Starbucks crashes to 52 week low blames Racial diversity training.

Starbucks should stick to making and selling coffee and never mind trying be anything but a coffee shop.

They aren't even much of a coffee shop anymore. They are basically bad a fast food place that happens to sell coffee.

Well I know one thing.

Their coffee sucks.

Starbucks is coffee for people who don't like coffee. Drown out the coffee with so much milk and sugar you can't tell what you're drinking anymore. They also purposely burn most of their coffee beans during roasting to cover up the fact that they buy the cheapest and lowest quality beans out there, and because it's easier and cheaper to mass produce consistently over roasted beans.

Starbucks coffee tastes like something left in the pot all night. Vile!

My preference for chain store coffee is Second Cup or Timothy’s. But if I want really good coffee, I go to local one-off coffee shops.
an antifa appreciation day might have done more good to burnish their image
Now there’s a great marketing mind.

Yeah, and where’s Black Lives Matter Appreciation Day? Baristas can walk around with their underwear exposed, rap music blaring, and every three words they can axe...”Room for cream, no wha um sayin’?
The reason is quite simple: Starfucks spent so many years devoting all its resources and manpower into wallowing in extreme, drama-queen political correctness that so many Americans are sick to their back teeth of, that actually running a productive business became a secondary consideration to them. I'm proud to say I haven't seen the inside of a Starfucks since the 1990s.
I always thought the problem was five bucks for what I can make for cents. I think people are just tired of over paying!
The cost of needless Racial pandering has hit Starbucks and their shareholders big time. Can't wait for the CEO to run for President. We need his ideas in the White House. NOT!

Starbucks says racial bias incident delayed its marketing push, hurt same-store sales

Don't you love how these pathetic losers are getting blow back quickly, and quick enough to realize their fkd up in the head ideas to control people and hate whitey is obvious even to these retards.
The cost of needless Racial pandering has hit Starbucks and their shareholders big time. Can't wait for the CEO to run for President. We need his ideas in the White House. NOT!

Starbucks says racial bias incident delayed its marketing push, hurt same-store sales

Its probably the fact that they invited the homeless into their coffee shops to sit. They don't have to buy anything they just sit around and stink up the coffee shop.

I don't know about you but I sure wouldn't go into that shop. I'd buy my coffee somewhere else.
America is basically split in two, politically. So for any business to enter the political arena is to automatically lose half their potential customers.
The cost of needless Racial pandering has hit Starbucks and their shareholders big time. Can't wait for the CEO to run for President. We need his ideas in the White House. NOT!

Starbucks says racial bias incident delayed its marketing push, hurt same-store sales
closing your stores for a day doesn't do this.

closing your stores for a day to force people to give into social demands will do this by people sick and tired of it and now just going elsewhere. caving into the noisey may make the noise go away, sure. but these days it's going to take a shitload of customers away also.
Starbuck's literally has two totally different bashing threads today, the other one deals with its inability to make money in blue states.
Well they are losing money for a couple of reasons.

1. * Shitty, overpriced liquid-meth 2. They apparently can't learn from Target's mistakes on far left forced social-engineering policies.

* Seriously, has anyone looked into the lab where they develop these coffees? I had a cup one day of just regular joe at their outfit and I thought I was going to go into seizures.
Starbucks should stick to making and selling coffee and never mind trying be anything but a coffee shop.

They aren't even much of a coffee shop anymore. They are basically bad a fast food place that happens to sell coffee.

Well I know one thing.

Their coffee sucks.

Starbucks is coffee for people who don't like coffee. Drown out the coffee with so much milk and sugar you can't tell what you're drinking anymore. They also purposely burn most of their coffee beans during roasting to cover up the fact that they buy the cheapest and lowest quality beans out there, and because it's easier and cheaper to mass produce consistently over roasted beans.

Starbucks coffee tastes like something left in the pot all night. Vile!

My preference for chain store coffee is Second Cup or Timothy’s. But if I want really good coffee, I go to local one-off coffee shops.

Even though I hate your politics, I will honestly give you credit for admitting what utter garbage coffee Starbucks is. I'm an honest dude who gives credit where it's due.
The simplest bottom line: SJW fanaticism is NOT a viable business model for any kind of business. It shows how oblivious to human nature liberals are, that they don't realize customers don't want to be constantly nagged and lectured about society's ills when they simply want a hot cup of joe. Remember their ridiculous "race together" campaign a few years ago? LOL, that sure worked out well, didn't it? It had so much backlash they quickly stopped with their tails between their legs.
Golly gee...another we told you so moment
all the market instability, didn't help.

Maybe but Starbucks created their own dilemma. I posted three weeks ago investors were tiring of their antics and here we are
a maturing market and more ecofriendly consumers.

Piss poor business descions and the activist traders got involved. Little hint....52 week low. This isn't normal market turmoil

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