Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!


They hired who they wanted to hire or who they could afford to hire.

The union does not get to decide who someone hires. The union can only threaten people. And the threats are working less & less often. Perhaps the next story will be about a union thug being shot dead, and the shooter getting away with it as self defense.

Well, i know that's your masturbation fantasy, shooting working men dead when they ask for what's fair.

Hmmm... where have we seen that before?


Oh, in case you are confused as to how that struggle turned out in the end, we have a holiday called "Labor Day', not "Robber Baron Day".
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They hired who they wanted to hire or who they could afford to hire.

The union does not get to decide who someone hires. The union can only threaten people. And the threats are working less & less often. Perhaps the next story will be about a union thug being shot dead, and the shooter getting away with it as self defense.

Well, i know that's your masturbation fantasy, shooting working men dead when they ask for what's fair.

Hmmm... where have we seen that before?

Oh, in case you are confused as to how that struggle turned out in the end, we have a holiday called "Labor Day', not "Robber Baron Day".

I am always a fan of thugs getting what is coming to them.

As for anyone asking for what is fair, that has not been discussed here at all. This is not about anyone asking for what is fair.

Are the workers on either of the jobsites discussed in this thread been treated unfairly?? If so, please tell us how? Your blind devotion to these thugs has twisted your sense of right & wrong to the point that anything the union does is right, and anything not connected to the union is wrong. Sorry junior, but that ain't always the way things are.

I am always a fan of thugs getting what is coming to them.

As for anyone asking for what is fair, that has not been discussed here at all. This is not about anyone asking for what is fair.

Are the workers on either of the jobsites discussed in this thread been treated unfairly?? If so, please tell us how? Your blind devotion to these thugs has twisted your sense of right & wrong to the point that anything the union does is right, and anything not connected to the union is wrong. Sorry junior, but that ain't always the way things are.

I'd be the first one to condemn the union when it goes too far.

Calling a yuppie cow a "scab" when she walks into their resturant trying to provoke an incident isn't there.

They hired who they wanted to hire or who they could afford to hire.

The union does not get to decide who someone hires. The union can only threaten people. And the threats are working less & less often. Perhaps the next story will be about a union thug being shot dead, and the shooter getting away with it as self defense.

Well, i know that's your masturbation fantasy, shooting working men dead when they ask for what's fair.

Hmmm... where have we seen that before?


Oh, in case you are confused as to how that struggle turned out in the end, we have a holiday called "Labor Day', not "Robber Baron Day".

Define fair.

And you can ask for anything you want but what you fail to understand is that no one is obligated to give it to you.

The second you agree to work for an offered salary you are accepting that the wage is fair.

If it wasn't fair why would you accept the job?

Define fair.

And you can ask for anything you want but what you fail to understand is that no one is obligated to give it to you.

The second you agree to work for an offered salary you are accepting that the wage is fair.

If it wasn't fair why would you accept the job?

True, no one is obligated to give it to you.

And no one is obligated to let you have a business that you can run in peace.

Boycott, Strike, class warfare really sucks when they fight back, doesn't it?

Define fair.

And you can ask for anything you want but what you fail to understand is that no one is obligated to give it to you.

The second you agree to work for an offered salary you are accepting that the wage is fair.

If it wasn't fair why would you accept the job?

True, no one is obligated to give it to you.

And no one is obligated to let you have a business that you can run in peace.

Boycott, Strike, class warfare really sucks when they fight back, doesn't it?

I don't give a shit if you go on strike.

I have no problem crossing a picket line. If you don't want to work that's your choice and I do not have to let you decide where I do business.

Define fair.

And you can ask for anything you want but what you fail to understand is that no one is obligated to give it to you.

The second you agree to work for an offered salary you are accepting that the wage is fair.

If it wasn't fair why would you accept the job?

True, no one is obligated to give it to you.

And no one is obligated to let you have a business that you can run in peace.

Boycott, Strike, class warfare really sucks when they fight back, doesn't it?

I don't give a shit if you go on strike.

I have no problem crossing a picket line. If you don't want to work that's your choice and I do not have to let you decide where I do business.

Very true.. But the fun thing about construction is you really can't move your operation overseas...

Meh, heh, heh, heh heh....

Probably why the trades have done better than the manufacturing unions, easier to make the 1%ers miserable.
True, no one is obligated to give it to you.

And no one is obligated to let you have a business that you can run in peace.

Boycott, Strike, class warfare really sucks when they fight back, doesn't it?

I don't give a shit if you go on strike.

I have no problem crossing a picket line. If you don't want to work that's your choice and I do not have to let you decide where I do business.

Very true.. But the fun thing about construction is you really can't move your operation overseas...

Meh, heh, heh, heh heh....

Probably why the trades have done better than the manufacturing unions, easier to make the 1%ers miserable.

There are plenty of tradesmen who are not union.

I will not ever hire a union tradesman again because their work sucks.

There are plenty of tradesmen who are not union.

I will not ever hire a union tradesman again because their work sucks.

THat, and the week and a half you worked a union job, they were all meanies to you.

Besides, i thought you were "retired".

(Translation, you got on disability for weighing 400lbs, and you are trying to find that cheeto under the folds of your manboobs)

There are plenty of tradesmen who are not union.

I will not ever hire a union tradesman again because their work sucks.

THat, and the week and a half you worked a union job, they were all meanies to you.

Besides, i thought you were "retired".

(Translation, you got on disability for weighing 400lbs, and you are trying to find that cheeto under the folds of your manboobs)

I worked 7 years in a union shop.

They were lazy fucks. I watched one asshole argue for 30 minutes why he didn't need to clean up a leak because it was water not oil and water was supposed to be cleaned up by the plumbers.

I walked over wiped up the water and told the guy to stop whining.

I've hired union plumbers and electricians to do work for me in the past, a mistake I will never make again.

The idiot plumber hacked through a dozen floor joists with a sawzall instead of a hole saw to run pipes he cut out so much of the joists that I had to replace them.

The electrician was so fucking stupid that he hung lights in the wrong spots and was too lazy to cut a piece of strapping to do it right.

Union tradesmen just plain suck.
It seems you have all these bad experiences with union guys...

BUt it never seems to occur to you that the common factor in all those situations... is you.

Gee I could say the same to you about your shitty work experiences but you seem to think you can blame all your problems on everyone else.

But unlike you I don't blame those guys for being incompetent I just won't hire them again.

And I have reason not to hire them again just like your bosses had reason to shit can your ass.
It seems you have all these bad experiences with union guys...

BUt it never seems to occur to you that the common factor in all those situations... is you.

Gee I could say the same to you about your shitty work experiences but you seem to think you can blame all your problems on everyone else.

But unlike you I don't blame those guys for being incompetent I just won't hire them again.

And I have reason not to hire them again just like your bosses had reason to shit can your ass.

Well, no, they really didn't have a reason. That's why they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us" money, and I wasn't going to sue them, anyway.

Well, no, because most of what I talk about is what they did to other people. SO that one won't fly.

Frankly, you seem like the kind of guy who gets shitty service because of your shitty attitude.
It seems you have all these bad experiences with union guys...

BUt it never seems to occur to you that the common factor in all those situations... is you.

Gee I could say the same to you about your shitty work experiences but you seem to think you can blame all your problems on everyone else.

But unlike you I don't blame those guys for being incompetent I just won't hire them again.

And I have reason not to hire them again just like your bosses had reason to shit can your ass.

Well, no, they really didn't have a reason. That's why they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us" money, and I wasn't going to sue them, anyway.


Well, no, because most of what I talk about is what they did to other people. SO that one won't fly.

Really? You whine more than anyone on this board about how poorly you've been treated.

Frankly, you seem like the kind of guy who gets shitty service because of your shitty attitude.

I hired them to do a job and they did a shitty one. That doesn't happen anymore because I don't hire union slobs anymore.
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Boy, you are really concerned about my job situation and something that happened six years ago.

Here's the hint, boy, i was there, you weren't.

Now, frankly, every time a union guy has done work for me, I've gotten excellent results. True, those guys are mostly family, but the work they do is fantastic, because they really know their stuff. Unlike some scab who took an extention course at a community college.
Boy, you are really concerned about my job situation and something that happened six years ago.

Here's the hint, boy, i was there, you weren't.

Now, frankly, every time a union guy has done work for me, I've gotten excellent results. True, those guys are mostly family, but the work they do is fantastic, because they really know their stuff. Unlike some scab who took an extention course at a community college.

You're the one still whining about it six years later. Tell me how many posts mention your getting fired for calling out sick too much anyway?

I hire licensed contractors to do work for me.

You don't know shit about the trades so don't pretend you do.
Boy, you are really concerned about my job situation and something that happened six years ago.

Here's the hint, boy, i was there, you weren't.

Now, frankly, every time a union guy has done work for me, I've gotten excellent results. True, those guys are mostly family, but the work they do is fantastic, because they really know their stuff. Unlike some scab who took an extention course at a community college.

You're the one still whining about it six years later. Tell me how many posts mention your getting fired for calling out sick too much anyway?


THe thing is, I must not have explained this to you enough, because I never "called in sick".

I did have a six day recovery from one operation and a 1 day recovery from another operation. THis was in a six year period. Other than one or two colds, a bout of the flu, I think I missed less than 12 days in six years.

At the current job, I've taken ONE sick day in six years.

What I did have was $50,000 in medical bills Cigna didn't like paying, and like other employees of this company who found themselves sick or injured, was eased out at the first oppurtunity.

Now, I've explained this to you a couple of times, so either you have very poor reading comprehension skills, or you are so full of hate that you simply make up your own narrative.

I hire licensed contractors to do work for me.

You don't know shit about the trades so don't pretend you do

Well, other than members of my family have been in the trades for 70 years, naw, I don't know much about it at all.

I do know that when someone complains about "shitty service", it was usually because they were just fucking with him for being kind of a douchebag.
Why the GOP is thankfully dying, just not fast enough.

I wonder if you will still make that claim after the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the large majority in the House! Methink a troll like you will! Just like you claim to be an Eisenhower Republican!
Boy, you are really concerned about my job situation and something that happened six years ago.

Here's the hint, boy, i was there, you weren't.

Now, frankly, every time a union guy has done work for me, I've gotten excellent results. True, those guys are mostly family, but the work they do is fantastic, because they really know their stuff. Unlike some scab who took an extention course at a community college.

You're the one still whining about it six years later. Tell me how many posts mention your getting fired for calling out sick too much anyway?


THe thing is, I must not have explained this to you enough, because I never "called in sick".

I did have a six day recovery from one operation and a 1 day recovery from another operation. THis was in a six year period. Other than one or two colds, a bout of the flu, I think I missed less than 12 days in six years.

At the current job, I've taken ONE sick day in six years.

What I did have was $50,000 in medical bills Cigna didn't like paying, and like other employees of this company who found themselves sick or injured, was eased out at the first oppurtunity.

Now, I've explained this to you a couple of times, so either you have very poor reading comprehension skills, or you are so full of hate that you simply make up your own narrative.

I hire licensed contractors to do work for me.

You don't know shit about the trades so don't pretend you do

Well, other than members of my family have been in the trades for 70 years, naw, I don't know much about it at all.

I do know that when someone complains about "shitty service", it was usually because they were just fucking with him for being kind of a douchebag.

I never mentioned shitty service I said the union slugs i hired did a shitty job.

Sorry but any idiot who has ever run pipe in a house knows you don't use a fucking sawzall to hack notches in a joist except the union moron that I hired that is.
Why the GOP is thankfully dying, just not fast enough.

I wonder if you will still make that claim after the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the large majority in the House! Methink a troll like you will! Just like you claim to be an Eisenhower Republican!

THose would be pretty meaningless accomplishments. A short term victory in an off year election doesn't offset the trends that are killing the GOP. Namely, there aren't enough angry old white guys to keep you afloat, long term.

Long term, Demographics is not your friend.

As for being an Eisenhower Republican, there used to be a time when voting in the REpublican Primary meant, 'Choosing the guy who is best qualified".

Today it means, "Choosing the GUy who is least Batshit Crazy".

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