Spiritual capitalism. Death of NATO


Apr 9, 2014
I think that all will agree that wellbeing and happiness have to be given to those people which have more spirituality. And spirituality of the people is connected with a contribution of the concrete people to designing of future all mankind, to proximity to God, perfection, Life service, etc.

For example in India the huge contribution to spirituality is made, India presented to the world different types of yoga.:eusa_angel:

On the other side of inside states there is more than wellbeing and happiness that citizen who has more spiritual money has to receive, it is more than merits before society.

The block of NATO grew a network of oligarchs around the world. Oligarchs support wars of NATO and revolutions in the different countries. Oligarchs in the countries lobby adoption of laws and finance creation of political parties.

All this breaks the main principle of justice - all money to spiritual people. This principle is close to God. All true religions of mankind support implicitly this principle.

Why became plot of oligarchs in the world and plot of the block of NATO which keeps development of this wild capitalism is possible?

Because people of a planet allowed oligarchs and NATO to create ONE-SIGN MONETARY SYSTEM. In this system there is only one type of money. All know a saying "money don't smell". With it it is emphasized that money doesn't bear any spiritual function. But let's not to forget that money is a not only world equivalent, it also an equivalent of work of people, sufferings of people, karmas.

It means that money inevitably has to bear spiritual function, that is help to redistribute economic resources in favor of those who has spirituality, spiritual money.

To restore justice, to create the new world order pleasing to God, it is necessary to create new monetary system - two-sign monetary system. At the same time with usual money, it is necessary to enter an auxiliary view of money - spiritual money.:D

It is necessary to change legal systems of all countries of the world with the purpose to create new system of the economic, political and social relations in society.

What will be spiritual money? It will be paper and electronic money which will be paid in the employer for work of people at the same time with usual money. For each profession the reference book should be created where will be information about how many hour of work by a certain profession costs spiritual money.

Spiritual money will be given by the state sacred religions, to heroes of army from special funds. As work of volunteers, activists of the public humanistic organizations will be paid by spiritual money.

Spiritual money can be exchanged at very high course for usual money.

For what spiritual money will be necessary? For example for financing of political parties and the electoral companies.

For establishment of monuments - spiritual money too will be necessary.

Need of financing by spiritual money of different aspects of life it will be regulated by the special law.

As a result of introduction by two-sign monetary system the power of NATO and oligarchs will gradually fall.

Values and morals of mankind in a root will change. There will be a new ideology - heroism, sanctity, a righteousness.:D
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What is this crank on about? Nato and its oligarcs are responsible for the gross inequalities of wild capitalism?

storyteller, go check List_of_countries_by_income_equality, and you will find that the most equal societies in the world are to be found in the Nato block (excepting the USA and UK). Ehhh.... only thing is it doesn't mention spiritual income.:cuckoo:
I'm glad someone else thinks the Buddhist should have all the money.....
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Please tell, kook. :eusa_whistle:

Do you know about Vinus project?

it is an other idea.

The Venus Project organization advocates what founder Jacque Fresco calls a resource-based economy. The projected plan is to combine Fresco's versions of sustainable development, energy efficiency, natural resource management, and advanced automation in a global socioeconomic system based on social cooperation and scientific methodology.

Located in Venus, Florida, the Venus Project is in a 21.5-acre (8.7-hectare) facility.[1]

The Venus Project was founded in 1995 as a for-profit corporation by Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows in Venus, Florida.[2]

A separate, nonprofit organization started by Fresco and his business partner Roxanne Meadows is Future By Design, founded in 2003.[3]

Fresco lectures his ideas and gives tours of the Venus Project location.

The term "resource based economy" is used by the Venus Project to describe a hypothetical economic system in which goods, services, and information are free. Fresco argues that Earth has enough resources and that the practice of distributing resources through a price system method is irrelevant and counterproductive to survival.[5]

The Venus Project concepts are outlined in the documentary-style film Zeitgeist: Addendum.[6] The film premiered at the fifth annual Artivist Film Festival in Los Angeles, California on October 2, 2008.[7] The film is available on YouTube.[8] Following its release, director Peter Joseph formed the Zeitgeist Movement, and advocated the Venus Project. In January 2011, a follow-up film, titled Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, was released also highlighting ideas from the Venus Project.[9]

In 2011, the two groups ended their relationship. Speaking in an interview with London Real TV, Fresco cited personal differences between himself and Joseph, as well as lack of control over their collaborative efforts. He specifically noted his concern about the Zeitgeist Movement's professed role as the "activist arm" of the Venus Project, stating that Joseph "never consulted [him on] what the activist arm would do."[

The Venus Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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