Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Biden has done nothing about his handler’s in China sending a spy balloon over our most sensitive sites.

More evidence they own him.

Trump called on him to shoot it down. Biden does nothing.

What a stupid comment, but if you didn't say stupid things, you'd say nothing at all.

Trump - the biggest idiot and loser in the world, called on Biden to shoot something down. Since Trump has never made a sound business decision in his entire life, that should be reason enough to think it's a bad idea.

The first inclination of Americans is to shoot something. Why not bring it down to earth without raining potentially harmful/ radioactive debris all over Montana???? Also, wouldn't it be nice to get a look at the current technology of Chinese spy balloons?

This is why you'll never be anything but a stupid FuckBoi!
And this is a fantastic example of what I have been saying - America is at it's weakest state since before WW II.
We have a cognitive declined President who is unable to take charge.
Biden instructed the military to shoot it down. The Pentagon told him shouldn't do it... he folds.
He is weak.
I would say any President since Carter would have shot this down without hesitation. Keep in mind we knew the thing existed when it was in Alaskan airspace. ALASKA.
satellites are in space,, the balloon isnt,,

You're right. But the balloon IS in unregulated air space. If we shot it down, that would be like shooting at a Russian spy ship that wasn't doing anything other than looking at a US warship in international waters. And, those spy ships could be a pain in the ass on occasion. Saw a few of them on deployments, and they liked to follow us when we were conducting operations like UNREP and flight ops so they could see how we did it.
The boys over at FE Warran AFB think it can be captured... What do they know that we don't?

Area 51 secretly has a special cargo jet with a giant head of Joe Biden on the back end that opens up its mouth wide and sucks balloons and stuff in.

It's called the B-79 Superjackass.

But, SHHHH, mum's the word, I saw this on some classified document somewhere hanging out of Kammy's makeup kit. :smoke:
it would go down for sure, but not in a straight line as it would be affected by things like the wind, perhaps you have heard of that?
so youre conclusion is it will go down but not straight down,, thats brilliant,, so tell us again why it shouldnt be shot down and allowed to continue spying on us??
Might wanna look at a weather map sometime and see where the jet stream is and in what direction it goes. Right over the top of Montana incidentally. And, according to the OP's link, it was in unregulated airspace, meaning that they couldn't shoot it down without good cause. Would almost be like shooting at a Russian spy ship in international waters just because they were looking at our ships (which I saw happen quite often while out at sea on deployment, especially when we were doing UNREP or running flight operations).

And, like I've said before, they wouldn't get much intel from photographing a silo than what they (probably) already have. I've been by those silos many times, and all you see is a small building surrounded by a fence. That's about it. There isn't any strange looking technical gear laying around, as almost all of that structure is underground.
Oh I see... and what other nation would allow a spy balloon to map its defenses?... the lengths you confused people will go to throw shade and cover over for this Biden regime of ours is amazing to see....
And this is a fantastic example of what I have been saying - America is at it's weakest state since before WW II.
We have a cognitive declined President who is unable to take charge.
Biden instructed the military to shoot it down. The Pentagon told him shouldn't do it... he folds.
He is weak.

Trump said we should leave Afghanistan. Lindsey told him he wasn't. He didn't.
Ok.....................................looking at it right now through binoculars.................................................sign on it......................
.......................reads............................................"Happy Valentines Day Eric"...............signed............"Fang Fang"......................
Biden's mouthpiece in the Pentagon said "too dangerous" - falling debris.
Absurd bullshit.
It is in Montana for God's sake.
OBVIOUSLY it can be shot down strategically so the debris is in an empty space.
Two - we have smart missiles that can detonate by lasers, a laser paints the target, a missile detonates the exact millisecond it reaches the focal point.
The debris would be small particles.

While Montana is pretty sparsely populated, there ARE little towns all over the state that could have problems if it was shot down. And no, there would still be debris from the balloon that would reach the earth if it was shot down. Hell, we've had space junk fall into people's houses that was SUPPOSED to burn up on reentry. This thing, while on the edge of space, isn't gonna burn up if it's shot down. Pieces are still gonna make it to the ground.
Oh I see... and what other nation would allow a spy balloon to map its defenses?... the lengths you confused people will go to throw shade and cover over for this Biden regime of ours is amazing to see....

We allowed Russian spy ships to watch and record our ships doing operations without shooting them out of the water. Why? Because they were in international waters, and no action could be taken against them until they were aggressive toward us first.

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