on the Sandy Hook incident.

But i think it's very important to be inquisitive and to question. It's especially important if it counters everything you've been taught to accept as the only narrative realities. So again, if you're easily offended and very emotional, i would advise you skip this one. But for those who wanna give it a shot, check it out and discuss your thoughts afterward. Thanks.

I like to punch Holocaust deniers in the face

Where can I meet you?

I'll take it you didn't read the disclaimer in the OP. If you're easily offended and very emotional, skip the film. Thanks.
There are Holocaust Museums all over the world ... including Germany. I agree with an earlier poster: I love the movie series "Band of Brothers." Some of the perpetrators who planned and/or participated in this mass destruction of humanity were tried, convicted and executed for the parts they played as well as for other war crimes. Still today, some of those people are still being sought and brought to trial - even if they have reached their 80s and 90s in age.

Many books have been written on the subject. In addition to "Band of Brothers" another good movie is "Schindler's List." Schindler managed to save some 1,000 Jewish lives by employing them in a factory he set up and repeatedly finding a way to keep them safe until the war ended. Some decades back HBO had a series called "Shoah" - a tour of some of the camps along with interviews of survivors and non-Jewish people who lived near the death camps.

To question whether it happened is to be a fool.
There are Holocaust Museums all over the world ... including Germany. I agree with an earlier poster: I love the movie series "Band of Brothers." Some of the perpetrators who planned and/or participated in this mass destruction of humanity were tried, convicted and executed for the parts they played as well as for other war crimes. Still today, some of those people are still being sought and brought to trial - even if they have reached their 80s and 90s in age.

Many books have been written on the subject. In addition to "Band of Brothers" another good movie is "Schindler's List." Schindler managed to save some 1,000 Jewish lives by employing them in a factory he set up and repeatedly finding a way to keep them safe until the war ended. Some decades back HBO had a series called "Shoah" - a tour of some of the camps along with interviews of survivors and non-Jewish people who lived near the death camps.

To question whether it happened is to be a fool.

Have you watched this film? There are many problems with Spielberg's film. Give it a watch, then get back to us.
I know this one is incredibly controversial, but it's worth checking out. This documentary delves into questioning Spielberg and others' Holocaust claims. So i will warn you, if you're easily offended and very emotional, i would skip it. It can elicit a lot of emotion. I've been down this road before when i presented contoversial opinions on the Sandy Hook incident.

But i think it's very important to be inquisitive and to question. It's especially important if it counters everything you've been taught to accept as the only narrative realities. So again, if you're easily offended and very emotional, i would advise you skip this one. But for those who wanna give it a shot, check it out and discuss your thoughts afterward. Thanks.

I like to punch Holocaust deniers in the face

Where can I meet you?

I'll take it you didn't read the disclaimer in the OP. If you're easily offended and very emotional, skip the film. Thanks.

No, seriously

Holocaust deniers deserve to be punched in the face
I know this one is incredibly controversial, but it's worth checking out. This documentary delves into questioning Spielberg and others' Holocaust claims. So i will warn you, if you're easily offended and very emotional, i would skip it. It can elicit a lot of emotion. I've been down this road before when i presented contoversial opinions on the Sandy Hook incident.

But i think it's very important to be inquisitive and to question. It's especially important if it counters everything you've been taught to accept as the only narrative realities. So again, if you're easily offended and very emotional, i would advise you skip this one. But for those who wanna give it a shot, check it out and discuss your thoughts afterward. Thanks.

I like to punch Holocaust deniers in the face

Where can I meet you?

I'll take it you didn't read the disclaimer in the OP. If you're easily offended and very emotional, skip the film. Thanks.

No, seriously

Holocaust deniers deserve to be punched in the face

You're clearly a very emotional person. The film is not for you. And that's ok. You don't have to watch it or comment on it. Thanks.
Speilberg usually does good stuff. But, Hollywood being what it is, I never watch anything done by Oliver Stone or Michael Moore ... because I know for damned sure they don't film anything that has any truth in it other than their own truth.

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