State Dept. insisted on hiring Libyan security, withheld security


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
This is how fascists kill their own people:

"sources have told the BBC that on the advice of a US diplomatic regional security officer, the mission in Benghazi was not given the full contract despite lobbying by private contractors.
Instead, the US consulate was guarded externally by a force of local Libyan militia, many of whom reportedly put down their weapons and fled once the mission came under concerted attack."

BBC News - US consulate in Benghazi 'did not have enough security'

The State dept was made aware of this years ago, but did nothing.

“I told him the security was not enough,” Fathi Baja, a political science professor and one of the leaders of Libya’s rebel government during last year’s revolution, told TIME on Thursday. “I said, ‘Chris, this is a U.S. consulate. You have to add to the number of people, bring Americans here to guard it, because the Libyans are not trained.”…
U.S. officials told reporters on Wednesday that the Benghazi consulate had “a robust American security presence, including a strong component of regional security officers.” And indeed, one of the four Americans killed was a former Navy SEAL, Glen Doherty, who was “on security detail” and “protecting the ambassador,” his sister Katie Quigly told the Boston Globe. Also killed was an information management officer, Sean Smith. The fourth American who died has not yet been identified. Yet Baja described a very different picture from his visit on Tuesday morning, even remarking at how relaxed the scene was when he returned to the consulate building a short while after leaving Stevens, in order to collect the mobile phone he had accidentally left behind. “The consulate was very calm, with video [surveillance] cameras outside,” Baja said. “But inside there were only four security guards, all Libyans—four!—and with only Kalshnikovs on their backs. I said, ‘Chris, this is the most powerful country in the world. Other countries all have more guards than the U.S.,’” he said, naming as two examples Jordan and Morocco."

Libyan pol: It was obvious that the consulate in Benghazi needed much better security « Hot Air
This is how fascists kill their own people:

"sources have told the BBC that on the advice of a US diplomatic regional security officer, the mission in Benghazi was not given the full contract despite lobbying by private contractors.
Instead, the US consulate was guarded externally by a force of local Libyan militia, many of whom reportedly put down their weapons and fled once the mission came under concerted attack."

BBC News - US consulate in Benghazi 'did not have enough security'

The State dept was made aware of this years ago, but did nothing.

“I told him the security was not enough,” Fathi Baja, a political science professor and one of the leaders of Libya’s rebel government during last year’s revolution, told TIME on Thursday. “I said, ‘Chris, this is a U.S. consulate. You have to add to the number of people, bring Americans here to guard it, because the Libyans are not trained.”…
U.S. officials told reporters on Wednesday that the Benghazi consulate had “a robust American security presence, including a strong component of regional security officers.” And indeed, one of the four Americans killed was a former Navy SEAL, Glen Doherty, who was “on security detail” and “protecting the ambassador,” his sister Katie Quigly told the Boston Globe. Also killed was an information management officer, Sean Smith. The fourth American who died has not yet been identified. Yet Baja described a very different picture from his visit on Tuesday morning, even remarking at how relaxed the scene was when he returned to the consulate building a short while after leaving Stevens, in order to collect the mobile phone he had accidentally left behind. “The consulate was very calm, with video [surveillance] cameras outside,” Baja said. “But inside there were only four security guards, all Libyans—four!—and with only Kalshnikovs on their backs. I said, ‘Chris, this is the most powerful country in the world. Other countries all have more guards than the U.S.,’” he said, naming as two examples Jordan and Morocco."

Libyan pol: It was obvious that the consulate in Benghazi needed much better security « Hot Air
I think the Secretary of State should resign or be fired. This happened on Hillary Clinton's watch, and she let people get away with things that got Americans murdered.
Any fool could predict a problem on the anniversary of 9-11 even a world class enabler for her husband's infidelity. Why doesn't the media ask the secretary 'o state the tough questions like whether or not she disarmed the Marines or instructed them to surrender? The media doesn't want to embarrass the administration anymore than they have to.
This has Hillary's stinky fingerprints all over it.

But also remember..these are Obama's buds.

He is okay with Americans dying if it supports his own agenda.
This has Hillary's stinky fingerprints all over it.

But also remember..these are Obama's buds.

He is okay with Americans dying if it supports his own agenda.
Funny how she was hanging around Iraq 3 months before the Abu Grahib scandal broke which was little more than a couple of guards getting drunk on duty. Actually, there are some pretty dumb people in the military, but few of them have the kind of professional camera quality as took the Abu-Grahib "guilty" photos of the gal and the guy who were goofing off with a prisoner.

Who would I be, though to consider a "conspiracy theory" about a spin room chieftainess under Bill Clinton (see George Stephanopoulos' book All Too Human for details). :deal:
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Any fool could predict a problem on the anniversary of 9-11 even a world class enabler for her husband's infidelity. Why doesn't the media ask the secretary 'o state the tough questions like whether or not she disarmed the Marines or instructed them to surrender? The media doesn't want to embarrass the administration anymore than they have to.

Left wing extremists like this sort of thing. And you will see them snickering about it, and trying to blame Americans for exercising their liberties for it. It is the way they undermine liberty and justify the elimination of it. "You can't have freedom of speech, you'll offend Islam and then they have to kill your dumb asses! Therefore we must remove that privilege from you to appease them and keep you safe!"
But what they MEAN is "Good, the more Americans that die the better, they are deserving of death and represent competition and liberty, which can be used by others to move up in life. All that matters is my personal advancement, my power, and my wealth and I will stomp anyone who gets in my way, and support any ruler/law/murder that proposes to advance me in any way shape or form."

That's how every single lefty extremist ever born thinks.

Aren't they wonderful..
Anti- Pub a-holes who wreck the world, actually. Feqqing moron haters...assume the postion, "no compromise Tea Party GOP" (TIME)...and their silly hater dupes.

Never right about ANYTHING. GD ugly 'Merican tools LOL
Anti- Pub a-holes who wreck the world, actually. Feqqing moron haters...assume the postion, "no compromise Tea Party GOP" (TIME)...and their silly hater dupes.

Never right about ANYTHING. GD ugly 'Merican tools LOL

You must have gone to school in Chicago.

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