R&E Spiritual Warfare

No one need supply you with proof on this thread. Period.
I'm asking for proof.
Then go to another thread about the physical world. In the spiritual realm, there is nothing measurable, and proof requires measurement. If you are looking for proofs you are in the wrong place.
I don't consider angels to be real.
I frankly don't care what you do not believe. Another forum member was asking about spiritual warfare. You gave your assessment. I offered my contribution. End of story.
Then go to another thread about the physical world. In the spiritual realm, there is nothing measurable, and proof requires measurement. If you are looking for proofs you are in the wrong place.
I'm content with the lack of proof, as I suggested when I described my atheism.

Your 'proof' will continue to be based on your faith alone.

I can and will answer you politely but I can't offer you any more than that. And I totally reject being concerned about the embarrassment your faith brings you and others who are showing concern.
I frankly don't care what you do not believe. Another forum member was asking about spiritual warfare. You gave your assessment. I offered my contribution. End of story.
Yes, it can be end of story until some individual elaborates of their spiritual warfare.
Your 'proof' will continue to be based on your faith alone.
I told you. We are outside the realm of science. There.is.no.proof. Never will be. I can say that with authority as I teach science. Proofs require measurement. Nothing to measure here, so no proof.

What I have is testimony, and the particular testimony I offered in this thread was personal experience, That experience had no basis in faith.

Faith alone would be like saying, "I believe God is Creator." I have no testimony as to that, but I do have faith in the statement.
And I totally reject being concerned about the embarrassment your faith brings you and others who are showing concern.
Grin. I have no embarrassment. You are surely mistaking that for any amusement I am feeling for anyone showing "concern."
If you want to exclude discussion that relates to science questioning 'faith' or anything else, then you should make your appeal to the moderators.

I will happily abide by any decision that is made concerning this section of the forum.

In the meantime, I'll consider my comments to be appropriate.

And if you don't choose to involve a moderator then I'll even consider your personal plea to exclude comments you feel aren't appropriate for this forum section.

It's his OP not yours, he can determine it's subject as he sees fit. You aren't in charge Buckwheat.
I told you. We are outside the realm of science. There.is.no.proof. Never will be. I can say that with authority as I teach science. Proofs require measurement. Nothing to measure here, so no proof.
Your inability to furnish any proof is within the realms of science in that your theory isn't provable.
And there it will stay!

In some instances, science has proven that spiritual claims are false claims.. Maybe tomorrow we can look at some of the evidence.
Your inability to furnish any proof is within the realms of science in that your theory isn't provable.
And there it will stay!

In some instances, science has proven that spiritual claims are false claims.. Maybe tomorrow we can look at some of the evidence.

The thread is not about "proof", it's about Spiritual Warfare. Your unbelief has no bearing on the subject, none at all.
It's his OP not yours, he can determine it's subject as he sees fit. You aren't in charge Buckwheat.
As I said:
And if you don't choose to involve a moderator then I'll even consider your personal plea to exclude comments you feel aren't appropriate for this forum section.

I don't intend to reneg on that.

Further to that, I'll remind you that childish namecalling is contrary to the rules.
Do you think that this is occurring? If so, how and in what way?

I have come across this multiple times in the last few months. I have heard it from those that are Christian and those that would probably fall under spiritual/pagan/eclectic witches.

I am respectfully requesting that people don't post a lengthy list of biblical verses or tell anyone else what they should or should not believe. If you feel compelled to use all of those verses, then hide them under "spoiler" so it becomes an option.

Yes, absolutely. Scripture makes it perfectly clear but I will respect your wish about not posting tons of it. People like ole Don there are simply trying to show you that he is a superior being.
Your inability to furnish any proof is within the realms of science in that your theory isn't provable.
And there it will stay!
Pay attention! I am not trying to prove a thing. Try remembering that we are in the spiritual realm and there is nothing measurable here. No proof.

I have is testimony alone. Those who have no interest in testimony may wish to move on.
As I said:

I don't intend to reneg on that.

Further to that, I'll remind you that childish namecalling is contrary to the rules.

Toughen up Sally. None of your Posts have been on topic, not one. Again, your disbelief in no way invalidates the experiences of another.
Pay attention! I am not trying to prove a thing. Try remembering that we are in the spiritual realm and there is nothing measurable here. No proof.

I have is testimony alone. Those who have no interest in testimony may wish to move on.

He trying to establish that he sees himself as superior.
Maybe tomorrow we can look at some of the evidence.
Not in this thread we won't. Start your own thread. I will be happy to show proper behavior in a thread that holds no interest for me because for me your suggested topic is old news--already investigated.
He trying to establish that he sees himself as superior.
I will readily concede that he is. Perhaps once he sees this concession he will leave this particular thread to those who are meek and humble of heart.
Yes, absolutely. Scripture makes it perfectly clear but I will respect your wish about not posting tons of it. People like ole Don there are simply trying to show you that he is a superior being

He sure is.
Holy cow! That is one heck of an experience. Thank you.
You are welcome. I hope sharing helps in your search.

I can share another one that you may be interested in. Its more on the lines of being more mature in both flesh and spirit. Thirty years later...

We were down in the KC area and stopped in to see a friend who is also an artist. I had promised her I would call next time we were close by and stop in and see her. By the time we finished up for the day and stopped by to see my friend her husband was also there.

I can't recall exactly how the conversation started but it was one about faith and beliefs. My friend had made a statement about Jesus and that is when the conversation started getting wonky with he husband and Rod concerning faith in Jesus Christ. The guy started getting really weird. My friend didn't know how to handle it all so she excused herself to make us all a cup of tea. As we sat there Rod and I both saw the spirit in my friend's husband that was talking. It was a very ugly thing that looked emaciated to the point of being close to dead. The guy had stood up and had started doing some sort of voodoo type dance. I just looked at Rod and said, "I'm going to see in ***** needs any help in the kitchen."

By the time we returned with tea the whole voodoo dance was over and friend's husband just sat there looking sort of lost and dazed. We finished up our tea, a small chitchat on work we were doing and then they walked us to the door to say goodbye.

The husband still just looked dazed as they stood there at their door waving goodbye while saying "come back and see us again". Once sitting in the pickup Rod said to me, "Did you see that?" I responded, "Most definitely saw something but not sure what it was". He then asked, "Did you see it trying to curse me?" "Yep" I responded and gave a giggle. I told Rod, "Poor dude I don't think he even knows what he did or what happened to him". Rod gave a laugh back and said, "Man that was one ugly spirit." We both agreed he was probably safe from those curses that it was trying to put out onto him.

It didn't scare us at this point in our lives but it was a learning experience. Most generally people don't even know when they are possessed.

My friend called a few weeks later and told me they were getting a divorce. She stated, "You knew something was wrong when you were here didn't you?" I did but not as she was thinking. We just knew her faith was very strong and his was elsewhere so I just told her to keep her faith where she knew it was safe.
My friend called a few weeks later and told me they were getting a divorce. She stated, "You knew something was wrong when you were here didn't you?" I did but not as she was thinking. We just knew her faith was very strong and his was elsewhere so I just told her to keep her faith where she knew it was safe.
Another first hand account with Voodoo!

That's an interesting story. Have you had more such experiences with evil people than just the two so far?

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