Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Correll, post: 16279832
You're raving.

You are running;

You need to read these posts:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16286698.
baileyn45, post: 16284815

And again isis gains in Syria were not checked until the Russians stepped in, much to the chagrin of the Obama adm.

That is simply not True.

And you appear to have the same Putin love as Trump does.

. U.S. airstrikes have attacked more than 2,600 ISIS targets since the Americans joined the fight in 2014, the New York Times reported. Other powers, including Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and United Arab Emirates, have served as allies, particularly in conducting airstrikes.

Russia began conducting its own airstrikes in late September. The Russians claim to be targeting ISIS as well, but the U.S. and other sources on the ground say the attacks are mainly targeting anti-Assad rebels. Russian President Vladimir Putin is a supporter of Assad’s regime. Relations between the U.S. and Russia have grown increasingly icy over Russia’s involvement in Syria, among other conflicts, but the two unlikely allies have been in diplomatic talks to coordinate their efforts.


2600 Airstrikes for 18 months before Putin showed up and mostly bombed non-ISIS targets.

Your understanding of reality in Syria is pitiful.

NotfooledbyW, post: 16288308
baileyn45, post: 16284815

I'm just greatly disturbed by this adm apparent willingness to watch isis slaughter their way across Syria in the hopes it would bring down Assad.

You are so consumed by conspiracy theories.

There were no military means in Syria protect civilians since several hundred thousand US ground troops was never an option.

Putin is the one that stood by in 2014 and most of 2015. And his client Assad brought this entire disaster on the Syrian and Iraqi people going back to 2005.

. Ironically, al-Qaida's wholesale introduction into Iraq came at the hands of Assad's regime. From 2005 until the end of the American occupation of Iraq, Assad's military intelligence services and their Iranian backers sought to defeat the US forces by training, financing and arming al-Qaida operatives inside Syria and dispatching them across the border to foment chaos and destruction.

. General David Petraeus and other senior American officials warned Assad that he was igniting a fire that would eventually burn his house down, but Damascus did nothing to stop the flow of fighters, culminating in a crippling blow to Maliki's government the day Iraq's foreign and finance ministries were bombed. Maliki publicly condemned his future ally in Damascus for the attack.

. And so, Syria's unravelling spilled into Iraq, and vice versa. Powerful regional tribes such as the Shammar and Anezah, faced with countless dead and persecuted members in both countries, banded together with former Iraqi and Syrian military officers, embracing Isis jihadis as their frontline shock troops. Cash poured in from sympathetic donors around the region


Putin supported Assad throughout the entire support of al Qaeda and the outgrowth of ISIS from 2005 on.

But you pin it on Obama.

Right wing conspiracy theorists accept as their basic foundation that all tragic problems in Syria and Iraq began exactly on January 20, 2009.

You have no recommended in hindsight military plan that Obama could have done to present the rise of ISIS and the terror they brought into the world.

Listen to what Obama said in the Fall of 2014:

Across the border, in Syria, we have ramped up our military assistance to the Syrian opposition. Tonight, I call on Congress again to give us additional authorities and resources to train and equip these fighters. In the fight against ISIL, we cannot rely on an Assad regime that terrorizes its own people -- a regime that will never regain the legitimacy it has lost. Instead, we must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to extremists like ISIL, while pursuing the political solution necessary to solve Syria’s crisis once and for all.

At this point, I don't trust US intelligence to be able to distinguish between ISIS, and "anti-assad rebels,

nor would I trust them to tell the media the truth is they were right.

Regardless in a three sided war, the NOT whack job muslims always seem to lose out to the whack job musims if they win.
Dale Smith, post: 16293057
So let us debate this....what exactly has Russia and Putin done to get themselves in the cross hairs of the leftard clown posse and the globalists????

What has Putin done to be worthy of Trump love.

Supporting the butcher in Syria by bombing hospitals and schools in Aleppo is a crime against humanity for one.

Not really going after ISIS IN Syria for another.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! ISIS = USA.INC, ya dumb fuck. ISIS is being funded by U.S intel, the Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 and MI6 to fight a proxy war in Syria. How fucking stupid are you? Let me count the ways....SMH.
The day before the vote, the Republican Party ran an ominous radio commercial addressed to the mothers of America. A chilling voice warned, “When your boy is dying on some battlefield in Europe and he’s crying out ‘Mother! Mother!’—don’t blame Franklin D. Roosevelt because he sent your boy to war—blame YOURSELF, because YOU sent Franklin D. Roosevelt back to the White House!”

Now you Republicans curse FDR. You are a disgrace to America and all those that perished fighting Hitler and Hirohito's armies, navies and air forces.

Sick sick sick.

Correll, post: 16279938,
FDR gave half of Europe to Stalin, and nicked named him Uncle Joe.

More distortion of history.

FDR gave nothing away. We needed Russia to assist in the defeat of Japan. We didn't have the Abomb before FDR died. Soviet Troops occupied Eastern Europe. Patton wanted take on the Soviet army before Hitler had fallen.
It's good General Eisenhower had much more sense.

It's explained in the following wuote:

. But what actually happened at Yalta? Let's review the facts. The conference itself took place in the seaside Crimean city in February 1945, during the final months of the war. A delegation of more than 600 British and U.S. officials, including FDR and Churchill, met with Stalin. They discussed postwar borders and issued a "Declaration on Liberated Europe" calling for free elections in Poland and elsewhere.

The truth is that Yalta did not hand Eastern Europe to the Soviets. That territory was already in their possession. Stalin had made clear his plan to take over as much territory as possible back in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939, which carved Poland in half and gave the Soviets the Baltic states. The discovery in 1943 of the massacre of Polish officers by the Soviet army in the Katyn forest was further evidence of Stalin's malign intention to exterminate the leadership of Poland. Then, in 1944, during the Warsaw uprising by the Polish Home Army, Stalin halted the advance of his army on the banks of the Vistula River and allowed Nazi SS units to return to slaughter the Poles. By the time of Yalta, the Red Army occupied all of Poland and much of Eastern Europe.

Theoretically, Churchill and Roosevelt could have refused to cut any deal with Stalin at Yalta. But that could have started the Cold War on the spot. It would have seriously jeopardized the common battle against Germany (at a moment when Roosevelt was concerned with winning Soviet assent to help fight the Japanese, which he received).

Once Again, the Big Yalta Lie

So you would have started the Cold War with The Soviet Union before Germany and Japan were defeated. I always knew you were an insane warmonger pretending not to be now.

Attacking FDR when worthless Republicans didn't want us to enter WWII in the first place.

Wendell Wilkie. Remember him.

. The day before the vote, the Republican Party ran an ominous radio commercial addressed to the mothers of America. A chilling voice warned, “When your boy is dying on some battlefield in Europe and he’s crying out ‘Mother! Mother!’—don’t blame Franklin D. Roosevelt because he sent your boy to war—blame YOURSELF, because YOU sent Franklin D. Roosevelt back to the White House!”

The Revolution of 1940: America’s Fight Over Entering World War II

I have not cursed FDR.

I know that you lefties consider him a Hero, so I cited his working with someone far worse than Putin in response to your anti-putin hyteria.

To make a point, that you have missed in your raving.

I would be happy to discuss what I think the proper course of action would have been at that time, but are you prepared to support the idea of good relations with Russia?[/QUOTE)

I will curse FDR to the hills and back. He was nothing but a socialist, globalist POS. There could have been a Hitler without FDR's cronies funding the Third Reich....and that's but one of many reasons to despise that disgusting pile.
Dale Smith, post: 16296690
I will curse FDR to the hills and back. He was nothing but a socialist, globalist POS. There could have been a Hitler without FDR's cronies funding the Third Reich.

You must not realize how demented you sound. Trump brings out the worst in you.
Dale Smith, post: 16296690
I will curse FDR to the hills and back. He was nothing but a socialist, globalist POS. There could have been a Hitler without FDR's cronies funding the Third Reich.

You must not realize how demented you sound. Trump brings out the worst in you.

I know more than you, dumb fuck. I am a student of our REAL history....not the bullshit that commies put in our text books. I don't participate in elections as it has to do with this banana republic but I preferred Trump over the Hildebeast...either way we just might be fucked. Debate me on anything and especially FDR if you dare. I know my stuff...I live and breathe it.

You communist leftist fucks are the biggest parasitic and useful idiots that the globalists could ever hope to have in their corner. Here's a hearty "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" salute, punkinpuss.
Correll, post: 16295194
I would be happy to discuss what I think the proper course of action would have been at that time, but are you prepared to support the idea of good relations with Russia?

How would you have forced Russia to confront the very terrorist nightmare that Russia and it's client state Syria purposely created from 2005 to the end of the ignorant Bush invasion to have ceased harboring and supporting al Qaeda's war against Bush's ignorant occupation of Iraq from 2005 until all the US troops were finally pulled out of Iraq in 2012?

. Iraq, Assad's military intelligence services and their Iranian backers sought to defeat the US forces by training, financing and arming al-Qaida operatives inside Syria and dispatching them across the border to foment chaos and destruction.

. Principally, Isis is the product of a genocide that continued unabated as the world stood back and watched. It is the illegitimate child born of pure hate and pure fear – the result of 200,000 murdered Syrians and of millions more displaced and divorced from their hopes and dreams. Isis's rise is also a reminder of how Bashar al-Assad's Machiavellian embrace of al-Qaida would come back to haunt him.


In 2006 good US relations existed with Russia despite Russia's failure to stop Assad's incubation of ISIS to "foment chaos and destruction" in Iraq from 2005 until US troops were finally withdrawn and gone.

By then it was too late. Not sure why you would think proposing good relations after ISIS broke from al Qaeda and went on their rampage in Iraq would have been some kind useful military alliance.

. On November 19, 2006, America and Russia signed a bilateral market access agreement that details U.S. requirements for Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Russia will now work to combine the bilateral accession agreements into a formal multilateral draft Protocol of Accession that the WTO General Council must approve before Russia can become a member of the WTO. As part of this process, Russia will likely face calls for additional commitments to bring its trade regime into compliance with WTO rules, including the elimination of domestic subsidies, improved customs and regulatory transparency, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and stronger intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. The final multilateral accession agreement should both integrate Russia into the global, rules-based trading system and help lock in the reforms needed to improve Russia's long-term economic potential.

Permanent Normal Trade Relations for Russia Would Benefit the U.S. and Russia

To any casual observer Putin and his puppet Medvedev were fundamentally satisfied watching the US military bogged down in Bush's quagmire in Iraq.

Putin has leverage over Assad to this day, however Putin did nothing to nip the creation of ISIS in the bud. He stood and watched by all those years. After 2008 when Putin rightfully defended South Ossetia, the heated condemnation came primarily from US Republicans. Putin was not interested in being friends with the West after that.

He gets credit from me for keeping the land bridge open for NATO military supplies open through Russian territory even with all that has happened since the US and Russia signed WTO agreement in 2006.

I asked for a military plan the US could have done other than the one engaged. Befriending Putin and Assad was not practical and very much improbable in 2014.
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Correll, post: 16295194
I would be happy to discuss what I think the proper course of action would have been at that time, but are you prepared to support the idea of good relations with Russia?

How would you have forced Russia to confront the very terrorist nightmare that Russia and it's client state Syria purposely created from 2005 to the end of the ignorant Bush invasion to have ceased harboring and supporting al Qaeda's war against Bush's ignorant invasion and occupation of Iraq from 2005 until all the US troops were finally pulled out of Iraq in 2012?

. Iraq, Assad's military intelligence services and their Iranian backers sought to defeat the US forces by training, financing and arming al-Qaida operatives inside Syria and dispatching them across the border to foment chaos and destruction. [/QUOTE

. Principally, Isis is the product of a genocide that continued unabated as the world stood back and watched. It is the illegitimate child born of pure hate and pure fear – the result of 200,000 murdered Syrians and of millions more displaced and divorced from their hopes and dreams. Isis's rise is also a reminder of how Bashar al-Assad's Machiavellian embrace of al-Qaida would come back to haunt him.


In 2006 good US relations existed with Russia despite Russia's failure to stop Assad's incubation of ISIS to "foment chaos and destruction" in Iraq from 2005 until US troops were finally withdrawn and gone.

By then it was too late. Not sure why you would think proposing good relations after ISIS broke from al Qaeda and went on their rampage in Iraq would have been some kind useful military alliance.

. On November 19, 2006, America and Russia signed a bilateral market access agreement that details U.S. requirements for Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Russia will now work to combine the bilateral accession agreements into a formal multilateral draft Protocol of Accession that the WTO General Council must approve before Russia can become a member of the WTO. As part of this process, Russia will likely face calls for additional commitments to bring its trade regime into compliance with WTO rules, including the elimination of domestic subsidies, improved customs and regulatory transparency, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and stronger intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. The final multilateral accession agreement should both integrate Russia into the global, rules-based trading system and help lock in the reforms needed to improve Russia's long-term economic potential.

Permanent Normal Trade Relations for Russia Would Benefit the U.S. and Russia

To any casual observer Putin and his puppet Medvedev were fundamentally satisfied watching the US military bogged down in Bush's quagmire in Iraq.

Putin has leverage over Assad to this day, however Putin did nothing to nip the creation of ISIS in the bud. He stood and watched by all those years. After 2008 when Putin rightfully defended South Ossetia, the heated condemnation came primarily from US Republicans. Putin was not interested in being friends with the West after that.

He gets credit from me for keeping the land bridge open for NATO military supplies open through Russian territory even with all that has happened since the US and Russia signed WTO agreement in 2006.

I asked for a military plan the US could have done other than the one engaged. Befriending Putin and Assad was not practical and very much improbable in 2014.

ISIS was in place in 2006???? Seriously???? Dude, you are fucking W-R-O-N-G.......
ISIS was in place in 2006???? Seriously???? Dude, you are fucking W-R-O-N-G.......

You can't read. I said al Qaeda in 2006.

I guess you don't know what incubation of ISIS MEANS. Quite the Trump moron you are. I figure Trump's base can't read anything but Trump tweets.
ISIS was in place in 2006???? Seriously???? Dude, you are fucking W-R-O-N-G.......

You can't read. I said al Qaeda in 2006.

I guess you don't know what incubation of ISIS MEANS. Quite the Trump moron you are. I figure Trump's base can't read anything but Trump tweets.

Your post....."In 2006 good US relations existed with Russia despite Russia's failure to stop Assad's incubation of ISIS to "foment chaos and destruction" in Iraq from 2005 until US troops were finally withdrawn and gone"

Have a heapin' helpin' of crow.......want a soda????
Dale Smith, post: 16302567
Your post....."In 2006 good US relations existed with Russia despite Russia's failure to stop Assad's incubation of ISIS to "foment chaos and destruction" in Iraq from 2005 until US troops were finally withdrawn and gone"

I was right. You have no clue what "incubation" means. You are really stupid.

Were you lying by omission when you left out tha I said it was al Qaeda in 2006?

NotfooledbyW, post: 16302478
How would you have forced Russia to confront the very terrorist nightmare that Russia and it's client state Syria purposely created from 2005 to the end of the ignorant Bush invasion to have ceased harboring and supporting al Qaeda's war against Bush's ignorant occupation of Iraq from 2005 until all the US troops were finally pulled out of Iraq in 2012?

And you prove your ignorance when you reject the Idea that the formation of what became ISIS did not exist prior to 2006.

. State – also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh – emerged from the remnants of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a local offshoot of al Qaeda founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in 2004. It faded into obscurity for several years after the surge of U.S. troops to Iraq in 2007. But it began to reemerge in 2011. Over the next few years, it took advantage of growing instability in Iraq and Syria to carry out attacks and bolster its ranks. -

See more at: Timeline: Rise and Spread of the Islamic State

Your ignorance on this discussion is not surprizing.
Correll, post: 16295210.
Really? Assad, with Putin's support is not part of the crushing of ISIS?

I find that unlikely

Read this and weep. Many news outlets reported this but I'm giving you from one of your likely favorites. efn Breitbart.


From 2013: The history of how Syria’s Bashar al-Assad created ISIS
There has been much discussion in the news lately about how the so-called Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh) came into existence. I happen to be in an excellent position to answer that question, since I was writing “World View” articles pretty much every day. I wrote 361 articles in 2013, comprising almost 400,000 words. So I went back in time to 2013 to see what I wrote about how ISIS was created, and there is no doubt whatsoever that Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad created ISIS.

Starting around April 2013, there were reports of jihadists from other parts of the world coming to Syria to fight al-Assad. What was remarkable is that I was the only person I knew of who was describing the dangerous consequences of this. Of course I could not predict the formation of ISIS at that time, though I did start to mention ISIS in October of that year. And I repeatedly predicted that these jihadists would develop terrorist skills in Syria and bring them back to other countries to conduct terrorist attacks.

I was particularly contemptuous of the three leaders responsible for this impending disaster: Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad, Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, and Iran’s supreme leader Seyed Ali Khamenei. Even then it was clear to me that this these three idiots were going to cause a huge disaster and Mideast and beyond. And as I said, no one else was writing about this.
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I must have missed something. When did Trump say he was lifting sanctions? In fact this whole thread is really light on any supporting links or references. Have the lefty yards decided to stop even pretending they do anything but make shit up?
koshergrl, post: 16304788
I must have missed something. When did Trump say he was lifting sanctions? In fact this whole thread is really light on any supporting links or references. Have the lefty yards decided to stop even pretending they do anything but make shit up?

What sanctions?
NotfooledbyW, post: 16305134
koshergrl, post: 16304788
I must have missed something. When did Trump say he was lifting sanctions? In fact this whole thread is really light on any supporting links or references. Have the lefty yards decided to stop even pretending they do anything but make shit up?

What sanctions?

These sanctions? I have made nothing up and provide links.

Report: Trump Suggests He May Do Away With Russia Sanctions If Moscow Helpful
“Why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?”


Dale Smith, post: 16302567
Your post....."In 2006 good US relations existed with Russia despite Russia's failure to stop Assad's incubation of ISIS to "foment chaos and destruction" in Iraq from 2005 until US troops were finally withdrawn and gone"

I was right. You have no clue what "incubation" means. You are really stupid.

Were you lying by omission when you left out tha I said it was al Qaeda in 2006?

NotfooledbyW, post: 16302478
How would you have forced Russia to confront the very terrorist nightmare that Russia and it's client state Syria purposely created from 2005 to the end of the ignorant Bush invasion to have ceased harboring and supporting al Qaeda's war against Bush's ignorant occupation of Iraq from 2005 until all the US troops were finally pulled out of Iraq in 2012?

And you prove your ignorance when you reject the Idea that the formation of what became ISIS did not exist prior to 2006.

. State – also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh – emerged from the remnants of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a local offshoot of al Qaeda founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in 2004. It faded into obscurity for several years after the surge of U.S. troops to Iraq in 2007. But it began to reemerge in 2011. Over the next few years, it took advantage of growing instability in Iraq and Syria to carry out attacks and bolster its ranks. -

See more at: Timeline: Rise and Spread of the Islamic State

Your ignorance on this discussion is not surprizing.

Hey, stupid fuck....ISIL=ISIS= Al-CIAlqaeda and has ALWAYS BEEN a proxy army for the globalists to de-stablize the middle east. Those at the top recruit radical muslims for cannon fodder but it's all financed by the west and has been since the days that they were the mujaheddin that Zbigniew Brzenzki (Tri-lateral commission founder along with David Rockefeller)

They have been busted on numerous occasions for being the fianceir of this proxy army. Google "Military whistle blower Scott Bennett". This ISIS bullshit was known by the Barrypuppet, Hildebeast and that sorry POS Eric Holder, he of ":Fast and Furious" fame that also shows how the alleged enemy is armed. You don't know shit...fuck your link,,,the Woodrow Wilson Center????? Are you fucking serious??????
NotfooledbyW, post: 16305134
koshergrl, post: 16304788
I must have missed something. When did Trump say he was lifting sanctions? In fact this whole thread is really light on any supporting links or references. Have the lefty yards decided to stop even pretending they do anything but make shit up?

What sanctions?

These sanctions? I have made nothing up and provide links.

Report: Trump Suggests He May Do Away With Russia Sanctions If Moscow Helpful
“Why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?”

you must not know what might and if mean.
You relaize Israel will tell the Useless Nations to pound sand, right?

Does Russia deserve warm relations with the Trump Administration for voting Yes on a resolution condemning Israel.

What is your non-evasive answer?

Russia will do as they please...the elephant in the room with your feeble argument is your failed messiah sided with the UN resolution. Dope
and so did trumps bff you fat sow!!! SassyIrishLass
koshergrl, post: 16305618
you must not know what might and if mean.

Putin voted yes to condemn Israel's settlements. Trump is talking warm relations with Russia. That he is considering removing sanctions is not the topic of this thread. It is that he trashed Obama for abstaining but has not trashed Putin at all for voting yes. But Trump praises Putin and wants warm relations including lifting of sanctions. Applied for meddling in our election.

Trump is not on America's side like most of us Republican and Democrats.

There are no sanctions on Russia for their Israeli vote.
Correll, post: 16295194
I would be happy to discuss what I think the proper course of action would have been at that time, but are you prepared to support the idea of good relations with Russia?

How would you have forced Russia to confront the very terrorist nightmare that Russia and it's client state Syria purposely created from 2005 to the end of the ignorant Bush invasion to have ceased harboring and supporting al Qaeda's war against Bush's ignorant occupation of Iraq from 2005 until all the US troops were finally pulled out of Iraq in 2012?

1. My comment on the "proper course of action" was in response to YOUR comment on FDR and WWII. Your style of posting is confusing you.

2. And yes, I am prepared to support the idea of good relations with Russia.

. Iraq, Assad's military intelligence services and their Iranian backers sought to defeat the US forces by training, financing and arming al-Qaida operatives inside Syria and dispatching them across the border to foment chaos and destruction.

. Principally, Isis is the product of a genocide that continued unabated as the world stood back and watched. It is the illegitimate child born of pure hate and pure fear – the result of 200,000 murdered Syrians and of millions more displaced and divorced from their hopes and dreams. Isis's rise is also a reminder of how Bashar al-Assad's Machiavellian embrace of al-Qaida would come back to haunt him.


In 2006 good US relations existed with Russia despite Russia's failure to stop Assad's incubation of ISIS to "foment chaos and destruction" in Iraq from 2005 until US troops were finally withdrawn and gone.

By then it was too late. Not sure why you would think proposing good relations after ISIS broke from al Qaeda and went on their rampage in Iraq would have been some kind useful military alliance.

Good relations does not equal military alliance. The fact that Arab leaders keep insisting on relations with these extremists is, imo a result of these extremists being real powers in the Muslim World, AND, a real problem for our relations with ANY muslim nation, and increasingly any nation with a significant muslim population.

. On November 19, 2006, America and Russia signed a bilateral market access agreement that details U.S. requirements for Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Russia will now work to combine the bilateral accession agreements into a formal multilateral draft Protocol of Accession that the WTO General Council must approve before Russia can become a member of the WTO. As part of this process, Russia will likely face calls for additional commitments to bring its trade regime into compliance with WTO rules, including the elimination of domestic subsidies, improved customs and regulatory transparency, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and stronger intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. The final multilateral accession agreement should both integrate Russia into the global, rules-based trading system and help lock in the reforms needed to improve Russia's long-term economic potential.

Permanent Normal Trade Relations for Russia Would Benefit the U.S. and Russia

To any casual observer Putin and his puppet Medvedev were fundamentally satisfied watching the US military bogged down in Bush's quagmire in Iraq.

Putin has leverage over Assad to this day, however Putin did nothing to nip the creation of ISIS in the bud. He stood and watched by all those years. After 2008 when Putin rightfully defended South Ossetia, the heated condemnation came primarily from US Republicans. Putin was not interested in being friends with the West after that.

He gets credit from me for keeping the land bridge open for NATO military supplies open through Russian territory even with all that has happened since the US and Russia signed WTO agreement in 2006.

I asked for a military plan the US could have done other than the one engaged. Befriending Putin and Assad was not practical and very much improbable in 2014.

The travesty of our trade policy over the last 60 years, makes me highly skeptical of the WTO as a route to better anything. If we want better trade with RUssia, lets talk to RUSSIA. Fuck the WTO.
Correll, post: 16295210.
Really? Assad, with Putin's support is not part of the crushing of ISIS?

I find that unlikely

Read this and weep. Many news outlets reported this but I'm giving you from one of your likely favorites. efn Breitbart.


From 2013: The history of how Syria’s Bashar al-Assad created ISIS
There has been much discussion in the news lately about how the so-called Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh) came into existence. I happen to be in an excellent position to answer that question, since I was writing “World View” articles pretty much every day. I wrote 361 articles in 2013, comprising almost 400,000 words. So I went back in time to 2013 to see what I wrote about how ISIS was created, and there is no doubt whatsoever that Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad created ISIS.

Starting around April 2013, there were reports of jihadists from other parts of the world coming to Syria to fight al-Assad. What was remarkable is that I was the only person I knew of who was describing the dangerous consequences of this. Of course I could not predict the formation of ISIS at that time, though I did start to mention ISIS in October of that year. And I repeatedly predicted that these jihadists would develop terrorist skills in Syria and bring them back to other countries to conduct terrorist attacks.

I was particularly contemptuous of the three leaders responsible for this impending disaster: Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad, Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, and Iran’s supreme leader Seyed Ali Khamenei. Even then it was clear to me that this these three idiots were going to cause a huge disaster and Mideast and beyond. And as I said, no one else was writing about this.

I ask about the current fighting going on right now, and you response by pointing fingers on who is to blame for the fight happening in the first place.

I have no interest in defending Assad's past performance, nor Putin's.

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