State of the Union 2018: Jimmy Kimmel to interview Stormy Daniels after Trump's speech

Kimmel is another cog in the Democrat/Hollywood hate machine.
Kimmel has a psycho loathing for Wasps.
There is way too much Left Wing abhorrence on Network TV.
He is unwatchable.
I find this stuff hilarious! Kimmel is the Beta to Corolla's Alpha.

That's the high point of his career, with the Juggies.

I'm not saying what I see happening with all the leftist Anti-American crap surrounding the State of The Union address until afterwards. :)
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What will she be wearing. That determines my level of interest.
If she looks like this she will probably be dismissed.


If she looks like this most will probably not remember what she said.

Uh, who cares? lol

But I find is funny the Liberal rebuttal will come from a comedian and a porn star. The state of the Democratic party. LOL
I am proud to say I haven't watched one of these god awful speeches for as long as I can remember. It's my patriotic duty to turn the tv off during these debacles.

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