SPLC calls Army bases confederate monuments that must be taken down

1) The article is self-attributory. I can't believe that my adding attribution brings anything to the article.
2) Just exactly what link in the article comes from a "right wing rag"?

Completely irrelevent. They make a normal banking procedure that most organizations engage in seem somehow sinister. that's what makes it a rag.

Look, I realize that you don't like anyone shining a light on the Alt-right cockroaches...
1) The article is self-attributory. I can't believe that my adding attribution brings anything to the article.
2) Just exactly what link in the article comes from a "right wing rag"?

Completely irrelevent. They make a normal banking procedure that most organizations engage in seem somehow sinister. that's what makes it a rag.

Look, I realize that you don't like anyone shining a light on the Alt-right cockroaches...

That's it? That's all you've got?

You make grandiose statements, and then when challenged, immediately fall back into personal attacks?

Man, I hope you ain't the best the left has got.

Oh - I noticed you didn't address no. 3. Probably forgot, huh? I mean, in your haste to create a personal attack, it probably just slipped your mind, right?
Oh - I noticed you didn't address no. 3. Probably forgot, huh? I mean, in your haste to create a personal attack, it probably just slipped your mind, right?

Nope, just wasn't worthy my time. SPLC does wonderful work identifying how pervasive the racist problem is in this country.
Just exactly how "pervasive" do you think white nationalists are? Oh, say ... compared to black separatists?
1) Alex Jones is a lying asshole milking his listeners for money.

2) While the quote exists on the SPLC website, I don't see where it seeks to remove 3 Army bases: Send a letter: It's time to take down Confederate monuments

3) IMHO, this who meme of attacking Confederate monuments is stupid and, in a year or so, most Americans will give backlash to the stupidity of tearing down every memorial which had a racist founder in it.

Lol the title is literally time to take down the confederate monuments and they linked a list which included the army bases.
Just exactly how "pervasive" do you think white nationalists are? Oh, say ... compared to black separatists?

Considering we have a shitload of them on this board, and not a one black separatist that I can see, I would say the problem is pretty pervasive.

Lol the title is literally time to take down the confederate monuments and they linked a list which included the army bases.

Not seeing a problem. These traitors don't need army bases named after them any more than they need statues.
1) Alex Jones is a lying asshole milking his listeners for money.

2) While the quote exists on the SPLC website, I don't see where it seeks to remove 3 Army bases: Send a letter: It's time to take down Confederate monuments

3) IMHO, this who meme of attacking Confederate monuments is stupid and, in a year or so, most Americans will give backlash to the stupidity of tearing down every memorial which had a racist founder in it.

They specifically mention renaming military bases. "Critics may say removing a flag or monument, renaming a military base or school, or ending a state holiday is tantamount to 'erasing history.'"

The idea that someone will "take down" military bases is pretty far-fetched.
there was a day comparing the antifa to soldiers storming the beach would be far fetched too.
splc is bullshit n needs to be ignored. calling conservstive sites "hate speech" is bullshit.
Just exactly how "pervasive" do you think white nationalists are? Oh, say ... compared to black separatists?

Considering we have a shitload of them on this board, and not a one black separatist that I can see, I would say the problem is pretty pervasive.

Lol the title is literally time to take down the confederate monuments and they linked a list which included the army bases.

Not seeing a problem. These traitors don't need army bases named after them any more than they need statues.

I guess, then, you'll be surprised to learn that the Anti-Defamation League says there are about 3,000 KKK members nationwide ... https://www.usnews.com/news/best-st...is-still-based-in-22-states-in-the-us-in-2017

Hardly what I would call a groundswell of white nationalism.

Further, I suppose you be suprised to learn that:

"The exact origins of the group are unknown, but Antifa can be traced to Nazi Germany and Anti-Fascist Action, a militant group founded in the 1980s in the United Kingdom.

Modern-day members of Antifa have become more active in making themselves known at public rallies and within the progressive movement, said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino.

"What they're trying to do now is not only become prominent through violence at these high-profile rallies, but also to reach out through small meetings and through social networking to cultivate disenfranchised progressives who heretofore were peaceful," Levin said.

What is Antifa? - CNN

According to The Atlantic, "Trump has changed that. For antifa, the result has been explosive growth. According to NYC Antifa, the group’s Twitter following nearly quadrupled in the first three weeks of January alone. (By summer, it exceeded 15,000.)
The Rise of the Violent Left

Which one do YOU think represents the greater threat to the American way of life?
According to their own logic SPLC should be closed as racist -
1. the first word in their title is southern
2. southern states owned slaves
3. southern states started the civil war to keep slavery
4. ergo SPLC is hereby proven racist.

States didn't own slaves. You lose.
1) Alex Jones is a lying asshole milking his listeners for money.

2) While the quote exists on the SPLC website, I don't see where it seeks to remove 3 Army bases: Send a letter: It's time to take down Confederate monuments

3) IMHO, this who meme of attacking Confederate monuments is stupid and, in a year or so, most Americans will give backlash to the stupidity of tearing down every memorial which had a racist founder in it.

Lol the title is literally time to take down the confederate monuments and they linked a list which included the army bases.

Again for the Morons ---- and we did this days ago the first time this was posted ---- the link says, quote, "Please send a Letter to the Editor to your local newspaper to take down or rename the Confederate symbols in your community

Nobody's calling for a "removal" of Fort Fucking Bragg, which is the largest military facility in the world. They're calling for a name change.
I guess, then, you'll be surprised to learn that the Anti-Defamation League says there are about 3,000 KKK members nationwide ... https://www.usnews.com/news/best-st...is-still-based-in-22-states-in-the-us-in-2017

Hardly what I would call a groundswell of white nationalism.

Not really. The Klan isn't the go to place for young racist assholes today. They think the sheets look silly, which they do.

Most of them end up in Neo Nazi groups.

Tell me ---- how much violence have you heard about in the past 5 years from white nationalists vs. the far left? Just who is the real threat?

Your post is definitely a demonstration of your lack of knowledge - the primary difference between "Neo-Nazi's" and the KKK is who they hate ---- the KKK hates blacks and the Neo-Nazis hate Jews. They are virtually two sides of the same coin.

Once again, you post jingoism and trigger phrases designed to inflame, but you bring no facts. When shown facts, you conveniently ignore them. The ADL estimates about 3,000 KKK members and about 11,000 Neo-Nazis ... frankly, not even enough to fill a good-sized auditorium.

You have succumbed to the leftist propaganda - seized on a convenient villain and ignored the greater threat - whether the facts support it or not.

Trump was right - there is hate and violence on both sides. You do your country a disservice by focusing on one and ignoring the other.
1) Alex Jones is a lying asshole milking his listeners for money.

2) While the quote exists on the SPLC website, I don't see where it seeks to remove 3 Army bases: Send a letter: It's time to take down Confederate monuments

3) IMHO, this who meme of attacking Confederate monuments is stupid and, in a year or so, most Americans will give backlash to the stupidity of tearing down every memorial which had a racist founder in it.

Except it's not "attacking Confederate monuments" but rather removing those installed between roughly 1900-1925 from the public property they occupy and where they were specifically put to specifically propagate the propaganda of the Lost Cause movement.

That's why cities like New Orleans and Charlottesville and Lexington and Gainesville are the ones taking these decision --- it's their own property. And it's their names being dragged through the mud by that propaganda, and they're choosing it to not be the face they show the world.

Get it?

And not all of them are even Confederate monuments, let alone soldiers. The first one New Orleans took down was a monument celebrating a riot and city coup engineered by the White League, another postwar white supremacist group but not a Civil War action. Another from the same Lost Cause era (1917 in this case) was a plaque that commemorated the founding of the Ku Klux Klan. That one was turned backward already about 25-30 years ago and put up so it shows blank -- the owner said it symbolized "we're turning our back" on all that.

That's what it's about.
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Tell me ---- how much violence have you heard about in the past 5 years from white nationalists vs. the far left? Just who is the real threat?

I agree. Before Trump, these COCKROACHES on the Alt Right just hid in chat rooms exchanging their racist bile.

No doubt, Obama made them crazier than they already were.

Trump has given them full license to bubble up from the filth.

Your post is definitely a demonstration of your lack of knowledge - the primary difference between "Neo-Nazi's" and the KKK is who they hate ---- the KKK hates blacks and the Neo-Nazis hate Jews. They are virtually two sides of the same coin.

The NeoNazis also hate blacks and mexicans, and the KKK also hates Jews and Mexicans.

And now they have friends in the White HOuse. They've been mainstreamed.
Once again, you post jingoism and trigger phrases designed to inflame, but you bring no facts. When shown facts, you conveniently ignore them. The ADL estimates about 3,000 KKK members and about 11,000 Neo-Nazis ... frankly, not even enough to fill a good-sized auditorium.

You have succumbed to the leftist propaganda - seized on a convenient villain and ignored the greater threat - whether the facts support it or not.

I agree, the numbers are small. The problem isn't just the guys who dress in sheets and brownshirts, it's the working class guy who isn't living as well as his dad (because the One Percent got rid of his union) and blames the Darkies who are the problem.

The Nazis are the rash the disease has broken out in.
Tell me ---- how much violence have you heard about in the past 5 years from white nationalists vs. the far left? Just who is the real threat?

I agree. Before Trump, these COCKROACHES on the Alt Right just hid in chat rooms exchanging their racist bile.

No doubt, Obama made them crazier than they already were.

Trump has given them full license to bubble up from the filth.

Your post is definitely a demonstration of your lack of knowledge - the primary difference between "Neo-Nazi's" and the KKK is who they hate ---- the KKK hates blacks and the Neo-Nazis hate Jews. They are virtually two sides of the same coin.

The NeoNazis also hate blacks and mexicans, and the KKK also hates Jews and Mexicans.

And now they have friends in the White HOuse. They've been mainstreamed.
You, of course, make that accusation - without a scintilla of proof. The truth means nothing to you?
Once again, you post jingoism and trigger phrases designed to inflame, but you bring no facts. When shown facts, you conveniently ignore them. The ADL estimates about 3,000 KKK members and about 11,000 Neo-Nazis ... frankly, not even enough to fill a good-sized auditorium.

You have succumbed to the leftist propaganda - seized on a convenient villain and ignored the greater threat - whether the facts support it or not.

I agree, the numbers are small. The problem isn't just the guys who dress in sheets and brownshirts, it's the working class guy who isn't living as well as his dad (because the One Percent got rid of his union) and blames the Darkies who are the problem.

The Nazis are the rash the disease has broken out in.
Ok, that was really dumb .... surely, you can do better than that.
SPLC calls Army bases ‘confederate monuments’ that must be ‘taken down’

The Southern Poverty Law Center has included three of the largest U.S. Army bases on their list of “Confederate monuments” with the “potential to unleash more turmoil and bloodshed” if liberal activists don’t “take them down.”

Nothing like spreading stupidity among the already weak minds of America.
and the pathetic sheep that go right along with it. I can't wait until these ANTI AMERICAN PIGS begin to eat themselves alive with thier own bs and regret.
Then again some are to far gone to regret a thing.
Southern Poverty Law Center is an organization full of shit.

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