Stalin aligned Hitler originally

Oh so you and Mary think Capitalism is pure and divine but all the other isms are evil?

What ism were we when we were murdering the Indians or enslaving blacks?
News flash, Comrade: Capitalism isn't a system of government. Monarchies can be capitalist. Anarchies can be capitalist. Republics and democracies can be capitalist.

I'll give you a few minutes to come to grips with reality -- but since your immediate instinct was to "whatabout capitalism", it's doubtful you can come to grips with reality.
Russia, er Stalin sided with NAZI Germany originally. Birds of a feather. Russia sided with Hitler. They invaded say, Poland.

When you want to go invading countries, but don't want that big ass military on your ass, you make a pact.

Doesn't mean they sided with each other.
Yes. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Agreement was one of convenience for both dictators. Stalin hoped Hitler would get bogged down fighting the English and French, thus wearing all of them out. Then Stalin planned to use his enormous army to conquer all of Europe. He never thought Germany would so quickly take over the continent.

Then Hitler beat Stalin to the punch, with Operation Barbarossa.
Yes. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Agreement was one of convenience for both dictators. Stalin hoped Hitler would get bogged down fighting the English and French, thus wearing all of them out. Then Stalin planned to use his enormous army to conquer all of Europe. He never thought Germany would so quickly take over the continent.

Then Hitler beat Stalin to the punch, with Operation Barbarossa.

Hitler knew he'd have to act fast as Russia was developing weaponry fast. Hitler almost pulled it off as well.
Hitler screwed up not partnering up with Russia. We were lucky they were on our side.

You people are about 15 years behind the information curve. It's been known for some time, thanks to revelations from the Soviet archives, that Stalin had no intention of keeping his pact with Hitler and planned on attacking Germany and the rest of Europe in a matter of months. The reason the Germans were able to capture such huge stockpiles of supplies was that the Russians had staged them in forward areas in preparation for their coming invasion. Read Dr. Sean McMeekin's new book Stalin's War: A New History of World War II. Or, read Viktor Suvorov's 2008 book The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II.
You people are about 15 years behind the information curve. It's been known for some time, thanks to revelations from the Soviet archives, that Stalin had no intention of keeping his pact with Hitler and planned on attacking Germany and the rest of Europe in a matter of months. The reason the Germans were able to capture such huge stockpiles of supplies was that the Russians had staged them in forward areas in preparation for their coming invasion. Read Dr. Sean McMeekin's new book Stalin's War: A New History of World War II. Or, read Viktor Suvorov's 2008 book The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II.
True. Look what Hitler did to Italians. What I’m saying is hitler screwed up by not friending Russia first. Then stab them in the back later.

germany had to fight USA and russia. Imagine if russia was on the other side? So in a way tgfr.
Stalin killed more people than Hitler. Ditto for Mao. Communism starved or persecuted more people than "NAZISM" did. Under Mao: 80 million, under Stalin: 14 million.
Stalin and Mao had much more time. Hitler’s reign was relatively short. His body count probably would have eclipsed them both combined if he’d had as long as they did.

Fortunately he offed himself like the pussy he was.
Fortunately he offed himself like the pussy he was.

Yes, and this is why I don't get the worship of him by neo-nazis; he got more Germans killed by his petty sniveling refusal to end a war he knew was lost years earlier and just stayed in it to punish Germany for failing his stupid deranged ass. He could have stood down in the West and had plenty of German men left alive to make the post-war times more bearable and recovery quicker for his people. Same with the Jap tards and their idiocy. Also, with a lot of German soldiers still fit for service and American backing Stalin would have had to be a lot more moderate in his treatment of people in his zone in the post-war era.
what a nonsense :)
here is true information on alliance of Hitler with the rest of the West against USSR..

the US landed in Europe after USSR has already defeated Hitler, just not to miss its share of a pie.
the US contribution in victory over Nazism was insignificant.
the whole US contribution in WWII was insignificant.

except collecting gold for military shipments the US, dod not do much..

How many US troops fought in Pacific at all?
1/20 or 1/30 of Soviet ones in Soviet/German front?

for German/Soviet front all American actions in Pacific ocean would be a local operation..
the US landed in Europe after USSR has already defeated Hitler, just not to miss its share of a pie.
the US contribution in victory over Nazism was insignificant.
the whole US contribution in WWII was insignificant.

except collecting gold for military shipments the US, dod not do much..

How many US troops fought in Pacific at all?
1/20 or 1/30 of Soviet ones in Soviet/German front?

for German/Soviet front all American actions in Pacific ocean would be a local operation..
The Soviets needed American equipment to defeat Hitler.

And of course the Russians mobilized more soldiers than the US. Their country was invaded. We didn’t have to go to Europe at all. We liberated France, Italy and the Low Countries. That’s not “insignificant”. The liberation of Paris alone was one of the greatest triumphs of the Allies.
The Soviets needed American equipment to defeat Hitler.

And of course the Russians mobilized more soldiers than the US. Their country was invaded. We didn’t have to go to Europe at all. We liberated France, Italy and the Low Countries. That’s not “insignificant”. The liberation of Paris alone was one of the greatest triumphs of the Allies.
USSR/German front was as long as US-Canadian border or longer. France is a tiny piece of land and all operations of the Western allies in Europe were local or medium (several biggest of them) if Soviet standards are applied.
USSR/German front was as long as US-Canadian border or longer. France is a tiny piece of land and all operations of the Western allies in Europe were local or medium (several biggest of them) if Soviet standards are applied.
The western allies were also busy fighting in North Africa, the Middle East and east Asia. If anything, it was the Russians whose operations could be described as local.
The western allies were also busy fighting in North Africa, the Middle East and east Asia. If anything, it was the Russians whose operations could be described as local.
lol, in Stalingrad battle alone each side, i. e. Russians and Germans lost more than 1 000 000 soldiers each (USSR - 1,129 mln, Germany - about 1,5 mln) .
90% of all losses inflicted to Germany were losses in Eastern front, i. e. by USSR.

all these battlefields you mentioned, North Africa, Middle East etc. would not be even mentioned in news in Russia if it was Eastern front...
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True. Look what Hitler did to Italians. What I’m saying is hitler screwed up by not friending Russia first. Then stab them in the back later.

germany had to fight USA and russia. Imagine if russia was on the other side? So in a way tgfr.
the US now has the same dilemma, whome to attack first - China or Russia.

and it does the same mistake as Napoleon and Hitler did...

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