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Stalin, Communism and the left wing

Communism is a triangle with four corners.

communism killed 120 million human beings. Liberals
might just as well dream about HItler achieving his true aims and overlook the 60 million who died in the first failed attempt.

From Aristotle forward liberalism has been identified as the source of evil on this planet.

Liberals and Communists are different. So how could it be Communism doing this and Liberals carrying it out?

But then again you're trying to play a numbers game. It seems this nonsense is coming from anyone who cares to say they're on the right and posting on this topic right now. Simple answers, backed up with a few statistics that don't mean anything but look rather nice.
The right is the right, Christan or Muslim, and they want all the control, period.

the right wants limited govt to cripple the source of control and thus unleash freedom as our Founders intended.

A seemingly simple and obvious lesson but one which the liberal lacks the IQ to understand. Amazingly, the liberal is like a subspecies withiin the human species. They look the same but have a part of their brain missing.

The right wants to limit government restrictions on the hierarchy they worship, so that can swindle working folks, pollute with impunity and CONTROL every aspect of our nation. For the poor and working folks it is a cup to piss in, outlaw all labor from organizing and arrest and incarcerate anyone who protests.. Conservative HATE the word democracy. Conservatism ALWAYS tries to create an aristocracy...in America it would take the shape of a pure corporatocracy
Liberals and Communists are different.

communists call themselves liberals in America. They spied for Stalin , and elected Obama, a liberal who had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders and supports single payer.

Isn't learning to think fun?
Cyanide isn't a flavour, nor is it ice cream. The differences are trivial. None of them could have accomplished their crimes without the absolute power that control over the economy gives.

And politics isn't ice cream, what's your point?

The differences are clearly trivial for those who don't want to understand, for those who have an agenda and want them to be all the same for whatever reason i don't understand.

None of them could have done what they did without being extreme, without controlling people, controlling what people do and most things in their lives. How they controlled was different. What the did was different. The message they gave out was different.

But I'm assuming you have a point here. Is it that they must all be left wing because Communism is considered left wing, therefore if COmmunism is left wing and they're all the same that makes Nazism left wing? I seriously hope not, because that would be an amazingly shit argument.
The message they gave out was different.

too stuipid and liberal as usual!! Our founders knew from Aristotle and Plato that there is only one message: freedom or govt. HItler Stalin Mao and Geroge 3 were all the same to our founders and all illegal in America.

Simple enough for even a fridig weirdo liberal?
The message they gave out was different.

too stuipid and liberal as usual!! Our founders knew from Aristotle and Plato that there is only one message: freedom or govt. HItler Stalin Mao and Geroge 3 were all the same to our founders and all illegal in America.

Simple enough for even a fridig weirdo liberal?

Oh, I see, insults, again, in some hope this will do what? Make you seem more intelligent? Make you feel good about belittling others? Give you that feel good factor you used to have in high school? Please, enlighten me as to why you feel the need for insults over substance.
The message they gave out was different.

too stuipid and liberal as usual!! Our founders knew from Aristotle and Plato that there is only one message: freedom or govt. HItler Stalin Mao and Geroge 3 were all the same to our founders and all illegal in America.

Simple enough for even a fridig weirdo liberal?

Oh, I see, insults, again, in some hope this will do what? Make you seem more intelligent? Make you feel good about belittling others? Give you that feel good factor you used to have in high school? Please, enlighten me as to why you feel the need for insults over substance.

Our founders knew from Aristotle and Plato that there is only one message: freedom or govt. HItler Stalin Mao and Geroge 3 were all the same to our founders and all illegal in America.

do you have the IQ to understand that?
Liberals and Communists are different.

communists call themselves liberals in America. They spied for Stalin , and elected Obama, a liberal who had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders and supports single payer.

Isn't learning to think fun?

No, it's progressives that call themselves liberals. Liberals are fine. Progressives are the problem.
Liberals and Communists are different.

communists call themselves liberals in America. They spied for Stalin , and elected Obama, a liberal who had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders and supports single payer.

Isn't learning to think fun?

No, it's progressives that call themselves liberals. Liberals are fine. Progressives are the problem.

communists call themselves liberals or progressives in America. They spied for Stalin , and elected Obama, a liberal who had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders and supports single payer.

Isn't learning to think fun?
I believe every non-liberal in this discussion thinks W was a government loving big spending liberal.

Which is why there's a 4 out of 5 chance they thought Bush was doing a great job throughout most of his presidency.

What a stupid response. Yeah, Einstein, small government libertarians, anarchists, we thought he was great. Here's your sippy cup, I put juice in it for you.
No, it's progressives that call themselves liberals. Liberals are fine. Progressives are the problem.

communists call themselves liberals or progressives in America. They spied for Stalin , and elected Obama, a liberal who had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders and supports single payer.

Isn't learning to think fun?[/QUOTE]
LOL, that's been my point to you, Skippy.

So....? What?

If that was your point, why didn't you just say it?

I did. Communists are lying to you. No kidding.

Well it was you saying it, not Communists, unless your point now is that you're a Communist.

You didn't say it, hence why it took me a load of posts just to wring it out of you.
Incoherent babbling

So what is your point. Why are you telling me that there's a difference between the theoretical Communism and Communism put in practice exactly?

Because you said they aren't communists because they are not theoretical communists. They followed the communist manifesto, they were communists. That you want to define communists as a Kibbutz is ridiculous.

Oh, you fail to make a point properly means I'm incoherent. Right, got it.

You're saying Communists aren't Communists because they don't meet your fantasy land definition of communists and you are saying my point is incoherent? Um..OK?
No, it's progressives that call themselves liberals. Liberals are fine. Progressives are the problem.

communists call themselves liberals or progressives in America. They spied for Stalin , and elected Obama, a liberal who had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders and supports single payer.

Isn't learning to think fun?[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
No, it's progressives that call themselves liberals. Liberals are fine. Progressives are the problem.

communists call themselves liberals or progressives in America. They spied for Stalin , and elected Obama, a liberal who had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders and supports single payer.

Isn't learning to think fun?

Progressivism is the problem. It calls itself many things. Liberal is one of them but liberals are not about governmental control, liberals are for liberty FROM government.
Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke

Commie propaganda?

Here is the heading of the author...

The Art of Conservatism
"Soon the world will wake up and discover that conservatism is not only an economic and political doctrine, but it is also a way of life; an endeavor created to obtain a virtuous, noble cause based upon the beliefs and the ideals of free markets, free speech, and limited government... this is a lifestyle mankind could really get to like."

That doesn't jive with the content of the blog which is an apology for Marxism.

There is no apology for Marxism. There is just a clear explanation that Stalin was no Marxist, there was no socialism in Russia, and that Stalin led the right wing of the communist party.

In other words, the article was an apology for Marxism. The "right-wing" of the communist party is still far to the left of Barry Obama or even Elanor Holmes Norton. The fact that marxists disagree is hardly surprising, but that doesn't prove Stalin wasn't a Marxists. Socialists have been making war on each other for over 100 years.

How are Barry or Norton to the left of Marxists? Just because they don't have what Stalin did regarding ubiquitous control over the economy doesn't mean they don't want it. If they could get it, where would they stop short of the Communist governments? When would they say no, I don't want that? I disagree with this, they are hard core Marxists.
When communists or fascist or any group that refuses opposition takes over, the first people they kill are those they consider "threats". Scientists, teachers, college professors and so on. The stupid people become their flock. In other words, all the best liberals are killed first. It's always been that way. Look how easily led the GOP base is. "Let him die?" Really?

Liberals are the ones who "refuse" opposition.
Hmm, yea, Republicans are 90% white and all conservative.
Democrats are all colors, with some even being conservative.

But it's Republicans who are "open minded"? Hilarious!

Name positions actual Democrats who actually disagree and positions that they actually disagree on.
You said: Name positions actual Democrats who actually disagree and positions that they actually disagree on.

I don't even need to go look anything up. You know many black conservatives don't like gays and most certainly gay marriage. I could name another dozen issues without bothering to research it.

But Republicans, regardless of what they actually believe, they vote alike, they walk alike, they talk alike because being 90% white, they ARE alike.
swindle working folks,

your best example of this or admit once again to being a total idiot liberal liar who cant defend what he says!!

Health insurance cartels, credit card companies...

REAL death panels exist because Wall Street investors gained control of heath insurance companies, forcing them to either deny expensive treatments or be severely punished by investors.

What POSSIBLE reason could there be for credit card companies to issue 30 page applications? To swindle working folks.

You folks on the right are totally blind to any malfeasance by the private sector...TOTALLY.
As for capitalists, no idea what you are talking about. Hitler controlled industry. There were no capitalists, you don't know what capitalism is if you think Nazi Germany was capitalist. And Hitler served no one. They served him.

"On Twitter, Justin Paulson brought this fascinating article from The Journal of Economic Perspectives to my attention.

"It’s called 'The Coining of ‘Privatization’ and Germany’s National Socialist Party.” Apparently, the first use of the word “privatization' (or “reprivatization”) in English occurred in the 1930s, in the context of explaining economic policy in the Third Reich.

"Indeed, the English word was formulated as a translation of the German word 'Reprivatisierung,' which had itself been newly minted under the Third Reich."

Next time someone tells you the Nazis were anti-capitalist 8230 Corey Robin
That doesn't make him a liberal. Stalin was raised in a conservative household, attended Georgian Orthodox Seminary and was a big believer in Darwinism...survival of the fittest or richest. He restricted divorce, banned abortions and was vehemently opposed by the left in Russia led by Trotsky.
Is there an English translation of Solzhenizin's book "[URL='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gulag_Archipelago']The Gulag Archipelago"[/URL]?. It should be. Try to read, also, maybe there are stories of Varlam Shalamov in English - one of the prisoners from there.
Communists, Lenin, Stalin were not a politicians, liberals or progressiveo_O, there were an absolute evil. Maybe in China is another way (or in Korea), but in Russia they tend to totally eliminate the people staying a few one serving their interest of the world's revolution.
By counting of Mendeleev (russian chemistry scientist) at the end of the 20th centure population of Russian Empire should have been 600 million assuming the fertility rate of the beginning of the century, but as we saw, in 1990s post-Ussr countries had about 200 millions. Where is 400 millions?..
And the main core of this idea of communism is the idea that a man can rule the society on his own without counting any other rules except his will. Unfortunately, west culture is driving to such conclusion, as i see (maybe I mistake).

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