Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Correll, post: 16257168
IF you voted for the candidate that wanted to put a no fly zone in a Russian area of operations, you were voting for war.

You have no way of forecasting such nonsense.

You voted for a candidate that wants to rip up the Iran deal. The result of ripping it up has the potential for war with as much probability as a NFZ.

You are quite stupid since as I said US and Russian military aircraft have shared Syrian air space for months with no incidents.

An NFZ over Alleppo likely would have had the same Russian /US coordination if done right.

Undoing the Iran deal would demonstrate the US does not prefer common universal diplomacy over the use of military force to resolve the Iran nuclear issue.

Trump was siding with McCain's bomb, bomb, bomb, ...bomb bomb Iran.

And you loved it didn't you.
gipper, post: 16263687
Why does the left want war with Russia?

The left doesn't. That's a right wing lie and talking point. The ragtag Trump deplorables on the right have just turned spineless with Trump. Trump's pre-inauguration surrender to Trump does not absolve the Republican Party of its neocon warmongering past and present ways.

The same Trump deplorables that trashed Obama as weak against Putin have now become spineless pacifists because their new leader is a spineless pacifist against Putin.

But he opposes the diplomatic resolution of Iran's nuclear program.

Which Party wanted to arm Ukraine with offensive weapons against Russia. Do you think that Party is dead just because a business Buffoon has hijacked that Party for a while.

I would think a libertarian anarchist could figure out that the war party of GWB fame has not gone anywhere.
Correll, post: 16257168
IF you voted for the candidate that wanted to put a no fly zone in a Russian area of operations, you were voting for war.

There were US led coalition aircraft in Syria before it became an area of Russian operations. Since Russia entered the airspace there has been nothing close to a US Russian war.

Correll, post: 16118131
Cold war is over. Stop being a warmonger.

It appears everyone who refuses to kiss Trump's ass you accuse of being a warmonger.

You were responding to a poster who was talking about defeating Russia's undeclared cyber war on western democracies including ours.

You and spineless Trump wish to surrender to Putin without a fight. Your mindgame of 10,000 Russian tanks not approaching EU borders is your excuse for surrender on the cyberwar front.

And on top that you voted for a candidate so strongly sided with the Republican Party neocon warmongering wing on nuclear Iran that he pledged to you he would rip up the deal that the G5+1 and Iran achieved through DIPLOMATIC Means / Not military action.

And if you are so foolish to believe the Trump win has mysteriously converted the Republican Warmongering neocon majority wing into a Code Pink anti-war protest movement, you have zero ground to go around calling Anyone on the left and center a warmonger.

You voted for a Republican Party candidate. You are more warmonger than any Democrat could ever be on that basis.

Now Cyberwar is a very specific worsening problem. Most Republican leadership stands with all Americans regardless of political persuasion. I respect them for that.

I consider Trump's pre-inauguration surrender to Putin's cyber attack on America to be nearly indistinguishable from treason.

It's cowardly and idiotic for you to pin the "warmonger" label on my patriotic American opinion shared by patriotic Republican and Democrat leaders who want our free democratic liberal institutions to be defended from a foreign anti democratic Kleptocrat adversary that has launched a cyberwar against my country.

You don't care. It's your choice but quit with the warmonger crap. You are one. You can't hide it Republican.
Correll, post: 16249510
Trump is the Peace Candidate. Hillary was the Cold War, maybe Hot War candidate.

Trump is a Republican. Surrender, however, to Putin's cyber war assault on us is not peace worth having.

The Republican Party is run and owned by Warhawks. You have been bamboozled into thinking Trump can convert Republicans to a preference for diplomacy over war.

Trump promised you he would abolish the Democrat diplomatically achieved Iran nuclear deal. That would please the Republican politicians and right wing hate and war talk radio hosts to no end.
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Correll, post: 11459189
The invasion of Iraq under GWBush and with democratic support, came after a previous war, a decade on animosity and conflict and the trauma of 9-11.

Did you actively protest Bush's intent to kick UN inspectors out of Iraq prior to the invasion, Republican?

Or were you like Trump when he told Howard Stearn he guessed so when asked if he supported the potential invasion, Republican.

Correll, post: 16103586
THose other nations had their own intelligence services, and they all believed that Iraq had WMDs.

Not the majority on the UN Security Council.

The vast majority of nations leaders not including Bush and Blair wanted to continue the inspections. The best Intel was occurring on the ground in Iraq through UN inspections.

Hillary Clinton wanted Bush to give the inspectors more time.

Our intelligence did not believe they had proof that Iraq had WMD after the inspectors disproved US and UK Intel provided to them.

So, Republican, do you believe as does Trump, that Bush's invasion was the fault of our intelligence agencies?

Correll, post: 16257159
If PUtin didn't back down, and Russian planes continued their attacks on ISIS, there would be an air battle between US and Russian jets

ISIS was not Putin's priority. You've been dumbed down by Trumpism. You fool. If ISIS was Putin's priority an NFZ would not have been a problem. The proposed NFZ was over Alleppo. Clinton's call for a NFZ over Alleppo shows the world that Putin was not that interested in bombing ISIS.

He went for slaughtering civilians in Alleppo with much more gusto than slaughtering ISIS.

And big time civilian bombing after the post election Trump Putin phone bromance call.
Correll, post: 16249510
Trump is the Peace Candidate. Hillary was the Cold War, maybe Hot War candidate.

Trump is a Republican. Surrender, however, to Putin's cyber war assault on us is not peace worth having.

Surrender? LOL!! The First Cold War started because FUCKING STALIN had TEN THOUSAND TANKS in the middle of Europe.

THAT'S cause for a Cold War.

The friction with Russia will go away once the US stops acting like the Cold War is still on.

The Republican Party is run and owned by Warhawks.

The "Warhawks" are certainly there, such as McCain. They are a problem that needs dealt with.

You have been bamboozled into thinking Trump can convert Republicans to a preference for diplomacy over war.

Trump's victory shows that Republicans prefer diplomacy over war. The issues with the Leadership, we are working on. Your help would be appreciated.

Trump promised you he would abolish the Democrat diplomatically achieved Iran nuclear deal. That would please the Republican politicians and right wing hate and war talk radio hosts to no end.

Correll, post: 16266589
The friction with Russia will go away once the US stops acting like the Cold War is still on.[/QUOTE

There is no Cold War involving tanks or any other military equipment.

It's s cyber war assault on free Democratic institutions that needs to be dealt with.

Trump's surrender while the attacks are still ongoing is not how you stop them.

McCain is right - your Trump is s yellowspined wimp when it comes to Putin.

And you cannot deny that.
Correll, post: 16266589
The friction with Russia will go away once the US stops acting like the Cold War is still on.[/QUOTE

There is no Cold War involving tanks or any other military equipment.

It's s cyber war assault on free Democratic institutions that needs to be dealt with.

Trump's surrender while the attacks are still ongoing is not how you stop them.

McCain is right - your Trump is s yellowspined wimp when it comes to Putin.

And you cannot deny that.

You are ill informed by your lefty media.

US military shipment arrives in Germany, ahead of NATO exercises | Euronews

"Hundreds of US tanks, trucks and other military equipment has arrived at the northern Germany port of Bremerhaven.

It’s marks a stop off before they move to Poland, the Baltics and Romania, as NATO seeks to reassure its eastern European members, following Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Major General Tim McGuire, Europe Deputy Commander, US Army commented to reporters that the deployment was part of Atlantic Resolve, which has been running for several years, and added that it should “serve to reassure our eastern European allies of the continued commitment of the United States of America…It’s just another sign of the United States’ and NATO’s commitment to deterrence, and maintaining the peace here in Europe.”

NATO countries say the planned military exercises are purely defensive. But Moscow has strongly condemned what it deems a Western buildup on European soil.

The members of NATO say the military presence is modest compared to the 330,000 troops it believes the Kremlin has set up along Russia’s western flank."
Correll, post: 16266589

Did you know Trump was lying when he said he would rip up the diplomatic Iran deal. You must have known the warmongering neocons in your party would be thrilled to hear that.

Stop trying to hide your warmongering, Republican.
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"Flynn, a registered Democrat, served as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama but was reportedly fired for his ultra-right pro-war views aimed at Iran at a time when the Obama administration was negotiating a deal with that nation on shutting down its uranium enrichment program.

Correll, post: 16269057.
THe neocons fought against Trump tooth and nail.

They were one of the most likely to NOT vote for TRump.

Millions of not-neocon-minded decent morally outraged Americans fought fiercely against Trump.

Trump is a Republican. Neocons are indecent Republicans. Trump campaigned against Obama's peaceful diplomatic resolution of Iran's.

You are a joke. Totally ignorant of Trump's choice of the neocon's bomb bomb Iran General Flynn

"As a darling of the neoconservative fascists Flynn has called for aggressive actions against Iran in particular." Flynn co-authored a warmongering book with arch-neocon Michael Ledeen

Democrats don't put up with this neocon shit now Trump's National Security Adviser.

Gen. Flynn as Trump’s National Security Advisor will be a “critical gatekeeper for a president with little experience in military or foreign policy issues” according to the New York Times. Flynn, a registered Democrat, served as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama but was reportedly fired for his ultra-right pro-war views aimed at Iran at a time when the Obama administration was negotiating a deal with that nation on shutting down its uranium enrichment program. Flynn is a bitter enemy of Iran and has advocated toppling Iran’s government as the only way to prevent that nation from becoming a major power in the Middle East.

Flynn argues that the U.S. shouldn’t be restrained by human rights,international law, rules of engagement, or other forms of “political correctness” but should ruthlessly fight this “existential enemy.”

Ominously for the rights of Americans, Flynn has said that the fight against Islam should begin in the United States itself. In his book The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies, co-authored with arch-neocon Michael Ledeen, Flynn declares: “If we cannot criticize the radical Muslims in our own country, we cannot fight them either in America or overseas.”

As a darling of the neoconservative fascists Flynn has called for aggressive actions against Iran in particular. Moving beyond the Bush/Cheney administration’s “Axis of Evil.” he targets an “enemy alliance that runs from Pyongyang, North Korea, to Havana, Cuba and Caracas, Venezuela”—and that includes “Iran, al Qaeda, the Taliban and Islamic State.” At times, Flynn includes Russia in this expansive “Enemies List.”

Flynn opposed the Obama peace agreement with Iran, testifying before Congress that “regime change in Tehran is the best way to stop the Iranian nuclear weapons program” (even as all 16 US intelligence agencies were saying that that country’s efforts to develop a nuclear weapon had been halted years ago). The fear-mongering Flynn also warns that Israel supposedly faces a surprise attack from Iran and that the US must fear all Muslims as part of an amorphous hate-filled anti-American force.

So who is General Flynn? Where did he come from and what does he represent within the power structure of the United States?

The search begins by looking into his relationship with Ledeen, an academic neocon and hard-core war-monger who has haunted U.S. politics for decades.

Ledeen has supported U.S. war and interventionism from the CIA-backed Contra wars in Central America during the 1980s to a “war on terror” aimed at the people he calls “Islamofascists.” His politics are often in line with Israel’s right-wing Likud Party and he is known for his unrelenting advocacy of a U.S. war against Iran.

Ledeen has accused President Obama of being anti-American and supporting terrorists. He told a conservative radio host that Obama “doesn’t like America and he doesn’t like us.” The reason for this vitriolic hatred, he argues, is that “We have a war to fight and this president isn’t going to fight that war. This president is, if anything, on the other side.”

Ledeen has also sought to link the Islamic State (or ISIS) with Iran (despite the fact that Iran is actively supporting the Iraqi government and the Assad regime in Syria in those two countries’ battles against ISIS). No matter. Undeterred by realities on the ground, Ledeen claims in his blog: “It seems that Iran gave ISIS support, in keeping with its well-documented practice of supporting all sides in other countries’ internal conflicts.” Ledeen argues that regime change is the only way to stop Iran’s supposed nuclear activities. Iranian opposition groups, he says, are “willing to fight” and “we should help them.”

Flynn Flam: Neocon Ex-General to Be Trump’s National Security Advisor

So, Republican you voted for this neocon warmonger having powerful influence over the next President who is a true know nothing on foreign affairs and military matters.?
Correll, post: 16252669
Hey, FDR was buddy buddy with Stalin against a common enemy.

Was that wrong?

FDR had no praise personally for Stalin for his domestic atrocities.

Germany and Japan expansionism forced the US and UK to join a military alliance with Stalin.

ISIS is a minuscule global threat compared to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Putin could be a big help against ISIS IN Syria. But thus far he has devoted most of his military to keeping butcher Assad in power.

No reason to praise Putin as a great leader as Trump has been doing.
"Flynn, a registered Democrat, served as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama but was reportedly fired for his ultra-right pro-war views aimed at Iran at a time when the Obama administration was negotiating a deal with that nation on shutting down its uranium enrichment program.

Correll, post: 16269057.
THe neocons fought against Trump tooth and nail.

They were one of the most likely to NOT vote for TRump.

Millions of not-neocon-minded decent morally outraged Americans fought fiercely against Trump.

Trump is a Republican. Neocons are indecent Republicans. Trump campaigned against Obama's peaceful diplomatic resolution of Iran's.

You are a joke. Totally ignorant of Trump's choice of the neocon's bomb bomb Iran General Flynn

"As a darling of the neoconservative fascists Flynn has called for aggressive actions against Iran in particular." Flynn co-authored a warmongering book with arch-neocon Michael Ledeen

Democrats don't put up with this neocon shit now Trump's National Security Adviser.

Gen. Flynn as Trump’s National Security Advisor will be a “critical gatekeeper for a president with little experience in military or foreign policy issues” according to the New York Times. Flynn, a registered Democrat, served as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama but was reportedly fired for his ultra-right pro-war views aimed at Iran at a time when the Obama administration was negotiating a deal with that nation on shutting down its uranium enrichment program. Flynn is a bitter enemy of Iran and has advocated toppling Iran’s government as the only way to prevent that nation from becoming a major power in the Middle East.

Flynn argues that the U.S. shouldn’t be restrained by human rights,international law, rules of engagement, or other forms of “political correctness” but should ruthlessly fight this “existential enemy.”

Ominously for the rights of Americans, Flynn has said that the fight against Islam should begin in the United States itself. In his book The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies, co-authored with arch-neocon Michael Ledeen, Flynn declares: “If we cannot criticize the radical Muslims in our own country, we cannot fight them either in America or overseas.”

As a darling of the neoconservative fascists Flynn has called for aggressive actions against Iran in particular. Moving beyond the Bush/Cheney administration’s “Axis of Evil.” he targets an “enemy alliance that runs from Pyongyang, North Korea, to Havana, Cuba and Caracas, Venezuela”—and that includes “Iran, al Qaeda, the Taliban and Islamic State.” At times, Flynn includes Russia in this expansive “Enemies List.”

Flynn opposed the Obama peace agreement with Iran, testifying before Congress that “regime change in Tehran is the best way to stop the Iranian nuclear weapons program” (even as all 16 US intelligence agencies were saying that that country’s efforts to develop a nuclear weapon had been halted years ago). The fear-mongering Flynn also warns that Israel supposedly faces a surprise attack from Iran and that the US must fear all Muslims as part of an amorphous hate-filled anti-American force.

So who is General Flynn? Where did he come from and what does he represent within the power structure of the United States?

The search begins by looking into his relationship with Ledeen, an academic neocon and hard-core war-monger who has haunted U.S. politics for decades.

Ledeen has supported U.S. war and interventionism from the CIA-backed Contra wars in Central America during the 1980s to a “war on terror” aimed at the people he calls “Islamofascists.” His politics are often in line with Israel’s right-wing Likud Party and he is known for his unrelenting advocacy of a U.S. war against Iran.

Ledeen has accused President Obama of being anti-American and supporting terrorists. He told a conservative radio host that Obama “doesn’t like America and he doesn’t like us.” The reason for this vitriolic hatred, he argues, is that “We have a war to fight and this president isn’t going to fight that war. This president is, if anything, on the other side.”

Ledeen has also sought to link the Islamic State (or ISIS) with Iran (despite the fact that Iran is actively supporting the Iraqi government and the Assad regime in Syria in those two countries’ battles against ISIS). No matter. Undeterred by realities on the ground, Ledeen claims in his blog: “It seems that Iran gave ISIS support, in keeping with its well-documented practice of supporting all sides in other countries’ internal conflicts.” Ledeen argues that regime change is the only way to stop Iran’s supposed nuclear activities. Iranian opposition groups, he says, are “willing to fight” and “we should help them.”

Flynn Flam: Neocon Ex-General to Be Trump’s National Security Advisor

So, Republican you voted for this neocon warmonger having powerful influence over the next President who is a true know nothing on foreign affairs and military matters.?

You're raving.
Correll, post: 16252669
Hey, FDR was buddy buddy with Stalin against a common enemy.

Was that wrong?

FDR had no praise personally for Stalin for his domestic atrocities.

Germany and Japan expansionism forced the US and UK to join a military alliance with Stalin.

ISIS is a minuscule global threat compared to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Putin could be a big help against ISIS IN Syria. But thus far he has devoted most of his military to keeping butcher Assad in power.

No reason to praise Putin as a great leader as Trump has been doing.

FDR gave half of Europe to Stalin, and nicked named him Uncle Joe.

ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorists are killing Americans and allied Westerns quite regularly.
The day before the vote, the Republican Party ran an ominous radio commercial addressed to the mothers of America. A chilling voice warned, “When your boy is dying on some battlefield in Europe and he’s crying out ‘Mother! Mother!’—don’t blame Franklin D. Roosevelt because he sent your boy to war—blame YOURSELF, because YOU sent Franklin D. Roosevelt back to the White House!”

Now you Republicans curse FDR. You are a disgrace to America and all those that perished fighting Hitler and Hirohito's armies, navies and air forces.

Sick sick sick.

Correll, post: 16279938,
FDR gave half of Europe to Stalin, and nicked named him Uncle Joe.

More distortion of history.

FDR gave nothing away. We needed Russia to assist in the defeat of Japan. We didn't have the Abomb before FDR died. Soviet Troops occupied Eastern Europe. Patton wanted take on the Soviet army before Hitler had fallen.
It's good General Eisenhower had much more sense.

It's explained in the following wuote:

. But what actually happened at Yalta? Let's review the facts. The conference itself took place in the seaside Crimean city in February 1945, during the final months of the war. A delegation of more than 600 British and U.S. officials, including FDR and Churchill, met with Stalin. They discussed postwar borders and issued a "Declaration on Liberated Europe" calling for free elections in Poland and elsewhere.

The truth is that Yalta did not hand Eastern Europe to the Soviets. That territory was already in their possession. Stalin had made clear his plan to take over as much territory as possible back in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939, which carved Poland in half and gave the Soviets the Baltic states. The discovery in 1943 of the massacre of Polish officers by the Soviet army in the Katyn forest was further evidence of Stalin's malign intention to exterminate the leadership of Poland. Then, in 1944, during the Warsaw uprising by the Polish Home Army, Stalin halted the advance of his army on the banks of the Vistula River and allowed Nazi SS units to return to slaughter the Poles. By the time of Yalta, the Red Army occupied all of Poland and much of Eastern Europe.

Theoretically, Churchill and Roosevelt could have refused to cut any deal with Stalin at Yalta. But that could have started the Cold War on the spot. It would have seriously jeopardized the common battle against Germany (at a moment when Roosevelt was concerned with winning Soviet assent to help fight the Japanese, which he received).

Once Again, the Big Yalta Lie

So you would have started the Cold War with The Soviet Union before Germany and Japan were defeated. I always knew you were an insane warmonger pretending not to be now.

Attacking FDR when worthless Republicans didn't want us to enter WWII in the first place.

Wendell Wilkie. Remember him.

. The day before the vote, the Republican Party ran an ominous radio commercial addressed to the mothers of America. A chilling voice warned, “When your boy is dying on some battlefield in Europe and he’s crying out ‘Mother! Mother!’—don’t blame Franklin D. Roosevelt because he sent your boy to war—blame YOURSELF, because YOU sent Franklin D. Roosevelt back to the White House!”

The Revolution of 1940: America’s Fight Over Entering World War II
Correll, post: 16279938
ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorists are killing Americans and allied Westerns quite regularly

Terrorists do that you know.

They killed a thousands of them on US soil on Bush's watch. Then they killed US Troops in Iraq . With help from your dudes Putin and Assad.

Lots of lone wolf attacks but it is absurd to hype ISIS up beyond the reality that their caliphate is dying.

Dying with very little assistance from Putin.
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Correll, post: 16279832
You're raving.

You are running;

You need to read these posts:

NotfooledbyW, post: 16286698.
baileyn45, post: 16284815

And again isis gains in Syria were not checked until the Russians stepped in, much to the chagrin of the Obama adm.

That is simply not True.

And you appear to have the same Putin love as Trump does.

. U.S. airstrikes have attacked more than 2,600 ISIS targets since the Americans joined the fight in 2014, the New York Times reported. Other powers, including Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and United Arab Emirates, have served as allies, particularly in conducting airstrikes.

Russia began conducting its own airstrikes in late September. The Russians claim to be targeting ISIS as well, but the U.S. and other sources on the ground say the attacks are mainly targeting anti-Assad rebels. Russian President Vladimir Putin is a supporter of Assad’s regime. Relations between the U.S. and Russia have grown increasingly icy over Russia’s involvement in Syria, among other conflicts, but the two unlikely allies have been in diplomatic talks to coordinate their efforts.


2600 Airstrikes for 18 months before Putin showed up and mostly bombed non-ISIS targets.

Your understanding of reality in Syria is pitiful.

NotfooledbyW, post: 16288308
baileyn45, post: 16284815

I'm just greatly disturbed by this adm apparent willingness to watch isis slaughter their way across Syria in the hopes it would bring down Assad.

You are so consumed by conspiracy theories.

There were no military means in Syria protect civilians since several hundred thousand US ground troops was never an option.

Putin is the one that stood by in 2014 and most of 2015. And his client Assad brought this entire disaster on the Syrian and Iraqi people going back to 2005.

. Ironically, al-Qaida's wholesale introduction into Iraq came at the hands of Assad's regime. From 2005 until the end of the American occupation of Iraq, Assad's military intelligence services and their Iranian backers sought to defeat the US forces by training, financing and arming al-Qaida operatives inside Syria and dispatching them across the border to foment chaos and destruction.

. General David Petraeus and other senior American officials warned Assad that he was igniting a fire that would eventually burn his house down, but Damascus did nothing to stop the flow of fighters, culminating in a crippling blow to Maliki's government the day Iraq's foreign and finance ministries were bombed. Maliki publicly condemned his future ally in Damascus for the attack.

. And so, Syria's unravelling spilled into Iraq, and vice versa. Powerful regional tribes such as the Shammar and Anezah, faced with countless dead and persecuted members in both countries, banded together with former Iraqi and Syrian military officers, embracing Isis jihadis as their frontline shock troops. Cash poured in from sympathetic donors around the region


Putin supported Assad throughout the entire support of al Qaeda and the outgrowth of ISIS from 2005 on.

But you pin it on Obama.

Right wing conspiracy theorists accept as their basic foundation that all tragic problems in Syria and Iraq began exactly on January 20, 2009.

You have no recommended in hindsight military plan that Obama could have done to present the rise of ISIS and the terror they brought into the world.

Listen to what Obama said in the Fall of 2014:

Across the border, in Syria, we have ramped up our military assistance to the Syrian opposition. Tonight, I call on Congress again to give us additional authorities and resources to train and equip these fighters. In the fight against ISIL, we cannot rely on an Assad regime that terrorizes its own people -- a regime that will never regain the legitimacy it has lost. Instead, we must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to extremists like ISIL, while pursuing the political solution necessary to solve Syria’s crisis once and for all.

Donald J. Trump


Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We.....

10:02 AM - 7 Jan 2017

So Republicans are stupid if they oppose a warm relationship with Putin after Putin voted yes at the UN to condemn Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands.

Why is Trump being an asshole against his own Party and the intelligence community?

Will spineless Trumpunist Party members face this illogical unpatriotic "Make Russia Great Again" moron of a president elect head on?

According to Trump the Great Marl Levin is stupid. That is hilarious.

So if you're not with us, you're against us?
Correll, post: 16252669
Hey, FDR was buddy buddy with Stalin against a common enemy.

Was that wrong?

FDR had no praise personally for Stalin for his domestic atrocities.

Germany and Japan expansionism forced the US and UK to join a military alliance with Stalin.

ISIS is a minuscule global threat compared to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Putin could be a big help against ISIS IN Syria. But thus far he has devoted most of his military to keeping butcher Assad in power.

No reason to praise Putin as a great leader as Trump has been doing.

All wars are bankers wars.........they foment them and then finance them. There could have been no Nazi Germany without the west financing as they took advantage of Germany's brilliant and cutting edge manufacturing abilities but they wanted that technology on their terms along with the slave labor that Hitler used to maximize profits. ISIS is a creation of the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5, MI6 and the Mossad to wage proxy wars.

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