SPLC calls Army bases confederate monuments that must be taken down




Oh that's cool you give him free advertising .
He needs it. Those Rolex's don't pay for themselves.

No more like 43,000 a month to that ex wife would be why he needs it lol.
Agreed, but still not a reason for him to lie and milk the idiots among his audience. The court case was interesting because he testified under oath he was only playing a "character".

He doesn't lie people just are to lazy to research the shit. His information is easily proven and often pulled from the very sources YOU READ..........
Either he's lying on his show or he committed perjury in court. Which is it?

BTW, once a fucking liar, always a fucking liar.
US Military bases named after traitorous Confederate generals should and will be renamed. It will take time. But it will come.
Let's hope those lying about the Civil War and calling secession treason ends sooner than making Army post names politically correct for snowflakes.
SPLC calls Army bases ‘confederate monuments’ that must be ‘taken down’

The Southern Poverty Law Center has included three of the largest U.S. Army bases on their list of “Confederate monuments” with the “potential to unleash more turmoil and bloodshed” if liberal activists don’t “take them down.”

Nothing like spreading stupidity among the already weak minds of America.
and the pathetic sheep that go right along with it. I can't wait until these ANTI AMERICAN PIGS begin to eat themselves alive with thier own bs and regret.
Then again some are to far gone to regret a thing.
SPLC need to pound salt up its collective ass.
US Military bases named after traitorous Confederate generals should and will be renamed. It will take time. But it will come.
Let's hope those lying about the Civil War and calling secession treason ends sooner than making Army post names politically correct for snowflakes.

Oh! You're one of the special dummies. Hang on I'll recommend a book for ya.
SPLC calls Army bases ‘confederate monuments’ that must be ‘taken down’

The Southern Poverty Law Center has included three of the largest U.S. Army bases on their list of “Confederate monuments” with the “potential to unleash more turmoil and bloodshed” if liberal activists don’t “take them down.”

Nothing like spreading stupidity among the already weak minds of America.
and the pathetic sheep that go right along with it. I can't wait until these ANTI AMERICAN PIGS begin to eat themselves alive with thier own bs and regret.
Then again some are to far gone to regret a thing.

Oh fucking bullshit. We debunked this shit yesterday.
US Military bases named after traitorous Confederate generals should and will be renamed. It will take time. But it will come.
Let's hope those lying about the Civil War and calling secession treason ends sooner than making Army post names politically correct for snowflakes.

Oh! You're one of the special dummies. Hang on I'll recommend a book for ya.
Nice to see you surrender so soon by jumping into the name-calling hole. Good luck with your "education".
The SPLC better start explaining those bank accounts in the Cayman islands.

Not that I think that's true, but why ?
Oh, it's true, all right ....

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit organization that has long been regarded as a glorified direct-mail scam that profits from hate-mongering, has come under fire yet again for its shady financial practices. This time, SPLC has been caught shuttling millions of dollars to offshore entities — a practice that’s considered a “huge red flag” by philanthropy experts, an investigative report by Joe Schoffstall of The Washington Free Beacon reveals.

In recent years, SPLC has become famous for its “hate list” targeting conservatives, which inspired a crazed gunman‘s attempt to massacre employees at the Family Research Council and smear Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his victims’ faces in 2012. Fortunately, a security guard who tackled the shooter thwarted the attempt. The list also inspired a group of campus protestors to form a dangerous mob to silence author Charles Murray from speaking at Middlebury College earlier this year because the SPLC labeled him as an “extremist.”

The organization’s name was back in the headlines earlier this month after George and Amal Clooney donated $1 million to SPLC to “fight hate” after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia resulted in a young woman’s death. Most of the Clooneys’ million-dollar donation will probably be spent on fundraising efforts, as that is SPLC’s single biggest expense, according to a recent scathing report from Philanthropy Roundtable. Some of their donation may even end up in an offshore account in the Cayman Islands — one of the world’s most infamous tax havens — as that’s where the nonprofit likes to park millions of its dollars.

In 2015, SPLC raised $50 million and that same year held “financial interests” in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda, tax records show. That same year, the nonprofit scuttled $2.2 million in cash to an account in the Cayman Islands. 2015 wasn’t the first year the nonprofit wired funds to offshore accounts. In 2014, the nonprofit shuttled almost a million dollars to an investment fund in the Cayman Islands, the Free Beacon reports. In 2011, the SPLC claimed $238 million in assets, some of which was parked in an account in Bermuda, the Daily Kos reported in 2012.
The SPLC better start explaining those bank accounts in the Cayman islands.

Not that I think that's true, but why ?
Oh, it's true, all right ....

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit organization that has long been regarded as a glorified direct-mail scam that profits from hate-mongering, has come under fire yet again for its shady financial practices. This time, SPLC has been caught shuttling millions of dollars to offshore entities — a practice that’s considered a “huge red flag” by philanthropy experts, an investigative report by Joe Schoffstall of The Washington Free Beacon reveals.

In recent years, SPLC has become famous for its “hate list” targeting conservatives, which inspired a crazed gunman‘s attempt to massacre employees at the Family Research Council and smear Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his victims’ faces in 2012. Fortunately, a security guard who tackled the shooter thwarted the attempt. The list also inspired a group of campus protestors to form a dangerous mob to silence author Charles Murray from speaking at Middlebury College earlier this year because the SPLC labeled him as an “extremist.”

The organization’s name was back in the headlines earlier this month after George and Amal Clooney donated $1 million to SPLC to “fight hate” after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia resulted in a young woman’s death. Most of the Clooneys’ million-dollar donation will probably be spent on fundraising efforts, as that is SPLC’s single biggest expense, according to a recent scathing report from Philanthropy Roundtable. Some of their donation may even end up in an offshore account in the Cayman Islands — one of the world’s most infamous tax havens — as that’s where the nonprofit likes to park millions of its dollars.

In 2015, SPLC raised $50 million and that same year held “financial interests” in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda, tax records show. That same year, the nonprofit scuttled $2.2 million in cash to an account in the Cayman Islands. 2015 wasn’t the first year the nonprofit wired funds to offshore accounts. In 2014, the nonprofit shuttled almost a million dollars to an investment fund in the Cayman Islands, the Free Beacon reports. In 2011, the SPLC claimed $238 million in assets, some of which was parked in an account in Bermuda, the Daily Kos reported in 2012.
Southern Poverty Law Center Busted Sending Millions Offshore

You should always link copyrighted material per forum rules.

The second reason is that dipshit trolls, assholes and douchebags will just keep making a big deal about it. Sure, these same lowlifes will judge the material by it's source and not the content itself, but at least the link allows more intelligent people the chance to read more.
Yes, when it's a right wing rag like the Federalist, you just can't take it seriously, but I can see why the OP wanted to hide his source.
Thanks for proving my previous point.

Here's the thing about sources: If it's just spin and opinion, I agree 100%. However, if it has multiple links citing evidence, which it did, using even LW sources, then your bias falls apart.

Example, from the Federalist:
"In 2015, SPLC raised $50 million and that same year held “financial interests” in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda, tax records show. That same year, the nonprofit scuttled $2.2 million in cash to an account in the Cayman Islands. 2015 wasn’t the first year the nonprofit wired funds to offshore accounts. In 2014, the nonprofit shuttled almost a million dollars to an investment fund in the Cayman Islands, the Free Beacon reports. In 2011, the SPLC claimed $238 million in assets, some of which was parked in an account in Bermuda, the Daily Kos reported in 2012."

From the linked Daily Kos report:
"For the Southern Poverty Law Center, its executive director Morris Dees and the other honchos, pimping out the word poverty has proved quite profitable over the years. They had a total of $238 million in assets last year, enjoying so much wealth other nonprofits can only dream about. The enormous assets are shown on the first page of the tax return.

The latest SPLC return is for 2010, has been available for public inspection since January and as far I can determined not reported on by the corporate or alternative media or across the blogosphere.

The last time I examined an IRS 990 for the Southern Poverty Law Center was in November 2010, and the big news back then was they disclosed that they opened an offshore bank account, in the tax haven Cayman Islands.

Their latest tax return on page 5 reveals SPLC has added to that account with another one in Bermuda. Federal tax law exempts SPLC and all nonprofits from having to publicly state how much is in the accounts in the two foreign countries.

Folks living in poverty across America must feel so empowered to know this organization is fighting to lift them up from their poor economic status, by shipping unknown of U.S. dollars (thousands? millions?) to two tax havens abroad.

On page 32 of the return, SPLC sheds only the most minimal required light on the organization's expansion using their vast wealth to engage in for-profit dealing outside of U.S. borders and tax requirements:

The Center has ownership in several foreign corporations. However, the center's ownership percentage in these corporations does not rise to the level of reporting on the Form 5471.

The Center is an indirect owner in several passive foreign investment companies on Form 8621. The direct owner has properly reported these investments on Form 8621. Therefore, The Center does not have a filing requirement.

I'm sure the SPLC leaders and their financial investment advisers opened the offshore accounts, and bought part ownership in several corporations and investment firms abroad, only to the degree that they can legally avoid being required to be fully transparent with additional details about the accounts and investments in other countries.

What I'm very curious to learn is how keeping hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars in assets, several offshore bank accounts and part ownership in foreign financial firms in any substantive way addresses poverty in America.

Seeing the 2010 IRS 990 for SPLC and how big their endowment is, they would be more honest if they changed their acronym to $PLC because they are so wealthy.

Now blow off the accusation that SPLC isn't socking away money offshore because of the source credibility.
Thanks for proving my previous point.

Here's the thing about sources: If it's just spin and opinion, I agree 100%. However, if it has multiple links citing evidence, which it did, using even LW sources, then your bias falls apart.

Example, from the Federalist:

Not at all... the problem is they try to take a fact and make it sound sinister. So out of 238 million in asset, they have 2.2 million in offshore accounts. Oh my god, not offshore accounts. that always sounds sinister on Law And Order.

Now blow off the accusation that SPLC isn't socking away money offshore because of the source credibility.

I don't consider Kos any more credible than the Federalist.
Oh, it's true, all right ....

No link. SO not from a credible source.

Two things ....

1) Links are embedded in the post ... so, if you had actually read it, you would know that.

2) You use semantics and journalistic attribution as an excuse to avoid the truth? At the very least, a responsible reader would try to validate/invalidate the claim rather than hiding behind an ethically lazy response like this.

3) Oh yeah --- a third thing --- you should be ashamed of yourself.
Two things ....

1) Links are embedded in the post ... so, if you had actually read it, you would know that.

2) You use semantics and journalistic attribution as an excuse to avoid the truth? At the very least, a responsible reader would try to validate/invalidate the claim rather than hiding behind an ethically lazy response like this.

3) Oh yeah --- a third thing --- you should be ashamed of yourself.

1) You really should attribute.
2) Sorry, a right wing rag making someting sound sinister that really isn't doesn't impress me.
3) The SLPC does fantastic work identifying hate groups.
Two things ....

1) Links are embedded in the post ... so, if you had actually read it, you would know that.

2) You use semantics and journalistic attribution as an excuse to avoid the truth? At the very least, a responsible reader would try to validate/invalidate the claim rather than hiding behind an ethically lazy response like this.

3) Oh yeah --- a third thing --- you should be ashamed of yourself.

1) You really should attribute.
2) Sorry, a right wing rag making someting sound sinister that really isn't doesn't impress me.
3) The SLPC does fantastic work identifying hate groups.

1) The article is self-attributory. I can't believe that my adding attribution brings anything to the article.
2) Just exactly what link in the article comes from a "right wing rag"? You are using "attribution" as an excuse to avoid the content, and intent, of the article as posted. Frankly, that's pretty common when the left doesn't have a cohesive and cogent counter-response to the supposition posted.
3) The SLPC identifies groups as hate groups only when it benefits their pocket book. Their list of hate groups has even less credence than a Dr. Seuss diatribe on the ills of Christmas.

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