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Staggering COVID-19 Statistic: 98% to 99% of Americans Dying are Unvaccinated

The VAERs official data base is already filtered when its posted. The numbers are probably higher. Most in this country dont even know it exists.
You are a blatant liar. VAERS is an official data base of self reporting of possible issues with any and all vaccines. It partners with the CDC and the FDA. It is strictly observational statistics, not scientifically significant data. You probably do not know the difference
Below is from VAERS portal. It explains it is non-filtered, observational statistics. The statistics are analyzed later by FDA and CDC. That research has verified 3 deaths caused by a COVID vaccine.
Speak the truth or SHUT UP Eagle. You are killing people who do not get vaccinated because of your lies. It is criminal.

Established in 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of adverse events (possible side effects) after a person has received a vaccination. Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS. Healthcare professionals are required to report certain adverse events and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events that come to their attention.

VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine. This way, VAERS can provide CDC and FDA with valuable information that additional work and evaluation is necessary to further assess a possible safety concern.
After this regime and the Covidians have lied over and over you will still believe the creative numbers for the dead.
I may have been a little harsh, but I am trying to help you. I called you stupid but you do not have to be stupid forever. If you absorb the information I provided you, you will be smarter when it comes to COVID prevention. That can save your life and others lives. I am sending tough love your way.
You still didn't challenge what I said, but only attacked me personally. Strike two.
Speak the truth or SHUT UP Eagle. You are killing people who do not get vaccinated because of your lies. It is criminal.
BS. That is your opinion and it is not the truth. Those who experimented with Bat genetics are the only Fucking people via Gain of Function Research are criminal. Not using Ivermectin, HCL and other drugs used in other parts of the world IS CRIMINAL. I'm sick and tired of people like you saying we are the problem and saying we are killing people,

Pop quiz asshole India and the continent of Africa have 2. 6 Billion people. They have less deaths combined than we have. Not looking into that Data is CRIMINAL.

Vaers Portal for anyone to see is here.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Request Click I agree at the bottom of the page. Then click vaers data search. Go to section 3 and click covid 19. Then search and it will list ALL Adverse effects on this page.

That IS WATERED DOWN AND FILTERED BY VAERS. They have control of it,

Now for the 1985 law. That was the get out of jail free card by the VACCINE MAKERS signed by Reagan. You can't sue and it set up the court. It also charges 75 cents for every shot for compensation for damage by vaccines. It is OWNED BY PHARMA,

Covid is not authorized in the vaccine court it is via another program outside of that court. To date even though over 3000 claims have been filed ONLY 1 has received money.

The 1985 law should be revoked and Vaccine manufacturers should be SUED DIRECTLY when their products injure and or kill people being vaccinated.

691,884 Adverse effects have been reported AFTER FILTER TO VAERS at this point.

As of today 7430 deaths are in VAERS.

Where you can file for vaccine compensation.
BS. That is your opinion and it is not the truth. Those who experimented with Bat genetics are the only Fucking people via Gain of Function Research are criminal. Not using Ivermectin, HCL and other drugs used in other parts of the world IS CRIMINAL. I'm sick and tired of people like you saying we are the problem and saying we are killing people,

Pop quiz asshole India and the continent of Africa have 2. 6 Billion people. They have less deaths combined than we have. Not looking into that Data is CRIMINAL.

Vaers Portal for anyone to see is here.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Request Click I agree at the bottom of the page. Then click vaers data search. Go to section 3 and click covid 19. Then search and it will list ALL Adverse effects on this page.

That IS WATERED DOWN AND FILTERED BY VAERS. They have control of it,

Now for the 1985 law. That was the get out of jail free card by the VACCINE MAKERS signed by Reagan. You can't sue and it set up the court. It also charges 75 cents for every shot for compensation for damage by vaccines. It is OWNED BY PHARMA,

Covid is not authorized in the vaccine court it is via another program outside of that court. To date even though over 3000 claims have been filed ONLY 1 has received money.

The 1985 law should be revoked and Vaccine manufacturers should be SUED DIRECTLY when their products injure and or kill people being vaccinated.

691,884 Adverse effects have been reported AFTER FILTER TO VAERS at this point.

As of today 7430 deaths are in VAERS.

Where you can file for vaccine compensation.
Eagle, that post was a lot of nothing
I was in the ER last night...Covid 22 = 22 ounces of Vodka and caught my dick in my zipper. He said I needed a vaccine asap..... so I picked up a booster bottle.
Hard choice to choose but I came to my senses
You still didn't challenge what I said, but only attacked me personally. Strike two.
I showed a study that indicated over 98% of those dying from COVID were unvaccinated,

You asked: Are they counting the people who died unvaccinated before there even was a vaccine?

I said: No, It was for the month of May only. In May, 2021 the vaccine was out. If it was May before the vaccine was out, the % dying who were not vaccinated would be 100%

It's been quite a week. I've been in the media business for decades and I've never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why?

Let's start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.

Both arguments are pure fraud.

First, are you aware that anyone who dies within 14 days of getting vaccinated is considered "unvaccinated"? No wonder they claim everyone who is dying is unvaccinated. If you die from COVID-19, whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated, they just call you unvaccinated.

If a businessperson in the private sector tried that scam, they'd spend the next 20 years in prison for fraud.

The CDC has also been using stats of COVID-19 deaths going back to January to make the claim that the deaths are almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. That's because earlier in the year almost everyone was unvaccinated. That's called rigging the numbers. The CDC must be using the same Democrats who rigged and stole the 2020 election.

The vaccine isn't just failing, it's a spectacular fail. It wore off. It no longer works. And just as my holistic doctor friends predicted, it makes the next wave far worse. These doctors say vaccinated people are far more contagious; they carry heavier viral loads and are far more susceptible to getting severe illness than someone with "natural immunity."
Eagle, that post was a lot of nothing
Fuck you. You come in here and accuse me of being a criminal and I'm sick of people like you. For 2 fucking years you have been spreading fear. Locking everyone down. Now we have inflation from hell and the virus is STILL HERE. We locked down for NOTHING. India USED IVERMECTIN and their deaths are way lower than us. They gave out medical kits to take AT THE FIRST INDICATION OF SYMPTOMS. EARLY ON. And they are NIGHT and day better than us. Africa. Same thing and almost the entire Continent is UNVACCINATED. Again. 2.6 billion people with less deaths total than us.

Here.......We just say go home and if you get real sick then go to hospital. With the exception of monoclonal antibodies ......which is set up with good results in Florida. We don't even need that with the cheap drugs.
  • Additionally, NTZ suppresses the production of cytokines emphasizing its potential to manage COVID-19-induced cytokine storm. Furthermore, the reported efficacy of NTZ to bronchodilate the extremely contracted airways can be beneficial in alleviating COVID-19-associated symptoms. Short conclusion:

That drug kills the cytokine storm WHICH KILLS YOU.............It's cheap and has been used to stop the Cytokine storm that turns your lungs into hamburger meat.

The entire world witnessed the effectiveness of Ivermectin against India’s deadly second surge as the locations that adopted it saw their outbreaks quickly extinguished in stark contrast to those states that did not.

Among the most prominent examples include the Ivermectin areas of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Goa where cases dropped 98%, 97%, 94%, and 86%, respectively. By contrast, Tamil Nadu opted out of Ivermectin. As a result, their cases skyrocketed and rose to the highest in India. Tamil Nadu deaths increased ten-fold.

According to an analysis by Alex Berenson:

“What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people. This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE (or more than once, probably). It also means the virus is likely to select for mutations that go in exactly that direction because those will essentially give it an enormous vulnerable population to infect. And it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection.”

Who reports to VAERS?
According to the ODPHP (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion) report about VAERS from Healthy People 2020:
“The majority of VAERS reports are sent in by vaccine manufacturers (37%) and health care providers (36%). The remaining reports are obtained from state immunization programs (10%), vaccine recipients (or their parent/guardians, 7%) and other sources (10%).”
So at the time of this writing, 83% of reporters were from HCWs, Pharma and Governmentally based sources.1
We also have from early April 2021 Scott McLachlan and colleagues downloaded the 2021 US VAERS Dataset. They identified health service employees as the reporter in at least 67% of the reports, while pharmaceutical employees were identified as the reporter in a further 5%. Lay people were identifiable as the reporter in only 28% of the reports. A total of 72% HCWs and pharma.2
1. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System | Healthy People 2020
2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352837543_Analysis_of_COVID-19_vaccine_death_reports_from_the_Vaccine_Adverse_Events_Reporting_System_VAERS_Database_Interim_Results_and_Analysi


Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.

You can read the history of Ivermectin on this site. It's been used since 1975
So you have no evidence this statistic is false, just your personal paranoia and bias towards the CDC?
What I is have extreme doubt about the proclamations of serial compulsive liars.

Your gullibility and naivete is your problem.
What I is have extreme doubt about the proclamations of serial compulsive liars.

Your gullibility and naivete is your problem.
I have EXTREME BIAS AGAINST THE CDC. And the FDA. And Fau Chi........ECO Health Alliance. DARPA for gene warfare studies in Wuhan China, The NIH who are PATENT HOLDERS to MODERNA and Pfizer, and others.

Cheap drugs would have made their vaccines useless.........Only the expensive drugs from their buddies can be used........They are responsible for the deaths in this nation.

  1. Since 2012, multiple in vitro studies have demonstrated that Ivermectin inhibits the replication of many viruses, including influenza, Zika, Dengue, and others.9–17
  2. Ivermectin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication and binding to host tissue through several observed and proposed mechanisms.18
  3. Ivermectin has potent anti-inflammatory properties with in vitro data demonstrating profound inhibition of both cytokine production and transcription of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), the most potent mediator of inflammation.37–39
  4. Ivermectin significantly diminishes viral load and protects against organ damage in multiple animal models when infected with SARS-CoV-2 or similar coronaviruses.31,32
  5. Ivermectin prevents transmission and development of COVID-19 disease in those exposed to infected patients.40–45
  6. Ivermectin hastens recovery and prevents deterioration in patients with mild to moderate disease treated early after symptoms.45,49–52,61,62
  7. Ivermectin hastens recovery and avoidance of ICU admission and death in hospitalized patients.45,51,53,63–66
  8. Ivermectin reduces mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19.45,53,63
  9. Ivermectin leads to temporally associated reductions in case fatality rates in regions after ivermectin distribution campaigns.48
  10. The safety, availability, and cost of ivermectin are nearly unparalleled given its low incidence of important drug interactions along with only mild and rare side effects observed in almost 40 years of use and billions of doses administered.75
  11. The World Health Organization has long included ivermectin on its “List of Essential Medicines.”
With a survival rate of over 99% all your dreams could come true in 500 thousand years or so.
Gov't is their God. As they take the clot shots they worship them. And want anyone who doesn't worship at the alter with them to die. They are PATHETIC.

$5 worth of drugs EARLY ON and this whole Plannedemic would be over. They want to JAB FOREVER. In Europe they are going Full Nazi. Covid PASSPORTS TO SHOP. INSANITY.

It's been quite a week. I've been in the media business for decades and I've never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why?

Let's start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.

Both arguments are pure fraud.

First, are you aware that anyone who dies within 14 days of getting vaccinated is considered "unvaccinated"? No wonder they claim everyone who is dying is unvaccinated. If you die from COVID-19, whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated, they just call you unvaccinated.

If a businessperson in the private sector tried that scam, they'd spend the next 20 years in prison for fraud.

The CDC has also been using stats of COVID-19 deaths going back to January to make the claim that the deaths are almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. That's because earlier in the year almost everyone was unvaccinated. That's called rigging the numbers. The CDC must be using the same Democrats who rigged and stole the 2020 election.

The vaccine isn't just failing, it's a spectacular fail. It wore off. It no longer works. And just as my holistic doctor friends predicted, it makes the next wave far worse. These doctors say vaccinated people are far more contagious; they carry heavier viral loads and are far more susceptible to getting severe illness than someone with "natural immunity."
Great resource Eagle, A proven liar.
Root is known for spreading conspiracy theories[3][4][32] and false information.[33]
Root was a leading proponent of the conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.[34] Root falsely claimed that Obama was not a student at Columbia University.[4] He later stated in a 2012 interview with Sean Hannity that he believed Obama was a "foreign exchange student" there.[32] He has repeatedly described Obama as a "Marxist, anti-American, anti-Israel, globalist, middle class-hating, Muslim sympathizer".[32] In 2017, he claimed that Obama was gay, called him "Bathhouse Barry" and said that he had info from Obama's "friends in Chicago" about his "sordid past".[32] In 2014, he described Obama as a "Manchurian candidate", possibly hired by the Bilderberg Group to destroy the United States and "kill all of us".[32]
Root promoted conspiracy theories around the murder of Seth Rich, and at various times suggested that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Bill Clinton, Eric Schneiderman and John Podesta were involved in the murder.[32]
During the white supremacist Unite the Right rally, Root falsely claimed that blaming white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. for killing Heather Heyer was "such B.S. Probably paid actors & infiltrators hired by Soros. No conservative I've ever met commits violence. EVER."[32]
On the night of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, in which 58 people were shot and killed by Stephen Paddock (including himself) and 2 of them shot by Paddock later died of their injuries in 2019 and 2020 respectively, Root tweeted: "Clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack." Police later determined only one shooter—a non-religious American—was involved.[33][35][36]
In 2018, Root argued that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is motivated by "penis envy", because "Mueller's is smaller than Trump's."[32]
On February 6, 2021, Twitter permanently suspended the accounts of both Root and founder Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit for violating Twitter rules.[37]

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