Standing Up to the Muslim Invasion of Europe


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Just one of many photos of anti-Muslim demonstrations across Europe @


PEGIDA Poland: 'Muslims are not part of our culture' @ PEGIDA Poland: 'Muslims are not part of our culture' | Europe | DW.COM | 07.02.2016

British Channel Islands Refuse to Accept Syrian Refugees @ Island Off Europe Offers Original Argument Why It Can’t Take in Migrants: We Have ‘A Lot of Islamophobia’
excellent though I am just commenting on the posts pics at the moment .
seems to me that muslims are still just a smaller percent which means that the Euros better get busy Sunni !!

Home sweet home, hey? Care to imagine how the kids in these camps will turn out? Two out of three have no access to school. They are living in tents in winter. They can't work.
Life is good.

Home sweet home, hey? Care to imagine how the kids in these camps will turn out? Two out of three have no access to school. They are living in tents in winter. They can't work.
Life is good.
------------------------- short comment is GOOD !!! -------------------------------- Second thought is that maybe they oughta run back to the uncivilized 'madrasa' that they came from . Other than that I hope that your words are prophetic OldLady !!

Home sweet home, hey? Care to imagine how the kids in these camps will turn out? Two out of three have no access to school. They are living in tents in winter. They can't work.
Life is good.
------------------------- short comment is GOOD !!! -------------------------------- Second thought is that maybe they oughta run back to the uncivilized 'madrasa' that they came from . Other than that I hope that your words are prophetic OldLady !!
If the people who don't want refugees here would get crackin' on the alternative--a Safe Zone or No-Fly Zone(s) in Syria and Iraq--I'd shut up. I wouldn't want to raise my kids in a tent and I wouldn't walk them back home to an area actively being bombed and shot up by every rebel and government soldier with a gun. These people are in a hard place. You want these kids to turn into uneducated haters who will continue this war?

Home sweet home, hey? Care to imagine how the kids in these camps will turn out? Two out of three have no access to school. They are living in tents in winter. They can't work.
Life is good.
------------------------- short comment is GOOD !!! -------------------------------- Second thought is that maybe they oughta run back to the uncivilized 'madrasa' that they came from . Other than that I hope that your words are prophetic OldLady !!
If the people who don't want refugees here would get crackin' on the alternative--a Safe Zone or No-Fly Zone(s) in Syria and Iraq--I'd shut up. I wouldn't want to raise my kids in a tent and I wouldn't walk them back home to an area actively being bombed and shot up by every rebel and government soldier with a gun. These people are in a hard place. You want these kids to turn into uneducated haters who will continue this war?
-------------------------------- SURE , --- they will be warring , raping the liberals and statists that liberals let into wherever they are . Seems to me that that is JUST punishment for the big shot government statists and liberals kids and grandkids OldLady !! Hundreds of years of war , rape , pillage , it has happened before .
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cause now you are saying that its the Wests problem , create safe zones , I say ok but generally , well they can all drop dead OldLady !! Best to just run them out of the WEST . IMO !!
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
cause now you are saying that its the Wests problem , create safe zones , I say ok but generally , well they can all drop dead OldLady !! Best to just run them out of the WEST . IMO !!
So we pull out of ME and stop bombing and let ISIS and AQ have their way? Our bombs are part of the flak, Pismoe. They are human beings who've been driven from their homes by a 21st century war. It seems it is the West's problem since the refugees are fleeing to the West. Otherwise we are allowing genocide. But'd probably approve of that, as well.
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.
cause now you are saying that its the Wests problem , create safe zones , I say ok but generally , well they can all drop dead OldLady !! Best to just run them out of the WEST . IMO !!
So we pull out of ME and stop bombing and let ISIS and AQ have their way? Our bombs are part of the flak, Pismoe. They are human beings who've been driven from their homes by a 21st century war. It seems it is the West's problem since the refugees are fleeing to the West. Otherwise we are allowing genocide. But'd probably approve of that, as well.
-------------------------- your info is just emotion . Only thing I think is that if you , your kids and others are in the West , well they will be reaping the rewards of your short sighted emotion OldLady !!
There is no 'Muslim invasion,' the notion is just another ridiculous lie from rightwing bigots.
I'm not sure some of the European countries would agree with you on that, Clayton. I believe there have been problems, although I'm not drinking the bigots' koolaid. Forewarned is forearmed, but we have to help in some way.
cause now you are saying that its the Wests problem , create safe zones , I say ok but generally , well they can all drop dead OldLady !! Best to just run them out of the WEST . IMO !!
So we pull out of ME and stop bombing and let ISIS and AQ have their way? Our bombs are part of the flak, Pismoe. They are human beings who've been driven from their homes by a 21st century war. It seems it is the West's problem since the refugees are fleeing to the West. Otherwise we are allowing genocide. But'd probably approve of that, as well.
-------------------------- your info is just emotion . Only thing I think is that if you , your kids and others are in the West , well they will be reaping the rewards of your short sighted emotion OldLady !!
I would be honored to be remembered as one of short-sighted emotion, Pismoe, if that is what you call my stand.
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
US and Europe have created a chaotic situation in the Middle East with no idea how to fix it.

Now their meddling is coming back to haunt them in unexpected ways. ...... :cool:
US and Europe have created a chaotic situation in the Middle East with no idea how to fix it.

Now their meddling is coming back to haunt them in unexpected ways. ...... :cool:

Who it that "US"? And who it that "Europe"? I do protest, because this the statement is.

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