Star Wars Episode 7; Three Out of Five Stars at Best. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

If you dont want to see some secrets about the movie then leave the thread now.

Ok, here is why this is a very mediocre movie.
1. It felt like a reboot of Episode 4, the first one that came out way back in like 76. All through the movie it felt like I had already seen it.
2. It was entirely predictable. About a month ago I predicted that Luke Skywalker would go Dark Side, instead it was his nephew. And it is so predictable that I can bet you that the new female hero is Luke's daughter. JJ Abrams forecast so much it felt like everything was being spelled out ahead of time. Nothing was surprising, not even Han Solo's death. The Wookie surviving was surprising but Star Wars is science fantasy, not science fiction.
3. The movie was totally PC, and it kind of rubs your nose in it. We have the old tired stereotype of a black guy and white girl falling in love. That is so DONE it is like the new normal. For fucks sake, cant we have the heroic green girl fall in love with a purple octopus that travels in a fish tank? They could pull that off. But that isnt PC, while a black guy bonking a white girl is PC, even though the whole thing was thoroughly explored back in the nineties. I suspect episode 8 is going to have queers and trannies and episode 9 will be a starbase that falls because the Wookie sneaks in and gets a First Order bestiality orgy going. The whole thing is JJ Abrams licking the boots of all the Marxist fucktards that run Hollyweird these days. Disgusting, predictable and totally boring.
4. They set the movie up as a stand alone movie. The quest was to find Luke Skywalker and they do by the end of the movie, so you dont feel like you are missing anything, there is no hook I felt that makes me want to see the next one at all.
5. Thought it is science fantasy, that doesnt mean it gets a pass on all the science and common sense errors, like the planet not having frozen over after the systems sun was destroyed. Seriously, everyone on the surface should have frozen. There is no way that a person without training in swordsmanship is going to defeat a trained swordsman. They wouldnt last five seconds, even with the force. I had to fight to suspend disbelief because of all the nonsensical bullshit that the movie is filled with.

I have no desire to see episode 8, though I will probably take the wife to see it.

But Star Wars franchise has been ruined, totally. I know with the advertising it will sell a lot of tickets, but I doubt it will get the repeat audience the old episodes got. I highly doubt it will gross $2 billion.

If you dont want to see some secrets about the movie then leave the thread now.

Ok, here is why this is a very mediocre movie.
1. It felt like a reboot of Episode 4, the first one that came out way back in like 76. All through the movie it felt like I had already seen it.
2. It was entirely predictable. About a month ago I predicted that Luke Skywalker would go Dark Side, instead it was his nephew. And it is so predictable that I can bet you that the new female hero is Luke's daughter. JJ Abrams forecast so much it felt like everything was being spelled out ahead of time. Nothing was surprising, not even Han Solo's death. The Wookie surviving was surprising but Star Wars is science fantasy, not science fiction.
3. The movie was totally PC, and it kind of rubs your nose in it. We have the old tired stereotype of a black guy and white girl falling in love. That is so DONE it is like the new normal. For fucks sake, cant we have the heroic green girl fall in love with a purple octopus that travels in a fish tank? They could pull that off. But that isnt PC, while a black guy bonking a white girl is PC, even though the whole thing was thoroughly explored back in the nineties. I suspect episode 8 is going to have queers and trannies and episode 9 will be a starbase that falls because the Wookie sneaks in and gets a First Order bestiality orgy going. The whole thing is JJ Abrams licking the boots of all the Marxist fucktards that run Hollyweird these days. Disgusting, predictable and totally boring.
4. They set the movie up as a stand alone movie. The quest was to find Luke Skywalker and they do by the end of the movie, so you dont feel like you are missing anything, there is no hook I felt that makes me want to see the next one at all.
5. Thought it is science fantasy, that doesnt mean it gets a pass on all the science and common sense errors, like the planet not having frozen over after the systems sun was destroyed. Seriously, everyone on the surface should have frozen. There is no way that a person without training in swordsmanship is going to defeat a trained swordsman. They wouldnt last five seconds, even with the force. I had to fight to suspend disbelief because of all the nonsensical bullshit that the movie is filled with.

I have no desire to see episode 8, though I will probably take the wife to see it.

But Star Wars franchise has been ruined, totally. I know with the advertising it will sell a lot of tickets, but I doubt it will get the repeat audience the old episodes got. I highly doubt it will gross $2 billion.
Of course you'd dislike it. Your heart is black as coal.

ANYWAYS, the movie was amazing. After 30+ years Star Wars is BACK! The torch has been passed off to a new generation of amazing actors. Rey (Daisy Ridley) carried the film, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the story has in store for her. Finn (John Boyega) was an outstanding counterpart. Their chemistry was remarkable! Those two WERE the movie, and they pulled it off beautifully.

The search for Luke ends up creating more questions than answers, and I can't wait for the next 2 films to flesh it out. The ending sets the sequels up perfectly. 1 1/2 year wait for episode VIII?! Whyyyyyy?????

As for the returning characters, they did their job. You can't expect more from people 30 years removed from their story. They practically flung the torch away to the new generation.

Yes there were silly moments in the movie (which JimBowie is too bitter and cold to appreciate), but Star Wars is a pretty damn silly franchise. And this movie recaptured the soul of the originals. I walked away with a shit eating grin tonight, and I plan on doing so several times more in the next couple of weeks.

See you at $2 billion JimB.

I saw Star Wars tonight, too. I liked it very much, but I agree that it contained too many elements from the first movie.

The actor who played Leia and Han's son was an interesting choice; I think he supposed to resemble Anakin Skywalker...?

And why did Rey embrace Leia when she came off the ship? They had never met before; right?

Anyway, I think they set the stage for a future movie and I'd go see it.

Oh, and I saw it for five dollars and didn't have to wait in line....woo hoo
Every one of the spoilers was stuff I thought would happen in the film.

Han Solo's death was leaked weeks ago.

I'll go see it anyway, it's fukkin' Star Wars, not a NASA tech instruction video. It's all about the fun, the nostalgia, and moon-sized shit blowing up.
I saw Star Wars tonight, too. I liked it very much, but I agree that it contained too many elements from the first movie.

Yeah, from the look of the bad guy resembling Vader (maybe its a Syth thing?) to it starting in a desert with a lonely orphan who then gets ensnarled in a galactic rebellion with Han and Chewy in the Millenium Falcon and they meet some mysterious people at a strange canteena filled with aliens and they escape from theplanet in the nick of time with evil Empire, errrr, I mean First ORder fighters hot on their tails, and they meet at a rebel base and take off to destroy this huge Imperi...First Order star base that is bigger than a mon, no bigger than an entire planet and they have to take out this critical station that is barely protected and one of the heroes is brutally killed in front of the impressionable young heroes and they escape once again in the Millenial Falcon as the whole station/planet collapses around them.

Yeah, I kept feeling like 'Didnt I see this movie before?'

The actor who played Leia and Han's son was an interesting choice; I think he supposed to resemble Anakin Skywalker...?

I think JJ was stealing off of Harry Potter and we have Darth Snope the rude magic teacher. and the name of the evil emporer was Snope too, I think. Hell, I'm not sure, I was fighting to stay awake.

And why did Rey embrace Leia when she came off the ship? They had never met before; right?

Meh, girls just hug alot. :)

Anyway, I think they set the stage for a future movie and I'd go see it.

Not sure how they set it up, other than reintroducing the serial. That is what this is going to be, no trilogy, just one movie after another, about one each year. Disney is going to milk this baby till we are all sick of hearing about it.

Oh, and I saw it for five dollars and didn't have to wait in line....woo hoo

Lol, yeah, I walked up and bought my ticket from another customer who was trying to return her ticket.

Guess she got the better end on that deal.
Every one of the spoilers was stuff I thought would happen in the film.

Yeah, JJ Abrams is apparently the master of leakage. But even without the leaks, you just knew that Solo was going to get it, especialyl when he brazenly walked in front of dozens of Storm Troopers to talk to his son. This was like the official seal to the notion that one of the safest places in the universe is in the sights of a Storm Trooper as the dude showed no concern at all. And then the way the son brought his light saber up to Han was just silly and there was no tension, you knew at that point that Han was going to get skewered so when it happened, I felt like 'About damned time!'

Han Solo's death was leaked weeks ago.

Might as well leak it, I guess. It wasn't a real shocker anyway.

I'll go see it anyway, it's fukkin' Star Wars, not a NASA tech instruction video. It's all about the fun, the nostalgia, and moon-sized shit blowing up.

PLANET sized shit blowing up.

Lol, yes, i agree, it definitely worth seeing ONCE.
Did Han Solo rescue Princess Leah

... from bein' eaten by the Wookies...

... or we gonna have to wait till the next movie...

... to find how dat turns out?
Last edited:
Did Han Solo rescue Princess Leah

... from bein' eaten by the Wookies...

... or we gonna have to wait till the next movie...

... to find how dat turns out?

You will have to wait till next Christmas and fork out another $20 to find out, dude.
I saw Star Wars tonight, too. I liked it very much, but I agree that it contained too many elements from the first movie.

Yeah, from the look of the bad guy resembling Vader (maybe its a Syth thing?) to it starting in a desert with a lonely orphan who then gets ensnarled in a galactic rebellion with Han and Chewy in the Millenium Falcon and they meet some mysterious people at a strange canteena filled with aliens and they escape from theplanet in the nick of time with evil Empire, errrr, I mean First ORder fighters hot on their tails, and they meet at a rebel base and take off to destroy this huge Imperi...First Order star base that is bigger than a mon, no bigger than an entire planet and they have to take out this critical station that is barely protected and one of the heroes is brutally killed in front of the impressionable young heroes and they escape once again in the Millenial Falcon as the whole station/planet collapses around them.

Yeah, I kept feeling like 'Didnt I see this movie before?'

The actor who played Leia and Han's son was an interesting choice; I think he supposed to resemble Anakin Skywalker...?

I think JJ was stealing off of Harry Potter and we have Darth Snope the rude magic teacher. and the name of the evil emporer was Snope too, I think. Hell, I'm not sure, I was fighting to stay awake.

And why did Rey embrace Leia when she came off the ship? They had never met before; right?

Meh, girls just hug alot. :)

Anyway, I think they set the stage for a future movie and I'd go see it.

Not sure how they set it up, other than reintroducing the serial. That is what this is going to be, no trilogy, just one movie after another, about one each year. Disney is going to milk this baby till we are all sick of hearing about it.

Oh, and I saw it for five dollars and didn't have to wait in line....woo hoo

Lol, yeah, I walked up and bought my ticket from another customer who was trying to return her ticket.

Guess she got the better end on that deal.
Small-town America....our little theater only charges $5 for movies, even premiers.

Oh yeah, the cantina scene.....deja vu all over again....:D

If you dont want to see some secrets about the movie then leave the thread now.

Ok, here is why this is a very mediocre movie.
1. It felt like a reboot of Episode 4, the first one that came out way back in like 76. All through the movie it felt like I had already seen it.
2. It was entirely predictable. About a month ago I predicted that Luke Skywalker would go Dark Side, instead it was his nephew. And it is so predictable that I can bet you that the new female hero is Luke's daughter. JJ Abrams forecast so much it felt like everything was being spelled out ahead of time. Nothing was surprising, not even Han Solo's death. The Wookie surviving was surprising but Star Wars is science fantasy, not science fiction.
3. The movie was totally PC, and it kind of rubs your nose in it. We have the old tired stereotype of a black guy and white girl falling in love. That is so DONE it is like the new normal. For fucks sake, cant we have the heroic green girl fall in love with a purple octopus that travels in a fish tank? They could pull that off. But that isnt PC, while a black guy bonking a white girl is PC, even though the whole thing was thoroughly explored back in the nineties. I suspect episode 8 is going to have queers and trannies and episode 9 will be a starbase that falls because the Wookie sneaks in and gets a First Order bestiality orgy going. The whole thing is JJ Abrams licking the boots of all the Marxist fucktards that run Hollyweird these days. Disgusting, predictable and totally boring.
4. They set the movie up as a stand alone movie. The quest was to find Luke Skywalker and they do by the end of the movie, so you dont feel like you are missing anything, there is no hook I felt that makes me want to see the next one at all.
5. Thought it is science fantasy, that doesnt mean it gets a pass on all the science and common sense errors, like the planet not having frozen over after the systems sun was destroyed. Seriously, everyone on the surface should have frozen. There is no way that a person without training in swordsmanship is going to defeat a trained swordsman. They wouldnt last five seconds, even with the force. I had to fight to suspend disbelief because of all the nonsensical bullshit that the movie is filled with.

I have no desire to see episode 8, though I will probably take the wife to see it.

But Star Wars franchise has been ruined, totally. I know with the advertising it will sell a lot of tickets, but I doubt it will get the repeat audience the old episodes got. I highly doubt it will gross $2 billion.

I absolutely disagree. This movie is a hit and was very well done.

1. There were obvious nods to previous movies, especially the original one released back in the late 70s. But since that was almost 40 years ago, it is more about Abrams giving credit where credit was due.

2. None of the Star wars movies have been difficult to predict. You know what will happen, for the most part. The original was just every pirate movie ever done, but set in space.

3. The complaint about it being PC stems from your own racism, not any issue with the movie. Every one has a love story. This one was no exception.

4. No hook? What will Luke Skywalker do? What will the Supreme guy do? There is much more to tell.

5. The girl, Raye, may not have had any formal training. But she had lived on her own in a rather nasty place. She learned to fight on the streets. The Force would have guided her and used her skills to make her much more formidable.
I absolutely disagree. This movie is a hit and was very well done.

It will be a hit, obviously, but other than special effects, no I dont think it is well done at all.

1. There were obvious nods to previous movies, especially the original one released back in the late 70s. But since that was almost 40 years ago, it is more about Abrams giving credit where credit was due.

Nod? It copied episode 4 scene for scene. It was more like a reboot than a sequel. And tired old cliched reboot at that.

2. None of the Star wars movies have been difficult to predict. You know what will happen, for the most part. The original was just every pirate movie ever done, but set in space.

True, but they were not as predictable as this movie was. I was surprised when Obi Wan let Vader kill him. I was surprised when it was revealed that Vader was Lukes father, and I was surprised when Vader did finally turn from the dark side, even though I kind of expected it.

This movie had no such surprise anywhere in anyway. A 3 out of 5 stars at best.

3. The complaint about it being PC stems from your own racism, not any issue with the movie. Every one has a love story. This one was no exception.

Lol, the race card now; I am a racist for saying that a black-guy-white-girl romance is a cliched, over-worked boring pile of shit? Oh, wow, next I will be promoting death camps, Jim Crow and kicking all the blacks out of the NBA! Heaven Forbid!

You are ridiculous.

4. No hook? What will Luke Skywalker do? What will the Supreme guy do? There is much more to tell.

No, Who shot JR is a hook. What will Luke do is at best a mild curiosity, not a hook, except maybe for little guppy brains like yours.

5. The girl, Raye, may not have had any formal training. But she had lived on her own in a rather nasty place. She learned to fight on the streets. The Force would have guided her and used her skills to make her much more formidable.
That doesnt cut it. A riposte is a deadly attack that anyone with any training is going to know, for example, and no one without any trainging will know or know how to counter.

The lightsaber duels in this movie are total bullshit, just actors swinging big glow sticks at each other. No art, no finesse, nothing of any serious value at all. Bob Anderson taught Hamill how to fight with a sword and the choreography was tight, but this move was just shit for their sword fight scenes. And what the fuck are two CROSSGUARDS on a lightsaber for anyway? Maybe you can explain that, or reveal who trained the swordsmanship for the actors in this movie, I cant find it.

"Lets bang these sticks together and call it a sword fight" kind of horse shit.
I absolutely disagree. This movie is a hit and was very well done.

It will be a hit, obviously, but other than special effects, no I dont think it is well done at all.

1. There were obvious nods to previous movies, especially the original one released back in the late 70s. But since that was almost 40 years ago, it is more about Abrams giving credit where credit was due.

Nod? It copied episode 4 scene for scene. It was more like a reboot than a sequel. And tired old cliched reboot at that.

2. None of the Star wars movies have been difficult to predict. You know what will happen, for the most part. The original was just every pirate movie ever done, but set in space.

True, but they were not as predictable as this movie was. I was surprised when Obi Wan let Vader kill him. I was surprised when it was revealed that Vader was Lukes father, and I was surprised when Vader did finally turn from the dark side, even though I kind of expected it.

This movie had no such surprise anywhere in anyway. A 3 out of 5 stars at best.

3. The complaint about it being PC stems from your own racism, not any issue with the movie. Every one has a love story. This one was no exception.

Lol, the race card now; I am a racist for saying that a black-guy-white-girl romance is a cliched, over-worked boring pile of shit? Oh, wow, next I will be promoting death camps, Jim Crow and kicking all the blacks out of the NBA! Heaven Forbid!

You are ridiculous.

4. No hook? What will Luke Skywalker do? What will the Supreme guy do? There is much more to tell.

No, Who shot JR is a hook. What will Luke do is at best a mild curiosity, not a hook, except maybe for little guppy brains like yours.

5. The girl, Raye, may not have had any formal training. But she had lived on her own in a rather nasty place. She learned to fight on the streets. The Force would have guided her and used her skills to make her much more formidable.
That doesnt cut it. A riposte is a deadly attack that anyone with any training is going to know, for example, and no one without any trainging will know or know how to counter.

The lightsaber duels in this movie are total bullshit, just actors swinging big glow sticks at each other. No art, no finesse, nothing of any serious value at all. Bob Anderson taught Hamill how to fight with a sword and the choreography was tight, but this move was just shit for their sword fight scenes. And what the fuck are two CROSSGUARDS on a lightsaber for anyway? Maybe you can explain that, or reveal who trained the swordsmanship for the actors in this movie, I cant find it.

"Lets bang these sticks together and call it a sword fight" kind of horse shit.
^prefers O'Reilly Factor to things that are fun
When I whine about episode 7 being a rip off of episode 4, that is kind of ironic sense the whole Star Wars saga is a rip off of Flash Gordon, anyway.
I absolutely disagree. This movie is a hit and was very well done.

It will be a hit, obviously, but other than special effects, no I dont think it is well done at all.

1. There were obvious nods to previous movies, especially the original one released back in the late 70s. But since that was almost 40 years ago, it is more about Abrams giving credit where credit was due.

Nod? It copied episode 4 scene for scene. It was more like a reboot than a sequel. And tired old cliched reboot at that.

2. None of the Star wars movies have been difficult to predict. You know what will happen, for the most part. The original was just every pirate movie ever done, but set in space.

True, but they were not as predictable as this movie was. I was surprised when Obi Wan let Vader kill him. I was surprised when it was revealed that Vader was Lukes father, and I was surprised when Vader did finally turn from the dark side, even though I kind of expected it.

This movie had no such surprise anywhere in anyway. A 3 out of 5 stars at best.

3. The complaint about it being PC stems from your own racism, not any issue with the movie. Every one has a love story. This one was no exception.

Lol, the race card now; I am a racist for saying that a black-guy-white-girl romance is a cliched, over-worked boring pile of shit? Oh, wow, next I will be promoting death camps, Jim Crow and kicking all the blacks out of the NBA! Heaven Forbid!

You are ridiculous.

4. No hook? What will Luke Skywalker do? What will the Supreme guy do? There is much more to tell.

No, Who shot JR is a hook. What will Luke do is at best a mild curiosity, not a hook, except maybe for little guppy brains like yours.

5. The girl, Raye, may not have had any formal training. But she had lived on her own in a rather nasty place. She learned to fight on the streets. The Force would have guided her and used her skills to make her much more formidable.
That doesnt cut it. A riposte is a deadly attack that anyone with any training is going to know, for example, and no one without any trainging will know or know how to counter.

The lightsaber duels in this movie are total bullshit, just actors swinging big glow sticks at each other. No art, no finesse, nothing of any serious value at all. Bob Anderson taught Hamill how to fight with a sword and the choreography was tight, but this move was just shit for their sword fight scenes. And what the fuck are two CROSSGUARDS on a lightsaber for anyway? Maybe you can explain that, or reveal who trained the swordsmanship for the actors in this movie, I cant find it.

"Lets bang these sticks together and call it a sword fight" kind of horse shit.

I am not playing a race-card. You are a racist. This is a well known fact. I say it, not because I want to defend a movie, but because I have seen your posts for quite a while.
I am not playing a race-card. You are a racist. This is a well known fact. I say it, not because I want to defend a movie, but because I have seen your posts for quite a while.

Lol, so now I have a liberal fucktard calling me a racist with no proof of any kind.

Guess I won the argument. roflmao.

I am not playing a race-card. You are a racist. This is a well known fact. I say it, not because I want to defend a movie, but because I have seen your posts for quite a while.

Lol, so now I have a liberal fucktard calling me a racist with no proof of any kind.

Guess I won the argument. roflmao.


Won? Won what? A discussion about your OPINION on a movie? You must be so proud.

As for the "Libtard" reference, I must be one of those Pro 2nd amendment, pro Fair Tax Act, anti big gov't, anti Union liberals. Huh? Lol
Won? Won what? A discussion about your OPINION on a movie? You must be so proud.

lol, no, causing a libtard like you to retreat to accusations of racism is too easy to take pride in it, roflmao.

As for the "Libtard" reference, I must be one of those Pro 2nd amendment, pro Fair Tax Act, anti big gov't, anti Union liberals. Huh? Lol

You are
1. an ideologue that cannot converse with those who disagree with you without calling them a racist. This is a distinguishing feature of libtards like yourself.
2. You have demonstrated that you have an inability to analyze an opponents argument against your own opinion and either form a rebuttal or simply say you are considering it more deliberately. This demonstrates how your ideological view has caused you to become arrogant and view those who disagree with you as having nothing of value to contribute. This is another hallmark of libtardism.
3. You are unable to concede that you might be wrong on a topic, much less actually change your mind. This cripples your ability to think outside your own constructed ideological paradigm, axioms and assumptions. Thus you cannot correct yourself when the facts are contrary to your ideological beliefs. This again is another hallmark of libtardism.

Won? Won what? A discussion about your OPINION on a movie? You must be so proud.

lol, no, causing a libtard like you to retreat to accusations of racism is too easy to take pride in it, roflmao.

As for the "Libtard" reference, I must be one of those Pro 2nd amendment, pro Fair Tax Act, anti big gov't, anti Union liberals. Huh? Lol

You are
1. an ideologue that cannot converse with those who disagree with you without calling them a racist. This is a distinguishing feature of libtards like yourself.
2. You have demonstrated that you have an inability to analyze an opponents argument against your own opinion and either form a rebuttal or simply say you are considering it more deliberately. This demonstrates how your ideological view has caused you to become arrogant and view those who disagree with you as having nothing of value to contribute. This is another hallmark of libtardism.
3. You are unable to concede that you might be wrong on a topic, much less actually change your mind. This cripples your ability to think outside your own constructed ideological paradigm, axioms and assumptions. Thus you cannot correct yourself when the facts are contrary to your ideological beliefs. This again is another hallmark of libtardism.

1. So my only conversations with people with different views is to call them racist? Have you seen me call a lot of people "racist"? Completely ridiculous.

2. Hmmm, it seems you considered my opinions as much as I considered yours. But the fact that I did not concede is a sign of liberalism, but your refusal to concede is perfectly fine. lol

3. If this were something concrete and measurable, you might be able to make a claim for there being a right and a wrong. This entire topic is based on the opinion of the viewer. There is no hard right or hard wrong, simply viewpoints and opinions.

But you demand that you are absolutely right and I am absolutely wrong. About a movie.
1. So my only conversations with people with different views is to call them racist? Have you seen me call a lot of people "racist"? Completely ridiculous.

I did not say that your ONLY conversations with people of different views is to call them racists, so you can stop putting words in my mouth if you are trying to understand what I am communicating to you, which I doubt you are, but there it is anyway.

2. Hmmm, it seems you considered my opinions as much as I considered yours. But the fact that I did not concede is a sign of liberalism, but your refusal to concede is perfectly fine. lol

I considered your opinions and I rebutted them in detail which you apparently cannot appreciate because you cant grasp them.

For example, when I responded to your warrantless assertion that E7 gives mere nods to E4, I then pointed out that Episode 7 copied episode 4 scene for scene you ignored it entirely and started in on me being a racist.

This shows a deficient thinking process on your part that is unable to take in and understand my point of view, while I clearly demonstrated my ability to not only understand yours but to answer it in clear rational terms. You cant keep up and dont want to.

3. If this were something concrete and measurable, you might be able to make a claim for there being a right and a wrong. This entire topic is based on the opinion of the viewer. There is no hard right or hard wrong, simply viewpoints and opinions.

Overall it is opinion, I agree, and there is no moral or legal issue here at all.

But your method of analysis and response to disagreement are sadly lacking.

You make little Baby Jesus cry, you brainless bastage.

But you demand that you are absolutely right and I am absolutely wrong. About a movie.

No I dont think I ever claimed I was absolutely right about anything.

You simply pulled the race card out of your ass and whirled it at me like a shit throwing monkey.

All I am doing is pointing out that you are aping a stupid monkey, that is all.

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