Spot the difference competition - Confederates v. Kneelers


It's been accepted as such only because the people of the region largely agreed with the cause for which it stood.
That in no way negates the fact that the confederacy and it's symbols were and are based on the idea of white supremacy.
That is anathema to the founding principles of our nation. The entire cause is disrespectful to the anthem and the flag. Both were rejected by confederacy.

No, it was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.




The moral authority granted every American since racists adopted that flag since at least the 1940ā€™s.

Racists don't get to co-opt something just because they want to. They are just as likely to fly the American Flag and that isn't theirs either.

By trying to give them "ownership" of that flag, you are working WITH THEM to exaggerate their importance and relevance.

If they were better people, they would send you a thank you card and a fruit basket.

Me? I reject their claim to a symbol of regional pride of tens of millions of good Americans.

THe racists are a fringe group of no power or importance.

THe WHITE racists at least.
Racists adopted the flag because it was a symbol of divisiveness and slavery long before they latched onto it.

No, they adopted it for the same reason they try adopt the American Flag.

They want to try to co-opt other movements and concepts to inflate their status and try to attract more attention and maybe, just maybe recruits.

However they are too small and irrelevant of a force to give them what they want, ie ownership of a symbol of regional pride.

You are welcome to work with them on trying to inflate their statue and relevance.

But I reject their pathetic attempts at relevance.

And refuse to help them, like you.
Hiding your head up your ass like youā€™re doing doesnā€™t make them go away. Just like denying the significance of that flag, which is rooted in divisiveness and slavery, doesnā€™t alter that either. That canā€™t be washed off that flag no matter how ignorant you are.

Not only CAN if be, but it was, for over 5 generations.

Your manufactured offense at it is not credible.

This is not about that, this is about YOU having a problem with the idea of Southern Whites having pride in their Heritage.

Question: What do you know of Joan Baez? Do you consider her a White Supremacist?


You remain a racist idiot. Ignoring that Dixiecrats were racists who adopted that flag since it represented the divisiveness and racist attitudes of the south doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t happen; it only means you wish it didnā€™t. Same with the KKK.
Racists don't get to co-opt something just because they want to. They are just as likely to fly the American Flag and that isn't theirs either.

By trying to give them "ownership" of that flag, you are working WITH THEM to exaggerate their importance and relevance.

If they were better people, they would send you a thank you card and a fruit basket.

Me? I reject their claim to a symbol of regional pride of tens of millions of good Americans.

THe racists are a fringe group of no power or importance.

THe WHITE racists at least.
Racists adopted the flag because it was a symbol of divisiveness and slavery long before they latched onto it.

No, they adopted it for the same reason they try adopt the American Flag.

They want to try to co-opt other movements and concepts to inflate their status and try to attract more attention and maybe, just maybe recruits.

However they are too small and irrelevant of a force to give them what they want, ie ownership of a symbol of regional pride.

You are welcome to work with them on trying to inflate their statue and relevance.

But I reject their pathetic attempts at relevance.

And refuse to help them, like you.
Hiding your head up your ass like youā€™re doing doesnā€™t make them go away. Just like denying the significance of that flag, which is rooted in divisiveness and slavery, doesnā€™t alter that either. That canā€™t be washed off that flag no matter how ignorant you are.

Not only CAN if be, but it was, for over 5 generations.

Your manufactured offense at it is not credible.

This is not about that, this is about YOU having a problem with the idea of Southern Whites having pride in their Heritage.

Question: What do you know of Joan Baez? Do you consider her a White Supremacist?


You remain a racist idiot. Ignoring that Dixiecrats were racists who adopted that flag since it represented the divisiveness and racist attitudes of the south doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t happen; it only means you wish it didnā€™t. Same with the KKK.

Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post. Because you can't.

That's the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

You lose.

It was also the Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominen. You lose double.

In response to your insults, Fuck you too.

Do you think that Joan Baez is a WHite Surpremacist?


It's been accepted as such only because the people of the region largely agreed with the cause for which it stood.
That in no way negates the fact that the confederacy and it's symbols were and are based on the idea of white supremacy.
That is anathema to the founding principles of our nation. The entire cause is disrespectful to the anthem and the flag. Both were rejected by confederacy.

No, it was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.




The 1948 Dixiecrat Convention. You know, what racists like you call demonstrating regional pride...


A KKK rally during the civil rights era. You know, what racists like you call demonstrating regional pride...


Protesters gathering at the University of Alabama in 1956 expressing outrage over the admission of the schools first black student. You know, what racists like you call demonstrating regional pride...


More protesters waving Confederate flags at a protest against racial integration in Montgomery, Alabama, 1963. You know, what racists like you call demonstrating regional pride...


More regional pride during the civil rights era in Indiana, right...?

Racists adopted the flag because it was a symbol of divisiveness and slavery long before they latched onto it.

No, they adopted it for the same reason they try adopt the American Flag.

They want to try to co-opt other movements and concepts to inflate their status and try to attract more attention and maybe, just maybe recruits.

However they are too small and irrelevant of a force to give them what they want, ie ownership of a symbol of regional pride.

You are welcome to work with them on trying to inflate their statue and relevance.

But I reject their pathetic attempts at relevance.

And refuse to help them, like you.
Hiding your head up your ass like youā€™re doing doesnā€™t make them go away. Just like denying the significance of that flag, which is rooted in divisiveness and slavery, doesnā€™t alter that either. That canā€™t be washed off that flag no matter how ignorant you are.

Not only CAN if be, but it was, for over 5 generations.

Your manufactured offense at it is not credible.

This is not about that, this is about YOU having a problem with the idea of Southern Whites having pride in their Heritage.

Question: What do you know of Joan Baez? Do you consider her a White Supremacist?


You remain a racist idiot. Ignoring that Dixiecrats were racists who adopted that flag since it represented the divisiveness and racist attitudes of the south doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t happen; it only means you wish it didnā€™t. Same with the KKK.

Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post. Because you can't.

That's the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

You lose.

It was also the Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominen. You lose double.

In response to your insults, Fuck you too.

Do you think that Joan Baez is a WHite Surpremacist?

Great, so you prove to be a racist AND a moron. :eusa_doh:

Of course I addressed your post. I pointed out how racists have been using that flag as a symbol of racism since the 1940ā€™s because it grew out of the racist southā€™s divisiveness and [failed] attempt to hold onto slavery. I also pointed out how youā€™ve got your head buried so deep in your ass, you can see your last meal.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

Get a job, or a life, something other than posting these ridicules comments , you sound like you just graduated 3rd grade.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

Get a job, or a life, something other than posting these ridicules comments , you sound like you just graduated 3rd grade.
Donā€™tcha just love irony?


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

Get a job, or a life, something other than posting these ridicules comments , you sound like you just graduated 3rd grade.

Great argument dude.
Your assertion that it's supporters of the Confederacy who believe the NFL players are being disrespectful shows you're a partisan liar who can't be taken seriously and are unworthy of being a part of a debate.


The problem is that isn't my assertion. So.... I'm fed up of people telling me what I think. Adieu.

If you don't say stupid things like "These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem." people won't tell you what you think.

I'm not sure what you're reading, but where I'm from "these are the sort of people" doesn't mean that I'm talking in exactitudes.

I was reading your post, and, by saying "These are the sort of people" who are saying something, you are saying that the people who feel that way are those sort of people. If you don't mean that, you shouldn't say that.

Whatever dude. If you want to interpret what I say in your own little fantasy way, go ahead. There are too many people on this board who struggle with basic reading for me to care.

I'm not interpreting anything in my "own little fantasy way". I am pointing out what you said, labeling it as stupid and showing you to be a partisan liar. Sorry that bunched up your panties.
The problem is that isn't my assertion. So.... I'm fed up of people telling me what I think. Adieu.

If you don't say stupid things like "These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem." people won't tell you what you think.

I'm not sure what you're reading, but where I'm from "these are the sort of people" doesn't mean that I'm talking in exactitudes.

I was reading your post, and, by saying "These are the sort of people" who are saying something, you are saying that the people who feel that way are those sort of people. If you don't mean that, you shouldn't say that.

Whatever dude. If you want to interpret what I say in your own little fantasy way, go ahead. There are too many people on this board who struggle with basic reading for me to care.

I'm not interpreting anything in my "own little fantasy way". I am pointing out what you said, labeling it as stupid and showing you to be a partisan liar. Sorry that bunched up your panties.

Keep telling yourself that.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

The Confederate Flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations in this country.

You are full of shit.
^^^ racist

In reality, the confederate flag symbolizes the secession of the south. Which was divisive and largely over slavery. And while racists today, like the one above, try to minimize the significance of the confederate flag, itā€™s been used as a symbol of racism since at least the 1940ā€™s, if not earlier, when the more racist faction of the Democrat party splintered off to form the Dixiecrat party. In more modern times, used by racist groups such as the KKK.

Blue and Gray reunions at Gettsyburg, 1913.

The Union vets who fought and bled to put down that secession attempt forgave and accepted the Confederate Flag as part of our JOINT American heritage and an accepted and harmless symbol of regional pride, long before you were born.

What moral authority do you have to overrule their forgiveness?

And some people celebrated the Nazi flag..... doesn't make them right.

Your Godwin is noted and dismissed asshole.

Blue and Gray reunions at Gettsyburg, 1913.

The Union vets who fought and bled to put down that secession attempt forgave and accepted the Confederate Flag as part of our JOINT American heritage and an accepted and harmless symbol of regional pride, long before you were born.

What moral authority do you have to overrule their forgiveness?

It's been accepted as such only because the people of the region largely agreed with the cause for which it stood.
That in no way negates the fact that the confederacy and it's symbols were and are based on the idea of white supremacy.
That is anathema to the founding principles of our nation. The entire cause is disrespectful to the anthem and the flag. Both were rejected by confederacy.

No, it was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.




The 1948 Dixiecrat Convention. You know, what racists like you call demonstrating regional pride...



Actually they are not "celebrating their heritage", they are having a political rally.

It is two very different actions.

The dixicrats lasted for ONE presidential election, when the racist white southerns rebelled against the national dem party betraying them.

They were a blip. After that those regional racist dems almost completely abandoned their regional rebellion against the dems and rejoined the national dem party for decades to come.

Where they were welcomed back with open arms.



Do you believe that Jimmy Carter was a White Nationalist?

Why do you support the racists and not the Civil War Vets, and Hollywood?
No, they adopted it for the same reason they try adopt the American Flag.

They want to try to co-opt other movements and concepts to inflate their status and try to attract more attention and maybe, just maybe recruits.

However they are too small and irrelevant of a force to give them what they want, ie ownership of a symbol of regional pride.

You are welcome to work with them on trying to inflate their statue and relevance.

But I reject their pathetic attempts at relevance.

And refuse to help them, like you.
Hiding your head up your ass like youā€™re doing doesnā€™t make them go away. Just like denying the significance of that flag, which is rooted in divisiveness and slavery, doesnā€™t alter that either. That canā€™t be washed off that flag no matter how ignorant you are.

Not only CAN if be, but it was, for over 5 generations.

Your manufactured offense at it is not credible.

This is not about that, this is about YOU having a problem with the idea of Southern Whites having pride in their Heritage.

Question: What do you know of Joan Baez? Do you consider her a White Supremacist?


You remain a racist idiot. Ignoring that Dixiecrats were racists who adopted that flag since it represented the divisiveness and racist attitudes of the south doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t happen; it only means you wish it didnā€™t. Same with the KKK.

Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post. Because you can't.

That's the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

You lose.

It was also the Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominen. You lose double.

In response to your insults, Fuck you too.

Do you think that Joan Baez is a WHite Surpremacist?

Great, so you prove to be a racist AND a moron. :eusa_doh:

Of course I addressed your post. I pointed out how racists have been using that flag as a symbol of racism since the 1940ā€™s because it grew out of the racist southā€™s divisiveness and [failed] attempt to hold onto slavery. I also pointed out how youā€™ve got your head buried so deep in your ass, you can see your last meal.

All you are doing is talking shit.

Do you think that Joan Baez is a WHite Surpremacist?


It's been accepted as such only because the people of the region largely agreed with the cause for which it stood.
That in no way negates the fact that the confederacy and it's symbols were and are based on the idea of white supremacy.
That is anathema to the founding principles of our nation. The entire cause is disrespectful to the anthem and the flag. Both were rejected by confederacy.

No, it was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.




The 1948 Dixiecrat Convention. You know, what racists like you call demonstrating regional pride...



Actually they are not "celebrating their heritage", they are having a political rally.

It is two very different actions.

The dixicrats lasted for ONE presidential election, when the racist white southerns rebelled against the national dem party betraying them.

They were a blip. After that those regional racist dems almost completely abandoned their regional rebellion against the dems and rejoined the national dem party for decades to come.

Where they were welcomed back with open arms.



Do you believe that Jimmy Carter was a White Nationalist?

Why do you support the racists and not the Civil War Vets, and Hollywood?
The conservative south was already mostly Republican by 1976. They voted Democrat for president in 1976 only because the Democrat was from the south.

That aside, by the 1940ā€™s, the Dixiecrats adopted the confederate flag because it represented their divisiveness and racist agenda; which was followed by the KKK using that same flag for that same reason.
If you don't say stupid things like "These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem." people won't tell you what you think.

I'm not sure what you're reading, but where I'm from "these are the sort of people" doesn't mean that I'm talking in exactitudes.

I was reading your post, and, by saying "These are the sort of people" who are saying something, you are saying that the people who feel that way are those sort of people. If you don't mean that, you shouldn't say that.

Whatever dude. If you want to interpret what I say in your own little fantasy way, go ahead. There are too many people on this board who struggle with basic reading for me to care.

I'm not interpreting anything in my "own little fantasy way". I am pointing out what you said, labeling it as stupid and showing you to be a partisan liar. Sorry that bunched up your panties.

Keep telling yourself that.

I already know it. I have to keep telling you in the hope that you finally realize what you're doing and stop being a troll.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?




Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?
The difference that the Confederates had the balls to secede and fight for their beliefs. The last time I checked those 'kneelers' are still reaping the benefits of a system and culture they refuse to respect.
bull crap

Black women are 30% of our women in the military while only 13% of the population.
Black men make up 17% of the men in our Military while only 13% of our population.

And I'd bet some of them are angered by the kneelers, too.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

Too bad you missed Vietnam.

At the fire base I was at, the Confederate Flag flew directly under the
American flag. There is another poster on this board who mentioned once
that at his Fire Base only the Confederate Flag flew over the Base.

There were twice as many Confederate Flags over there as American Flags.

I also wouldn't get too carried away with that treason stuff. It is true that
Confederate Officers were not allowed to serve in the American Army after
the Civil War. But when they needed a Good Cavalry General to command all American Cavalry units in Cuba during the Spanish-American War Pres
McKinley turned to "Fighting Joe" Wheeler, 2nd in command to Bedford Forrest in the Confederate Cavalry. Wheeler did such a great job McKinley
promoted him again after Cuba and sent him to the Phillipines to command
American Forces there.

Plus let's not forget that our most famous Army forts are named after Confederates...Fort Bragg, Fort Polk, Fort Benning. Fort Lee. Camp Shelby.
Fort Hood. Fort Jackson. (Just to mention a few)

It was Cpt Robert E Lee that found ways to bypass Mexican strongholds
and hit them from the rear as Winfield Scott and the American Army marched from Veracruz to Mexico City. The fortress guarding Mexico City
was assaulted and captured. The American Officer assigned to raise the
American Flag over the fort was Cpt James Longhstreet. But he was wounded and a LT raised the flag...that LT was George Pickett.

General Lewis Armistead served in the Mexican-American War and was
also a Confederate who led his men to the High Water mark at Gettysburg
during Pickett's charge. Armistead's Uncle was the commanding officer of
Ft McHenry during the War of 1812 and thus he is the first guardian of the
Star Spangled Banner.

The father of our Country was a Virginian. His best Cavalry Officer, who is
buried with honors at West Point was "Light Horse" Harry Lee...Robert E's,

If it had been left to Northerners, this country would still be answering to
King George III.

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