Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment


What is it with you MAGAt cultists and your spurious comparisons and whataboutisms?
It's almost as if you have no other ways to defend yourselves.
The same as you with your mindless hate of trump and 24/7 attacks

After a while I get tired of trying to reason with unreasonable people
I, too, voted for Carter. Mostly because I was so pissed at the gutless, cowardly, craven corporatist, scumbag Ford I couldn't see straight. What is it with Michigan Republicans? :dunno:

That was the last time. dimocraps stopped caring about America with Bill the rapist Clinton. Thing is -- The Rapist didn't really hate America. He was indifferent. Clinton loved -- Nothing. There was no room in his heart for the love of anybody but himself. Even the young young woman that carries his name isn't his. She's Webb Hubbell's. And he doesn't care. He is a man without a soul.

Now.... Ubercunt? Different story. That piece of shit HATES America and everything it stands for.

obama was, and still is, a phony. Everything about him is phony. From who his birth Father was, to his sexual preferences, to his marriage..... Everything. His entire life is make-believe.

Biden is -- A Criminal. No more complicated than that. Simply the head of a crime family.

Bush I and II were far from perfect, OMB is hardly perfect, but nothing is as bad as a dimocrap. Nothing. Nobody, no leader, no political party, ever in human history is as bad as dimoraps.

Hitler didn't have much to work with, Stalin either. Both Countries were shit when they took them over. Same with Mao, and Castro and Pol Pot and every other socialist shithole in history.

But, America? We were, and in most cases still are, the greatest Country the World has ever seen. Ever.

But dimocrap scum want to tear it down. Make no mistake about it. They want to destroy America. Don't listen to their words, watch their actions, watch what they do, don't listen to what they say.

If somebody wanted to destroy America from the inside, what would they do differently??

My short story follows. I was born into a completely democrat party family. Mom told me about her dad, my grandfather, he was a card carrying party member of the Communists until FDR. He liked so much about FDR it was just as good for him as being a communist.

Naturally children only hear what the parents say. I had no intentions of leaving the Democrats until around 1978. I studied the two parties. It persuaded me that Democrats deserve being called Communists.
Trump is a criminal, Mac-7, always has been and now it's time to meet the drummer.

Yes, the law will do that to you if you break the law.
My short story follows. I was born into a completely democrat party family. Mom told me about her dad, my grandfather, he was a card carrying party member of the Communists until FDR. He liked so much about FDR it was just as good for him as being a communist.

Naturally children only hear what the parents say. I had no intentions of leaving the Democrats until around 1978. I studied the two parties. It persuaded me that Democrats deserve being called Communists.
Sure and okay.

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No, it's still there.

There was actually only 54 miles of new wall. The rest was replacements to the already infrastructure that was already there.
Trump would have built more without obstruction from the open borders crowd in both parties
As to who i voted for, only Democrats starting with John Kennedy including Carter. I refused for many years to vote for any Republican. Then I woke up. Today if you are a Democrat, forget getting my vote.

It's funny. I read posts all the time by bitter people saying they were dem by turned republican as they grew older.
I have become more and more liberal as I age. I have learned how it is the poor who get the screws put to them.
It's funny. I read posts all the time by bitter people saying they were dem by turned republican as they grew older.
I have become more and more liberal as I age. I have learned how it is the poor who get the screws put to them.
Democrats do not qualify for the term liberal. They are extremely authoritarian.
There was actually only 54 miles of new wall. The rest was replacements to the already infrastructure that was already there.
Before Biden stopped new construction on the wall, the Trump administration had built 458 miles of what it dubbed “border wall system,” according to final figures compiled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and provided to U.S. News.
The wall consists mostly of 18- to 30-foot steel bollards anchored in concrete. The barriers also feature sensors, lights, cameras and parallel roads in some places.
The vast majority of the 458 miles were constructed in places where some kind of barrier already existed, but most of the preexisting structures were far less imposing than the new wall and included fencing and rudimentary technical barriers. The total figure also includes what the agency calls “secondary border wall” or sections of wall built behind preexisting barriers that ultimately remained in place.
It's funny. I read posts all the time by bitter people saying they were dem by turned republican as they grew older.
I have become more and more liberal as I age. I have learned how it is the poor who get the screws put to them.
Reagan did not make me bitter. GW Bush did not make me bitter. Trump did not make me bitter.
Carter made me very bitter. But worse. I learned by studying the issues that previously the Democrats I voted for also made me bitter.

Ford who you voted for alarmed me. I wanted Nixon in prison. Didn't you vote for Nixon too?
Reagan did not make me bitter. GW Bush did not make me bitter. Trump did not make me bitter.
Carter made me very bitter. But worse. I learned by studying the issues that previously the Democrats I voted for also made me bitter.

Ford who you voted for alarmed me. I wanted Nixon in prison. Didn't you vote for Nixon too?

My first vote was for Ford.
In hindsight Nixon should have gone to jail.

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