Start 2011 RIGHT, further exposing the dying FAR LEFT MEDIA

(R)IGHTeous 1

Dec 5, 2010
If the system functions well, it ought to have a liberal bias, or at least appear to. Because if it appears to have a liberal bias, that will serve to bound thought even more effectively.
—Noam Chomsky, "Excerpts from Manufacturing Consent"

ABC Knocks 'Weeping' Boehner as 'Harshly Partisan,' Gushed Over Pelosi as 'Galvanized Steel With a Smile'
By: Scott Whitlock
Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:50 PM EST

Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Tuesday derided the incoming Republican Speaker of the House as "harshly partisan." The ABC correspondent joked that John Boehner can look "like the weeper of the House." In contrast, then-GMA co-host Diane Sawyer in 2007 lauded Speaker Nancy Pelosi's ascension, praising, "But her fellow politicians say she's galvanized steel with a smile."

While Karl dismissed Boehner as a "weeper," Sawyer, on January 19, 2007, rhapsodized over Pelosi as a sweeper, glowingly recounting how the first female Speaker picked up garbage: "We're walking along with the camera, [Pelosi] looks at the carpet. It has lint on it, little scraps of paper. She can't stand it. She gets down and cleans the carpet so we could walk."

Sawyer described this fairly mundane act as something "no Speaker of the House has ever done in the entire history of the United States of America."

GMA, which hit Boehner as "harshly partisan," didn't use that phrase with the highly partisan Pelosi. The word came up once in January of 2007, but as a compliment.

ABC Knocks 'Weeping' Boehner as 'Harshly Partisan,' Gushed Over Pelosi as 'Galvanized Steel With a Smile'

The NY Times Plugs Maoist Tourist Spot in China: 'Red Is Far From Dead'
By: Clay Waters
Tuesday, January 04, 2011 4:38 PM EST

Reporter Edward Wong took an inordinately cheery look at a Maoist tourist attraction in the Chinese city of Yan’an in Friday’s “Revolution Isn’t a Party, But It Draws The Tourists.” The online headline was clearer: “China’s Red Tourism Taps Communist Pride for Profit.”

Wong opened by describing a botched performance of a re-enactment of “a crucial moment in the Chinese civil war, when the Kuomintang tried to overrun the Communists in 1947 in their mountain redoubt here. The show, complete with live explosions and a fighter jet that swoops down on a wire, takes place every morning on the outskirts of Yan’an, a dingy city of two million in the northern province of Shaanxi.

The NY Times Plugs Maoist Tourist Spot in China: 'Red Is Far From Dead'

By: Brent Bozell | January 04, 2011 | 22:29

Our national media elite reviewed 2010 with great sorrow for how America has besmirched itself in the eyes of the world with its “seething hatred” of Muslims. CBS anchor Katie Couric announced on her Internet show that there wasn't enough evaluation of“this bigotry toward 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide” which was “so misdirected, and so wrong -- and so disappointing.”

Couric even embarrassed herself by suggesting "Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show." A ridiculous idea – unless it were to run every night instead of Couric’s lame half-hour “news” report.

Bozell Column: War In the Mideast -- On Christians |

For more:

Liberal media bias: What the Chicago Tribune wouldn't (couldn't) print

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - Bill Kelly's Truth Squad

On October 17th, the Chicago Tribune published a personal attack piece on me on their Sunday editorial page. The piece was based on a video of a CBS anchor threatening me on-camera because I dared to ask Rahm Emanuel tough questions on Columbus Day. Apparently, Chicago reporters designate Columbus Day as a "soft media" day. Since the video has circulated, I have been under attack by the liberal Chicago Media. However, the Chicago Tribune's attack piece, in my opinion, violated even the semblance of fair journalism.

The rules of honesty debate would seem to dictate that I be allowed the chance to respond. However, the Chicago Tribune declined to print my response. What was it about the piece they didn't want their readers to read? Could it be that my response showed their high-paid columnist was only capable of name-calling instead of good journalism? Did it show that the Chicago Tribune is a paper of elites who believe they are not answerable to anyone? Did it show that they might just despise the new media democracy of online columnists and bloggers who are now, finally, able to circumvent their propaganda. Yes. Yes. And yes.

Liberal media bias: What the Chicago Tribune wouldn't (couldn't) print | Washington Times Communities
My final point here? that's it, MSNBC.

Waits for far left wackaloon onslaught of "FOX is stooooopid cuz a flawed, Soros funded/backed study told us soooooo!":lol::cuckoo:
Is there a "far left" main stream media outlet?

None that I'm aware of.

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