Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters

Among the satellite's new features is its ability to capture images at 31-cm resolution, about a foot. This is the highest resolution commercially available. For example, it can hone in on a car windshield, grab a picture of a license plate, and can even see home plate on a ballfield. The satellite's infrared sensor allows it to take images through haze, fog, dust, smoke and other airborn particulates, which should be a boost for emergency crews fighting forest fires, for example, and for Google.

And that's a civilian satellite.
A balloon cannot stay in one place, fool. It is entirely hostage to the wind.

A satellite can read your license plate. So your "more detailed info" was pulled out of your ass.

As for "spying", I have seen ZERO evidence it is a "spy balloon".
it can chase the wind currents and move up and down or stay in one place,,,

just because your an ignorant fuck doesnt mean shit,,
Might wanna look at a weather map sometime and see where the jet stream is and in what direction it goes. Right over the top of Montana incidentally. And, according to the OP's link, it was in unregulated airspace, meaning that they couldn't shoot it down without good cause. Would almost be like shooting at a Russian spy ship in international waters just because they were looking at our ships (which I saw happen quite often while out at sea on deployment, especially when we were doing UNREP or running flight operations).

And, like I've said before, they wouldn't get much intel from photographing a silo than what they (probably) already have. I've been by those silos many times, and all you see is a small building surrounded by a fence. That's about it. There isn't any strange looking technical gear laying around, as almost all of that structure is underground.
According to the pentagon it is being controlled and is maneuverable

Among the satellite's new features is its ability to capture images at 31-cm resolution, about a foot. This is the highest resolution commercially available. For example, it can hone in on a car windshield, grab a picture of a license plate, and can even see home plate on a ballfield. The satellite's infrared sensor allows it to take images through haze, fog, dust, smoke and other airborn particulates, which should be a boost for emergency crews fighting forest fires, for example, and for Google.

And that's a civilian satellite.
theres other things than pictures that can be done,, ground penetrating radar is one of them and being closer to the ground will give better info,,
Yes, you can see it from the ground with high powered binoculars or a telescope. Doesn't mean that it's easy to take down, especially when it's at 60,000 ft (in unregulated airspace incidentally) and the service ceiling for the vast majority of our jets (height they can operate up to) is around 50,000 ft. Yeah, you could get a Blackbird up there, as they are designed to be able to fly at that altitude, but how in the hell are you going to shoot something down when you're travelling at Mach 2?
It could easily be taken down, the issue the Xiden admin claims is that doing so would cause a danger with debris to citiznes....I get that over rural Montana that story didn't make much sense to you either so you have come up with another excuse
We know exactly what the balloon was doing, and why, and we know precisely what type of craft it is, what it is employed for specifically, and its NOT a standard research vessel, and the Col. knows this!

Why would you even post such a stupid attempt at minimizing the obvious, why??? You fascists are the greatest asset the enemy possesses, and they possess every millimeter of you wanks!

Do you have any fucking idea how ludicrous the Col.'s analysis is, it was intended to do exactly what you just did, put your dumb ass back to sleep....

And the balloon, it is powered, they all are, that is how they got it into position to map out our silos, which is exactly what they were doing, along with gathering intel on how to defeat the bases hardened infrastructure.....
We have a massively expensive military, yet it won’t stop an unarmed balloon. WTF!

How does it get all the way to Montana without detection, if that is true? Where was it launched?
This weather balloon is a nothing by comparison of the popular TicTok app.

This one app gives PRC tons and tons of more strategic information than one silly weather balloon.
That balloon can lift a 250-350lbs. Remember it's the size of three tractor trailers. Most of our pulse weapons are much smaller in weight than the instrument packs they carry are these days.

A 5kt device is not much bigger than a suitcase and that is all the yield you need if the right components are used. These things have been miniaturized since the 1980's and our explosives are much more powerful. This means it takes much less to trigger the reaction. There are even non-nuclear ways to do it as well. These smaller devices are directed for smaller locations.

Actually, suitcase bombs currently don't exist at a large enough yield to make the 5kt that you are proposing. Everything that I've seen on the 'net says that they can only get up to around 0.19kt. Do you have a link that says a 5kt nuke can weigh less than 300 lbs?
According to the pentagon it is being controlled and is maneuverable

Yes, you can adjust the height of the balloon, but it's still at the whims of wherever the currents at that height blow it to. That's one of the reasons that the international balloon festival is held in
Albequerque NM, because they have mountains on either side that make flying it more controlled.
It could easily be taken down, the issue the Xiden admin claims is that doing so would cause a danger with debris to citiznes....I get that over rural Montana that story didn't make much sense to you either so you have come up with another excuse

Actually, I was born in Great Falls MT, and lived over a lot of the state growing up. Room 212 of the Columbus Hospital.
We have a massively expensive military, yet it won’t stop an unarmed balloon. WTF!

How does it get all the way to Montana without detection, if that is true? Where was it launched?

It was detected long before it got in US airspace
Yes, you can adjust the height of the balloon, but it's still at the whims of wherever the currents at that height blow it to. That's one of the reasons that the international balloon festival is held in
Albequerque NM, because they have mountains on either side that make flying it more controlled.
Sorry they said it changed course and is maneuverab;le that doesn't sound like it is a t the whim of the wind and they said it is a surveillance ballon

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