Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
And if it had a nuclear device hanging below it?... our airspace belongs to us... we determine where the lines are... and we determine what a potential threat is... or we use to.... pick up any book on electromagnetic pulse weapons.....
This is the perfect way to deploy a pulse weapon... but others don't think about this potential.
WEAK President Biden orders postponement of Blinken visit to China, calls Chinese spy balloon hovering over US missile silos in Montana a clear violation of US sovereignty...yet continues to allow the enemy CCP spy craft to hover over our missile silos.

There is a scene in a movie starring Jack Nicholson where in the mens room standind side-by-side Nicholson turn and pees on his rival's $500 suede shoes to 'mark his territory', exert his dominance in true Alpha male behavior. The younger colleague does nothing, intimidated.

Xi just publicly, internationally peed on Biden's shoes, violating our national sovereigny, flying a spy balloon deep into US territory, and has been hovering over US missile silos for days, and our weak administration has refused to defend our sovereignty, to defend our airspace, and to respond to Xi's act by shooting that shit down.

Xi has sent a message to Biden in front of the whole world:

'You are weak, you threaten to defend Taiwan when you will not even defend your own country. I have no respect for you, and I will do anything I want with no fear from someone so weak. Perhaps the next balloon will have a payload of a nuke or a dirty bomb...and you will still let it go anywhere in the United States I want."

But the jokes on Xi - not letting Blinken go to China while allowing his spy balloon to go anywhere and do anything it wants will sure put Xi in his place.


Way to go, Brandon.

Millions of dollars to Ukraine but the Biden administration seems okay with a spy balloon over our country.
Do not try to rewrite our recent history... Trump had conditions that were not being met and that's why he didn't remove us from Afghanistan.... its that simple... Biden had no conditions as we can all now see....
The Doha accord were implemented under Trump where the US met all our conditions. Including the 10,000 in troop reductions and the abandonment of 5 military bases. Those were supposed to be based on the Taliban's compliance with their conditions. In fact Trump withdrew the very forces needed to enforce the conditions on the Taliban he negotiated and let the Taliban get away without complying.
That's the point we don't know and it seems we don't care.... ever heard of a dry run?...

Which then it seems a good call to down it in such a way we can not destroy the sensor package so we can find out.
Trump had conditions that were not being met and that's why he didn't remove us from Afghanistan

They were all met. Which is why Trump took us from 14,000+ troops to less than 3000. The date on the accords was May 2021.

Biden fucked up by moving that date so he could have a made for TV moment on 9/11
And if it had a nuclear device hanging below it?... our airspace belongs to us... we determine where the lines are... and we determine what a potential threat is... or we use to.... pick up any book on electromagnetic pulse weapons.....

Well, considering that nuclear devices are quite heavy, and the maximum amount that a weather balloon can lift into high atmosphere is fairly small, I'm guessing that it's not a nuke or EMP weapon. Getting heavy stuff that high requires a lot more lift than what a balloon has.

And yeah, we do determine what is our airspace according to international treaties. Maybe that's one reason that the military said that we couldn't shoot it down.
Yes, it's a balloon, not a satellite. But it's still in unregulated airspace, and if we shot it down, that would be similar to shooting down one of their satellites. It's not the object itself as it's where the object is located. If it were at a lower altitude, then we would have every right to shoot it down. But, since it's in unregulated airspace (similar to a ship being in international waters) we don't.
U2 spy plane flies at 70,000 feet yet wasw shot down by Russia during the Cuban missile crisis, was that an act of war?
Maybe to give Russia an advantage in a nuclear exchange.

Hey, does does anybody remember how Obama had over a hundred workers at NORAD(?) or something fired because supposedly all of them had cheated on some kind of test??? Then they were promptly replaced by people approved by his administration. Very interesting. I always thought that that could be some kind of prelude to a situation like we have now.... Like it was all very planned. And of course Obama's VP then is our CIC now.

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