State of Texas to Whitewash History Books(Slavery a 'side issue' in Civil War)

The civil war was in its third year before slavery was an issue. The emancipation proclaimation ended slavery in the south but it was still legal in the north for two more years.
THIS FALL, Texas schools will teach students that Moses played a bigger role in inspiring the Constitution than slavery did in starting the Civil War. The Lone Star State’s new social studies textbooks, deliberately written to play down slavery’s role in Southern history, do not threaten only Texans — they pose a danger to schoolchildren all over the country. [...]

It is alarming that 150 years after the Civil War’s end children are learning that slavery was, as one Texas board of education member put it in 2010, “a side issue.” No serious scholar agrees. Every additional issue at play in 1861 was secondary to slavery — not the other way around. By distorting history, Texas tells its students a dishonest and damaging story about the United States that prevents children from understanding the country today.


Sick, really sick.

Taxus needs to secede, then the Mexican cartels can invade and clean it up!

Taxuns don't like that book lernin with facts. Much better to teach children that everything happens cuz o magic.
Texas is the center of everything wrong with American politics, the fucking place is an embarrassment to the very idea of democracy. Yeah I'm messing with Texas, the shit-stained hemorrhoidal anus of America.
Some incredible number of jobs producred in the Obama years came from Texas, shitstain. You should be licking their asses in gratitude.
Texas, AKA, dumbfuckistan has nothing to be proud of. Sometimes I wish they would try to escape the US again just so we can kick their ass again.
You must be a Millennial from Kalidunbfuckistanfornia.
"Slave owners were cowardly and greedy? Seriously?"

Yes thats exactly what they were. They wanted cheap labor and found it by using means of inflicting pain and intimidation as a way of getting that cheap labor. The fact that people accepted it as something that was socially acceptable is a very sad thing and a huge dark spot on this nations history. States rights blah blah if you see it other that this then you condone it. Thank god the union won.
"Slave owners were cowardly and greedy? Seriously?"

Yes thats exactly what they were. They wanted cheap labor and found it by using means of inflicting pain and intimidation as a way of getting that cheap labor. The fact that people accepted it as something that was socially acceptable is a very sad thing and a huge dark spot on this nations history. States rights blah blah if you see it other that this then you condone it. Thank god the union won.
Attention, moron. Virtually every "developing" country had slavery. People responded to the economic incentives of the time.
You might as well say factory owners are greedy for buying capital equipment to do work when they could just hire employees instead.
The civil war was in its third year before slavery was an issue. The emancipation proclaimation ended slavery in the south but it was still legal in the north for two more years.

Wtf are you talking about? Slavery was illegal in the North before the war even started.

Also "Slavery" is specifically mentioned dozens upon dozens of times in the Ordinances of Succession from the southern states, Texas mentions it a full 21 times in it's ordinance.
The civil war was in its third year before slavery was an issue. The emancipation proclaimation ended slavery in the south but it was still legal in the north for two more years.

Wtf are you talking about? Slavery was illegal in the North before the war even started.

Also "Slavery" is specifically mentioned dozens upon dozens of times in the Ordinances of Succession from the southern states, Texas mentions it a full 21 times in it's ordinance.
What is an Ordinance of Succession?
The civil war was in its third year before slavery was an issue. The emancipation proclaimation ended slavery in the south but it was still legal in the north for two more years.

Wtf are you talking about? Slavery was illegal in the North before the war even started.

Also "Slavery" is specifically mentioned dozens upon dozens of times in the Ordinances of Succession from the southern states, Texas mentions it a full 21 times in it's ordinance.
You need some education. Look it up. Slavery was legal in the north until the 13th amendment was ratified.

The emancipation proclaimation specifically states that slavery was ended only in those states in rebellion.

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