Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!


I am always a fan of thugs getting what is coming to them.

As for anyone asking for what is fair, that has not been discussed here at all. This is not about anyone asking for what is fair.

Are the workers on either of the jobsites discussed in this thread been treated unfairly?? If so, please tell us how? Your blind devotion to these thugs has twisted your sense of right & wrong to the point that anything the union does is right, and anything not connected to the union is wrong. Sorry junior, but that ain't always the way things are.

I'd be the first one to condemn the union when it goes too far.

Calling a yuppie cow a "scab" when she walks into their resturant trying to provoke an incident isn't there.

I have not complained about that. But you are lying when you said you would call them if they went to far. Earlier in this conversation, when I asked you about whether stalking their children was acceptable, you said it was. And I believe you also dismissed it with a "They deserved it".

Define fair.

And you can ask for anything you want but what you fail to understand is that no one is obligated to give it to you.

The second you agree to work for an offered salary you are accepting that the wage is fair.

If it wasn't fair why would you accept the job?

True, no one is obligated to give it to you.

And no one is obligated to let you have a business that you can run in peace.

Boycott, Strike, class warfare really sucks when they fight back, doesn't it?

I have no problem with boycotts and strikes. (Class warfare is more about your self-esteem than business)

But what we have been discussing is that unions are exempt from laws that are designed to protect individual citizens. Your cavalier attitude about that is disgusting.

Boycotts and strikes? Sure! Stalking people's children and burning down buildings? Absolutely not!

I am always a fan of thugs getting what is coming to them.

As for anyone asking for what is fair, that has not been discussed here at all. This is not about anyone asking for what is fair.

Are the workers on either of the jobsites discussed in this thread been treated unfairly?? If so, please tell us how? Your blind devotion to these thugs has twisted your sense of right & wrong to the point that anything the union does is right, and anything not connected to the union is wrong. Sorry junior, but that ain't always the way things are.

I'd be the first one to condemn the union when it goes too far.

Calling a yuppie cow a "scab" when she walks into their resturant trying to provoke an incident isn't there.

I have not complained about that. But you are lying when you said you would call them if they went to far. Earlier in this conversation, when I asked you about whether stalking their children was acceptable, you said it was. And I believe you also dismissed it with a "They deserved it".

Except you didn't prove children were stalked, or that any harm came to them...

YOu know, that sort of thing.

Sorry, still haven't made your case. Tell you what, when I think they've gone too far, I'll let you know.

What you think, well, here's how that rates.

Boy, you are really concerned about my job situation and something that happened six years ago.

Here's the hint, boy, i was there, you weren't.

Now, frankly, every time a union guy has done work for me, I've gotten excellent results. True, those guys are mostly family, but the work they do is fantastic, because they really know their stuff. Unlike some scab who took an extention course at a community college.

I can't speak to the topic of building construction, but in utility construction I would put my non-union linemen against any union linemen in the business. Not only is their work as good or better, they hustle and get more work done every day. There are two things that provide incentive that the unions ignore. First, my guys have made a name for themselves, not a union. The quality of the work reflects directly on them. Second, the more quality product they product, the more money they make. You see, non-union guys work on production. They are paid by what they produce. We've never found a lineman in a union who would do that. They all demand hourly pay. Its a pity too. You can make more on production than on hours.
Boy, you are really concerned about my job situation and something that happened six years ago.

Here's the hint, boy, i was there, you weren't.

Now, frankly, every time a union guy has done work for me, I've gotten excellent results. True, those guys are mostly family, but the work they do is fantastic, because they really know their stuff. Unlike some scab who took an extention course at a community college.

I can't speak to the topic of building construction, but in utility construction I would put my non-union linemen against any union linemen in the business. Not only is their work as good or better, they hustle and get more work done every day. There are two things that provide incentive that the unions ignore. First, my guys have made a name for themselves, not a union. The quality of the work reflects directly on them. Second, the more quality product they product, the more money they make. You see, non-union guys work on production. They are paid by what they produce. We've never found a lineman in a union who would do that. They all demand hourly pay. Its a pity too. You can make more on production than on hours.

Yeah, how dare they demand being paid for the hours they work!
I'd be the first one to condemn the union when it goes too far.

Calling a yuppie cow a "scab" when she walks into their resturant trying to provoke an incident isn't there.

I have not complained about that. But you are lying when you said you would call them if they went to far. Earlier in this conversation, when I asked you about whether stalking their children was acceptable, you said it was. And I believe you also dismissed it with a "They deserved it".

Except you didn't prove children were stalked, or that any harm came to them...

YOu know, that sort of thing.

Sorry, still haven't made your case. Tell you what, when I think they've gone too far, I'll let you know.

What you think, well, here's how that rates.


This isn't about the case. This is about me asking you a question about involving her children and you replied that she deserved it. It was only later that you got into the "You can't prove it happened" nonsense. You have clearly stated that you think stalking her kids is acceptable.
Boy, you are really concerned about my job situation and something that happened six years ago.

Here's the hint, boy, i was there, you weren't.

Now, frankly, every time a union guy has done work for me, I've gotten excellent results. True, those guys are mostly family, but the work they do is fantastic, because they really know their stuff. Unlike some scab who took an extention course at a community college.

I can't speak to the topic of building construction, but in utility construction I would put my non-union linemen against any union linemen in the business. Not only is their work as good or better, they hustle and get more work done every day. There are two things that provide incentive that the unions ignore. First, my guys have made a name for themselves, not a union. The quality of the work reflects directly on them. Second, the more quality product they product, the more money they make. You see, non-union guys work on production. They are paid by what they produce. We've never found a lineman in a union who would do that. They all demand hourly pay. Its a pity too. You can make more on production than on hours.

Yeah, how dare they demand being paid for the hours they work!

Oh don't even try to twist it like that. Everyone gets paid on our jobs. There are simply different ways of paying.

In the fiber optics industry, paying production is the most common method. If you know what you are doing, do good work, and don't fuck off, you can make far more money than working hourly wages. But you DO have to work at it like it matters. And you DO have to produce a quality product in order to make money.

Oh don't even try to twist it like that. Everyone gets paid on our jobs. There are simply different ways of paying.

In the fiber optics industry, paying production is the most common method. If you know what you are doing, do good work, and don't fuck off, you can make far more money than working hourly wages. But you DO have to work at it like it matters. And you DO have to produce a quality product in order to make money.

Yawn... don't care.

I'm sure you guys would bring back this if you could get away with it.


Awww....look how productive the lovable little scamps are.

Oh don't even try to twist it like that. Everyone gets paid on our jobs. There are simply different ways of paying.

In the fiber optics industry, paying production is the most common method. If you know what you are doing, do good work, and don't fuck off, you can make far more money than working hourly wages. But you DO have to work at it like it matters. And you DO have to produce a quality product in order to make money.

Yawn... don't care.

I'm sure you guys would bring back this if you could get away with it.


Awww....look how productive the lovable little scamps are.

Awww, look how you just make shit up when you can't make a point. Isn't that cute.

No, no one here has said anything about being anti-labor. I haven't seen anyone say anything against workers in general. You have spouted nonsense claiming all non-union workers are substandard, but we've learned to ignore your little lies.

Once again, it is all about whether or not the unions should be exempt from stalking & harassment laws. You think they should be. You want to protect thugs.

Awww, look how you just make shit up when you can't make a point. Isn't that cute.

No, no one here has said anything about being anti-labor. I haven't seen anyone say anything against workers in general. You have spouted nonsense claiming all non-union workers are substandard, but we've learned to ignore your little lies.

Once again, it is all about whether or not the unions should be exempt from stalking & harassment laws. You think they should be. You want to protect thugs.

So do you. But the thugs you want to protect wear silk suits and sit in corner offices.

Awww, look how you just make shit up when you can't make a point. Isn't that cute.

No, no one here has said anything about being anti-labor. I haven't seen anyone say anything against workers in general. You have spouted nonsense claiming all non-union workers are substandard, but we've learned to ignore your little lies.

Once again, it is all about whether or not the unions should be exempt from stalking & harassment laws. You think they should be. You want to protect thugs.

So do you. But the thugs you want to protect wear silk suits and sit in corner offices.

I am not protecting any thugs. If they act like thugs then I say throw them in jail.

The difference between our outlooks on things is that you demand that the only job that is good and is good for the workers is a union job. You are blind to any shortcomings of the union, and accepting of their violent tactics.

I, on the other hand, see that there are bad employers and bad union halls. I have seen both sides show the worst and best. I am not so naive as to believe that no one can make a good living without a union. Hell, I have made a very good living without unions.

If I am protecting anyone it is the guys who want to work, the children of people who work, and the freedom to choose to work & live as we decide for ourselves.
I am not protecting any thugs. If they act like thugs then I say throw them in jail.

The difference between our outlooks on things is that you demand that the only job that is good and is good for the workers is a union job. You are blind to any shortcomings of the union, and accepting of their violent tactics.

I, on the other hand, see that there are bad employers and bad union halls. I have seen both sides show the worst and best. I am not so naive as to believe that no one can make a good living without a union. Hell, I have made a very good living without unions.

If I am protecting anyone it is the guys who want to work, the children of people who work, and the freedom to choose to work & live as we decide for ourselves.

Ah, "Freedom"

ALso defined as "The ability of those with money and power to abuse those without power".

The thing is, you don't want "Freedom". Freedom would be that they could have put Miss Kneepads in the hospital with no consequences.

What you want are laws that protect you, but not the other guy.

Awww, look how you just make shit up when you can't make a point. Isn't that cute.

No, no one here has said anything about being anti-labor. I haven't seen anyone say anything against workers in general. You have spouted nonsense claiming all non-union workers are substandard, but we've learned to ignore your little lies.

Once again, it is all about whether or not the unions should be exempt from stalking & harassment laws. You think they should be. You want to protect thugs.

So do you. But the thugs you want to protect wear silk suits and sit in corner offices.

I never worked for anyone who sat in a corner office and I doubt you did either.

I worked for small business owners before i worked for myself and I was never mistreated by a business owner.

In fact the first guy I ever worked for owned a restaurant he knew I lied about my age and he let me work anyway. That guy probably saved my life.

I never worked for anyone who sat in a corner office and I doubt you did either.

I worked for small business owners before i worked for myself and I was never mistreated by a business owner.

In fact the first guy I ever worked for owned a restaurant he knew I lied about my age and he let me work anyway. That guy probably saved my life.

Ah, yes, but he did facilitate your introduction to the fatty foods that got you that permanent disability.
I am not protecting any thugs. If they act like thugs then I say throw them in jail.

The difference between our outlooks on things is that you demand that the only job that is good and is good for the workers is a union job. You are blind to any shortcomings of the union, and accepting of their violent tactics.

I, on the other hand, see that there are bad employers and bad union halls. I have seen both sides show the worst and best. I am not so naive as to believe that no one can make a good living without a union. Hell, I have made a very good living without unions.

If I am protecting anyone it is the guys who want to work, the children of people who work, and the freedom to choose to work & live as we decide for ourselves.

Ah, "Freedom"

ALso defined as "The ability of those with money and power to abuse those without power".

The thing is, you don't want "Freedom". Freedom would be that they could have put Miss Kneepads in the hospital with no consequences.

What you want are laws that protect you, but not the other guy.

You really have a knack for trying to tell someone else what they think. You have done it several times with me, and you have yet to be even close to correct.

No, freedom does NOT mean they could put the VP of the company in the hospital with no consequences. If you think that is how freedom works you are either 12 years old or completely ignorant.

Freedom means I am free to decide for myself. That freedom ends when my actions harm others.

"What you want are laws that protect you, but not the other guy". WTF?? Are you kidding me?? You have the gall to actually type that drivel?
I am the guy who wants the stalking laws and harassment laws to apply to everyone. You are the one who wants your thugs to be immune from prosecution as they threaten citizens. Your hypocrisy really is astounding.

I never worked for anyone who sat in a corner office and I doubt you did either.

I worked for small business owners before i worked for myself and I was never mistreated by a business owner.

In fact the first guy I ever worked for owned a restaurant he knew I lied about my age and he let me work anyway. That guy probably saved my life.

Ah, yes, but he did facilitate your introduction to the fatty foods that got you that permanent disability.

At least I never got shit canned from multiple jobs like you have.

Awww, look how you just make shit up when you can't make a point. Isn't that cute.

No, no one here has said anything about being anti-labor. I haven't seen anyone say anything against workers in general. You have spouted nonsense claiming all non-union workers are substandard, but we've learned to ignore your little lies.

Once again, it is all about whether or not the unions should be exempt from stalking & harassment laws. You think they should be. You want to protect thugs.

So do you. But the thugs you want to protect wear silk suits and sit in corner offices.

I never worked for anyone who sat in a corner office and I doubt you did either.

I worked for small business owners before i worked for myself and I was never mistreated by a business owner.

In fact the first guy I ever worked for owned a restaurant he knew I lied about my age and he let me work anyway. That guy probably saved my life.

Joe here has only 3 categories of people: First there are the hated 1%ers. Then there are the people who support or defend the 1%ers. And lastly there are the noble union men who fight for the souls and well-being of the workers, with no thought for themselves. These union men should be able to stalk, harass, attack, and destroy at will for their noble endeavors.

You really have a knack for trying to tell someone else what they think. You have done it several times with me, and you have yet to be even close to correct.

No, freedom does NOT mean they could put the VP of the company in the hospital with no consequences. If you think that is how freedom works you are either 12 years old or completely ignorant.

Freedom means I am free to decide for myself. That freedom ends when my actions harm others.

"What you want are laws that protect you, but not the other guy". WTF?? Are you kidding me?? You have the gall to actually type that drivel?
I am the guy who wants the stalking laws and harassment laws to apply to everyone. You are the one who wants your thugs to be immune from prosecution as they threaten citizens. Your hypocrisy really is astounding.

So you want Miss KNeepads to have the freedom to deprive these men of a livlihood, but gosh darn, you'd better not call me any bad names or take a picture of me when my kids are around.

Yeah. "Freedom". Also known as "You can't do this to me, I'm Rich!"

I never worked for anyone who sat in a corner office and I doubt you did either.

I worked for small business owners before i worked for myself and I was never mistreated by a business owner.

In fact the first guy I ever worked for owned a restaurant he knew I lied about my age and he let me work anyway. That guy probably saved my life.

Ah, yes, but he did facilitate your introduction to the fatty foods that got you that permanent disability.

At least I never got shit canned from multiple jobs like you have.

Well, yeah, you have to actually TRY something in order to fail, Spider-Troll.

Joe here has only 3 categories of people: First there are the hated 1%ers. Then there are the people who support or defend the 1%ers. And lastly there are the noble union men who fight for the souls and well-being of the workers, with no thought for themselves. These union men should be able to stalk, harass, attack, and destroy at will for their noble endeavors.

Actually, my three categories are this.

The 1%ers, who are probably taking us the way of Cuba with their shortsighted greed.

The noble union folks, who are fighting for the rights of workers, union and non-union alike.

And the dumb-ass bubba rednecks clinging to their guns and bibles, spewing forth whatever shit they heard on Hate Radio.

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