State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton

State Department.

Last I checked, it was the Justice Department that made these determinations.

The State Department is trying to get out in front of the looming DOJ IG report.
Yes, but I find it a losing battle, PR-wise.

The State Department says in their report:

***** In the latest probe, investigators determined Clinton’s conduct represented an increased degree of risk to the State Department. However, they emphasized there was “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.” *****

We see that the language is important. No persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information. This is the State Department covering their own ass. Systemic means that the rank and file did not mishandle classified information, while they say Clinton's conduct represents an increased degree of risk to, you guessed it, The State Department.

The State Department needs a good purging.

The whole fucking Government needs a purging. Including Congress and some federal judges.
This isn't deliberate mishandling of classified information?


"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??

I know. Those far right radical conservative extremists have been wanting to pin a crime, any crime on Hillary since the early 90s. Every single so called investigation has cleared her of any and all crimes. So they open new investigations on the same subjects, emails and Benghazi, multiple times. Every time she's cleared, they open a new investigation on the same subject looking for a crime.

It's gotten so very out of control. It's been over 2 decades.

A smart person would stop. They would finally realize that they are making fools of themselves. All they're doing is proving Hillary isn't a criminal.

The same can't be said about trump.

"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??
Trump’s State Department.
Full of traitors.

"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??

so it was from incompetence and not deliberate,,well to bad the law doesnt allow for even that,,,


"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??
Mishandling of classified documents does not have to be willful before its a crime

"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information,

Does the law say that idiotically mishandling classified information is ok? Link?

What about lazily mishandling classified information?
Corruptly mishandling classified information?
Drunkenly mishandling classified information?
He could give a short lesson in the law, demonstrating that a lack of intent does not absolve one of responsibility for breaking the law.
Actually, intent has everything to do with it. Which is why Comey was right to not seek charges against Clinton.

U.S. Code § 1924

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
No it doesn't just gross negligence is all that needs to be proven

U.S. Code § 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

show me were it says or even implies intent?
Show where she permitted such material to be removed, delivered, destroyed, etc....
sending an email is delivering
so anyone that sent Clinton an email containing classified information to her private email address is in violation of the law and Clinton knowing that classified information was sent to her private email without reporting and properly securing it is also in violation of the law
I'm pretty certain that didn't happen, Hillary being a person of trust, but if you think it did, you should contact the State Department immediately and inform them they need to start up a new investigation because their last one failed to catch that and that you have information they desperately need to indict Hillary.

You go, girl!
State Department.

Last I checked, it was the Justice Department that made these determinations.

The State Department is trying to get out in front of the looming DOJ IG report.
Yes, but I find it a losing battle, PR-wise.

The State Department says in their report:

***** In the latest probe, investigators determined Clinton’s conduct represented an increased degree of risk to the State Department. However, they emphasized there was “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.” *****

We see that the language is important. No persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information. This is the State Department covering their own ass. Systemic means that the rank and file did not mishandle classified information, while they say Clinton's conduct represents an increased degree of risk to, you guessed it, The State Department.
Umm, the State Department is headed by a Trump appointee who was confirmed by a Republican-led Senate -- and you're still crying, foul?! :lmao:
Who cares!?!?!!?! She lost. Move on.
yes because losing an election is a get out of jail free card

You poor obsessed rightie. It's been investigated and there was no wrong doing on her part. Like Mulvaney said -- get over it. :badgrin:

There was definitely wrong doing in the public eye, hence she lost the election. Move on people. Oh and Faun, you're a loser with no career path.

And yet, I'm a lead software engineer with a company now in the fortune 100. This is just one of the many reasons I consider you an imbecile. :mm:
State Department.

Last I checked, it was the Justice Department that made these determinations.

The State Department is trying to get out in front of the looming DOJ IG report.
Yes, but I find it a losing battle, PR-wise.

The State Department says in their report:

***** In the latest probe, investigators determined Clinton’s conduct represented an increased degree of risk to the State Department. However, they emphasized there was “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.” *****

We see that the language is important. No persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information. This is the State Department covering their own ass. Systemic means that the rank and file did not mishandle classified information, while they say Clinton's conduct represents an increased degree of risk to, you guessed it, The State Department.
Umm, the State Department is headed by a Trump appointee who was confirmed by a Republican-led Senate -- and you're still crying, foul?! :lmao:
It wasn't the head of the State Department that did this investigation. It was the 'deep State' that did and anyone who can read English can see that My statements follow exactly what they are doing.


Again, the State Department does not make the determinations of criminal conduct. This report is meaningless.
State Department.

Last I checked, it was the Justice Department that made these determinations.

The State Department is trying to get out in front of the looming DOJ IG report.
Yes, but I find it a losing battle, PR-wise.

The State Department says in their report:

***** In the latest probe, investigators determined Clinton’s conduct represented an increased degree of risk to the State Department. However, they emphasized there was “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.” *****

We see that the language is important. No persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information. This is the State Department covering their own ass. Systemic means that the rank and file did not mishandle classified information, while they say Clinton's conduct represents an increased degree of risk to, you guessed it, The State Department.
Umm, the State Department is headed by a Trump appointee who was confirmed by a Republican-led Senate -- and you're still crying, foul?! :lmao:
It wasn't the head of the State Department that did this investigation. It was the 'deep State' that did and anyone who can read English can see that My statements follow exactly what they are doing.


Again, the State Department does not make the determinations of criminal conduct. This report is meaningless.
It was signed off by a Trump lackey, ya moron. Before working for Trump, she worked on Neil Gorsuch's nomination team. You cultists are a riot.

"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??
So she was too stupid to know classified data doesn't go on unsecured servers.

Great defense.

"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??
Who cares!?!?!!?! She lost. Move on.
yes because losing an election is a get out of jail free card

You poor obsessed rightie. It's been investigated and there was no wrong doing on her part. Like Mulvaney said -- get over it. :badgrin:

There was definitely wrong doing in the public eye, hence she lost the election. Move on people. Oh and Faun, you're a loser with no career path.

And yet, I'm a lead software engineer with a company now in the fortune 100. This is just one of the many reasons I consider you an imbecile. :mm:
You are? Let me guess, in Cali? LoL. You may consider me whatever you like, you’re the one who didn’t know what quantitative easing was. LOL. Dumbass. Go back to programming Basic.

"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??

They found violations just like the investigations, they could not prove intent, which allows the rich to get off from any crime. If a regular citizen or company done anything similar there fines and possible jail time.
CNN says it, I believe it...that settles it!

The State Department can't investigate itself and find any deliberate mishandling
of classified material with regard to Hillary's personal email server?

Just on it's face the fact that Hillary bypassed secure government provided servers for her own
private system seems to bring all that b.s. into question from the git go.

The FBI says thirty-eight individuals violated the law and department regulations and classified information should never have been on Clinton's unclassified system to begin with.
The fact that the FBI can look into the souls of these people and discover none of them intended to break security laws is bullshittery and under law intent takes a back seat to actual commission of crime.

I didn't mean to run a red light...I didn't mean to slip a steak into my purse....I didn't intend to run down my ex wife with my pickup. All of this is immaterial in a court of law.

So it must be with I didn't mean to completely ignore federal law with regard to Miss Hillary's
illegal server. And eventually the buck must stop with her...the source.
"The FBI says thirty-eight individuals violated the law and department regulations and classified information should never have been on Clinton's unclassified system to begin with."

You forgot to mention Hillary Clinton was not among those 38 individuals.

Her department, her responsibility.

"There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information," the report states.

The report is yet another instance of federal investigators clearing Clinton and her aides of deliberately mishandling classified information, which was the focus of attacks on the former secretary of state throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Clinton was also cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI twice over her private email server during the campaign.

After the FBI closed its investigation of Clinton's email server in 2016, State Department investigators, over the next three years, interviewed dozens of former and current State Department employees and reviewed thousands of pages of documents.

State Department finds no 'deliberate mishandling of classified information' related to Clinton email server - CNNPolitics

I didn't think so. Now what is tramp going to talk about at his rallies??
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