Staggering climate contradiction - data that can be fudged says "warming," data that cannot be fudged says "no warming"

That must tax your intellect.

I‘m a devote to our institutions, science, military, law enforcement and education community. All of which do you have much in common with.
No where near as much as it taxes your intellect (and honesty and integrity) to read and understand the basics of science presented in such.
So democrats financed the climate change fraud, the election fraud and all the charges v Trump ? They did this while not in office and repugnants were in charge. You don’t stand a chance.
Who do you think are the actual authoritarians? Start with your premise of how much you love all the state including the military and all the institutions. That to me creates you as a statist and not for the public.
So democrats financed the climate change fraud, the election fraud and all the charges v Trump ? They did this while not in office and repugnants were in charge. You don’t stand a chance.
The DemocRATS, as agents of the wealthy elitists seeking a one-world tyrannical government that keeps them in control, have continuously sought to thwart freedoms and liberties in order to advance their agendas of domination, in and out of office; hence their command of much of the Deep State.
/—-/ Feel free to refute. Is Manhattan under water yet?
On June 30, 1989, the Associated Press squeezed decimation into a tight, 11-year window, with an ominous article, “Rising Seas Could Obliterate Nations,” containing a jaw-dropping opener: “A senior UN environmental official (Noel Brown) says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.”Doomsday Addiction: Celebrating 50 years of Failed Climate Predictions
Who do you think are the actual authoritarians? Start with your premise of how much you love all the state including the military and all the institutions. That to me creates you as a statist and not for the public.
It would be clear where he/she/it would sit on this quiz and chart;
The DemocRATS, as agents of the wealthy elitists seeking a one-world tyrannical government that keeps them in control, have continuously sought to thwart freedoms and liberties in order to advance their agendas of domination, in and out of office; hence their command of much of the Deep State.
That is super accurate. Democrats talk as if taxing the rich is very important to them. They create the tax laws for the USA. So if they are do damned hot to tax the rich, why do they create all those tax deductions?

Part III​

About CO2 Coalition​

The CO2 Coalition was established in 2015 as a 501(c)(3) for the purpose of educating thought leaders, policymakers, and the public about the important contribution made by carbon dioxide to our lives and the economy. The Coalition seeks to engage in an informed and dispassionate discussion of climate change, humans’ role in the climate system, the limitations of climate models, and the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions.

About Us​

In carrying out our mission, we seek to strengthen the understanding of the role of science and the scientific process in addressing complex public policy issues like climate change. Science produces empirical, measurable, objective facts and provides a means for testing hypotheses that can be replicated and potentially disproven. Approaches to policy that do not adhere to the scientific process risk grave damage to the economy and to science.

The CO2 Coalition
1621 North Kent Street, Suite 603
Arlington, Virginia 22209


[email protected]
(List of memebers at the above link/url)

Heat and Mortality | Climate Chronicles​

Will a warmer climate kill more people? If the planet keeps getting warmer, does it mean you’ll die earlier than you should? Should you worry about a future where it’s warmer than it is now? History tells us the real story. Find out more in this CO2 Coalition Climate Chronicles video.

CO2 and Food Abundance | Climate Chronicles​

Is carbon dioxide poisoning the air? How much trouble are we really in? This CO2 Coalition Climate Chronicles video explains the role of carbon dioxide and its necessity for our food supply and survival.

Heat Wave? | CO2 Coalition Climate Chronicles​

Why are you hearing dire climate warnings? Almost daily? Preachers of a fiery climate change gospel want you to believe that only they have the plan to stop it. But to do so, they must take control of our financial system. The climate experts at the CO2 Coalition have the complete set of data and facts you need. Some of the information for this video is taken from Gregory Wrightstone’s new book, A Very Convenient Warming.

Greenpeace Founder: Anti-Carbon Dioxide Agenda Is a Hoax​

From Slay‘s Frank Bergman:
Renowned environmentalist Dr. Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, has blown the whistle to warn the public that the anti-carbon dioxide narrative is a hoax.
Moore, an ecologist and environmental activist for more than 50 years, argues that an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is beneficial.
According to Moore, claims that climate change is “human-caused” are “propaganda” which he describes as “dangerous.”
The comments from Moore, a leading expert in environmentalism, directly conflict with the green agenda being pushed by Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration and globalist groups such as the United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF).
Green agenda advocates are demanding that the public must slash their “carbon footprints” to “save the planet.”

Moore, who left Greenpeace’s leadership after being involved for 15 years, now criticizes the environmental movement for using scare tactics and disinformation.
He says that environmentalism has been hijacked and the movement has “abandoned science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism.”
The complete Slay article, originally published June 9, 2023, can be accessed here.

There Was Never Scientific Consensus on Climate Change​

Veteran climate expert Dr Richard Lindzen made a name for himself before the fundamentally flawed field of climate science that we know today was invented. In an interview with the pioneering atmospheric physicist and former emeritus professor of meteorology at MIT, he recounted events that occurred in the 1980s, which gave birth to the all-consuming climate change narrative that prevails today. Having begun his research on climate change in the mid-70s motivated by a sincere interest in understanding the Earth’s climate regimes, Lindzen’s assessment of the various elements paraded as scientific evidence of an impending climate catastrophe is remarkably sensible. What’s particularly revealing from his recollection of events is how complicit the media and politicians have been in forcing the disastrous climate change narrative upon an unsuspecting and trusting public from the very beginning.

We Live in Cold Times​

Jørgen Peder Steffensen is a professor in ice core related research at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen. Using ice core date, his team has reconstructed the last 10,000 years of climate history.
Notice Dagosa has never not one time that I know about posted science materials. He posts his poor opinion all over the place but so do chickens shit all over the place.
/—-/ Feel free to refute. Is Manhattan under water yet?
On June 30, 1989, the Associated Press squeezed decimation into a tight, 11-year window, with an ominous article, “Rising Seas Could Obliterate Nations,” containing a jaw-dropping opener: “A senior UN environmental official (Noel Brown) says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.”Doomsday Addiction: Celebrating 50 years of Failed Climate Predictions
Yes bubba, all of the predictions were true, earlier than expected. They happen during storm surges and the mitigation has been going on for decades…..
You must be the expert Traitor to make such dumb ass claims.
Nah, I just listen to the absolute stupid claim that every university, research facility, govt agency was paid to lie. We even link your claimed college calc education as supporting climate change AGW. So, that makes your fake claim you learned calc from a reliable source, pretty stupid. 30 k facilities including those in China were all paid off by democrats.,What a dufus you are.
Actually me and you started off with me using actual climate scientists. And you used Democrats shills.
Sure, nasa is a shill, Johns Hopkins etc
Youve stated iff lieing and you never stopped. you’re buddies faked quotes and the ONLY LIGIT SCIENCE link you made, we showed it supported ME and not you.
Youre not only a fraud, you’re an incompetent fraud.
You and your fraud buddies are afraid to link any souce for your numbers…..they may come from real science institutes all of which show you are frauds.…traitors anti American .
It would be clear where he/she/it would sit on this quiz and chart;
I took the quiz. Asked for the results and it wanted me to join. I joined. It said I needed to take the quiz. I decided not to do it again.
Nah, I just listen to the absolute stupid claim that every university, research facility, govt agency was paid to lie. We even link your claimed college calc education as supporting climate change AGW. So, that makes your fake claim you learned calc from a reliable source, pretty stupid. 30 k facilities including those in China were all paid off by democrats.,What a dufus you are.
You forgot to explain why you are the traitor expert. As to this shit about calculus? After you kept making stuff up? How dare you litter this forum with lies and then bring up calculus.
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/——/ My turn to call BULLSHYT.
That’s cause you’re stupid. They have been getting worse by decades. Every year insurance companies require more flood mitigation in flood areas. You’ve been sleeping foolish.
I took the quiz. Asked for the results and it wanted me to join. I joined. It said I needed to take the quit. I decided not to do it again.

You forgot to explain why you are the traitor expert. As to this shit about calculus? After you kept making stuff up? How dare you litter this forum with lies and then bring up calculus.
Sure,,,you support a traitor and you make up shit about our greatest institutions we all depend upon..
Sure, nasa is a shill, Johns Hopkins etc
Youve stated iff lieing and you never stopped. you’re buddies faked quotes and the ONLY LIGIT SCIENCE link you made, we showed it supported ME and not you.
Youre not only a fraud, you’re an incompetent fraud.
You and your fraud buddies are afraid to link any souce for your numbers…..they may come from real science institutes all of which show you are frauds.…traitors anti American .
I think you deserve the title of Stormy Daniels. You do this for pay. You like fucking people. And you are a waste of time.

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