Sports are now the pasttime of the Gay Community?

Didn't intend to but it.

Just observing the viewpoint of the Liberal Press and how they see the modern sports fan- as someone more like you.

Not even criticizing SI's leadership- they know their customers better than I do, and if they are more like Playgirl's readership, they would know and are responding.
Mate, I am the "norm" now and the world is better for it.
The integrity of the game is not dependent on the sexual orientation of the players.

Certainly can agree there. The Adorable Adrian Adonis was a tremendous gay competitor, no doubt about it.

However, WWF magazine didn't put him on the cover as part of a photo shoot with divas in bikinis.
The decision of Sports Illustrated to put an open , male homosexual on their swimsuit cover says a lot about how the editors see the modern American sports fan.

This really gives me pause about attending games in the future.

I know that attending an NFL game doesn't mean for certain that someone is a homo, but it certainly doesn't help someone who is seeking to maintain an aura of normalcy.

Ahh, the "modern American sports fan". Lets look at it.

You guys hate football because they sing the "black national anthem"
You guys hate basketball because black folks play it.
You guys hate all women sports because you guys think they belong in the kitchen
You guys hate baseball because well, I've forgotten why--oh yeah they yanked the baseball game from Georigia or something.

Gays are bigger spots fans than you guys are. Its amazing what happens when you check your hate and bigotry at the door.
Certainly can agree there. The Adorable Adrian Adonis was a tremendous gay competitor, no doubt about it.

However, WWF magazine didn't put him on the cover as part of a photo shoot with divas in bikinis.
Adrian Adonis wasn't gay, it was just the flamboyant part he played towards the end of his run.

Adrian Street was a gay wrestler though, I'm sure.
There was also a time where a picture of black recording artists were not on the album cover.
Times change.

So you are equating taking it in the caboose with being black?

Black people I know would whoop your honky ass over that kind of thing.
The decision of Sports Illustrated to put an open , male homosexual on their swimsuit cover says a lot about how the editors see the modern American sports fan.

This really gives me pause about attending games in the future.

I know that attending an NFL game doesn't mean for certain that someone is a homo, but it certainly doesn't help someone who is seeking to maintain an aura of normalcy.

I doubt that it's even the gay community promoting all this gayness into sports. More likely it's the woke, straight leftards doing it.
Tell you what. Take on Rhonda Rousey in a fight, then tell me how unfair it is to her.
Ronda Rousey vs Canelo or other top fighter wouldn't be much of a match.

I saw a mixed gender fight between Joey Buttafuoco and Chyna (a professional in the combat sports), and Joey took it easy.
Who cares what a magazine puts on its cover?

Why are right-wingers always so hysterical, thin-skinned, and whiny? They complain about who is in TV commercials, advertisements, now magazine covers. Yet they are the same people who scream about "free speech" and "censorship."
Who cares what a magazine puts on its cover?

Why are right-wingers always so hysterical, thin-skinned, and whiny? They complain about who is in TV commercials, advertisements, now magazine covers. Yet they are the same people who scream about "free speech" and "censorship."

Who is "hysterical" at all? Certainly not I.

Just observing and analyzing the WHY a prominent sports publication would make the decision to feature gaiety on its cover.

What is your thought? Are the number of gays increasing at a fever pace?
"Real sports fans" are some of the world's worst assholes.
Face it. You people just want to ruin the fun for every one of us, that is all this is.

You libturds worry about everyone elses lives but your own. Why? Your lives are too miserable to deal with so you ruin others.........Fuck you for doing it
Who cares what a magazine puts on its cover?

Why are right-wingers always so hysterical, thin-skinned, and whiny? They complain about who is in TV commercials, advertisements, now magazine covers. Yet they are the same people who scream about "free speech" and "censorship."

Same could be said for those on the left who whine about cultural appropriation, yet promote gender appropriation. Transrace is coming soon, since it will be the only way for white liberals to free themselves from their white privilege and prove they aren't closet racists...
Who is "hysterical" at all? Certainly not I.

Just observing and analyzing the WHY a prominent sports publication would make the decision to feature gaiety on its cover.

What is your thought? Are the number of gays increasing at a fever pace?
You have been consistently hysterical in your posts on USMB. Right-wingers are hysterical by nature.

Sexual orientation is something a person is born with, not a choice or a "disease" that one catches, so I doubt that the number of gays is increasing. They merely are just becoming more visible in society.

What is the source of your obsession with gays?

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