State of the Union, 53% “very positive”, 24% “somewhat positive"

It's funny that the left claims that everything is Bush's fault but if we got back to Bush era uneployment (5.6%) Obama would be hailed a king and a great leader. GWB's mistake was the Iraq war and the Patriot act, but people soon forget that the economy didn't get real bad until the left had full control of the house and senate. Place blame where it belongs.

Plus you can just look at states like NY and Cal that have tremendous debt, failing economies and if it wasn't for the Fed stealing money from states that are run in a decent manner to give it to those irresponsible states, they would have failed a long time ago...or you can look at countries like Greece that basically champion Obama type policies and it has worked out great for them so far. Keep in mind that Greece has $33k in debt per person and we have $53-$55k per person...

It is important to know that Obama already pushed us off the fiscal cliff as well, so the rhetoric is just that. The U6 numbers which are the real unemployment numbers are far higher than the left wing propaganda machine keeps jamming down the throats of the sheeple...when are people going to stop being part of a stupid club and start caring about the truth? The Republicans are screwed up as hell but at least there is a half dozen of them that aren't corrupt whereas you can't find a single Democrat that isn't. Not to mention all the lies about what powers they have, misleading talking points about the Constitution and all the other lies they spread every time they talk. I wasn't a fan of Romney but c'mon, the left didn't use a single fact the entire campaign, they just made crap up and spread it around and people were dumb enough to believe it.

This country is going to collapse if Obama gets his way. You can't have this much debt and keep devaluing the money without an economic collapse. Not to mention if he was a decent leader this recession would have ended a long time ago....instead he was too busy funneling money to all his friends who own green companies...all of which failed by the way...but then again if solar panels take 30yrs for a return on investment but only last 15yrs, a friggen monkey can tell you that is a bad ya, lets put $500 million into that.

Now he wants to destroy millions of jobs by raising the minimum wage. Many small companies can barely afford to hire someone so to say they have to pay more will result in jobs getting cut. No one is forced to work for $8/hr but when restaurants that pay $7.25 to 5 employees have to let one go and raise the price of food to compensate for the additional wages, what of the person who lost their job? There will be millions of situation like this and millions of oothers who have to cut all but one employee out altogether, especially now that they have to pay Obamacare fees too...they will more than likely split it in to 2 part time jobs. Like everything the left supports it sounds decent on the surface but the ramifications are always catastrophic. If anything there should be no minimum wage and then the market sets the wages...if people don't want to work for $8/hr, then don't. If you aren't qualified for high paying jobs that is your fault. Obama has destroyed 8.3 MILLION JOBS! He needs to stop this crap.

And also, $8/hr would buy a lot more if Obama and the Fed would stop devaluing the currency. By the end of his term it will cost $50 for a hamburger...he tells people what they want to hear and is all charismatic but when will the people realize it is all a bunch of BS and this is the result of Progressivism. It happens in EVERY country it is applied in , no exceptions. How do you think people are able to predict all the negative crap that is coming or has come is the way it happens and removing everything that made us great, will not make us great again....and people should have wondered wtf when the worlds 3 worst dictators endorsed Obama and said they thought he was doing a great job...that is a prime indicator he is doing an AWFUL job...he is one step away from a dictator and it is time people start confronting the left on their BS interpretation of the Constitution. There are plenty of writings of our founders that prove the left has no idea what the Constitution means...and then make everyone adhere to its real intent since it is the supreme law of the land.
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Ya, they poll a bunch of left wing drones and then say "Americans" feel this way.Anyone paying attention knows things are VERY bad and getting worse...
Bullshit. The government is a reflection of the people. The politicians don't get there unless they are elected by the people. The government is in dysfunction because the people aren't doing their jobs at the ballot box.

True that...

But when your elected official is primarily loyal to party over country it doesn't matter who gets elected.

But when looking at the parties, the voters are more and more seeing the Republicans as a party for the rich. Republicans give platitudes about offering prosperity for all Americans but the American people have heard that one before. They know that prosperity will only go to the rich

whatever, I guess its throw shit at the wall time because I am a sheep and obama has told me I am po'......right RW?

You realize as a community organizer thats his Job #1 right? Yo is po' and someones gots what U want....:rolleyes:


getting the hint yet?

Nice graph

What happens when you throw in the costs of medical care, energy and education since 1950?
True that...

But when your elected official is primarily loyal to party over country it doesn't matter who gets elected.

But when looking at the parties, the voters are more and more seeing the Republicans as a party for the rich. Republicans give platitudes about offering prosperity for all Americans but the American people have heard that one before. They know that prosperity will only go to the rich

whatever, I guess its throw shit at the wall time because I am a sheep and obama has told me I am po'......right RW?

You realize as a community organizer thats his Job #1 right? Yo is po' and someones gots what U want....:rolleyes:


getting the hint yet?

Nice graph

What happens when you throw in the costs of medical care, energy and education since 1950?

Medical care and Education costs are your boys the Lawyers and the Professors.
The Obama Followers do not have the ability to separate fact from fiction.
In fact, the truth does not matter in their delusional world.

FactChecking Obama’s SOTU
The president spins his accomplishments on jobs, health care and deficit reduction in annual address. : FactChecking Obama?s SOTU
FACT CHECK: Overreaching in State of Union speech
FACT CHECK: Overreaching in State of Union speech
State Of The Union Fact Check: Obama's Big Speech Scrutinized
State Of The Union Fact Check: Obama's Big Speech Scrutinized

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