Starbucks Just Taught Outraged “Christians” A HUGE Lesson

Remember when Rubio got booed last night for saying we need to help families and extend child care so parents can work? That's the new "Christian".

Many Christians believe in firm gender roles for women. And there are two practical keys to actual women's rights:

1) Birth control
2) Child care

With these two factors in place actual, practical gender equality becomes far more real. As it frees women to compete, thrive, and excel.

Genius is a matter of numbers. And we double our odds of it by freeing up half our population to pursue their interests and talents. Its good business.

Its not, strictly speaking, good religion. As it weakens the gender roles that many Christians find so comforting.
Except that many so called Christians are against:

1) Birth control

They feel women who like to pleasure fuck are whores. Even if they are married and monogamous.

Its an old hang up on sex. Many religions try to simplify things beyond all utility. Sex therefore, can only serve a single purpose: procreation.

Making birth control an abomination as it subverts such a purpose. At least per the logic of some of the religious.
Dunkin Donut scooooores.

Dunkin' Releases Festive 'Joy' Cups Amid Starbucks' Red Cup Controversy


That ought to make as big of a splash as Krispy Kreme's calendar! LOL!

I put a teaspoon full of freeze dried into microwave heated water------I will
try to calculate the cost------tomorrow
Yuck. At least use real coffee, you might as well just put the teaspoon on your tongue and walk out the door. Instant coffee is for baking with chocolate...

Starbucks will brew a cup for your personally if you order it on the Clover machine. Some of the light roast coffees are a joy Clover brewed. I'd recommend the Veranda or Guatemala Antigua. And order them in a ceramic mug.

I do not do STATUS SYMBOL COFFEE---------I do not dress well either----
I am the OTHER KIND OF SNOB------I sneer at everything

Feel free. Its your taste buds I'm trying to appeal to. Not your apparel.

apparel is very important on starbucks-------but the good news is that it
is usually possible to get into their restroom without buying a cup or wearing
a mink or designer jeans
That's a lie. I frequented a Starbucks on almost a daily basis and they allowed even the homeless to use their bathroom.

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"While delusional conservatives embark on a ridiculous boycott campaign against Starbucks over the coffeemaker’s decision to produce minimalist red “holiday” coffee cups instead of adorning them with traditional Christmas symbols..."

Delusional and ridiculous, indeed.
Remember when Rubio got booed last night for saying we need to help families and extend child care so parents can work? That's the new "Christian".

Many Christians believe in firm gender roles for women. And there are two practical keys to actual women's rights:

1) Birth control
2) Child care

With these two factors in place actual, practical gender equality becomes far more real. As it frees women to compete, thrive, and excel.

Genius is a matter of numbers. And we double our odds of it by freeing up half our population to pursue their interests and talents. Its good business.

Its not, strictly speaking, good religion. As it weakens the gender roles that many Christians find so comforting.
Except that many so called Christians are against:

1) Birth control

They feel women who like to pleasure fuck are whores. Even if they are married and monogamous.

Its an old hang up on sex. Many religions try to simplify things beyond all utility. Sex therefore, can only serve a single purpose: procreation.

Making birth control an abomination as it subverts such a purpose. At least per the logic of some of the religious.

Yuck. At least use real coffee, you might as well just put the teaspoon on your tongue and walk out the door. Instant coffee is for baking with chocolate...

Starbucks will brew a cup for your personally if you order it on the Clover machine. Some of the light roast coffees are a joy Clover brewed. I'd recommend the Veranda or Guatemala Antigua. And order them in a ceramic mug.

I do not do STATUS SYMBOL COFFEE---------I do not dress well either----
I am the OTHER KIND OF SNOB------I sneer at everything

Feel free. Its your taste buds I'm trying to appeal to. Not your apparel.

apparel is very important on starbucks-------but the good news is that it
is usually possible to get into their restroom without buying a cup or wearing
a mink or designer jeans

When was the last time you were in a starbucks? For me it was couple of days ago. And not a mink coat or designer jean in sight.

You seem to be describing what you imagine a Starbucks to be.
Clearly. I don't understand why these people like to revel in their ignorance so. *SMH*

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Remember when Rubio got booed last night for saying we need to help families and extend child care so parents can work? That's the new "Christian".

Many Christians believe in firm gender roles for women. And there are two practical keys to actual women's rights:

1) Birth control
2) Child care

With these two factors in place actual, practical gender equality becomes far more real. As it frees women to compete, thrive, and excel.

Genius is a matter of numbers. And we double our odds of it by freeing up half our population to pursue their interests and talents. Its good business.

Its not, strictly speaking, good religion. As it weakens the gender roles that many Christians find so comforting.
Except that many so called Christians are against:

1) Birth control

They feel women who like to pleasure fuck are whores. Even if they are married and monogamous.

Its an old hang up on sex. Many religions try to simplify things beyond all utility. Sex therefore, can only serve a single purpose: procreation.

Making birth control an abomination as it subverts such a purpose. At least per the logic of some of the religious.


most of those catholic women are probably from mexico and south america......
Many are way ahead of that thought.

Besides expensive ass coffee, there is nothing wrong with them. They can do whatever they want. Just like Chik-fil-a.
I wish EVERYONE would understand conformity is NOT a solution to ANYTHING
I did. Can't seem to find any numbers. I did find the benefits only apply to getting their degree online from Arizona State University online program.
And there is this-
But 66% said candidates who obtained degrees online were not viewed as favorably as job applicants with traditional degrees. “HR managers are normally pretty conservative and a little bit cautious,” said Margaret Fiester, SHRM’s operations manager for the HR Knowledge Center.
Can an Online Degree Really Help You Get a Job?

So, any figures on how many of these vets are given over 20 hours a week?
I notice there is a caveat in which they have total control over...
working over 20 hours a week.


Why don't you Google it? :)
Most Christians could care less about Starbucks. Overpriced, bitter coffee and infested with homos
How much less could Christians care about Starbucks? Their coffee is infested with homos? Really? How do they get them in the cups?

I hear that if you so much as touch the new (red green and white) cup, the Gay Vibe is inside you!

People who don't know the difference between "could care less" and "couldn't care less"? I'd be inclined to say "uninformed," but there's an element of calculated ignorance as well.

Next time you start to write "could care less," stop and think about what it actually means (which is what VOR was telling you, but you missed it. Now that is stupid).
The right wingers. That is who.

Go ahead and boycott!

While delusional conservatives embark on a ridiculous boycott campaign against Starbucks over the coffeemaker’s decision to produce minimalist red “holiday” coffee cups instead of adorning them with traditional Christmas symbols, the company just turned the tables on them in a brilliant way. Not only does their response help America’s working veterans, it teaches outraged conservative “Christians” a powerful and meaningful lesson about the true meaning of Christmas.

Starbucks has just announced they will “now extend a 100% tuition-free four-year college benefit to the spouse or child of every U.S. veteran or active military reservist employed 20 or more hours a week.” It’s an amazing show of substantial support for our veterans, coming on the heels of news that the progressive coffee maker has made it halfway to their goal of hiring 10,000 veterans and spouses by 2018 – they’re up to 5,500 vets and their spouses hired so far. They will also be paying for up to 80 hours per year for service obligations of employees who are active duty or reservists in the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard.

Article @ Starbucks Just Taught Outraged “Christians” A HUGE Lesson With A Brilliant Response
A. What has that got to do with Christians?
B. You think it was just a knee jerk response?
I did. Can't seem to find any numbers. I did find the benefits only apply to getting their degree online from Arizona State University online program.
And there is this-
But 66% said candidates who obtained degrees online were not viewed as favorably as job applicants with traditional degrees. “HR managers are normally pretty conservative and a little bit cautious,” said Margaret Fiester, SHRM’s operations manager for the HR Knowledge Center.
Can an Online Degree Really Help You Get a Job?

So, any figures on how many of these vets are given over 20 hours a week?
I notice there is a caveat in which they have total control over...
working over 20 hours a week.


Why don't you Google it? :)

What the fuck does that have anything to do with this topic?
Dunkin Donut scooooores.

Dunkin' Releases Festive 'Joy' Cups Amid Starbucks' Red Cup Controversy

Failed attempt to deflect.

The thread topic is Starbucks, and the idiocy of some on the Christian right to boycott the company for a reason completely devoid of merit.

LOL @ failed attempt to deflect. I bet you supported the Chik Fil La boycott. Hypocrite....yes you are LOL

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