'Stable Genius Act' proposes medical exams for presidential candidates

I think Bear needs professional help. I’ve caught him in 4 lies, provided evidence backing it up and all he can do is troll me.
Typical deplorable

So now are you going to do all of us a favor and use your obama care and see a physiologist tomorrow?

Seriously reasonable you have mental health issues every one on USMB can see it.

Getting worried about you losing it.
I am no shrink and all reasonable but it's obvious to everyone here at USMB you have mental issues and can't handle Trump trolling you on Twitter..

Seek mental help dude
Well I should report this thread it has not been about the thread topic for 10 pages now and when it was it was proven the op was so stupid he did not know what is and is not legal.
This proposed bill reeks of win-at-all-cost, refusal to accept the results of an election.

No it reeks of the concern we let a mentally incompetent person take the oath of office.
Now we’re all paying for it.

Trump is a fucking genus, you moron.
People that work with him every single day disavows that comment.

“ I’m like a very smart person.”

Does that sound like a genius to you???

Sounds like standard New York bluster.

You should try to understand different cultures.
I’ve traveled to 12 countries. I understand them more than someone who thinks Trump’s a genius.

If you think that different cultures only exist in other nations, you understand nothing.

Trump's bluster is a New York Thing.

Try to be more open minded with different cultures.
I do love it that the pussygrabber is obsessed with Wolff’s book..

A “stable genius” wouldn’t have even commented on it.
He’s so his own worse enemy.

THe left's desire to be allowed to lie about their enemies is well know.

Trump does not play that game. DEal with it. YOu talk shit, you will be called on it.
A House Democrat has introduced a new bill requiring major party presidential nominees undergo full medical exams and release the results to the public after a controversial new book ignited debate about President Donald Trump's mental fitness in Washington.

An excellent idea! But, beware the knife that cuts both ways. For instance, would a candidate who openly promotes child abuse be found mentally competent to run for Office? Does It Matter Who The Left Runs In 2020?....Voting Booths Are Private

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