Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

You don't seem to be getting this AT ALL.

All of that was ALREADY LITIGATED. Trump doesn't get a "do-over". That is not how the courts work.
I'm not a lawyer, but I've watched enough Matlock and Perry Mason to have heard of the appeal process.
The Auld Phart. The basic facts are not in doubt. There is nothing new to put them in doubt.

Trump can appeal the amount of the fine. I think the court if he does that will double the amount.
They are swamp creatures who came up through the system serving powerful interests in washington

And the swamp hates trump

Trump replaced the so-called Swamp with a Sewer. How many lobbyists did he attach to his administration? You don't know. FOX never reported on it.

Update: We Found a “Staggering” 281 Lobbyists Who’ve Worked in the Trump Administration

That’s one lobbyist for every 14 political appointees, and four times more than Obama had appointed six years into office.

Lobbyists in (and out of) the Trump Administration​

AND (bait and switch anyone?)...

Trump revokes rule preventing White House staff from lobbying

In a last-minute move, the outgoing president reversed his original order and allowed the revolving door in Washington to continue swinging.

TAZ, who was the victim, who lost money?
Read the indictment and the ruling.

and...the law: a little-known 70-year-old state law often referred to by its shorthand, 63(12)

The 'victim' card is being played in the political arena. In the courts, it won't fly on any sort of appeal. Why?

Former President Donald Trump continued his attacks on the civil fraud case against him in New York on Tuesday as he returned to the ongoing trial, including making claims that the case against him is “rigged” based on the statute it was brought under—which broadly gave state Attorney General Letitia James the power to prosecute Trump for alleged fraud.
James sued Trump, his business associates—including his sons—and the Trump Organization for alleged fraud under New York Executive Law 63(12), which empowers the attorney general to go to court against anyone who “engage in repeated fraudulent or illegal acts or otherwise demonstrate persistent fraud or illegality in the carrying on, conducting or transaction of business.”

The statute allows the attorney general to ask a state judge to stop the business from continuing its activities and fraudulent acts, force the defendants to pay damages or other restitution and, if necessary, order business certificates to be canceled.

quote: The statute does not require intent to commit fraud or anyone to be harmed by the fraud, and it does not give Trump the inherent right to a jury trial, with legal experts noting to CNN that while civil lawsuits that request monetary damages are entitled to a jury trial, cases seeking other “equitable relief”—meaning penalties that force the defendant to take or refrain from taking some kind of action, rather than just paying money—can be decided by a judge alone, which is more common with 63(12) violations and is the case in this trial.
After a year and a half of that question being publicly answered over and over in the media -- and countless times on this board -- you STILL don't get it?

I don't think there's anything anyone here can do to change that, then.

And yet you can't name a victim, it should be simple, if what you say is true.

And yet you can't name a victim, it should be simple, if what you say is true.

I can. Anyone functional adult who pays attention can. It was named in the trial and indictment you know nothing about. It was.discussed.publicly for nearly 18 months.

Good luck.

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