Stand with Rand.

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You dont have to agree with everything someone stands for to stand with him on the things you do agree on.

You mean like, Chris Christy?


I dont have a problem standing with Christie when he is correct. I just think he's an @$$.

And yes. you are a hypocrite. I mean you did just chew out Boehner for his weaknesses and then turned around and defended Obama for the same weaknesess when you were called on it.
I am amazed at the idiocy of those who blindly follow Obama. They are cultish weirdos who want to kill those who disagree with them.

Downright spooky.
Rand is a complete imbecile and attention whore, but no matter. The majority of Americans do not know who he is, do not care who he is and are not going to pay attention to a Tea Party Lunatic type like Senator Rand Paul

I didn't know so many Progressives were big supporters of the Patriot Act... Wait, yeah I did, and I make fun of you guys all the time for it.
Stand with Retard!

He actually asked if the federal government was aware it was not allowed to just kill US citizens without a trial.

Why, just yesterday, the federal government took a US citizen to court for being a terrorist and nary a drone was in sight! They did not save us all a lot of time and kill the bastard. They actually arrested him and took him to court. Who ever heard of such a thing?

Apparently Rand Paul has not. Even though Obama has not killed by drone any suspected bad guys in the US in the more than four years he could have, Rand Paul felt he needed to ask Obama if he was allowed to.

The Attorney General diplomatically explained to Rand Paul that he was asking the dumbest question to come down the pike in some time, and then went on to explain what everyone else knows. The AG explained that he wasn't planning on blowing up any US citizens without trial since we already have a system for arresting and trying them which has worked just fine all this time, so why change now.

I would say yesterday's court appearance by a terrorist US citizen on US soil kind of puts an exclamation point at the end of that answer, but noooooooo. Not for Rand Paul.

But Rand's brain must have blown that part of the answer off. Because he conflated the second part of the AG's answer with his drone killling fetish.

The AG explained in the second part of his response there are hypothetical situations where the use of military force in the United States might be necessary. He then sited examples like the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Again, something anyone with any kind of common sense already knows.

Apparently Retard Paul has no common sense and has a low voltage brain. So now we can enjoy watching him bash himself in the head with a wrench on the Senate floor.

I was hoping for Santorum in 2016. Screw that...give us Rand!
Rand Paul is manufacturing fear. The man has no shame.
Rand Paul is manufacturing fear. The man has no shame.

Wait... what fear?


Teh gubmint going to blow yo ass sky high wifout a trial!

There is no answer anyone could give that would stop Rand Paul from doing what he is doing. He has a drone obsession and nothing is going to stop him from manufacturing a bogus fear.
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Utterly not true. It not a Civil Liberties issue, it's a Constitutional Issue.
There are no plans by the Democrats or Federal Government to do that! Nobody has fallen, if by some chance a President has the opputunity to stop an event such as the OKC bombing or 9-11 by ordering lethal force against any enemy, foriegn or domestic, and didn't take it, he should be impeached.

The Senator Grandstands.

I may not agree on every day policy with Rand Paul, but today he filibustering to draw attention to an issue that is neither left nor right. This is a Civil Liberties issue. How far have we fallen as Democrats to allow the Federal Government to deprive non-combatant US citizens of life on US soil without due process?

Senator Dick Durbin's objection to a resolution on this issue may have marked my official parting of ways with the entire Democratic Party.


That you refuse to accept the fact that Rand is not discussing situations comparable to Oklahoma City or September 11 is quite telling. This has been explained to you repeatedly, and Rand himself has made it quite clear during his filibuster.

I was responding to The2ndAmendment, not Senator Rand.
Stand with Rand!

Also, g5000, your portrait fits you perfectly. You are the demonic authoritarians that our Founders meant to protect us from.

A Weeping Angel is who the Founders wanted to protect us from?

Call the Doctor.
Rand is a complete imbecile and attention whore, but no matter. The majority of Americans do not know who he is, do not care who he is and are not going to pay attention to a Tea Party Lunatic type like Senator Rand Paul

I didn't know so many Progressives were big supporters of the Patriot Act... Wait, yeah I did, and I make fun of you guys all the time for it.

Dante is a liberal and has asked people what rights were threatened by the Patriot Act.

the act may suck on some levels, but...

you're still a loser with nothing of substance to add to threads but lame attacks
Stand with Rand!

Also, g5000, your portrait fits you perfectly. You are the demonic authoritarians that our Founders meant to protect us from.


I see you are drinking Rand's piss. He is manufacturing fear and you are infected with it.

I guess you have not heard the AG said drone strikes on a US citizen who is not posing an immediate threat is unconstitutional.

Rand's bogus excuse for his fearmongering has been exposed.

When Cruz was about to abandon his line of questioning after a number of equivocations from Holder, the attorney general clarified that he was saying “no” such actions would not be constitutional.

Ted Cruz Gets Holder To Admit That Killing Americans With Drones On U.S. Soil Is Unconstitutional | Flopping Aces
Watch the video. Holder says it is not constitutional to kill a US citizen on US soil absent an imminent threat.

So what's Retard Paul's excuse?

Fearmongering. Bogus, disingenuous as hell, fearmongering.

He's a manipulating little demagogue.
During his filibuster, Paul said the fuzziness of such language created a slippery slope that could lead to the targeting of citizens who merely have different opinions about policies than the president.

"You can't be judge, jury and executioner all in one," Paul said.

"No American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty of a crime by a court," Paul said. "How can you kill someone without going to a judge, or a jury?"

Paul is truly and ignorant idiot.

He’s attempting to contrive a controversy where none exists – replete with 'what if' and slippery slope fallacies.
Stand with Retard!

He actually asked if the federal government was aware it was not allowed to just kill US citizens without a trial.

Why, just yesterday, the federal government took a US citizen to court for being a terrorist and nary a drone was in sight! They did not save us all a lot of time and kill the bastard. They actually arrested him and took him to court. Who ever heard of such a thing?

Apparently Rand Paul has not. Even though Obama has not killed by drone any suspected bad guys in the US in the more than four years he could have, Rand Paul felt he needed to ask Obama if he was allowed to.

The Attorney General diplomatically explained to Rand Paul that he was asking the dumbest question to come down the pike in some time, and then went on to explain what everyone else knows. The AG explained that he wasn't planning on blowing up any US citizens without trial since we already have a system for arresting and trying them which has worked just fine all this time, so why change now.

I would say yesterday's court appearance by a terrorist US citizen on US soil kind of puts an exclamation point at the end of that answer, but noooooooo. Not for Rand Paul.

But Rand's brain must have blown that part of the answer off. Because he conflated the second part of the AG's answer with his drone killling fetish.

The AG explained in the second part of his response there are hypothetical situations where the use of military force in the United States might be necessary. He then sited examples like the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Again, something anyone with any kind of common sense already knows.

Apparently Retard Paul has no common sense and has a low voltage brain. So now we can enjoy watching him bash himself in the head with a wrench on the Senate floor.

Clearly your brain stopped working the moment your mouth began....

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