Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
We should name the Spy Balloonso the snowflakes feel better.

Měilì de qìqiú (beautiful balloon)?

Sǐwáng qìqiú (death balloon)?
Nice... You obviously have no clue how biological warfare is done... There are multiple methods of dispersing viruses (pathogens). But continue, your ignorance is fun to watch.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

I have to subtract 50 points from your IQ since you bleev this could be happening and that China is that stupid.

Careful, you're almost in the single digits.

Why don't we shoot it down?

And while we are at it we should revoke Wal Mart's business license to operate in the U.S.
After all, 70-80% of all the merchandise sold at Wal-Mart locations is Chi-Com made.
So anybody who shops there basically is supporting Communist China.
Maybe, if you want to be outraged, don't pick a silly, errant balloon to vent your ire on.
Pick up your picket sign and head for the nearest Wallyworld parking lot!
The balloons are photographing our bases and the locations of our missile silos. They are also getting our ineffective
military used to seeing Chinese craft in our air space.
China has excellent satellites to do that. What's with the weather balloon stuff?

It seems high altitude balloons are the perfect delivery system for an EMP attack.

Would you guys have been okay with the Chinese shooting down our spy plane?

That wasn't a shoot down, it was a midair.
They were flying over the USA when tRump was president. Where they just unimportant then.

Sorry to personally debunk your lie, but I was still serving in planning and Intel at the time out of USCENTCOM and the Pentagon. No such official (non-public) intel / reports of a ChiCom spy balloon left flying deep inside the US over US ICBM silos were ever reported or allowed.

Trump would have ordered that shit blown out of the air within an hour of entering US airspace. Aftet a call to China, had they bragged as Xi did that yes it was theirs and it was intentional, we would have been picking up the wreckage in the Aleutians to investigate further.

Personally I would have packed whatever was left up, put it on a US military balloon, and returned it to China by flying it over Beijing... or as far as they would have allowed i to enter CCP airspace before shooting it down.
China has excellent satellites to do that. What's with the weather balloon stuff?

It seems high altitude balloons are the perfect delivery system for an EMP attack.

That wasn't a shoot down, it was a midair.
This balloon is not high enough for such an attack, you would need to be above 25 miles, out to around 300 miles for such, and any emp attack upon a US missile base would be fruitless anyway as they are "hardened" whereas civilian infrastructure is not, any emp bursts upon the United States would be paid back in spades, which is why lazy politicians never have acted upon need to harden civil infrastructure, preferring instead to continue stealing those funds for selves! I might add that the United States operates the most fearsome weapon system in human history, and China does not, and they know they do not, just one Boomer can easily incinerate communist China, all of it in under 30-minutes!
China has excellent satellites to do that. What's with the weather balloon stuff?

Primary, I believe it was an 'alpha male' dominant 'mark your territory' in front of the entire world demonstration by Xi of Biden's weakness and his unwillingness to protect his own country for fear of angering his enemies.

It was a show of for all the false bravado and strength/intent to protect Taiwan-signaling Xi/China knows Biden won't do a damn thing, and China will take Taiwan whenever it wants.

Biden has done nothing to disprove it.
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Sorry to personally debunk your lie, but I was still serving in planning and Intel at the time out of USCENTCOM and the Pentagon. No such official (non-public) intel / reports of a ChiCom spy balloon left flying deep inside the US over US ICBM silos were ever reported or allowed.

Trump would have ordered that shit blown out of the air within an hour of entering US airspace. Aftet a call to China, had they bragged as Xi did that yes it was theirs and it was intentional, we would have been picking up the wreckage in the Aleutians to investigate further.

Personally I would have packed whatever was left up, put it on a US military balloon, and returned it to China by flying it over Beijing... or as far as they would have allowed i to enter CCP airspace before shooting it down.

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