R&E Spiritual Warfare

Another first hand account with Voodoo!

That's an interesting story. Have you had more such experiences with evil people than just the two so far?
Your opinion really doesn't carry much weight, Don.
You really shouldn't criticize what you really don't understand.
Not sure you would even recognize, or admit to a personal experience if
you ever had one. Sad
Holy cow! That is one heck of an experience. Thank you.
Punishing Freaks Is Part of the Survival Instinct. It Will Keep Them From Going Off the Deep End.

My sister was the only one terrified of this goofy cousin of one of my friends. We all thought he was a joke—weird, but harmless. Later he felt the devil had told him to kill his slster. So he slit her throat.
Heaven Can Wait; Earth Can't

Why didn't Jesus do that the first time He came? Maybe His message was that we should establish our own peace through war against evil.
I believe this earth experience is temporary and we are meant to experience both good and evil. Sometimes we experience a great deal of evil. When Christ comes, those still living will experience a great deal of peace and joy.
From the time before this earth of the war in heaven (Revelation 12:7-11) up until this very day there has been a spiritual war going on between good and evil. When Christ comes again, He will establish peace on the earth for 1000 years. After which Satan and his minions will have their last stand before being cast off into that lake that burneth with fire.
Says who?
I believe this earth experience is temporary and we are meant to experience both good and evil. Sometimes we experience a great deal of evil. When Christ comes, those still living will experience a great deal of peace and joy.
There's great danger in accepting the evil as if it's inevitable.
America's continuous wars can be justified in military minds that subscribe to the teaching of the bible.
The Christian bible provides reasons why war is honourable and can be justified.

The world can't wait any longer for christ to come!
Your opinion really doesn't carry much weight, Don.
You really shouldn't criticize what you really don't understand.
Not sure you would even recognize, or admit to a personal experience if
you ever had one. Sad
I've never had an experience with evil that has affected me personally, but I've seen many instances of evil in the same way others have experienced in their lives. But I've never associated any of those instances with the supernatural.

I could at least accept hearing of an instance of Voodoo or what is seen as Satanic behaviour and then provide my interpretation of what I've heard, based on a rational explanation that's devoid of the supernatural.

Two such instances being described by the same person raises questions on whether one should look any deeper than answers in the DSM-5.

I appreciate the opportunity of having a rational and polite discussion here in this section of the forum.
Not in this thread we won't. Start your own thread. I will be happy to show proper behavior in a thread that holds no interest for me because for me your suggested topic is old news--already investigated.
I'll take part on this thread in a manner that's deemed appropriate for the forum, regardless of whether or not it includes you.

I'll leave it up to the forum's staff to decide on whether my comments are appropriate and within the rules.

What do you think my suggested topic could be? I am concerned about finding explanations for unusual behaviour as has been presented, within the bounds of science.
There's great danger in accepting the evil as if it's inevitable.
America's continuous wars can be justified in military minds that subscribe to the teaching of the bible.
The Christian bible provides reasons why war is honourable and can be justified.

The world can't wait any longer for christ to come!
The righteous do not accept evil but try not to choose it in their lives but they do understand their situation. Mankind were placed on this earth as imperfect beings with free will to choose between good and evil. Some of us choose evil more often than good and some of us choose good more often than evil.

War can be necessary if you need to protect yourselves from tyranny and death. The bible doesn't teach that war is good and the teachings of Jesus certainly do not teach that.

The Bible also does not teach that we need to wait around for Jesus to come before we make an effort to do good in this world. We should always be attempting to do good. If everyone were good, there would be no war.
The righteous do not accept evil but try not to choose it in their lives but they do understand their situation. Mankind were placed on this earth as imperfect beings with free will to choose between good and evil. Some of us choose evil more often than good and some of us choose good more often than evil.
My main point is that the standard for righteousness is prescribed in the Christian bibles in their various forms and interpretations.
I've made reference to the murder of children on this board in other discussions, but there are at least several other evils promoted by the bibles that can be discussed here.
The first edition promoted practices and beliefs that became intolerable because of modernity and now the second edition is following suit. A third edition is needed and fwiw, it's already being visualized in the leading minds of the churches. For example: Evolution science will have to be accepted.
War can be necessary if you need to protect yourselves from tyranny and death. The bible doesn't teach that war is good and the teachings of Jesus certainly do not teach that.
If justifies war in a manner that isn't justifiable. It prescribes the slaughter of the enemy, man, woman, and child. Modern warfare doesn't subscribe to such extremes.
The Bible also does not teach that we need to wait around for Jesus to come before we make an effort to do good in this world. We should always be attempting to do good. If everyone were good, there would be no war.
In my opinion, waiting around for jesus for another thousand or two years can be used as an excuse for overlooking the evil that's acceptable according to the bibles. The 3rd. edition can't wait for jesus.
In my opinion, when Jesus first came to this earth, he set down the way in which if all mankind would follow his teachings, we would certainly have peace on earth. It was left up to mankind to follow those teachings to find that peace. However, mankind has free will and they do not all believe in Jesus Christ. We still have murders, theft, adultery and other evils that are ripening mankind for Jesus' second coming when he will come to cleanse the earth of its wickedness.

This mortal earth life was given to us to test us to see what kind of a person we would be if we were left unto ourselves to choose good or evil. God, however, did not leave us completely devoid of goodness on this earth, but provided goodness through the teachings of his prophets, apostles, and of course Jesus himself. He also has blessed each of us with a conscience which some of us have ignored. I believe mankind comes into this world as good beings and only through their free will do they adhere to evil and wickedness. They chase the spirit of goodness from themselves and put off the inspiration and spirit of God that would lead them to do good.
You are welcome. I hope sharing helps in your search.

I can share another one that you may be interested in. Its more on the lines of being more mature in both flesh and spirit. Thirty years later...

We were down in the KC area and stopped in to see a friend who is also an artist. I had promised her I would call next time we were close by and stop in and see her. By the time we finished up for the day and stopped by to see my friend her husband was also there.

I can't recall exactly how the conversation started but it was one about faith and beliefs. My friend had made a statement about Jesus and that is when the conversation started getting wonky with he husband and Rod concerning faith in Jesus Christ. The guy started getting really weird. My friend didn't know how to handle it all so she excused herself to make us all a cup of tea. As we sat there Rod and I both saw the spirit in my friend's husband that was talking. It was a very ugly thing that looked emaciated to the point of being close to dead. The guy had stood up and had started doing some sort of voodoo type dance. I just looked at Rod and said, "I'm going to see in ***** needs any help in the kitchen."

By the time we returned with tea the whole voodoo dance was over and friend's husband just sat there looking sort of lost and dazed. We finished up our tea, a small chitchat on work we were doing and then they walked us to the door to say goodbye.

The husband still just looked dazed as they stood there at their door waving goodbye while saying "come back and see us again". Once sitting in the pickup Rod said to me, "Did you see that?" I responded, "Most definitely saw something but not sure what it was". He then asked, "Did you see it trying to curse me?" "Yep" I responded and gave a giggle. I told Rod, "Poor dude I don't think he even knows what he did or what happened to him". Rod gave a laugh back and said, "Man that was one ugly spirit." We both agreed he was probably safe from those curses that it was trying to put out onto him.

It didn't scare us at this point in our lives but it was a learning experience. Most generally people don't even know when they are possessed.

My friend called a few weeks later and told me they were getting a divorce. She stated, "You knew something was wrong when you were here didn't you?" I did but not as she was thinking. We just knew her faith was very strong and his was elsewhere so I just told her to keep her faith where she knew it was safe.
Was he an Oungan?
I've never had an experience with evil that has affected me personally, but I've seen many instances of evil in the same way others have experienced in their lives. But I've never associated any of those instances with the supernatural.

I could at least accept hearing of an instance of Voodoo or what is seen as Satanic behaviour and then provide my interpretation of what I've heard, based on a rational explanation that's devoid of the supernatural.

Two such instances being described by the same person raises questions on whether one should look any deeper than answers in the DSM-5.

I appreciate the opportunity of having a rational and polite discussion here in this section of the forum.
I see you. Insinuating that a member on the forum is mentally ill for what they saw is absolutely inappropriate.
I see you. Insinuating that a member on the forum is mentally ill for what they saw is absolutely inappropriate.
I'm only of the opinion that to disregard science in favour of superstitious beliefs requires due scrutiny.
I'll continue to refrain from direct personal insults.
I'm only of the opinion that to disregard science in favour of superstitious beliefs requires due scrutiny.
I'll continue to refrain from direct personal insults.
I will continue to make sure that you remain very visible. This isn't a thread for science. This has been explained to you repeatedly. You are simply trolling my thread. There is actually a thread that is combining science and religion. You aren't there. Are ya? Donald, you appear to have made this personal.
I'm only of the opinion that to disregard science in favour of superstitious beliefs requires due scrutiny.
Consider the possibility that no one is disregarding science, only that some religious experiences are outside the realm of science in much the same way quilting cannot be studied and used in the same way as barbecuing.

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