Stacey Dash black/Hispanic actress is crucified for....

She's black?


She makes Vanessa Williams look like Queen Latifah.

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She's a myopic idiot, politically. Like all dupes. The hate is on their team, half the GOP needs to be sedated LOL, along with their media, not just tweeters..

You are in danger of losing your government goodies and are pissed...I understand.

What you need is to move to Cuba. They will love you there.

And we won't miss your sorry ass at all.

Exhibit A. LOL. You're a hateful fool for the greedy rich Pubs who are screwing you and the country. Change the channel...

You have yet to support any claim you've made on this board.

Besides being've shown yourself to be a racist time and time again.
Whatever. Crazed wingnuts like you are the reason this poor woman will now need police protection.

Apparently CGs projection is contagious.

The only thing about Stacy Dash that I care about is her ass. Her politics are irrelevant to me.

Yes you proved your political ignorance when I pwnd you on my other thread.

You're as credible as our state treasury. Lol

Take a trip back to that thread and check out your epic math fail. The only thing to "pwnd" was yourself, dude.

Whatever. Crazed wingnuts like you are the reason this poor woman will now need police protection.

Apparently CGs projection is contagious.

The only thing about Stacy Dash that I care about is her ass. Her politics are irrelevant to me.

Yes you proved your political ignorance when I pwnd you on my other thread.

You're as credible as our state treasury. Lol

you couldnt pwn a door with your face.
Hard to fathom how anyone can still believe Socialists/Progressives are tolerant people. They are far far from it. This poor woman has likely received numerous death threats from rabid Democrats. I'll pray for her safety.

I saw the vitriol aimed at her on twitter, the rabid, disproportionate hatred from the left was sickening.

It's what a Tragic Number on the Left do...


You know who I feel sorry for.

The Baptist KKK member. They detest Mormons. They detest Blacks. Who are they going to vote for??
She shouldn't be called names for being so stupid...but that's life.

She should not be called stupid, period.

The word "STUPID" should be strictly reserved for the brain-washed segment of the population that gives 100% of its votes to an empty suit based on the color of his skin, rather than the content of his character.
Let me understand this correctly.

Stacy Dash is stupid because she is part of a minority group and she supports Mitt Romney?
Is that what he is saying?

Well then, I guess I am stupid too. I am part of a minority group and I support Mitt Romney.

If we had more stupid people, we probably would not have to worry about the next 4 years.
If i were on this woman's security team, i would definitely be on the lookout for crazed nutters like Lakhota, Article 15, and Ravi the Raving Lunatic. They're roaming around out there. And that's not good. I'll pray for her.

And big chief plucked chicken lakhota is going to be double out of control jerked off now that he's banned.

Being relatively new on this forum, I am astonished to see the slime, the vulgar profanity and hate people can get away with.

I would like to see the moderators to publish the names of those who they decided to ban and the post(s) that earned the offender that "honor", in order to know where the real outer limit lies.

Not that I, myself, would ever worry about crossing it.
If i were on this woman's security team, i would definitely be on the lookout for crazed nutters like Lakhota, Article 15, and Ravi the Raving Lunatic. They're roaming around out there. And that's not good. I'll pray for her.

And big chief plucked chicken lakhota is going to be double out of control jerked off now that he's banned.

Being relatively new on this forum, I am astonished to see the slime, the vulgar profanity and hate people can get away with.

I would like to see the moderators to publish the names of those who they decided to ban and the post(s) that earned the offender that "honor", in order to know where the real outer limit lies.

Not that I, myself, would ever worry about crossing it.

Yes, a forum titled "The Banned". Totally cool.
You know who I feel sorry for.

The Baptist KKK member. They detest Mormons. They detest Blacks. Who are they going to vote for??

Why don't you call up the 2 dozen or so that are left and ask them?...

The Election SURELY Hinges on their Input. :thup:



Thanks for proving my point!

Your head is so buried up your ass you think one photo proves or disproves anything?

I'm not talking about one photo, you ignorant fuck.

Are you really going to sit there and deny the fact that there are racist, right wing assholes who hate the fact that there's a black man in the White House?

Goddamn your stupidity shows sometimes.

In other words, you don't want to call Getty Images... who, fyi, pulled the image from their site. Now, image libraries do not pull images for no reason... that hits their profits.

The 'ignorant fuck', sweetie, is you... you use whatever bullshit you're handed without bothering to source it. More fucking fool you.

No one is denying there are racists who hate the black guy in the white house... but that image was not one of them.... it was a set up. And all you do by validating that behavior is make it easier for real racists - regardless of their skin color - to create more bullshit. I - for one - will not stand idly by and allow racists to win.

Getty Images didn't pull it from their site.

It's right here: Getty Images - Search: romney event ohio, OH: Romney And Ryan Campaign In Ohio

Yep, there it is. Another case of California Girl playing the lying skank.
She's black?


She makes Vanessa Williams look like Queen Latifah.


More Ethnic than President Obama. :thup:

And Obama's:

[ame=]Im black yall CB4 - YouTube[/ame]


Yep, and I was told they were removing the image.
Then they lied to you. It's still there.

It's Sunday. I doubt they work on Sundays. I tried to get an answer to a query earlier and got no reply.

Hysteria doesn't solve anything, Doc. But you are not one to allow rational behavior to get in the way of bitching.

It's Monday, and it's still there. You're a piece of shit liar.
Aw come on, Democrats are very tolerant...just as long as you do exactly what they say. ;)
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Aw come on, Democrats are very tolerant...just as long as you do exactly what they say. ;)

If you Disagree... Hell, if you simply Observe and then Comment on them, you are either a:

1.) Racist.

2.) Homophobe.

3.) Bigot.

4.) Idiot.

5.) All of the Above, rinse and repeat ad Infinitum.



"Stacey Dash, best known for her character in the 1990s movie “Clueless” and now known for a recent cable-TV drama “Single Ladies”, is half-black and half-Mexican. Tweets responding to her Twitter post in support of Romney were extremely racist – as many of the responses were “black-on-black” racist remarks"

Washington Post

The ever welcoming kind non racist liberals are showing their true colors. And it's ugly.

I didn't know she was half Mexican.

"Stacey Dash, best known for her character in the 1990s movie “Clueless” and now known for a recent cable-TV drama “Single Ladies”, is half-black and half-Mexican. Tweets responding to her Twitter post in support of Romney were extremely racist – as many of the responses were “black-on-black” racist remarks"

Washington Post

The ever welcoming kind non racist liberals are showing their true colors. And it's ugly.

I didn't know she was half Mexican.

It only makes her Hotter in my Book. :thup:

I especially like the Blasian Females... :eusa_drool:

Mix Races early and often, that's what I say.



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