Spot the difference competition - Confederates v. Kneelers

Yep. Doesn't justify slavery though. Again the owners were lazy and immoral and nothing is going to justify whipping another human simply to make them work harder for nothing.
Todays illegal beaners is just another form of slavery. Democrats like having wetback labor



Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

You must have extraordinary long arms to reach that comparison. Anybody who has lived in America and has any sense of our history knows who those people are flying the confederate flag in your picture. Nobody in this country questions their patriotism. It’s like saying someone dressed like a devil for Halloween is a follower of satanism. You are the first person I have ever heard of questioning who those people are, and that makes you very very special, so put on your helmet, and wait for the short bus to come pick you up.
I question their patriotism, their loyalty, and their reasoning abilities.
Yep. Get rid of immigrant workers and raise the wage significantly for American workers. Who isn't down with that? And I'm sure it isn't only democrat business owners wanting dirt cheap labor.
Y'all keep defending the kneelers, if they keep it up they are hurting their self, no mater how you defend them, if we don't watch then maybe they will understand then, they are kind of a dumb hard headed bunch.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I just have to shake my head at how much control tRump has over some of you people.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

You must have extraordinary long arms to reach that comparison. Anybody who has lived in America and has any sense of our history knows who those people are flying the confederate flag in your picture. Nobody in this country questions their patriotism. It’s like saying someone dressed like a devil for Halloween is a follower of satanism. You are the first person I have ever heard of questioning who those people are, and that makes you very very special, so put on your helmet, and wait for the short bus to come pick you up.
I question their patriotism, their loyalty, and their reasoning abilities.

Loyalty to what?

You'll find those folks to be some of the most patriotic Americans around.

The OP is be kind.

In a previous thread, myself and two other posters responded about
the use of the Confederate Flag being flown in Vietnam.

At the Firebase, I was at...the Confederate flag and American flag
flew on the same pole. At the other poster's Firebase...The Confederate
Flag was the only flag that flew over the camp.

The Confederate Flag was everywhere in Vietnam. And in case
you missed was being flown by American soldiers, sailors
and marines.
Probably shoulda stuck with the real flag over military installations.

Plus you know we lost in Vietnam right? That makes two wars lost under that rag.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

You must have extraordinary long arms to reach that comparison. Anybody who has lived in America and has any sense of our history knows who those people are flying the confederate flag in your picture. Nobody in this country questions their patriotism. It’s like saying someone dressed like a devil for Halloween is a follower of satanism. You are the first person I have ever heard of questioning who those people are, and that makes you very very special, so put on your helmet, and wait for the short bus to come pick you up.
I question their patriotism, their loyalty, and their reasoning abilities.

Loyalty to what?

You'll find those folks to be some of the most patriotic Americans around.

Loyalty to what is indeed the question. And the problem.
Yep. Get rid of immigrant workers and raise the wage significantly for American workers. Who isn't down with that? And I'm sure it isn't only democrat business owners wanting dirt cheap labor.

Im good with that. Pay workers lets say, $20/hr to pick crops. Pass the cost on to the consumer and I'm good with that. Albeit, it wont impact me as I have a 1/2 acre garden

The conservative south was already mostly Republican by 1976. They voted Democrat for president in 1976 only because the Democrat was from the south.

So, that's all it took, to get the South to embrace a pro-civil rights liberal Democrat? For him to be a fellow Southern?

It's almost like they aren't really that offended by Civil Rights.

SO, if you guys had been smart enough to run southerns since then, you could have won ever single election. And then where would all this nonsense about a "Southern Strategy" be?

That aside, by the 1940’s, the Dixiecrats adopted the confederate flag because it represented their divisiveness and racist agenda; which was followed by the KKK using that same flag for that same reason.

No, they adopted it, because they were trying to gain support by appealing to regional pride.

They failed. And returned to the democratic party.
Yes, that’s all it took in 1976.

The conservative south has always been more racist than the north, regardless of political party. Just look at many in the north voted for civil rights for blacks. Look at how many in the south voted against it.


Then the south flipped from blue to red.



Conservatives are generally racist, regardless of which political party they support.

The Carter 1976 victory in the South showed that the Democrats flipping their position on Civil Rights did NOT turn the South against the Democratic Party.

I see in your post that you have repeated your previous and now refuted claim that it did.

But nothing in your post actually supports that.

The Myth of the Southern Strategy is that the Republicans have been pandering, somehow, to Southern Racists since Nixon to make the south solidly republican.

Carter's 1976 win of the South, despite a strong history on Civil Rights, disproves that.

Do you have something to say about that, or are you just going to keep repeating your now refuted claim, over and over again, like a broken record?
That the south went for a southerner does not discount how the south, for the most part, voted Republican in every other election since 1964.

You’re trying to argue the exception defines the rule, and you fail.

That Jimmy Carter had a strong record of being strongly pro-Civil Rights,

strongly undermines that claim that the REASON for the South voting republican was because of strong opposition to Civil Rights.

IF the exception had been some Dem with a WEAK record on Civil RIghts, or even a history of opposition to them, than your point would be more valid.

Jimmy Carter was not a racist.

Yet the south loved him.

This does not fit with the Myth of the Southern Strategy as pushed by you lefties.
What choice did the south have? Carter was running against a pro-civil rights northerner. Ford voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act. The south went with the southerner.

The one election since 1964 where the south all went for the southerner is the exception, It doesn’t void the rule.
No, it was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.




The 1948 Dixiecrat Convention. You know, what racists like you call demonstrating regional pride...



Actually they are not "celebrating their heritage", they are having a political rally.

It is two very different actions.

The dixicrats lasted for ONE presidential election, when the racist white southerns rebelled against the national dem party betraying them.

They were a blip. After that those regional racist dems almost completely abandoned their regional rebellion against the dems and rejoined the national dem party for decades to come.

Where they were welcomed back with open arms.



Do you believe that Jimmy Carter was a White Nationalist?

Why do you support the racists and not the Civil War Vets, and Hollywood?
The conservative south was already mostly Republican by 1976. They voted Democrat for president in 1976 only because the Democrat was from the south.

So, that's all it took, to get the South to embrace a pro-civil rights liberal Democrat? For him to be a fellow Southern?

It's almost like they aren't really that offended by Civil Rights.

SO, if you guys had been smart enough to run southerns since then, you could have won ever single election. And then where would all this nonsense about a "Southern Strategy" be?

That aside, by the 1940’s, the Dixiecrats adopted the confederate flag because it represented their divisiveness and racist agenda; which was followed by the KKK using that same flag for that same reason.

No, they adopted it, because they were trying to gain support by appealing to regional pride.

They failed. And returned to the democratic party.
Yes, that’s all it took in 1976.

The conservative south has always been more racist than the north, regardless of political party. Just look at many in the north voted for civil rights for blacks. Look at how many in the south voted against it.


Then the south flipped from blue to red.



Conservatives are generally racist, regardless of which political party they support.

Lying turd, in the year 2018 the North is way more racist and segregated then then the south.
So, that's all it took, to get the South to embrace a pro-civil rights liberal Democrat? For him to be a fellow Southern?

It's almost like they aren't really that offended by Civil Rights.

SO, if you guys had been smart enough to run southerns since then, you could have won ever single election. And then where would all this nonsense about a "Southern Strategy" be?

No, they adopted it, because they were trying to gain support by appealing to regional pride.

They failed. And returned to the democratic party.
Yes, that’s all it took in 1976.

The conservative south has always been more racist than the north, regardless of political party. Just look at many in the north voted for civil rights for blacks. Look at how many in the south voted against it.


Then the south flipped from blue to red.



Conservatives are generally racist, regardless of which political party they support.

The Carter 1976 victory in the South showed that the Democrats flipping their position on Civil Rights did NOT turn the South against the Democratic Party.

I see in your post that you have repeated your previous and now refuted claim that it did.

But nothing in your post actually supports that.

The Myth of the Southern Strategy is that the Republicans have been pandering, somehow, to Southern Racists since Nixon to make the south solidly republican.

Carter's 1976 win of the South, despite a strong history on Civil Rights, disproves that.

Do you have something to say about that, or are you just going to keep repeating your now refuted claim, over and over again, like a broken record?
That the south went for a southerner does not discount how the south, for the most part, voted Republican in every other election since 1964.

You’re trying to argue the exception defines the rule, and you fail.

That Jimmy Carter had a strong record of being strongly pro-Civil Rights,

strongly undermines that claim that the REASON for the South voting republican was because of strong opposition to Civil Rights.

IF the exception had been some Dem with a WEAK record on Civil RIghts, or even a history of opposition to them, than your point would be more valid.

Jimmy Carter was not a racist.

Yet the south loved him.

This does not fit with the Myth of the Southern Strategy as pushed by you lefties.
What choice did the south have? Carter was running against a pro-civil rights northerner. Ford voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act. The south went with the southerner.

The one election since 1964 where the south all went for the southerner is the exception, It doesn’t void the rule.

More spin? Take Atlanta for example they still have a Democrat mayor.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

You must have extraordinary long arms to reach that comparison. Anybody who has lived in America and has any sense of our history knows who those people are flying the confederate flag in your picture. Nobody in this country questions their patriotism. It’s like saying someone dressed like a devil for Halloween is a follower of satanism. You are the first person I have ever heard of questioning who those people are, and that makes you very very special, so put on your helmet, and wait for the short bus to come pick you up.
I question their patriotism, their loyalty, and their reasoning abilities.

Loyalty to what?

You'll find those folks to be some of the most patriotic Americans around.


Which comes to the question of how you define patriotism.

These people become some of the most patriotic because they will say "this is patriotism" and then be good at what they say is patriotism. That doesn't make them more patriotic.

It just means they're more likely to pretend they're the only patriots out there.
How about putting the confederate flag down and putting up the American flag. The civil war is over. It has been decided. Move on now.

Its about heritage


Your heritage is treason.

No ti's not


ti's? I assume it's.

Yes, it is. You wave a flag that was a flag of treason.

The Confederacy wanted to leave the US without consent. That's treason towards the US.

Had the Confederacy won, would the Confederacy now be a part of the US?


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

The south was just not going to go quietly in the night. The North brought the fight to us.

Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our guns derp


160 years ago, the south cried, Just wait and see what happens if you loons come after our slaves derp. How’d that turn out for y’all?
How about putting the confederate flag down and putting up the American flag. The civil war is over. It has been decided. Move on now.

Its about heritage


Your heritage is treason.

No ti's not


ti's? I assume it's.

Yes, it is. You wave a flag that was a flag of treason.

The Confederacy wanted to leave the US without consent. That's treason towards the US.

Had the Confederacy won, would the Confederacy now be a part of the US?

The USl left great Britain with out consent, how stupid are you?

How much more do you justify?
The 1948 Dixiecrat Convention. You know, what racists like you call demonstrating regional pride...



Actually they are not "celebrating their heritage", they are having a political rally.

It is two very different actions.

The dixicrats lasted for ONE presidential election, when the racist white southerns rebelled against the national dem party betraying them.

They were a blip. After that those regional racist dems almost completely abandoned their regional rebellion against the dems and rejoined the national dem party for decades to come.

Where they were welcomed back with open arms.



Do you believe that Jimmy Carter was a White Nationalist?

Why do you support the racists and not the Civil War Vets, and Hollywood?
The conservative south was already mostly Republican by 1976. They voted Democrat for president in 1976 only because the Democrat was from the south.

So, that's all it took, to get the South to embrace a pro-civil rights liberal Democrat? For him to be a fellow Southern?

It's almost like they aren't really that offended by Civil Rights.

SO, if you guys had been smart enough to run southerns since then, you could have won ever single election. And then where would all this nonsense about a "Southern Strategy" be?

That aside, by the 1940’s, the Dixiecrats adopted the confederate flag because it represented their divisiveness and racist agenda; which was followed by the KKK using that same flag for that same reason.

No, they adopted it, because they were trying to gain support by appealing to regional pride.

They failed. And returned to the democratic party.
Yes, that’s all it took in 1976.

The conservative south has always been more racist than the north, regardless of political party. Just look at many in the north voted for civil rights for blacks. Look at how many in the south voted against it.


Then the south flipped from blue to red.



Conservatives are generally racist, regardless of which political party they support.

Lying turd, in the year 2018 the North is way more racist and segregated then then the south.
Too bad, nuh-uh, is all you’ve got.

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