Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

I didnt see any names in that post

Which candidates are you funding?
Apparently I need to spell it out for you a little more clearly. I'm not donating money to any candidates. There you go, nice and clear for you.

As I previously stated, none of the people I support are losing large amounts of money in legal fees and none of the people I support are in danger of going bankrupt. They don't need my money the way Trump needs yours.
I think money for the wall is well spent as I clearly stated

And I think the rise of the Deep State that we have seen since obama was president is a threat to our republic

So I hope trump is able to stay in the political arena

If lib kangaroo courts manage to bankrupt him (trump) that wont be possible and we the people will be the worse off for it
so there wasn't a deep state until Obama and George w Bush did not have a deep state? Okee dokie!
so there wasn't a deep state until Obama and George w Bush did not have a deep state? Okee dokie!
That would undermine the paranoid fantasy. That is how a Backwards Think works:

Decide something is true without any evidentiary or logical basis, then warp and mold all incoming information to fit the prescribed fantasy.

Just like religion.
But you want to lecture me by demanding thst I donate to trump?

Thats pushing the envelope of irony even for a lib
The reasoning was explained in the part of my post that you chopped out. It's almost like I put it there for a reason or something. Weird.
so there wasn't a deep state until Obama and George w Bush did not have a deep state? Okee dokie!
I think elements of the Deep State have existed for long time in washington

But first the Tea Party and later trump forced them out into the open
I've never heard of the Cardones before. They are evidently wealthy venture capitalists and mega Trump supporters. The wife has started a Go Fund Me to help pay Trump's judgement and so far almost $50k has been raised in less than 24 hours. Quite a ways to go.

Can you imagine middle class people throwing their money away at a legal fund for a billionaire who was just caught engaging in fraud and still wanting him to be president, not to mention all of his legal issues and indiscretions he's facing. This is simply sad. It's like blue collar workers pitching in to bail Bernie Madoff out of jail. I imagine there will be a new set of Trump collectors cards or coins coming out any day now as well.

I'm trying to figure out, who were the victims of this so called fraud? Madoff actually had victims.

I'm trying to figure out, who were the victims of this so called fraud? Madoff actually had victims.

After a year and a half of that question being publicly answered over and over in the media -- and countless times on this board -- you STILL don't get it?

I don't think there's anything anyone here can do to change that, then.
Gonna be a lotta tRump supporters eating ramen for a while.
Gonna be a lot of Trump trained seals eating shit sandwiches too when those trials start ramping up.

The whining, unhinged rants, threats, tears of rage & :eusa_boohoo: will be epic.
The point is that more and more, from the last few years onward we are seeing the precise same tactics the nazis used. Tactics Stalin would have used.

Jews were not allowed to own businesses in Germany when they were operating their businesses in the exact same many as every other German of any religion or background. They are trying to destroy Trump while not applying the same standard to anyone else. It is an obvious form of prejudice. The attorney even stated that this was her objective. How much more biased can you be?

Words I have lived by, even when it harms those I don't like or agree with, "first they came for the Communists"...

Europe is turning away from America. Quietly, it is clear they do not like what they are seeing. Even half of Canadians polled said they are concerned that the U.S is becoming authoritarian.

America is going to lose all that it earned over the last 80 years because of these radicals. Musk was able to purchase Twitter and prevent that continued damage, who will stop these clearly biased court proceedings?

If Trump committed a crime, a legitimate crime; than prosecute as you would any other person. He has been made a sympathetic figure. A brash billionaire. Amazing.

Don't say we didn't warn you.
The point is that more and more, from the last few years onward we are seeing the precise same tactics the nazis used.
Right, like Trump trying to eliminate a free and fair election to remain in power. Like using tactics to gin up anger against "the others". Like claiming fake oppression and wide rangingconspiracies.

Yep, the Trump cult is 100% adopting the Nazi playbook, page by page. Historians all over the world are sounding the alarm about it.
He promised the sheep a wall... then stole the money they donated for it.

And the sheep said:

"Thank you sir, may we have another?"
That was a private wall because your own government wouldn't provide a measly $5B to build it and through the courts they tried to prevent defending your sovereignty. Amazing really. How much is it costing you to take care of 10M apparently asylum-worthy illegal citizens? EACH YEAR, not a one time payment.

It's simple economics. A subject some seem oddly ignorant of.
That was a private wall because your own government wouldn't provide a measly $5B to build it and through the courts they tried to prevent defending your sovereignty.
Actually, as it turns out, it was a criminal scam to steal the money of gullible cultists.

And they can't stop thanking him for ripping them off. It's so strange to watch.

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