Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

koshergrl, post: 16305618
you must not know what might and if mean.

Putin voted yes to condemn Israel's settlements. Trump is talking warm relations with Russia. That he is considering removing sanctions is not the topic of this thread. It is that he trashed Obama for abstaining but has not trashed Putin at all for voting yes. But Trump praises Putin and wants warm relations including lifting of sanctions. Applied for meddling in our election.

Trump is not on America's side like most of us Republican and Democrats.

There are no sanctions on Russia for their Israeli vote.

The Cold War is over. Avoiding another is in America's interest.

YOu are really stretching to find excused for a new conflict.
Correll, post: 16311138.
I ask about the current fighting going on right now, and you response by pointing fingers on who is to blame for the fight happening in the first place.

I have no interest in defending Assad's past performance, nor Putin's.

You said you wanted to discuss what would have been a better plan in the past.

Right here:

I would be happy to discuss what I think the proper course of action would have been at that time, but are you prepared to support the idea of good relations with Russia?

You have been critizing Obama's coalition's military action in Syria and glorifying Putin who came late to the effort. I would welcome Putin's stepped up assistance but I would not look past his past and his war crimes in Syria and praise him as a great leader.

I would not be spineless like Trump has been in praising Putin first, never condemning his actions all the while calling US Generals and Obama failures.

This success in Iraq was hard and long to achieve and there is more to do for sure.

But Obama's strategy has always been to get local moderate Sunnis, Kurds Shiite militia's to fight in the ground and be able to hold liberated territory.

Do not put our troops at risk anymore than necessary.

MOSUL, Iraq -- Iraqi forces have won a string of swift territorial gains in Mosul in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)after months of slow progress. Government troops retook the eastern edge of a third bridge in Mosul Saturday and a cluster of buildings inside Mosul University.

I know that is Iraq, but their is only one declared caliphate that stretches across borders.

Our victories there should not be ignored and running off the mouth about Putin and Assad coming to save the day is absurd and unAmerican.

Here's more:

US 'Thrilled' With Iraqi Progress in Mosul
January 13, 2017 8:47 PM

Iraqi army soldiers load rockets into a multibarrel launcher during a fight against Islamic State militants to regain control of Mosul University in the eastern side of Mosul, Iraq, Jan. 13, 2017.

U.S. officials are hailing the latest push by Iraqi forces into Mosul, confirming reports that a key government building has been retaken from Islamic State fighters.

A senior U.S. defense official said Friday that Iraqi forces had captured the Ninevah province council building from the terror group and had raised the Iraqi flag.


Trump this, Putin that, Assad this!

Fuckit dude. I ain't buying that unAmerican bullshit.

Specifically now that you admit you won't defend Putin and Assad's past in discussion about the past.
Correll, post: 16311138.
I ask about the current fighting going on right now, and you response by pointing fingers on who is to blame for the fight happening in the first place.

I have no interest in defending Assad's past performance, nor Putin's.

You said you wanted to discuss what would have been a better plan in the past.

Right here:

I would be happy to discuss what I think the proper course of action would have been at that time, but are you prepared to support the idea of good relations with Russia?

You have been critizing Obama's coalition's military action in Syria and glorifying Putin who came late to the effort. I would welcome Putin's stepped up assistance but I would not look past his past and his war crimes in Syria and praise him as a great leader.

I would not be spineless like Trump has been in praising Putin first, never condemning his actions all the while calling US Generals and Obama failures.

This success in Iraq was hard and long to achieve and there is more to do for sure.

But Obama's strategy has always been to get local moderate Sunnis, Kurds Shiite militia's to fight in the ground and be able to hold liberated territory.

Do not put our troops at risk anymore than necessary.

MOSUL, Iraq -- Iraqi forces have won a string of swift territorial gains in Mosul in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)after months of slow progress. Government troops retook the eastern edge of a third bridge in Mosul Saturday and a cluster of buildings inside Mosul University.

I know that is Iraq, but their is only one declared caliphate that stretches across borders.

Our victories there should not be ignored and running off the mouth about Putin and Assad coming to save the day is absurd and unAmerican.

Here's more:

US 'Thrilled' With Iraqi Progress in Mosul
January 13, 2017 8:47 PM

Iraqi army soldiers load rockets into a multibarrel launcher during a fight against Islamic State militants to regain control of Mosul University in the eastern side of Mosul, Iraq, Jan. 13, 2017.

U.S. officials are hailing the latest push by Iraqi forces into Mosul, confirming reports that a key government building has been retaken from Islamic State fighters.

A senior U.S. defense official said Friday that Iraqi forces had captured the Ninevah province council building from the terror group and had raised the Iraqi flag.


Trump this, Putin that, Assad this!

Fuckit dude. I ain't buying that unAmerican bullshit.

Specifically now that you admit you won't defend Putin and Assad's past in discussion about the past.

Your posting style has confused you.

The Cold War is over. We have no conflict of interest with RUssia,

Putin and Assad are crushing ISIS in Syria. I'm good with that.

Russia's lack of support for Israel is disappointing but not important.
Correll, post: 16311142
The Cold War is over. Avoiding another is in America's interest.

YOu are really stretching to find excused for a new conflict.

Im not looking for a new conflict. I would favor the US recognizing Crimea, South Ossetia and
abkhazia as Russian territories.

What Bush did to Iraq was much worse.

But I know damn well Republicans will never let that happen.

Those are older conflicts. Putin's potential meddling in our election is a new conflict. I Surely didn't start that one.

We can recognize those territories as Geoploitical fact without praising Putin as a great leader while doing it.

Trump can't find the spine to criticize Putin for anything.

That is not resolving conflict. That is actual appeasing a fierce antagonist to western democracies all around the world.

It is spineless leadership months before Trump's leadership was known or scheduled to begin.
The travesty of our trade policy over the last 60 years, makes me highly skeptical of the WTO as a route to better anything. If we want better trade with RUssia, lets talk to RUSSIA. Fuck the WTO.

My wife is Russian who now works for the Defense Departnent. I was with her when she and her father voted for Putin in 2000.

Just talking to the Russians would in many ways mean we were dealing with oligarchs and Putin. Not a lot of legitimate and well regulated corporations and finance.
Correll, post: 16311720
Your posting style has confused you.

I would say the one who wrote they would be happy to discuss the past in Syria and then when confronted with the facts about Assad and Putin's past then decided they did not want to discuss the past at all is the one that is confused.

That confused person would be you. Nice try at a dodge there though.
Putin and Assad are crushing ISIS in Syria. I'm good with that.

You've been duped to believe it has been more significant than the US led coalition. And It's not like the US led coalition has interfered or not cooperated with Putin and Assad's Air Force when the actually hit ISIS targets.

And ISIS is not confined to Syria. The US led coalition has massively more ISIS kills and military targets than late comer Putin could ever dream about.

The US and allies are cleaning up Putin and Assad's mess.

The mess that Bush ultimately stirred up when he forced UN inspectors out Iraq and invaded.

Bush should have listened Putin in 2003 and we would not be having this duscussion.

And there would be no WMD's in Iraq as the inspectors were finding to be true.
Correll, post: 16311720
Russia's lack of support for Israel is disappointing but not important.

Russia supports Israel. They also support Iran and Syria. They support the two state solution. Just like Obama supports Israel and the two state solution. So why is Obama condemned by Trump on everything and Putin praised on everything?

That's what you can't explain. None of you can.

Why won't Trump quit campaigning against Obama? He said Obama treated with Israel with total disdain and disrespect”.

Trump has not used those words against his beloved best leader Putun.

He gives Putin nothing but praise.

Donald J. Trump


Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We.....

10:02 AM - 7 Jan 2017

So Republicans are stupid if they oppose a warm relationship with Putin after Putin voted yes at the UN to condemn Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands.

Why is Trump being an asshole against his own Party and the intelligence community?

Will spineless Trumpunist Party members face this illogical unpatriotic "Make Russia Great Again" moron of a president elect head on?

According to Trump the Great Marl Levin is stupid. That is hilarious.
I don't know if anyone has brought this up in this thread or not, but um...

Where is your outrage with Obama trying to normalize relations with Cuba? The last time I checked, a Castro was ruling a politically oppressive government there. But hey when Trump wants to normalize relations with Russia, oh, hey now, he's a traitor and an illegitimate president!

Do you see anything wrong with this picture? No, of course you don't.
Etherion, post: 16313442
The last time I checked, a Castro was ruling a politically oppressive government there.

The last time I checked Castro was not conducting a cyber attack and supporting political fringe groups against western Democracies including ours. Cuba is not a major superpower. Cuba is not bombing civilians in Syria.

Regardless it's what Putin is doing outside his borders not within that has caused concern among most liberal democratic leaders.

And most importantly Obama is not praising a Castro as a great leader as Trump has done.

So you didn't think about your post much I see.
Etherion, post: 16313442
But hey when Trump wants to normalize relations with Russia, oh, hey now, he's a traitor and an illegitimate president!

I'm not saying that Trump's praise of Putin is treason or makes him an illegitimate president.

He is a hypocrit and a liar however.

Learn to read before commenting please.
I don't see how sanctions vs Russia are getting any results. Obama staring down little Putin and oversqueezing on the handshake is good for the cameras but little else.

Trying to work with Russia probably won't be productive either but I could be wrong.

The issue is relevant to Syria. At this point we're dropping bombs on some factions and supporting others. If this were ever to actually unseat Assad, the result would likely be a less functional and equally tyrannous government.

Maybe the best thing for the Syrians is to allow Russia to help stabilize the Assad regime. There would be no freedom but at least there would be peace. And we could focus on our own problems
SassyIrishLass, post: 16244194
Russia will do as they please...the elephant in the room with your feeble argument is your failed messiah sided with the UN resolution. Dope

The US abstained. We did not vote YES. You condemn Obama for abstaining, but your nut job wants warm relations with Russia that voted Yes and comes no where's near the record military aid that Obama as provided to Israel.

So the elephant in the room is your two faced split tongue condemnation of Obama while at the same time adoration of Trump and Putin for doing much worse to Israel.

Semantics little man.
An abstention IS an affirmative vote. I am betting you agree with Obama's attempt to start a war with Russia.
Doc1, post: 16315029
Semantics little man.
An abstention IS an affirmative vote. I am betting you agree with Obama's attempt to start a war with Russia.

What attempt to start a war with Russia. Are you a Republican?

An abstention is an abstention. A yes is a yes.

And had you not noticed Obama (US policy going back many presidents) favors the two state solution. So does Putin. So Obama and Putin are on the same page. It is Trump that is odds with Putin on this, I guess. Who know what the he'll he stands for.
Doc1, post: 16315029
Semantics little man.
An abstention IS an affirmative vote. I am betting you agree with Obama's attempt to start a war with Russia.

What attempt to start a war with Russia. Are you a Republican?

An abstention is an abstention. A yes is a yes.

And had you not noticed Obama (US policy going back many presidents) favors the two state solution. So does Putin. So Obama and Putin are on the same page. It is Trump that is odds with Putin on this, I guess. Who know what the he'll he stands for.

Meaning you are ignorant of current events.
I am a Conservative. An abstention is a yes when a vet is a no, I get it though, semantics is where all of the weak hide.
I'll help you out here, the problem with that UN Resolution is NOT that it condemned Israel, they've condemned them for decades. The problem is returning to the 67 lines. Israel will not give up Jerusalem, nor should they.
Treeshepherd, post: 16314906
Trying to work with Russia probably won't be productive either but I could be wrong.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with working with Putin. We are already working with Putin in Syria against ISIS. Do you think there is no direct cooperation between our two militaries?

Putin since Obama took office has maintained a land bridge through Russian territory for transporting heavy military supplies into and out of Afghanistan.

Putin also was instrumental in Assad giving up his Chem/bio warfare arsenal.

Sanctions have not stopped cooperation in the two wars the US and NATO allies and others are involved in. Trump is creating nothing new now that Putin and Assad have driven the rebels out of Alleppo and started the peace deal.
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Doc1, post: 16315230
I am a Conservative.

Don't talk to me about starting a war with Rusdia. Conservatives wanted to arm Ukraine over Crimea and Dunbass.

And bitching about the two state solution and the vote in the UN is a bitch against Putin and just about the entire rest of the world.
Today of all things:

Trump also criticized Russia for its intervention in the Syrian civil war, describing it as “a very bad thing” that had led to a “terrible humanitarian situation,” The Times said.


Finally after the election. Trump is critical of Putin on Syria. Just like Hillary and Obama were before.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16244237.
ISIS or ISIL as Ears prefers is his own creation...Russia is doing the dirty work Obungles is either unwilling or incapable of doing.

Wait a minute ding-bat. Trump "criticized Russia for its intervention in the Syrian civil war, describing it as “a very bad thing” that had led to a “terrible humanitarian situation,”


So the dunderhead you voted for has recalibrated his campaign Putin love messaging a little bit now saying it was Putin that did a very bad thing in Syria leading to a terrible humanitarian crisis.

So your lie about Obama is exposed for what it is. If Putin did not intervene there would be no humanitarian crisis. And that now is according to Trump.

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