Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

You have a warped concept of what MLK was about. Yes he wanted equal treatment. However, he understood that in order to be equal Blacks would need to have opportunity at the same level whites did. How does that happen in a society of whites whining about AA? said MLK wanted equal opportunity. accuse whites of whining about a practice, AA, that gives unequal, preferential treatment to a group based soley on race?

Do you see what a retard you sound like?

MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action. AA by its nature is not "equal opportunity" for all.

MLK was for special programs just for blacks...unfortunatley AA helps more white women than blacks. I can see your anger subsiding right now

Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.
This brings up a question If anyone would like to enlighten me. Do white people talk about Blacks if there are no Blacks around?


Most white people are just living their lives and don't give a shit one way or the other.

Although we do get cranky when the PC Police shove skin color in our face.

Thats not true. Whites are obsessed with race online. I just wondered if they acted the same way in public when Blacks were not around.

You seem to be obsessed with race, you post almost exclusively in the race related threads.
Thats where the racists are. I like messing with them. The difference is if I have something to say to a white person I will walk up and say it to their face.

And the white guy would respond..."I dont care. I have to get back to work...and stop by Starbucks on the way. Goodbye."

Thats what id say anyway if some idiot approached me in public wanting to "talk race" haha. How 1960's.
You have a warped concept of what MLK was about. Yes he wanted equal treatment. However, he understood that in order to be equal Blacks would need to have opportunity at the same level whites did. How does that happen in a society of whites whining about AA? said MLK wanted equal opportunity. accuse whites of whining about a practice, AA, that gives unequal, preferential treatment to a group based soley on race?

Do you see what a retard you sound like?

MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action. AA by its nature is not "equal opportunity" for all.

MLK was for special programs just for blacks...unfortunatley AA helps more white women than blacks. I can see your anger subsiding right now

Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
The biggest beneficiary of affirmative action has been white women. Look it up.
[QUOTE="Asclepias, post: 10985075, member: 44774"
Thats not true. Whites are obsessed with race online. I just wondered if they acted the same way in public when Blacks were not around.[/QUOTE]

No we're not. I'm not obsessed with anything but airplanes, sailboats and history. But if you don't believe me, please do me a favor. Instead of the above broad brush, from now on say "every white person in the world EXCEPT BILL is obsessed with race". :wink_2:

Really appreciate it.
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You have a warped concept of what MLK was about. Yes he wanted equal treatment. However, he understood that in order to be equal Blacks would need to have opportunity at the same level whites did. How does that happen in a society of whites whining about AA? said MLK wanted equal opportunity. accuse whites of whining about a practice, AA, that gives unequal, preferential treatment to a group based soley on race?

Do you see what a retard you sound like?

MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action. AA by its nature is not "equal opportunity" for all.

MLK was for special programs just for blacks...unfortunatley AA helps more white women than blacks. I can see your anger subsiding right now

Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.

Why do you say that? Just like 2 posts ago you said he wasnt for any programs like that at all. Now you're musing about what a dead historical figure would say today if he wasnt dead? said MLK wanted equal opportunity. accuse whites of whining about a practice, AA, that gives unequal, preferential treatment to a group based soley on race?

Do you see what a retard you sound like?

MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action. AA by its nature is not "equal opportunity" for all.

MLK was for special programs just for blacks...unfortunatley AA helps more white women than blacks. I can see your anger subsiding right now

Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

Oh. So MLK thought schools and employers should use a race based filter to hire and accept students? I must be wrong about him. I thought he wanted a mans race to not matter in society. said MLK wanted equal opportunity. accuse whites of whining about a practice, AA, that gives unequal, preferential treatment to a group based soley on race?

Do you see what a retard you sound like?

MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action. AA by its nature is not "equal opportunity" for all.

MLK was for special programs just for blacks...unfortunatley AA helps more white women than blacks. I can see your anger subsiding right now

Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.

Why do you say that? Just like 2 posts ago you said he wasnt for any programs like that at all. Now you're musing about what a dead historical figure would say today if he wasnt dead?
He cant admit he was wrong so he tossed out that improvable deflection.
MLK was for special programs just for blacks...unfortunatley AA helps more white women than blacks. I can see your anger subsiding right now

Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

Oh. So MLK thought schools and employers should use a race based filter to hire and accept students? I must be wrong about him. I thought he wanted a mans race to not matter in society.
Yes. You were wrong. All except the part he want a mans race not to matter in society. That was the ultimate goal. There is work to do before we get to that stage.

As I said, we get cranky when the PC Police shove skin color in our face constantly.

That manifests with online catharses from time to time. Otherwise, we don't give a shit.

Not sure why this needs to be so complicated, perhaps the PC Police aren't as intelligent as they think they are.


As I said, we get cranky when the PC Police shove skin color in our face constantly.

That manifests with online catharses from time to time. Otherwise, we don't give a shit.

Not sure why this needs to be so complicated, perhaps the PC Police aren't as intelligent as they think they are.

So you only care when you get cranky? Thats funny. You must be cranky all the time then. Its non stop with your white boys. :laugh: said MLK wanted equal opportunity. accuse whites of whining about a practice, AA, that gives unequal, preferential treatment to a group based soley on race?

Do you see what a retard you sound like?

MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action. AA by its nature is not "equal opportunity" for all.

MLK was for special programs just for blacks...unfortunatley AA helps more white women than blacks. I can see your anger subsiding right now

Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

MLK was for voting rights and their rights to use the same public facilities as everybody else not for AA. That was Jessie Jackson's, after MLK was murdered.
Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.

Starbucks is for pretentious yuppies. Anyone shelling out that amount of money for a cup of coffee DESERVES to get preached at by a "barrista" who probably knows as much about social issues in the US as they do about quantum physics!
MLK was for special programs just for blacks...unfortunatley AA helps more white women than blacks. I can see your anger subsiding right now

Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

MLK was for voting rights and their rights to use the same public facilities as everybody else not for AA. That was Jessie Jackson's, after MLK was murdered.
You must have missed my earlier post. I would suggest you read the mans words as spoken from his own mouth.
Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

Oh. So MLK thought schools and employers should use a race based filter to hire and accept students? I must be wrong about him. I thought he wanted a mans race to not matter in society.
Yes. You were wrong. All except the part he want a mans race not to matter in society. That was the ultimate goal. There is work to do before we get to that stage.

Wow you two guys are retards.

Yes..BACK THEN...MLK was right...we needed programs to ensure blacks got equal access. Because evil racists had BANNED blacks from schools and jobs and voting and patronizing business.

Thats no longer the case. Race based laws and filters are no longer necessary.

MLKs dream...BACK THEN...needed the programs to achieve it. TODAY...these programs obstruct that same dream.

Unless you can tell me why blacks and women somehow need these special considerations? Because I tend to think they're 100% just as capable as anyone else...and they dont need to be treated like they need some head start.

If you're fucking equal. Put on your big boy pants and let your qualifications ALONE speak for you....or explain to me why you cant compete equally with white males?
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

Oh. So MLK thought schools and employers should use a race based filter to hire and accept students? I must be wrong about him. I thought he wanted a mans race to not matter in society.
Yes. You were wrong. All except the part he want a mans race not to matter in society. That was the ultimate goal. There is work to do before we get to that stage.

Wow you two guys are retards.

Yes..BACK THEN...MLK was right...we needed programs to ensure blacks got equal access. Because evil racists had BANNED blacks from schools and jobs and voting and patronizing business.

Thats no longer the case. Race based laws and filters are no longer necessary.

MLKs dream...BACK THEN...needed the programs to achieve it. TODAY...these programs obstruct that same dream.

Unless you can tell me why blacks and women somehow need these special considerations? Because I tend to think they're 100% just as capable as anyone else...and they dont need to be treated like they need some head start.

If you're fucking equal. Put on your big boy pants and let your qualifications ALONE speak for you....or explain to me why you cant compete equally with white males?

I cant respond to this because in 2 or 3 more posts you're going to be taking this all back
Back then..of course he was. We needed it back then. Not now.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

Oh. So MLK thought schools and employers should use a race based filter to hire and accept students? I must be wrong about him. I thought he wanted a mans race to not matter in society.
Yes. You were wrong. All except the part he want a mans race not to matter in society. That was the ultimate goal. There is work to do before we get to that stage.

You're RIGHT. There is work to be done.

Would taking race off of all job and college applications be a step forward to ensuring "race doesnt matter"? Hey...Harvard may end up being almost all black then right?

As I said, we get cranky when the PC Police shove skin color in our face constantly.

That manifests with online catharses from time to time. Otherwise, we don't give a shit.

Not sure why this needs to be so complicated, perhaps the PC Police aren't as intelligent as they think they are.

So you only care when you get cranky? Thats funny. You must be cranky all the time then. Its non stop with your white boys. :laugh:
Maybe in your mind, it's all about you, narcissists are like that.

I don't like seeing what the PC Police have done to American Blacks, but your constant bitching has worn me out.

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

Oh. So MLK thought schools and employers should use a race based filter to hire and accept students? I must be wrong about him. I thought he wanted a mans race to not matter in society.
Yes. You were wrong. All except the part he want a mans race not to matter in society. That was the ultimate goal. There is work to do before we get to that stage.

Wow you two guys are retards.

Yes..BACK THEN...MLK was right...we needed programs to ensure blacks got equal access. Because evil racists had BANNED blacks from schools and jobs and voting and patronizing business.

Thats no longer the case. Race based laws and filters are no longer necessary.

MLKs dream...BACK THEN...needed the programs to achieve it. TODAY...these programs obstruct that same dream.

Unless you can tell me why blacks and women somehow need these special considerations? Because I tend to think they're 100% just as capable as anyone else...and they dont need to be treated like they need some head start.

If you're fucking equal. Put on your big boy pants and let your qualifications ALONE speak for you....or explain to me why you cant compete equally with white males?

I cant respond to this because in 2 or 3 more posts you're going to be taking this all back

Ha..quite a chicken shit excuse. You cant respond because you cant justify it.
You just said "MLKs philosophy would not support affirmative action.". How far are you going to back pedal on this one?

If MLK was asked that in 2015 would he like for employers and schools to still use a race based bias to determine who they accept? I bet he'd say...he hopes that practice would've ended by then.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.

You probably lose a lot of bets. The point was you claimed MLK was not supportive of the concept of AA. He was despite your warped perception of what he was about.

Oh. So MLK thought schools and employers should use a race based filter to hire and accept students? I must be wrong about him. I thought he wanted a mans race to not matter in society.
Yes. You were wrong. All except the part he want a mans race not to matter in society. That was the ultimate goal. There is work to do before we get to that stage.

Wow you two guys are retards.

Yes..BACK THEN...MLK was right...we needed programs to ensure blacks got equal access. Because evil racists had BANNED blacks from schools and jobs and voting and patronizing business.

Thats no longer the case. Race based laws and filters are no longer necessary.

MLKs dream...BACK THEN...needed the programs to achieve it. TODAY...these programs obstruct that same dream.

Unless you can tell me why blacks and women somehow need these special considerations? Because I tend to think they're 100% just as capable as anyone else...and they dont need to be treated like they need some head start.

If you're fucking equal. Put on your big boy pants and let your qualifications ALONE speak for you....or explain to me why you cant compete equally with white males?
Thats your problem. You think you get to determine when something is no longer necessary. Unfortunately for you no one thinks you are an authority on the issue except you. First of all AA is not soley for Blacks which is what MLK was advocating. Secondly until there is equality in the unemployment rate and less of a economic disparity between the races, the need for these programs will continue to exist.

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