Staggering climate contradiction - data that can be fudged says "warming," data that cannot be fudged says "no warming"

That’s cause you’re stupid. They have been getting worse by decades. Every year insurance companies require more flood mitigation in flood areas. You’ve been sleeping foolish.
Now you think hurricanes are climate. And you claim you know what climate is? Hurricanes are weather. Write it down.
You should know…like Trump you have to get paid to get laid…
Trump is married. I was divorced long ago. I would tell you there are sites where women want to get fucked for free. I do not join them. You never said who fucks you. I doubt you have a wife or children.
You should know…like Trump you have to get paid to get laid…
Trump is not the only person to use tramps that make films. Bear in mind of the Democrats names that also did it. Wait, you think Democrats are as pure as Jesus??? Do you?
Trump is married. I was divorced long ago. I would tell you there are sites where women want to get fucked for free. I do not join them. You never said who fucks you. I doubt you have a wife or children.
You’ll never know. But that won’t keep you from making up shit about people. You delirous deniers do it
all the time.
They have been getting worse by decades. Every year insurance companies require more flood mitigation in flood areas. You’ve been sleeping foolish.
That is called inflation of property values and not a worse risk. They will up rates in all areas when the owner asks for a higher insurance amount. Sure the fees rise. Your loan will not ask for higher rates. Because all it cares about is enough insurance to pay for the loan.
You’ll never know. But that won’t keep you from making up shit about people. You delirous deniers do it
all the time.
What the fuck do you think I deny? I admit climate changes. I admit it snows more now. I admit here it is colder than normal. I admit a lot of things.
I took the quiz. Asked for the results and it wanted me to join. I joined. It said I needed to take the quiz. I decided not to do it again.

You forgot to explain why you are the traitor expert. As to this shit about calculus? After you kept making stuff up? How dare you litter this forum with lies and then bring up calculus.
Yeah, their website can be a bit confusing.
The quiz uses two sets of five questions/statements, so you could try placing your answers on a piece of paper.
If you agree with the statement/'question' you score 20 points.
A maybe is 10 points.
A disagree is zero points.
You wind up with two sets of scores, for each set of five statements/'questions'; then plot them on this grid;

You can click around on their website to find definition of where your score matrix placed you.
Or use this page;
Has nothing to do with hurricanes.
Would appear you neither read nor understand it - your link.
Start by educating yourself.
Here's a clue from your link;


This ends Lesson 2. This lesson covered:
  • The history behind today’s floodplain management concepts, regulations, and authorities
  • The key authorities and programs critical to HM Floodplain Management
In Lesson 3 you will learn about the key resources available to HM Floodplain Management Specialists.
Nah, I just listen to the absolute stupid claim that every university, research facility, govt agency was paid to lie. We even link your claimed college calc education as supporting climate change AGW. So, that makes your fake claim you learned calc from a reliable source, pretty stupid. 30 k facilities including those in China were all paid off by democrats.,What a dufus you are.
None of us have claimed "EVERY" !
That is just one of main misrepresentations, misinterpretations, and/or lies you keep spinning.
You have been presented with evidence from many legit sources, academics, scientists, etc. and have failed to read or understand content.
Clearly you are either dumb, stupid, a liar, or all three!
Sure, nasa is a shill, Johns Hopkins etc
Youve stated iff lieing and you never stopped. you’re buddies faked quotes and the ONLY LIGIT SCIENCE link you made, we showed it supported ME and not you.
Youre not only a fraud, you’re an incompetent fraud.
You and your fraud buddies are afraid to link any souce for your numbers…..they may come from real science institutes all of which show you are frauds.…traitors anti American .
You're off to the realm of delusional gibberish.

Either your brain is fried and/or you need to lay off the booze and drugs.
You're off to the realm of delusional gibberish.

Either your brain is fried and/or you need to lay off the booze and drugs.
You‘re a supporter of white nationalism and the continued flow of money from rich oil producers that supports anti AGW. It’s a faction that also supports a return to a Christian based gov though few of you actually practice Christian values. Its demonstrated by the simple fact that all institutions of higher education in the world along with the religious leaders of ALL the major religions support AGW.
But, you don’t and you lie and fraud your way through your continued denial.
None of us have claimed "EVERY" !
That is just one of main misrepresentations, misinterpretations, and/or lies you keep spinning.
You have been presented with evidence from many legit sources, academics, scientists, etc. and have failed to read or understand content.
Clearly you are either dumb, stupid, a liar, or all three!
It’s a scam..
None are working scientists. Go ahead. name one govt, institute of higher learning or major related corporation that does not support AGW.
No you have not. Go ahead. List the science based institutes. All your support comes from factions like conservative think tanks, lunatics or oil barons.
Go ahead stupid. You can’t can you…
You're off to the realm of delusional gibberish.

Either your brain is fried and/or you need to lay off the booze and drugs.
You’re brain is that of a lunatic despot that doesn’t believe in the constitution which is supported by all the national and international institutions of democracies that have been set up to keep America free….We, the military and all the free nations of the world depend upon is science based institutions like NASA and others, you call liars. You’re a traitor….

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