Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Dale Smith, post: 16292663
All wars are bankers wars.........they foment them and then finance them. There could have been no Nazi Germany without the west financing as they took advantage of Germany's brilliant and cutting edge manufacturing abilities but they wanted that technology on their terms along with the slave labor that Hitler used to maximize profits. ISIS is a creation of the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5, MI6 and the Mossad to wage proxy wars.

Welcome to the thread conspiracy theorist. Are you a Republican - Trump Putin supporter?
You relaize Israel will tell the Useless Nations to pound sand, right?

Does Russia deserve warm relations with the Trump Administration for voting Yes on a resolution condemning Israel.

What is your non-evasive answer?

Does Russia deserve threats of war from Obama for Voting yes on a resolution condemning Israeli settlements?
Dale Smith, post: 16292663
All wars are bankers wars.........they foment them and then finance them. There could have been no Nazi Germany without the west financing as they took advantage of Germany's brilliant and cutting edge manufacturing abilities but they wanted that technology on their terms along with the slave labor that Hitler used to maximize profits. ISIS is a creation of the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5, MI6 and the Mossad to wage proxy wars.

Welcome to the thread conspiracy theorist. Are you a Republican - Trump Putin supporter?

I am a constitutionalist...the organic one...not the corporate charter that was written when "da gubermint" became incorporated in 1871...thus I belong to no political "bought and paid for" party that are both owned by the banking oligarchs. Conspiracy theorist? Hardly...a conspiracy realist...... and I know more than you. I am glad that it will be Trump being the face of the franchise that is USA.INC instead of the Hildebeast and I have no issues with Putin whatsoever....should I??? What is your take on that?
theHawk, post: 16292632
So if you're not with us, you're against us?

Your cliche makes no sense here. What are you trying to say?

I'm saying you're an idiot for trying to tie Russian relations with the UN anti-Israeli votes.

Has it occurred to you that maybe if Trump has good relations with Russia, he might get them to stop voting that way? Either way, it's Russia's choice how they want to view Israel. The world doesn't revolve around Israel, so if we don't see eye to eye on it, it's not the end of the world.
You relaize Israel will tell the Useless Nations to pound sand, right?

Does Russia deserve warm relations with the Trump Administration for voting Yes on a resolution condemning Israel.

What is your non-evasive answer?

Does Russia deserve threats of war from Obama for Voting yes on a resolution condemning Israeli settlements?

Israel is a creation of the Rothschilds......research the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
theHawk, post: 16292712
Does Russia deserve threats of war from Obama for Voting yes on a resolution condemning Israeli settlements?

When did Obama threaten Russia with war? He specifically has no reason to do so over the UN vote. What I'm asking you, (normal Republican warmonger) is why is it so horrible to you when Obama abstains but Putin gets praise from Trump for voting yes?

Can you explain that self-contradictory and logically unacceptable political position?

No one seems to want to try. Maybe you can come up with something.
theHawk, post: 16292712
Does Russia deserve threats of war from Obama for Voting yes on a resolution condemning Israeli settlements?

When did Obama threaten Russia with war? He specifically has no reason to do so over the UN vote. What I'm asking you, (normal Republican warmonger) is why is it so horrible to you when Obama abstains but Putin gets praise from Trump for voting yes?

Can you explain that self-contradictory and logically unacceptable political position?

No one seems to want to try. Maybe you can come up with something.

LOL, you deny that the progressives are pushing for confrontation and war with Russia? It's what their master, Soros, bids. Obama has been building up the military in Eastern Europe for years.

Can you actually quote Trump praising Russia for voting yes on the UN resolution?
theHawk, post: 16292757
Has it occurred to you that maybe if Trump has good relations with Russia, he might get them to stop voting that way?

I'm not a fool. Trump can't get Putin to do anything. Spineless Trump surrendered to Putin in advance of becoming president. Trump sent signals to Putin that should not have been sent. And the moron is still sending them.

I can see why Putin opposed Hillary. It helps Russia to have a nut job in the Oval Office, Putin's greatest dream came true when Trump won. Huuuuuge celebration in the Kremlin.
theHawk, post: 16292912
Trump praising Russia for voting yes on the UN resolution?

Not saying he directly said that. He praised Putin after the vote. Never said anything bad about him. He cursed Obama for abstaining. No curse for Putin and the other 13 members of the UNSC. None of those nations have promised $38 billion in military aid to Israel that Obama signed into law.

The abstention was the right thing to do.
theHawk, post: 16292757
Has it occurred to you that maybe if Trump has good relations with Russia, he might get them to stop voting that way?

I'm not a fool. Trump can't get Putin to do anything. Spineless Trump surrendered to Putin in advance of becoming president. Trump sent signals to Putin that should not have been sent. And the moron is still sending them.

I can see why Putin opposed Hillary. It helps Russia to have a nut job in the Oval Office, Putin's greatest dream came true when Trump won. Huuuuuge celebration in the Kremlin.

Dude, you are beyond fucking stupid and clueless.....seriously.

To the rest of the people on this thread....can you even take this idiot seriously?
Tom Horn, post: 16292957

Proof is that you have no argument that can show what I've posted is foolish.

It is a fool that has no argument or point or counterpoint.
Dale Smith, post: 16292995
Dude, you are beyond fucking stupid and clueless.....seriously.

If you think that - make your case. My, you run so early.

So let us debate this....what exactly has Russia and Putin done to get themselves in the cross hairs of the leftard clown posse and the globalists???? I mean outside of the debunked allegations that Putin had the DNC hacked thus exposing the corruption and conniving with the lamestream media to prop up the utterly reprehensible Hildebeast..,.....give it your best shot.
Dale Smith, post: 16292995
Dude, you are beyond fucking stupid and clueless.....seriously.

If you think that - make your case. My, you run so early.

Dale Smith, post: 16293057
So let us debate this....what exactly has Russia and Putin done to get themselves in the cross hairs of the leftard clown posse and the globalists????

What has Putin done to be worthy of Trump love.

Supporting the butcher in Syria by bombing hospitals and schools in Aleppo is a crime against humanity for one.

Not really going after ISIS IN Syria for another.
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The day before the vote, the Republican Party ran an ominous radio commercial addressed to the mothers of America. A chilling voice warned, “When your boy is dying on some battlefield in Europe and he’s crying out ‘Mother! Mother!’—don’t blame Franklin D. Roosevelt because he sent your boy to war—blame YOURSELF, because YOU sent Franklin D. Roosevelt back to the White House!”

Now you Republicans curse FDR. You are a disgrace to America and all those that perished fighting Hitler and Hirohito's armies, navies and air forces.

Sick sick sick.

Correll, post: 16279938,
FDR gave half of Europe to Stalin, and nicked named him Uncle Joe.

More distortion of history.

FDR gave nothing away. We needed Russia to assist in the defeat of Japan. We didn't have the Abomb before FDR died. Soviet Troops occupied Eastern Europe. Patton wanted take on the Soviet army before Hitler had fallen.
It's good General Eisenhower had much more sense.

It's explained in the following wuote:

. But what actually happened at Yalta? Let's review the facts. The conference itself took place in the seaside Crimean city in February 1945, during the final months of the war. A delegation of more than 600 British and U.S. officials, including FDR and Churchill, met with Stalin. They discussed postwar borders and issued a "Declaration on Liberated Europe" calling for free elections in Poland and elsewhere.

The truth is that Yalta did not hand Eastern Europe to the Soviets. That territory was already in their possession. Stalin had made clear his plan to take over as much territory as possible back in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939, which carved Poland in half and gave the Soviets the Baltic states. The discovery in 1943 of the massacre of Polish officers by the Soviet army in the Katyn forest was further evidence of Stalin's malign intention to exterminate the leadership of Poland. Then, in 1944, during the Warsaw uprising by the Polish Home Army, Stalin halted the advance of his army on the banks of the Vistula River and allowed Nazi SS units to return to slaughter the Poles. By the time of Yalta, the Red Army occupied all of Poland and much of Eastern Europe.

Theoretically, Churchill and Roosevelt could have refused to cut any deal with Stalin at Yalta. But that could have started the Cold War on the spot. It would have seriously jeopardized the common battle against Germany (at a moment when Roosevelt was concerned with winning Soviet assent to help fight the Japanese, which he received).

Once Again, the Big Yalta Lie

So you would have started the Cold War with The Soviet Union before Germany and Japan were defeated. I always knew you were an insane warmonger pretending not to be now.

Attacking FDR when worthless Republicans didn't want us to enter WWII in the first place.

Wendell Wilkie. Remember him.

. The day before the vote, the Republican Party ran an ominous radio commercial addressed to the mothers of America. A chilling voice warned, “When your boy is dying on some battlefield in Europe and he’s crying out ‘Mother! Mother!’—don’t blame Franklin D. Roosevelt because he sent your boy to war—blame YOURSELF, because YOU sent Franklin D. Roosevelt back to the White House!”

The Revolution of 1940: America’s Fight Over Entering World War II

I have not cursed FDR.

I know that you lefties consider him a Hero, so I cited his working with someone far worse than Putin in response to your anti-putin hyteria.

To make a point, that you have missed in your raving.

I would be happy to discuss what I think the proper course of action would have been at that time, but are you prepared to support the idea of good relations with Russia?
Correll, post: 16279938
ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorists are killing Americans and allied Westerns quite regularly

Terrorists do that you know.

They killed a thousands of them on US soil on Bush's watch. Then they killed US Troops in Iraq . With help from your dudes Putin and Assad.

Lots of lone wolf attacks but it is absurd to hype ISIS up beyond the reality that their caliphate is dying.

Dying with very little assistance from Putin.

Really? Assad, with Putin's support is not part of the crushing of ISIS?

I find that unlikely.

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