Staggering climate contradiction - data that can be fudged says "warming," data that cannot be fudged says "no warming"

Another lie.
She is your superior.


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In the wee hours of the morning, while Joe Biden was likely sleeping soundly in the White House, a drug-addled septuagenarian heap of Diet Coke, hamberder grease, spray tan and sociopathy sat alone in his gilded golf motel rage-posting on his failing social media app about a swanky, celebrity-filled, black-tie dinner in Washington D.C. which he did not attend and likely was not invited to.Clinging to his phone for dear life with his wee-lil hands, watching the clips over and over again, the mocking laughter of a roomful of famous and fabulous people he shall forever rue for refusing to capitulate to his awfulness, battering and bruising his eggshell-fragile ego on a never-ending loop.Unable to bear the humiliation of being the butt of their jokes and the object of their scorn, he retreated to the usual sanctuary of his digital realm to lash out in a desperate attempt to regain a semblance of control.With each keystroke of his fun-sized fingers, his rage burned hotter and hotter, as his addlepated mind was pounded over and over again by a deluge of simultaneous self-pity, self-righteousness and self-loathing.In his twisted reality, he was a martyr, the righteous avenger striking back against the injustice of his perceived persecution.Desperate for validation and vindication from the invisible audience of his faceless, faithful worshippers, he hammered the ALL CAPS keys demanding adulation and adoration even in the depths of his despair.Alone in his room, a laughingstock and a loser, illuminated by the glow of his safe-space smartphone as he angrily tapped away, tortured by collective ridicule, consumed by fury and desperate for the revenge he knew deep down, he will never, ever have.Sad.

12:40 PM · Apr 28, 2024
You do not understand climate. You confuse it with temperature. When I tell you about death Valley holding the earths highest record temperature (because you only talk about temperature) you do not understand this topic at all.
Ignoramus, every-time you post you reveal your ignorance. AGW is about the rate of change, something far beyond your fraud claim of knowing anything about calculus. Differential calc is all about rate of change and one of the early discussions in calc. Yet you, and all the other ignorant frauds never mentioned it. Guess it wasn’t necessary cleaning the latrine,
She is your superior.


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In the wee hours of the morning, while Joe Biden was likely sleeping soundly in the White House, a drug-addled septuagenarian heap of Diet Coke, hamberder grease, spray tan and sociopathy sat alone in his gilded golf motel rage-posting on his failing social media app about a swanky, celebrity-filled, black-tie dinner in Washington D.C. which he did not attend and likely was not invited to.Clinging to his phone for dear life with his wee-lil hands, watching the clips over and over again, the mocking laughter of a roomful of famous and fabulous people he shall forever rue for refusing to capitulate to his awfulness, battering and bruising his eggshell-fragile ego on a never-ending loop.Unable to bear the humiliation of being the butt of their jokes and the object of their scorn, he retreated to the usual sanctuary of his digital realm to lash out in a desperate attempt to regain a semblance of control.With each keystroke of his fun-sized fingers, his rage burned hotter and hotter, as his addlepated mind was pounded over and over again by a deluge of simultaneous self-pity, self-righteousness and self-loathing.In his twisted reality, he was a martyr, the righteous avenger striking back against the injustice of his perceived persecution.Desperate for validation and vindication from the invisible audience of his faceless, faithful worshippers, he hammered the ALL CAPS keys demanding adulation and adoration even in the depths of his despair.Alone in his room, a laughingstock and a loser, illuminated by the glow of his safe-space smartphone as he angrily tapped away, tortured by collective ridicule, consumed by fury and desperate for the revenge he knew deep down, he will never, ever have.Sad.

12:40 PM · Apr 28, 2024
literally everyone is your superior.

The "entire" military is not supporting an agenda of science lies and economic disaster. Only some of the O6 flag rank and above whom like you are engaged in CYA and hoping to advance their careers by being politically correct with current administration's scams.
The entire military ? No, there are a minority of idiot frauds in every organization, but they are often the low lives.
You copy and paste woo woo to pretend you know shit?
I copy-paste to;
1. Avoid rewriting what others have done better.
2. To provide material from more knowledgeable and credible sources than I am.
3. To provide material that might help you, or other scammers, learn something beyond your blind political indoctrination.

Enough for now in dealing with your failed K-12 ignorance. I've yard and garden chores to attend.
I copy-paste to;
1. Avoid rewriting what others have done better.
2. To provide material from more knowledgeable and credible sources than I am.
3. To provide material that might help you, or other scammers, learn something beyond your blind political indoctrination.

Enough for now in dealing with your failed K-12 ignorance. I've yard and garden chores to attend.
You’re desperate to sound smart aren’t you.
I copy-paste to;
1. Avoid rewriting what others have done better.
2. To provide material from more knowledgeable and credible sources than I am.
3. To provide material that might help you, or other scammers, learn something beyond your blind political indoctrination.

Enough for now in dealing with your failed K-12 ignorance. I've yard and garden chores to attend.
That must tax your intellect.
Whose ass did you lick before Biden? Was it Obama's?
I‘m a devote to our institutions, science, military, law enforcement and education community. All of which do you have much in common with.
That must tax your intellect.

I‘m a devote to our institutions, science, military, law enforcement and education community. All of which do you have much in common with.
In other words, fuck the people because you love the state. I knew that.
So democrats financed the climate change fraud, and They did this while not in office and repugnants were in charge. You don’t stand a chance.
Actually the fraud did start by efforts by Democrats. Do you recall Al Gore and his fraud about climate? What he predicted was a lie then and still is today. NY City is not covered by the ocean. He lied.

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