Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

People know when the "Legal System" is misused to get political opponents.
Giving Trump a few bucks is a way of telling Letitia James that her monkey business won't stand.

The appeals courts will take her promises to "get Trump" into consideration in addition to Judge Ogeron's stupid understanding of real estate values or how banks evaluate property values when approving a loan.

NY commies got Trump. Now its up to real judges to undo the damage.
Give your money to a con man, grifter, fraud, liar, treasonous insurrectionist, and an enemy of democracy – Trump depends on the willful ignorance and stupidity of his supporters.
Give your money to a con man, grifter, fraud, liar, treasonous insurrectionist, and an enemy of democracy – Trump depends on the willful ignorance and stupidity of his supporters.
Nope, I refuse to give Biden a penny. For those very reasons.
I was never a Dem. I am a life long Republican who voted for Ford then all GOP until the party went insane.
Frankly good for you. I mean it. I was a long term Democrat and for that I apologize.
Do have the balls to address what I actually said? Typical fucking commie. FOAD!

It’s truly alarming and bizarre that Republicans continue to support and defend Trump, proven to be a con man, grifter, fraud, liar, treasonous insurrectionist, and an enemy of democracy – it’s a cult and unmitigated madness, there’s no other reasonable explanation.
I was never a Dem. I am a life long Republican who voted for Ford then all GOP until the party went insane.
As to who i voted for, only Democrats starting with John Kennedy including Carter. I refused for many years to vote for any Republican. Then I woke up. Today if you are a Democrat, forget getting my vote.
Nope, I refuse to give Biden a penny. For those very reasons.
We know for a fact of law that Trump is a corrupt grifter and con man who engaged in lawless fraud for years – yet given these facts Trump supporters continue to give him money, this is indeed willful ignorance and stupidity.
I've never heard of the Cardones before. They are evidently wealthy venture capitalists and mega Trump supporters. The wife has started a Go Fund Me to help pay Trump's judgement and so far almost $50k has been raised in less than 24 hours. Quite a ways to go.

Can you imagine middle class people throwing their money away at a legal fund for a billionaire who was just caught engaging in fraud and still wanting him to be president, not to mention all of his legal issues and indiscretions he's facing. This is simply sad. It's like blue collar workers pitching in to bail Bernie Madoff out of jail. I imagine there will be a new set of Trump collectors cards or coins coming out any day now as well.

You can send the Cardones a message from the GFM page. There's a contact button under her name. I gave her an earful.
As to who i voted for, only Democrats starting with John Kennedy including Carter. I refused for many years to vote for any Republican. Then I woke up. Today if you are a Democrat, forget getting my vote.
I, too, voted for Carter. Mostly because I was so pissed at the gutless, cowardly, craven corporatist, scumbag Ford I couldn't see straight. What is it with Michigan Republicans? :dunno:

That was the last time. dimocraps stopped caring about America with Bill the rapist Clinton. Thing is -- The Rapist didn't really hate America. He was indifferent. Clinton loved -- Nothing. There was no room in his heart for the love of anybody but himself. Even the young young woman that carries his name isn't his. She's Webb Hubbell's. And he doesn't care. He is a man without a soul.

Now.... Ubercunt? Different story. That piece of shit HATES America and everything it stands for.

obama was, and still is, a phony. Everything about him is phony. From who his birth Father was, to his sexual preferences, to his marriage..... Everything. His entire life is make-believe.

Biden is -- A Criminal. No more complicated than that. Simply the head of a crime family.

Bush I and II were far from perfect, OMB is hardly perfect, but nothing is as bad as a dimocrap. Nothing. Nobody, no leader, no political party, ever in human history is as bad as dimoraps.

Hitler didn't have much to work with, Stalin either. Both Countries were shit when they took them over. Same with Mao, and Castro and Pol Pot and every other socialist shithole in history.

But, America? We were, and in most cases still are, the greatest Country the World has ever seen. Ever.

But dimocrap scum want to tear it down. Make no mistake about it. They want to destroy America. Don't listen to their words, watch their actions, watch what they do, don't listen to what they say.

If somebody wanted to destroy America from the inside, what would they do differently??

This description is of Trump really: "Clinton loved -- Nothing. There was no room in his heart for the love of anybody but himself. Even the young young woman that carries his name isn't his. She's Webb Hubbell's. And he doesn't care. He is a man without a soul."

This is Trump.

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