Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

SassyIrishLass, post: 16244237.
ISIS or ISIL as Ears prefers is his own creation...Russia is doing the dirty work Obungles is either unwilling or incapable of doing.

Wait a minute ding-bat. Trump "criticized Russia for its intervention in the Syrian civil war, describing it as “a very bad thing” that had led to a “terrible humanitarian situation,”


So the dunderhead you voted for has recalibrated his campaign Putin love messaging a little bit now saying it was Putin that did a very bad thing in Syria leading to a terrible humanitarian crisis.

So your lie about Obama is exposed for what it is. If Putin did not intervene there would be no humanitarian crisis. And that now is according to Trump.

You're tiring and annoying with your love of the Mocha Disaster, Foo
Correll, post: 16311142
The Cold War is over. Avoiding another is in America's interest.

YOu are really stretching to find excused for a new conflict.

Im not looking for a new conflict. I would favor the US recognizing Crimea, South Ossetia and
abkhazia as Russian territories./QUOTE]

Not need to upset our allies.

What Bush did to Iraq was much worse./QUOTE]

Right. Cause toppling a genocidal dictator is such a bad thing.

But I know damn well Republicans will never let that happen.

Hard to say. But irrelevant.

Those are older conflicts. Putin's potential meddling in our election is a new conflict. I Surely didn't start that one.

Get back to me when he has 10,000 tanks sitting in the middle of Germany.

We can recognize those territories as Geoploitical fact without praising Putin as a great leader while doing it.

We don't have to recognize those territories. Putin, compared to the morons in our Political Class, he is a great leader.

Trump can't find the spine to criticize Putin for anything.

Your assumption that Trump isn't criticizing Putin because of a lack of spine is just you assuming the worst about people you don't like. It demonstrates nothing except your inability to respect other points of view.

That is not resolving conflict. That is actual appeasing a fierce antagonist to western democracies all around the world.

It is spineless leadership months before Trump's leadership was known or scheduled to begin.

Your panic mongering is noted. It Trump is allowed to fix the conflict your panic mongering will be revealed as completely disconnected from reality.
Correll, post: 16311720
Your posting style has confused you.

I would say the one who wrote they would be happy to discuss the past in Syria and then when confronted with the facts about Assad and Putin's past then decided they did not want to discuss the past at all is the one that is confused.

That confused person would be you. Nice try at a dodge there though.

Yes, that is not what I said. You are confused. YOur sloppy posting style has confused you.
Putin and Assad are crushing ISIS in Syria. I'm good with that.

You've been duped to believe it has been more significant than the US led coalition. And It's not like the US led coalition has interfered or not cooperated with Putin and Assad's Air Force when the actually hit ISIS targets.

And ISIS is not confined to Syria. The US led coalition has massively more ISIS kills and military targets than late comer Putin could ever dream about.

The US and allies are cleaning up Putin and Assad's mess.

The mess that Bush ultimately stirred up when he forced UN inspectors out Iraq and invaded.

Bush should have listened Putin in 2003 and we would not be having this duscussion.

And there would be no WMD's in Iraq as the inspectors were finding to be true.

The inspectors never claimed to be proving a negative. That is revisionist nonsense.

Your opinion that we are being more effective than Putin and Assad, is noted.

This is not about taking credit.
Correll, post: 16311720
Russia's lack of support for Israel is disappointing but not important.

Russia supports Israel. They also support Iran and Syria. They support the two state solution. Just like Obama supports Israel and the two state solution. So why is Obama condemned by Trump on everything and Putin praised on everything?

That's what you can't explain. None of you can.

Why won't Trump quit campaigning against Obama? He said Obama treated with Israel with total disdain and disrespect”.

Trump has not used those words against his beloved best leader Putun.

He gives Putin nothing but praise.

Trump's and my standards for judging the President of the United States, and the leader of Russia are completely different.

That you need that explained is incredible. LIke, NOT credible. Stop being silly.

Donald J. Trump


Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We.....

10:02 AM - 7 Jan 2017

So Republicans are stupid if they oppose a warm relationship with Putin after Putin voted yes at the UN to condemn Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands.

Why is Trump being an asshole against his own Party and the intelligence community?

Will spineless Trumpunist Party members face this illogical unpatriotic "Make Russia Great Again" moron of a president elect head on?

According to Trump the Great Marl Levin is stupid. That is hilarious.
Hell, The Magic Negro held Israel down while Russia raped it, so, whatever Drumpf is doing now, cannot compare to that.
Correll, post: 16319902
Trump's and my standards for judging the President of the United States, and the leader of Russia are completely different.

I understand. You have a double standard. You are a hypocrite,
Putin and Assad are crushing ISIS in Syria. I'm good with that.

You've been duped to believe it has been more significant than the US led coalition. And It's not like the US led coalition has interfered or not cooperated with Putin and Assad's Air Force when the actually hit ISIS targets.

And ISIS is not confined to Syria. The US led coalition has massively more ISIS kills and military targets than late comer Putin could ever dream about.

The US and allies are cleaning up Putin and Assad's mess.

The mess that Bush ultimately stirred up when he forced UN inspectors out Iraq and invaded.

Bush should have listened Putin in 2003 and we would not be having this duscussion.

And there would be no WMD's in Iraq as the inspectors were finding to be true.

The inspectors never claimed to be proving a negative. That is revisionist nonsense.

Your opinion that we are being more effective than Putin and Assad, is noted.

This is not about taking credit.
Correll, post: 16319847
es, that is not what I said. You are confused. YOur sloppy posting style has confused you.

That is exactly what you said. I'll post it again for you if you like.

Runners change the subject to stuff like posting style.
Correll, post: 16319880
The inspectors never claimed to be proving a negative. That is revisionist nonsense.

The inspectors were commissioned to 'determine' if Iraq was cooperating sufficiently in order to determine whether or not Iraq was in compliance with its WMD obligations to the UNSC under Resolution 1441. If found to be in compliance the Inspectors could recommend that sanctions be lifted. The US could not veto their decision.

So Bush forced the inspectors out against the preference of Russia, France and China of the permanent five. Also against the preference of Hillary Clinton prior to the invasion.

Are you an Iraq warmonger, Republican?

If Putin is such a great leader why don't you wish Bush listened to him in 2003.

Do you agree with Trump's conclusion that Bush lied us into a stupid mistake when he forced inspectors out and invaded Iraq instead of letting the inspectors finish in a few months? Lying about the WMD as Trump said.

In case you missed it:

NotfooledbyW, post: 13543135
Here is what Senator Clinton said in March 2003:

"Hillary Clinton tells Irish TV she is against war with Iraq," Irish Times, February 8, 2003

"Hillary Clinton prefers 'peaceful solution' in Iraq," Associated Press March 3, 2003
"[Clinton said the US] should continue its attempts to build an international alliance rather than going to war quickly with Iraq...inspection is preferable to war, if it works, the New York Democrat said."

Bush lied. Trump says so,
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Kondor3, post: 16319925
Hell, The Magic Negro held Israel down while Russia raped it, so, whatever Drumpf is doing now, cannot compare to that.

Russia has not raped Israel. You are insane.
Calm yourself, child...

Translation: The Magic Negro held Israel down (abstained and did not exercise our veto) while the UNSC, led by Russia and other Israel-haters, raped Israel (by passing the recent settlements-resolution).

Translation: The Magic Negro held Israel down while Russia raped Israel.

Translation: The Magic Negro betrayed our friend and ally.

Translation: The Magic Negro betrayed Israel.


Nothing insane about that assessment, little one; merely a recital of fact.

Of course, to those of you with your noses up the Magic Negro's ass, you'll piss and moan and protest that it ain't so; background noise, no more.


Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants cuff, junior.
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deltex1, post: 16245686
What good is military assistance when you are stealing everything Israel stands for? Stupid.

The question for Trump is, "what good is warm relations with a Kleptocrat who is stealing everything Israel stands for? Stupid.

Perhaps Trump will pull the military assistance to Israel since it's good for nothing and Putin might want him to do it. Since Putin is such a strong ally of Iran. And according to right wing mythology Iran wants to remove Israel from the face of the earth.

Putin loves Iran and Trump loves Putin. How is that working out in you constantly babbled brain?
mad much?
Correll, post: 16319880
The inspectors never claimed to be proving a negative. That is revisionist nonsense.

The inspectors were commissioned to 'determine' if Iraq was cooperating sufficiently in order to determine whether or not Iraq was in compliance with its WMD obligations to the UNSC under Resolution 1441. If found to be in compliance the Inspectors could recommend that sanctions be lifted. The US could not veto their decision.

So Bush forced the inspectors out against the preference of Russia, France and China of the permanent five. Also against the preference of Hillary Clinton prior to the invasion.

The inspectors were unable to verify that Saddam was in compliance. It appeared that Iraq was hiding something.

Are you an Iraq warmonger, Republican?

No. Are you a Russian warmonger, voting for the lunatic that wanted to give orders to US pilots to shot down russian planes?

If Putin is such a great leader why don't you wish Bush listened to him in 2003.

Did I say Putin was a great leader? Are you hearing voices in your head?

Do you agree with Trump's conclusion that Bush lied us into a stupid mistake when he forced inspectors out and invaded Iraq instead of letting the inspectors finish in a few months? Lying about the WMD as Trump said.

No, I think Trump was being unfair to Bush on that issue.

NotfooledbyW, post: 13543135
Here is what Senator Clinton said in March 2003:

"Hillary Clinton tells Irish TV she is against war with Iraq," Irish Times, February 8, 2003

"Hillary Clinton prefers 'peaceful solution' in Iraq," Associated Press March 3, 2003
"[Clinton said the US] should continue its attempts to build an international alliance rather than going to war quickly with Iraq...inspection is preferable to war, if it works, the New York Democrat said.

Hillary voted for the war, and then told the media what they wanted to hear. She is a lying bitch.

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