Spot the difference competition - Confederates v. Kneelers

The OP is be kind.

In a previous thread, myself and two other posters responded about
the use of the Confederate Flag being flown in Vietnam.

At the Firebase, I was at...the Confederate flag and American flag
flew on the same pole. At the other poster's Firebase...The Confederate
Flag was the only flag that flew over the camp.

The Confederate Flag was everywhere in Vietnam. And in case
you missed was being flown by American soldiers, sailors
and marines.
Probably shoulda stuck with the real flag over military installations.

Plus you know we lost in Vietnam right? That makes two wars lost under that rag.

Not on the Battlefield, we didn't. We killed 3 million of those zipper heads.
Our government gave that war away, and the American lives that went with it.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

The south was just not going to go quietly in the night. The North brought the fight to us.

Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our guns derp


160 years ago, the south cried, Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our slaves derp. How’d that turn out for y’all?

No regrets



Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

The south was just not going to go quietly in the night. The North brought the fight to us.

Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our guns derp


160 years ago, the south cried, Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our slaves derp. How’d that turn out for y’all?

No regrets


So, you don't regret that the north dragged your southern asses out of poverty? Then why celebrate the flag that would have made you into another Mexico?


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

The south was just not going to go quietly in the night. The North brought the fight to us.

Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our guns derp


160 years ago, the south cried, Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our slaves derp. How’d that turn out for y’all?

No regrets


So, you don't regret that the north dragged your southern asses out of poverty? Then why celebrate the flag that would have made you into another Mexico?

lol.... You're comments sound racist.

So, that's all it took, to get the South to embrace a pro-civil rights liberal Democrat? For him to be a fellow Southern?

It's almost like they aren't really that offended by Civil Rights.

SO, if you guys had been smart enough to run southerns since then, you could have won ever single election. And then where would all this nonsense about a "Southern Strategy" be?

No, they adopted it, because they were trying to gain support by appealing to regional pride.

They failed. And returned to the democratic party.
Yes, that’s all it took in 1976.

The conservative south has always been more racist than the north, regardless of political party. Just look at many in the north voted for civil rights for blacks. Look at how many in the south voted against it.


Then the south flipped from blue to red.



Conservatives are generally racist, regardless of which political party they support.

The Carter 1976 victory in the South showed that the Democrats flipping their position on Civil Rights did NOT turn the South against the Democratic Party.

I see in your post that you have repeated your previous and now refuted claim that it did.

But nothing in your post actually supports that.

The Myth of the Southern Strategy is that the Republicans have been pandering, somehow, to Southern Racists since Nixon to make the south solidly republican.

Carter's 1976 win of the South, despite a strong history on Civil Rights, disproves that.

Do you have something to say about that, or are you just going to keep repeating your now refuted claim, over and over again, like a broken record?
That the south went for a southerner does not discount how the south, for the most part, voted Republican in every other election since 1964.

You’re trying to argue the exception defines the rule, and you fail.

That Jimmy Carter had a strong record of being strongly pro-Civil Rights,

strongly undermines that claim that the REASON for the South voting republican was because of strong opposition to Civil Rights.

IF the exception had been some Dem with a WEAK record on Civil RIghts, or even a history of opposition to them, than your point would be more valid.

Jimmy Carter was not a racist.

Yet the south loved him.

This does not fit with the Myth of the Southern Strategy as pushed by you lefties.
What choice did the south have? Carter was running against a pro-civil rights northerner. Ford voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act. The south went with the southerner.

The one election since 1964 where the south all went for the southerner is the exception, It doesn’t void the rule.

They could have voted against the Party that betrayed them.

THat's supposed to be a big part of the Southern Strategy, ie resentment from the oh so terribly "racist" southerns against the democrat party that turned on them and was now full of blacks.

Instead, all of the didn't matter.

That raises the question, if it didn't matter THEN, and the South decided it's votes on another issue(s),

then how do we know that it mattered in the other elections?

And Ford was no exception to the Republican Party. The majority of it supported the Civil Rights Act, and civil rights in general.

He didn't get selected to be VP because he was some big outsider.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

The south was just not going to go quietly in the night. The North brought the fight to us.

Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our guns derp


160 years ago, the south cried, Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our slaves derp. How’d that turn out for y’all?

No regrets


So, you don't regret that the north dragged your southern asses out of poverty? Then why celebrate the flag that would have made you into another Mexico?

lol.... You're comments sound racist.


Your comments sound like deflection.

It's amazing what you can believe when you ignore reality.

Trying looking up GDP of Mexico.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

The south was just not going to go quietly in the night. The North brought the fight to us.

Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our guns derp


160 years ago, the south cried, Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our slaves derp. How’d that turn out for y’all?

No regrets


What’s not to regret? It wasn’t your fight.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?
Keep trying, you haven’t even become close to convincing me.
Yes, that’s all it took in 1976.

The conservative south has always been more racist than the north, regardless of political party. Just look at many in the north voted for civil rights for blacks. Look at how many in the south voted against it.


Then the south flipped from blue to red.



Conservatives are generally racist, regardless of which political party they support.

The Carter 1976 victory in the South showed that the Democrats flipping their position on Civil Rights did NOT turn the South against the Democratic Party.

I see in your post that you have repeated your previous and now refuted claim that it did.

But nothing in your post actually supports that.

The Myth of the Southern Strategy is that the Republicans have been pandering, somehow, to Southern Racists since Nixon to make the south solidly republican.

Carter's 1976 win of the South, despite a strong history on Civil Rights, disproves that.

Do you have something to say about that, or are you just going to keep repeating your now refuted claim, over and over again, like a broken record?
That the south went for a southerner does not discount how the south, for the most part, voted Republican in every other election since 1964.

You’re trying to argue the exception defines the rule, and you fail.

That Jimmy Carter had a strong record of being strongly pro-Civil Rights,

strongly undermines that claim that the REASON for the South voting republican was because of strong opposition to Civil Rights.

IF the exception had been some Dem with a WEAK record on Civil RIghts, or even a history of opposition to them, than your point would be more valid.

Jimmy Carter was not a racist.

Yet the south loved him.

This does not fit with the Myth of the Southern Strategy as pushed by you lefties.
What choice did the south have? Carter was running against a pro-civil rights northerner. Ford voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act. The south went with the southerner.

The one election since 1964 where the south all went for the southerner is the exception, It doesn’t void the rule.

They could have voted against the Party that betrayed them.

THat's supposed to be a big part of the Southern Strategy, ie resentment from the oh so terribly "racist" southerns against the democrat party that turned on them and was now full of blacks.

Instead, all of the didn't matter.

That raises the question, if it didn't matter THEN, and the South decided it's votes on another issue(s),

then how do we know that it mattered in the other elections?
They tried to get someone else. Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina selected racist George Wallace. Wallace almost took North Carolina and Florida and likely would have taken Georgia too had Georgia not had their former governor running.


And Ford was no exception to the Republican Party. The majority of it supported the Civil Rights Act, and civil rights in general.

He didn't get selected to be VP because he was some big outsider.
A majority of Democrats also voted in favor of it, thanks to northern Democrats, like northern Republicans, who overwhelmingly supported it.

The racist south, almost all Democrat in 1964, overwhelmingly voted against it. Even the few Republicans in the south all voted against it.
The Carter 1976 victory in the South showed that the Democrats flipping their position on Civil Rights did NOT turn the South against the Democratic Party.

I see in your post that you have repeated your previous and now refuted claim that it did.

But nothing in your post actually supports that.

The Myth of the Southern Strategy is that the Republicans have been pandering, somehow, to Southern Racists since Nixon to make the south solidly republican.

Carter's 1976 win of the South, despite a strong history on Civil Rights, disproves that.

Do you have something to say about that, or are you just going to keep repeating your now refuted claim, over and over again, like a broken record?
That the south went for a southerner does not discount how the south, for the most part, voted Republican in every other election since 1964.

You’re trying to argue the exception defines the rule, and you fail.

That Jimmy Carter had a strong record of being strongly pro-Civil Rights,

strongly undermines that claim that the REASON for the South voting republican was because of strong opposition to Civil Rights.

IF the exception had been some Dem with a WEAK record on Civil RIghts, or even a history of opposition to them, than your point would be more valid.

Jimmy Carter was not a racist.

Yet the south loved him.

This does not fit with the Myth of the Southern Strategy as pushed by you lefties.
What choice did the south have? Carter was running against a pro-civil rights northerner. Ford voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act. The south went with the southerner.

The one election since 1964 where the south all went for the southerner is the exception, It doesn’t void the rule.

They could have voted against the Party that betrayed them.

THat's supposed to be a big part of the Southern Strategy, ie resentment from the oh so terribly "racist" southerns against the democrat party that turned on them and was now full of blacks.

Instead, all of the didn't matter.

That raises the question, if it didn't matter THEN, and the South decided it's votes on another issue(s),

then how do we know that it mattered in the other elections?
They tried to get someone else. Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina selected racist George Wallace. Wallace almost took North Carolina and Florida and likely would have taken Georgia too had Georgia not had their former governor running.


Almost taking? YOu know what we call that where I come from? Losing.

You just demonstrated the weakness and impotence of Southern Racism, as a political force.

There are at least three times as many southern states that went to Carter, than went to Wallace.

Shortly after that, even George Wallace gave up on racism as a political position, and repented, and ran as a pro-civil rights candidate for his final term as governor.

And won, despite, or was it because? of his flip on that issue. That you vile lefties are pretending is still driving Southern votes.

And Ford was no exception to the Republican Party. The majority of it supported the Civil Rights Act, and civil rights in general.

He didn't get selected to be VP because he was some big outsider.
A majority of Democrats also voted in favor of it, thanks to northern Democrats, like northern Republicans, who overwhelmingly supported it.

I never said otherwise.

Ford's support of the Civil Rights Bill was completely within the Republican mainstream.

Racism, at least white racism, was a spent political force, by that time.

The racist south, almost all Democrat in 1964, overwhelmingly voted against it. Even the few Republicans in the south all voted against it.

And then what? After that point in time, neither party had a platform to appeal to southern racists.

THey were marginalized from that point on.

Even George Wallace gave up the ghost before long.
That the south went for a southerner does not discount how the south, for the most part, voted Republican in every other election since 1964.

You’re trying to argue the exception defines the rule, and you fail.

That Jimmy Carter had a strong record of being strongly pro-Civil Rights,

strongly undermines that claim that the REASON for the South voting republican was because of strong opposition to Civil Rights.

IF the exception had been some Dem with a WEAK record on Civil RIghts, or even a history of opposition to them, than your point would be more valid.

Jimmy Carter was not a racist.

Yet the south loved him.

This does not fit with the Myth of the Southern Strategy as pushed by you lefties.
What choice did the south have? Carter was running against a pro-civil rights northerner. Ford voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act. The south went with the southerner.

The one election since 1964 where the south all went for the southerner is the exception, It doesn’t void the rule.

They could have voted against the Party that betrayed them.

THat's supposed to be a big part of the Southern Strategy, ie resentment from the oh so terribly "racist" southerns against the democrat party that turned on them and was now full of blacks.

Instead, all of the didn't matter.

That raises the question, if it didn't matter THEN, and the South decided it's votes on another issue(s),

then how do we know that it mattered in the other elections?
They tried to get someone else. Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina selected racist George Wallace. Wallace almost took North Carolina and Florida and likely would have taken Georgia too had Georgia not had their former governor running.


Almost taking? YOu know what we call that where I come from? Losing.

You just demonstrated the weakness and impotence of Southern Racism, as a political force.

There are at least three times as many southern states that went to Carter, than went to Wallace.

Shortly after that, even George Wallace gave up on racism as a political position, and repented, and ran as a pro-civil rights candidate for his final term as governor.

And won, despite, or was it because? of his flip on that issue. That you vile lefties are pretending is still driving Southern votes.

And Ford was no exception to the Republican Party. The majority of it supported the Civil Rights Act, and civil rights in general.

He didn't get selected to be VP because he was some big outsider.
A majority of Democrats also voted in favor of it, thanks to northern Democrats, like northern Republicans, who overwhelmingly supported it.

I never said otherwise.

Ford's support of the Civil Rights Bill was completely within the Republican mainstream.

Racism, at least white racism, was a spent political force, by that time.

The racist south, almost all Democrat in 1964, overwhelmingly voted against it. Even the few Republicans in the south all voted against it.

And then what? After that point in time, neither party had a platform to appeal to southern racists.

THey were marginalized from that point on.

Even George Wallace gave up the ghost before long.
Try posting with words next time. :badgrin:
That Jimmy Carter had a strong record of being strongly pro-Civil Rights,

strongly undermines that claim that the REASON for the South voting republican was because of strong opposition to Civil Rights.

IF the exception had been some Dem with a WEAK record on Civil RIghts, or even a history of opposition to them, than your point would be more valid.

Jimmy Carter was not a racist.

Yet the south loved him.

This does not fit with the Myth of the Southern Strategy as pushed by you lefties.
What choice did the south have? Carter was running against a pro-civil rights northerner. Ford voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act. The south went with the southerner.

The one election since 1964 where the south all went for the southerner is the exception, It doesn’t void the rule.

They could have voted against the Party that betrayed them.

THat's supposed to be a big part of the Southern Strategy, ie resentment from the oh so terribly "racist" southerns against the democrat party that turned on them and was now full of blacks.

Instead, all of the didn't matter.

That raises the question, if it didn't matter THEN, and the South decided it's votes on another issue(s),

then how do we know that it mattered in the other elections?
They tried to get someone else. Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina selected racist George Wallace. Wallace almost took North Carolina and Florida and likely would have taken Georgia too had Georgia not had their former governor running.


Almost taking? YOu know what we call that where I come from? Losing.

You just demonstrated the weakness and impotence of Southern Racism, as a political force.

There are at least three times as many southern states that went to Carter, than went to Wallace.

Shortly after that, even George Wallace gave up on racism as a political position, and repented, and ran as a pro-civil rights candidate for his final term as governor.

And won, despite, or was it because? of his flip on that issue. That you vile lefties are pretending is still driving Southern votes.

And Ford was no exception to the Republican Party. The majority of it supported the Civil Rights Act, and civil rights in general.

He didn't get selected to be VP because he was some big outsider.
A majority of Democrats also voted in favor of it, thanks to northern Democrats, like northern Republicans, who overwhelmingly supported it.

I never said otherwise.

Ford's support of the Civil Rights Bill was completely within the Republican mainstream.

Racism, at least white racism, was a spent political force, by that time.

The racist south, almost all Democrat in 1964, overwhelmingly voted against it. Even the few Republicans in the south all voted against it.

And then what? After that point in time, neither party had a platform to appeal to southern racists.

THey were marginalized from that point on.

Even George Wallace gave up the ghost before long.
Try posting with words next time. :badgrin:

If you want to pretend that you are too stupid to see what my answers were, despite a minor mix up with the quotes, I will accept that.

Have some one less stupid than you read it to you, then answer when you can.

That is a rhetorical post. I know that you have switched over to avoidance strategy, because you know that you are you getting your ass kicked.
What choice did the south have? Carter was running against a pro-civil rights northerner. Ford voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act. The south went with the southerner.

The one election since 1964 where the south all went for the southerner is the exception, It doesn’t void the rule.

They could have voted against the Party that betrayed them.

THat's supposed to be a big part of the Southern Strategy, ie resentment from the oh so terribly "racist" southerns against the democrat party that turned on them and was now full of blacks.

Instead, all of the didn't matter.

That raises the question, if it didn't matter THEN, and the South decided it's votes on another issue(s),

then how do we know that it mattered in the other elections?
They tried to get someone else. Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina selected racist George Wallace. Wallace almost took North Carolina and Florida and likely would have taken Georgia too had Georgia not had their former governor running.


Almost taking? YOu know what we call that where I come from? Losing.

You just demonstrated the weakness and impotence of Southern Racism, as a political force.

There are at least three times as many southern states that went to Carter, than went to Wallace.

Shortly after that, even George Wallace gave up on racism as a political position, and repented, and ran as a pro-civil rights candidate for his final term as governor.

And won, despite, or was it because? of his flip on that issue. That you vile lefties are pretending is still driving Southern votes.

And Ford was no exception to the Republican Party. The majority of it supported the Civil Rights Act, and civil rights in general.

He didn't get selected to be VP because he was some big outsider.
A majority of Democrats also voted in favor of it, thanks to northern Democrats, like northern Republicans, who overwhelmingly supported it.

I never said otherwise.

Ford's support of the Civil Rights Bill was completely within the Republican mainstream.

Racism, at least white racism, was a spent political force, by that time.

The racist south, almost all Democrat in 1964, overwhelmingly voted against it. Even the few Republicans in the south all voted against it.

And then what? After that point in time, neither party had a platform to appeal to southern racists.

THey were marginalized from that point on.

Even George Wallace gave up the ghost before long.
Try posting with words next time. :badgrin:

If you want to pretend that you are too stupid to see what my answers were, despite a minor mix up with the quotes, I will accept that.

Have some one less stupid than you read it to you, then answer when you can.

That is a rhetorical post. I know that you have switched over to avoidance strategy, because you know that you are you getting your ass kicked.
Nah, my time is too precious to decipher mindlessly empty posts from idiots too stupid to navigate the quote feature on this forum which does all the work for you. All you have to do is tap or click on [reply] and type. Even a monkey can do that by accident.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

The south was just not going to go quietly in the night. The North brought the fight to us.

Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our guns derp


160 years ago, the south cried, Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our slaves derp. How’d that turn out for y’all?

No regrets


What’s not to regret? It wasn’t your fight.

Next time you are asking a rhetorical question then just say so

You asked a question and I answered... Don't be such a meathead

They could have voted against the Party that betrayed them.

THat's supposed to be a big part of the Southern Strategy, ie resentment from the oh so terribly "racist" southerns against the democrat party that turned on them and was now full of blacks.

Instead, all of the didn't matter.

That raises the question, if it didn't matter THEN, and the South decided it's votes on another issue(s),

then how do we know that it mattered in the other elections?
They tried to get someone else. Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina selected racist George Wallace. Wallace almost took North Carolina and Florida and likely would have taken Georgia too had Georgia not had their former governor running.


Almost taking? YOu know what we call that where I come from? Losing.

You just demonstrated the weakness and impotence of Southern Racism, as a political force.

There are at least three times as many southern states that went to Carter, than went to Wallace.

Shortly after that, even George Wallace gave up on racism as a political position, and repented, and ran as a pro-civil rights candidate for his final term as governor.

And won, despite, or was it because? of his flip on that issue. That you vile lefties are pretending is still driving Southern votes.

A majority of Democrats also voted in favor of it, thanks to northern Democrats, like northern Republicans, who overwhelmingly supported it.

I never said otherwise.

Ford's support of the Civil Rights Bill was completely within the Republican mainstream.

Racism, at least white racism, was a spent political force, by that time.

The racist south, almost all Democrat in 1964, overwhelmingly voted against it. Even the few Republicans in the south all voted against it.

And then what? After that point in time, neither party had a platform to appeal to southern racists.

THey were marginalized from that point on.

Even George Wallace gave up the ghost before long.
Try posting with words next time. :badgrin:

If you want to pretend that you are too stupid to see what my answers were, despite a minor mix up with the quotes, I will accept that.

Have some one less stupid than you read it to you, then answer when you can.

That is a rhetorical post. I know that you have switched over to avoidance strategy, because you know that you are you getting your ass kicked.
Nah, my time is too precious to decipher mindlessly empty posts from idiots too stupid to navigate the quote feature on this forum which does all the work for you. All you have to do is tap or click on [reply] and type. Even a monkey can do that by accident.

Your time is so precious that you spend it telling me again and again, that you are too stupid to read a post to reply to it.

They tried to get someone else. Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina selected racist George Wallace. Wallace almost took North Carolina and Florida and likely would have taken Georgia too had Georgia not had their former governor running.


I never said otherwise.

Ford's support of the Civil Rights Bill was completely within the Republican mainstream.

Racism, at least white racism, was a spent political force, by that time.

And then what? After that point in time, neither party had a platform to appeal to southern racists.

THey were marginalized from that point on.

Even George Wallace gave up the ghost before long.
Try posting with words next time. :badgrin:

If you want to pretend that you are too stupid to see what my answers were, despite a minor mix up with the quotes, I will accept that.

Have some one less stupid than you read it to you, then answer when you can.

That is a rhetorical post. I know that you have switched over to avoidance strategy, because you know that you are you getting your ass kicked.
Nah, my time is too precious to decipher mindlessly empty posts from idiots too stupid to navigate the quote feature on this forum which does all the work for you. All you have to do is tap or click on [reply] and type. Even a monkey can do that by accident.

Your time is so precious that you spend it telling me again and again, that you are too stupid to read a post to reply to it.

Why on Earth would I read a post with no words in it? :dunno:


Learn how to use the quote function better and I’ll reply.
Try posting with words next time. :badgrin:

If you want to pretend that you are too stupid to see what my answers were, despite a minor mix up with the quotes, I will accept that.

Have some one less stupid than you read it to you, then answer when you can.

That is a rhetorical post. I know that you have switched over to avoidance strategy, because you know that you are you getting your ass kicked.
Nah, my time is too precious to decipher mindlessly empty posts from idiots too stupid to navigate the quote feature on this forum which does all the work for you. All you have to do is tap or click on [reply] and type. Even a monkey can do that by accident.

Your time is so precious that you spend it telling me again and again, that you are too stupid to read a post to reply to it.

Why on Earth would I read a post with no words in it? :dunno:


Learn how to use the quote function better and I’ll reply.

The moron said, in reply.

Good thing you are saving your time to use wisely.
Try posting with words next time. :badgrin:

If you want to pretend that you are too stupid to see what my answers were, despite a minor mix up with the quotes, I will accept that.

Have some one less stupid than you read it to you, then answer when you can.

That is a rhetorical post. I know that you have switched over to avoidance strategy, because you know that you are you getting your ass kicked.
Nah, my time is too precious to decipher mindlessly empty posts from idiots too stupid to navigate the quote feature on this forum which does all the work for you. All you have to do is tap or click on [reply] and type. Even a monkey can do that by accident.

Your time is so precious that you spend it telling me again and again, that you are too stupid to read a post to reply to it.

Why on Earth would I read a post with no words in it? :dunno:


Learn how to use the quote function better and I’ll reply.

The moron said, in reply.

Good thing you are saving your time to use wisely.

Spits the idiot who struggles with the forum’s quote feature, which formats the quotes in your post for you.


Let me know when you’re done flashing an irony sign above your pointy head.

In the meantime, see if you can get back on topic, which is how racist the Republican South is.

The Ku Klux Klan officially endorses Donald Trump for president
If you want to pretend that you are too stupid to see what my answers were, despite a minor mix up with the quotes, I will accept that.

Have some one less stupid than you read it to you, then answer when you can.

That is a rhetorical post. I know that you have switched over to avoidance strategy, because you know that you are you getting your ass kicked.
Nah, my time is too precious to decipher mindlessly empty posts from idiots too stupid to navigate the quote feature on this forum which does all the work for you. All you have to do is tap or click on [reply] and type. Even a monkey can do that by accident.

Your time is so precious that you spend it telling me again and again, that you are too stupid to read a post to reply to it.

Why on Earth would I read a post with no words in it? :dunno:


Learn how to use the quote function better and I’ll reply.

The moron said, in reply.

Good thing you are saving your time to use wisely.

Spits the idiot who struggles with the forum’s quote feature, which formats the quotes in your post for you.


Let me know when you’re done flashing an irony sign above your pointy head.

In the meantime, see if you can get back on topic, which is how racist the Republican South is.

The Ku Klux Klan officially endorses Donald Trump for president

The Klan has about as many members as the USA communists party and far less influence.

They are an irrelevant fringe.

THe thread title is about the Kneelers.

If the idea of standing for the National Anthem offends you, you are an anti-American asshole.
Nah, my time is too precious to decipher mindlessly empty posts from idiots too stupid to navigate the quote feature on this forum which does all the work for you. All you have to do is tap or click on [reply] and type. Even a monkey can do that by accident.

Your time is so precious that you spend it telling me again and again, that you are too stupid to read a post to reply to it.

Why on Earth would I read a post with no words in it? :dunno:


Learn how to use the quote function better and I’ll reply.

The moron said, in reply.

Good thing you are saving your time to use wisely.

Spits the idiot who struggles with the forum’s quote feature, which formats the quotes in your post for you.


Let me know when you’re done flashing an irony sign above your pointy head.

In the meantime, see if you can get back on topic, which is how racist the Republican South is.

The Ku Klux Klan officially endorses Donald Trump for president

The Klan has about as many members as the USA communists party and far less influence.

They are an irrelevant fringe.

THe thread title is about the Kneelers.

If the idea of standing for the National Anthem offends you, you are an anti-American asshole.
Just as easily stated, if you’re against a peaceful protest, you’re an anti-American asshole.

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