Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

This brings up a question If anyone would like to enlighten me. Do white people talk about Blacks if there are no Blacks around?
In my large circle of friends:NO. However my circle of friends are mainly military and we have a different concept about race relations. Then again my circle of friends include Blacks, Latinos, Asians and just about anyone that can put up with us. We consider ourselves brothers and that brotherhood goes back 50-65 years. One thing we all have in common is our disdain for PFCs. That would be Pitiful F--king Civilians. Just kidding about PFCs.!
I see our local cops in the Starbucks here a lot.

This should go over SO WELL when the bearded hipster barista who is 28 years old and has 3 college degrees...but never worked anywhere but Starbucks....tries telling the street cop coming off the midnight shift who is buying coffee to stay awake and take his kids to that cop should be policing the ghetto bahahaha!

Yeah. Great idea here.
Are you saying all cops are racists?
RETARD alert.
I have a dream that someday one will not be able to order a cup of coffee without the topic of race relations being addressed endlessly.

Bizarre. More and more narcissists who think they just HAVE to give you their opinion.

And if you dare to disagree with them on anything, you know what you'll be called.

No thanks.

Race always exists. I just never see white people discussing it where I live like they talk about mowing their lawns.
Isn't that what MLK's Civil Rights marches was all about ultimately? To bring us to a time when all races could gather tighter and the only disagreements would be no worse than how to manicure one's lawn. Blacks wanted equal treatment. That's equal treatment.
You have a warped concept of what MLK was about. Yes he wanted equal treatment. However, he understood that in order to be equal Blacks would need to have opportunity at the same level whites did. How does that happen in a society of whites whining about AA?
I dont see the big deal. I never hear people talking about race in public anyway.
Exactly! You "hear" it on the internet. On messageboards, crybaby blogs, etc. IRL no one really ever discusses it or thinks about it unless it is in a concrete way, like protesting police brutality.

But there are scores of people that get upset because race is a frequent topic on messageboards they post on.
This brings up a question If anyone would like to enlighten me. Do white people talk about Blacks if there are no Blacks around?
In my large circle of friends:NO. However my circle of friends are mainly military and we have a different concept about race relations. Then again my circle of friends include Blacks, Latinos, Asians and just about anyone that can put up with us. We consider ourselves brothers and that brotherhood goes back 50-65 years. One thing we all have in common is our disdain for PFCs. That would be Pitiful F--king Civilians. Just kidding about PFCs.!
Thats why I specified white people. If you are in a circle that only has whites do you talk about Blacks? The reason I ask is because I never talk about white people with my Black friends unless we see a thick white girl walk by.
I dont see the big deal. I never hear people talking about race in public anyway.
Exactly! You "hear" it on the internet. On messageboards, crybaby blogs, etc. IRL no one really ever discusses it or thinks about it unless it is in a concrete way, like protesting police brutality.

But there are scores of people that get upset because race is a frequent topic on messageboards they post on.
Seems to me that if a white person had something to say to me about racism/race etc why dont they just do that?
I dont see the big deal. I never hear people talking about race in public anyway.
Because it doesn't exist unless it's Sharpton or Jackson stirring up trouble.
Race always exists. I just never see white people discussing it where I live like they talk about mowing their lawns.

Holy crap.

The asshole, Assclap, has figured out that race will always exist. :lol:

And I also see that he recognizes that when white guys mow lawns, the topic of race somehow does not usually come up when the neighbors meet and greet and chat.

Presumably, when black neighbors meet as they mow THEIR lawns, the topic of race is brought up all the fucking time.

Black neighbor 1: Nice green grass you have their, neighbor.

Black neighbor 2: Yes. Proper amounts of fertilizer, weed kill and water, plus not setting the blade on the mower too low. Those are key to green grass. Speaking of green, what about those white folks in Ferguson?
Race always exists. I just never see white people discussing it where I live like they talk about mowing their lawns.
Isn't that what MLK's Civil Rights marches was all about ultimately? To bring us to a time when all races could gather tighter and the only disagreements would be no worse than how to manicure one's lawn. Blacks wanted equal treatment. That's equal treatment.
You have a warped concept of what MLK was about. Yes he wanted equal treatment. However, he understood that in order to be equal Blacks would need to have opportunity at the same level whites did. How does that happen in a society of whites whining about AA? said MLK wanted equal opportunity. accuse whites of whining about a practice, AA, that gives unequal, preferential treatment to a group based soley on race?

Do you see what a retard you sound like?

MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action. AA by its nature is not "equal opportunity" for all.
All I've seen working there are KIDS. this should go over real good. I hope they lose business. I'll be dammed if I'm going into some business to pay money and then be preached at.

Who drinks their high priced coffee anyway...

The only time I've ever been to a Charbucks is at the airport where you had no other option.
And they've just re enforced the reason I dont go there in the first place...bunch of snooty self important assholes.
This brings up a question If anyone would like to enlighten me. Do white people talk about Blacks if there are no Blacks around?
In my large circle of friends:NO. However my circle of friends are mainly military and we have a different concept about race relations. Then again my circle of friends include Blacks, Latinos, Asians and just about anyone that can put up with us. We consider ourselves brothers and that brotherhood goes back 50-65 years. One thing we all have in common is our disdain for PFCs. That would be Pitiful F--king Civilians. Just kidding about PFCs.!
Thats why I specified white people. If you are in a circle that only has whites do you talk about Blacks? The reason I ask is because I never talk about white people with my Black friends unless we see a thick white girl walk by.
When there are only whites around we don't talk about blacks. Except for one guy from Chatanooga who we can never catch cheating at cards. Been trying for 40 years. We'll get him one day.
I dont see the big deal. I never hear people talking about race in public anyway.
Exactly! You "hear" it on the internet. On messageboards, crybaby blogs, etc. IRL no one really ever discusses it or thinks about it unless it is in a concrete way, like protesting police brutality.

But there are scores of people that get upset because race is a frequent topic on messageboards they post on.
Seems to me that if a white person had something to say to me about racism/race etc why dont they just do that?

Because most white people dont care about race anymore. We are past it. Its people like YOU who are obsessed with it. You dont get that? Most white people have moved beyond race...and yet...some like you just cant let it evolve. You just have to keep the race card alive.

That why most whites dont talk to you about race. Because most of us dont care anymore. Race is fucking stupid. Its skin pigment. Nothing more. No different than a brown dog or white dog or black dog or polka dotted dog. All just dogd.
Race always exists. I just never see white people discussing it where I live like they talk about mowing their lawns.
Isn't that what MLK's Civil Rights marches was all about ultimately? To bring us to a time when all races could gather tighter and the only disagreements would be no worse than how to manicure one's lawn. Blacks wanted equal treatment. That's equal treatment.
You have a warped concept of what MLK was about. Yes he wanted equal treatment. However, he understood that in order to be equal Blacks would need to have opportunity at the same level whites did. How does that happen in a society of whites whining about AA? said MLK wanted equal opportunity. accuse whites of whining about a practice, AA, that gives unequal, preferential treatment to a group based soley on race?

Do you see what a retard you sound like?

MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action. AA by its nature is not "equal opportunity" for all.
I told you that you had a warped view of what MLK was about. You need to start educating yourself.

"Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic."-MLK
I have had occasion to discuss racist behavior with other white people even when there was no black or Hispanic or Asian person (etc) anywhere around.

Not often. Mainly job related conversation.

But like Assclap is, there are some white liberals who (even in non work related settings) also are obsessive on the topic of race and race relations.
I think I'll exercise my White Privilege by continuing my shunning of Starbucks and their inferior beans.

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