Star Wars Episode 7; Three Out of Five Stars at Best. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!

1. So my only conversations with people with different views is to call them racist? Have you seen me call a lot of people "racist"? Completely ridiculous.

I did not say that your ONLY conversations with people of different views is to call them racists, so you can stop putting words in my mouth if you are trying to understand what I am communicating to you, which I doubt you are, but there it is anyway.

2. Hmmm, it seems you considered my opinions as much as I considered yours. But the fact that I did not concede is a sign of liberalism, but your refusal to concede is perfectly fine. lol

I considered your opinions and I rebutted them in detail which you apparently cannot appreciate because you cant grasp them.

For example, when I responded to your warrantless assertion that E7 gives mere nods to E4, I then pointed out that Episode 7 copied episode 4 scene for scene you ignored it entirely and started in on me being a racist.

This shows a deficient thinking process on your part that is unable to take in and understand my point of view, while I clearly demonstrated my ability to not only understand yours but to answer it in clear rational terms. You cant keep up and dont want to.

3. If this were something concrete and measurable, you might be able to make a claim for there being a right and a wrong. This entire topic is based on the opinion of the viewer. There is no hard right or hard wrong, simply viewpoints and opinions.

Overall it is opinion, I agree, and there is no moral or legal issue here at all.

But your method of analysis and response to disagreement are sadly lacking.

You make little Baby Jesus cry, you brainless bastage.

But you demand that you are absolutely right and I am absolutely wrong. About a movie.

No I dont think I ever claimed I was absolutely right about anything.

You simply pulled the race card out of your ass and whirled it at me like a shit throwing monkey.

All I am doing is pointing out that you are aping a stupid monkey, that is all.

1. Yes, you did claim that my ONLY conversations with people with different views is to call them racists. You said "You are an ideologue that cannot converse with those who disagree with you without calling them a racist." If I cannot converse with someone with someone who disagrees with me without calling them a racist, then all my conversations with people with different views would involve calling them racists. I called you a racist based on reading your posts for several years. You wish to base it all on a single thread, as if you start with a clean slate in every post.

2. I did not respond to your claim that E7 copied E4 scene for scene, because that is simply ridiculous. It obviously does not copy E4 scene for scene. In episode 4 there was a Jedi master teaching a neophyte about the force. In episode 7 it was a child of the streets (who knew how to fight) learning on their own. In E4 much of the movie was about the rescue. In E7 is was not. In E4 there was no scene with parents discussing their child becoming a monster, let alone beloved characters doing so. In E4 the warrior for the dark side was not having issues choosing between the light and the dark sides, as Kylo Ren was struggling with. And that struggle was key to making us believe that he was sincere when he talked to his father.

3. You did insist I am wrong. I am not. The reviews are overwhelmingly favorable. And the Star Wars nerds are harsh with the movies.
1. Yes, you did claim that my ONLY conversations with people with different views is to call them racists. You said "You are an ideologue that cannot converse with those who disagree with you without calling them a racist." If I cannot converse with someone with someone who disagrees with me without calling them a racist, then all my conversations with people with different views would involve calling them racists.

I said you are a type of ideologue that cannot do 'X' without also doing 'Y'. In stating that you fit that type, it does not follow that you meet that type in each and every case or opportunity, though in this particular case you are doing 'Y' and affirm my typing you in the way I have.

You are an ideologue in how you think and express yourself of the type that not only calls people racist when you face effective disagreement, but you also feel no requirement to provide evidence of what you assert nor do you feel the least bit constrained in reworking what I did actually say into what you prefer to think I said.

So yes, you are an ideologue, a liar, and a slanderous nitwit without moral scruples or the thinnest shred of honesty.

I called you a racist based on reading your posts for several years. You wish to base it all on a single thread, as if you start with a clean slate in every post.

Bullshit. Prove it or shut the fuck up, you lying fucktard.

2. I did not respond to your claim that E7 copied E4 scene for scene, because that is simply ridiculous. It obviously does not copy E4 scene for scene. In episode 4 there was a Jedi master teaching a neophyte about the force. In episode 7 it was a child of the streets (who knew how to fight) learning on their own. In E4 much of the movie was about the rescue. In E7 is was not. In E4 there was no scene with parents discussing their child becoming a monster, let alone beloved characters doing so. In E4 the warrior for the dark side was not having issues choosing between the light and the dark sides, as Kylo Ren was struggling with. And that struggle was key to making us believe that he was sincere when he talked to his father.

Lol, there are minor variances, but each scene had settings and character behavior that is almost exactly like episode 4.

And I am not the only one who noticed it either, jack ass. There are many other people that have noticed it also, and everytime, so far, that I have mentioned this to a Star WArs fan their response has most often been along the lines of 'yeah, but it is still a fun movie.'


3. You did insist I am wrong. I am not. The reviews are overwhelmingly favorable. And the Star Wars nerds are harsh with the movies.

You are wrong, not so much because of some generic conclusion but how you got to those conclusions through fan bois retardation and slavish gimp loyalty to a doomed brand.
Lol, another excellent review, and watch the video.

Rey from Star Wars Is Basically Just John Cena

Simply put, Rey is just too perfect: she has no real struggles and just keeps on winning. And there’s nothing wrong with that, exactly. But it gets to the heart of what I found to be the biggest/most annoying plot hole in the film. Just briefly, for a moment, consider the following two questions:

How does Rey know about the Jedi mind trick?

How does Rey know about grabbing the lightsaber with the Force?

Please note the phrasing. I’m not asking:

How does she do these things?

Here’s what I am asking:

How does she even know these are things?

You may not have even thought about this in the theater, because of course they are things. They are things we’ve known about forever—almost our whole lives, some of us. Those are cool things that Jedis do! They use the force to trick people and grab stuff.

But Rey is not a Jedi. Rey has not undergone any Jedi training. Rey only very recently in the filmlearned that she’s Force adept at all. And yet this total novice who has no reason to know anything about how the Force works or how any of its various tricks are done is able to beat a guy who has been training for a long time in the dark arts of the Sith.

But of course she does. Of course she knows about all those things. She knows all about those things because she’s just wish-fulfillment, because she’s a stand-in for the author of the film who has himself basically just made a fan film mashing up elements of Episodes IV through VI.

Because she’s a total Mary Sue.

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Amid a chorus of overwhelmingly stellar reviews around the planet for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano begs to differ, calling the film “confused and hazy” and, even worse, opining that it “fails most spectacularly” in its representation of evil.

The newspaper owned by the Holy See also wrote that the latest installment in the franchise is not a proper sequel but more of a reboot.

“Not a classy reboot however, like Nolan’s Batman, but a twisted update which fits today’s tastes and a public more accustomed to sitting in front of a computer than in a cinema,” the anonymous reviewer said, adding the film seems to draw from the “sloppiest current action films derived from the world of videogames.”

The L’Osservatore Romano review also laments too many close-ups, and even faults the “much-publicized” return to in-camera effects, saying they are “often anonymous and lacking in dramatic value.”

As to why the pic supposedly fails spectacularly in its representation of evil, the caustic critic claims that “Darth Vader and above all the Emperor Palpatine were two of the most effective villains in [the sci-fi] genre of American cinema.” But the film’s new villain, the Darth Vader-inspired Kylo Ren, is slammed as “insipid;” while Supreme Leader Snoke – the Emperor Palpatine-like character, is called “the most serious defect of the film,” with his representation described as “awkward and tacky.”

Vatican Paper Slams 'Star Wars' Calling It 'Confused And Hazy'

Lol, see GOD is on my side!

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