State of the Union, 53% “very positive”, 24% “somewhat positive"

Compared to James Buchanon, arguably the worst president in American history, Bush wasn't even a good president.

Alot better than obama history will prove that a fact.

I disagree, but if history is to be the judge, we'll have to wait to see which of us its proves to be correct.

If you go by approval ratings though, it isn't even close.

If the media was in bushes favor as they are for obama, bush hands down would be considered a great president. I mean the media redeculed bush when unemployment was under 6%, and now the unemployment is over 7% for years and not a peep from the media. If truth was told about obama hillary would've been president.
All this means is that people swallow up bullshit they hear without actually thinking about what they're being told. What did Obama say last night he hasn't said before? It's like the same speech I've heard just about every year and pretty much nothing has changed.

Yes, so you want us to believe. Much has changed since the dark days of the economic meltdown (2007 - 2009) and little has changed since January 2011 when the political meltdown began under Boehner's Bunglers and McConnell's Mischief Makers.

The public, overall, is incredibly ignorant. They don't pay attention to what is going on unless it involves some big media event, like the SOTU or until every four years when it comes time to elect the president and then they sit there and "inform" themselves based on speeches full of empty platitudes and commercials with 30 second sound bites accusing political opponents of molesting puppies.

A well constructed description of the echo chamber, the no nothings who simply parrot the propaganda of the News Corp and the EIB Network Nitwit.

It is not a coincidence that our republic has slowly been collapsing as the people become more detached from it.

Our Democratic Republic continues to flourish despite the efforts of the Neo-Reactionary Forces (NRF) in the GOP and in conservative media.

Do us all a favor ( you won't because you know it will make you look ignorant and silly). Give us the polices you most hated or disliked, the policies you felt defined Bush and his Neo-con buddies....

Then tell us where those policies are today. Try and be fair (impossible I know) and look up the polices, see if by chance maybe Obama and Dems expanded them, like Homeland security, the war on terror, the patriot act, tax cuts, tax credits, bail outs... you know, all the things you reeeeaaaallly hated under Bush.

Thanks for not following through!

Alot better than obama history will prove that a fact.

I disagree, but if history is to be the judge, we'll have to wait to see which of us its proves to be correct.

If you go by approval ratings though, it isn't even close.

If the media was in bushes favor as they are for obama, bush hands down would be considered a great president. I mean the media redeculed bush when unemployment was under 6%, and now the unemployment is over 7% for years and not a peep from the media. If truth was told about obama hillary would've been president.

When all else fails, blame the media.

Sorry, when folks trot out the media boogeymen, they totally lose me.
enjoy your last mouth full of tar on the way down dinosuars

Dems lost 4 million voters in 2012, Reps gained 900,000. Dems happen to be the faster of the 2 shrinking parties. Dems lost voters, a significant amount, like 6%. Reps gained voters however it does not keep up with population growth and past election turn out growth. I'd like to see both parties die, if this keeps up Dems will struggle to win another election, probably lose it and never win another 1 again.

Of course you think being elected 2x in a row means the nation loves you, that you are in the top 5 for best Presidents, if it's a Democrat.... Because I mean Bush II would kinda screw your whole definition of what makes Obama/Dems great.

lol, talking with you TM is hard... I have to pretend I'm talking to the people reading the conversation instead of talking to you because you lack a college education, don't have a real job and are incapable of problem solving due to lack of real world experience. It's weird that you come across as a 50 year old angry child.
Obama was speaking to a relatively friendly audience, according to CNN.
Forty-four percent of the network's sample was Democratic, and
just 17 percent was Republican,
making it 12 points more Democratic than the American population.

State Of The Union Poll Shows Largely Positive Reaction

By that math Obama only had 26% very positive and Mitt Romney is really our Presidnt

If his information is correct then you're a fucking idiot. People asked for the breakdown of the poll, it seems he gave it (I don't care to fact check any of this, I just don't care") and you can't understand something as simple as oversampling because it swings in favor of your own party. How about you give it an actual day or 2 and see what polls say?

I'll run with you on the 2nd or 3rd day polling. Excellent point you have made here. How on earth unless you had the people pre planned to poll could you get to pick up the phone on a night for the state of the union address.
I disagree, but if history is to be the judge, we'll have to wait to see which of us its proves to be correct.

If you go by approval ratings though, it isn't even close.

If the media was in bushes favor as they are for obama, bush hands down would be considered a great president. I mean the media redeculed bush when unemployment was under 6%, and now the unemployment is over 7% for years and not a peep from the media. If truth was told about obama hillary would've been president.

When all else fails, blame the media.

Sorry, when folks trot out the media boogeymen, they totally lose me.

If you don't see a political bias in the Media you have no place discussing politics. Again, I'm not Republican, so I don't care to defend Republicans... But the Media wants to be liked, muck like Obama... The media hates smaller Government because it would lose them viewership. Hell, Fox news is for big Government, don't believe me? well run us all over your definition of neocon again, tell us how they love to spend on military and other programs.... The tell us how much Fox is bias to Republicans.
I disagree, but if history is to be the judge, we'll have to wait to see which of us its proves to be correct.

If you go by approval ratings though, it isn't even close.

If the media was in bushes favor as they are for obama, bush hands down would be considered a great president. I mean the media redeculed bush when unemployment was under 6%, and now the unemployment is over 7% for years and not a peep from the media. If truth was told about obama hillary would've been president.

When all else fails, blame the media.

Sorry, when folks trot out the media boogeymen, they totally lose me.

When bush was president they counted soldiers deaths daily, they would report on anything that would make bush look bad, but now obama media is silent on anything he does.
Time for House Republicans to give back the check the rich gave them. Either that or Ryan and his posse can ride it all the way to the bottom. Dictators don't bend, they break.

By a better than 2- to-1 margin, viewers of President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech rated it highly compared with those who didn’t like the address, a poll out late Tuesday night showed.

According to a CNN/ORC International poll, 53 percent of speech viewers had a “very positive” reaction, 24 percent said they had a “somewhat positive response” and 22 percent said they experienced a negative response.

Read more: Poll: Most liked Obama?s State of the Union speech - Katie Glueck -

Life under Obama to his followers is wonderful.

Why even the Tooth Fairy comes from Washington and leaves food stamps under your pillow. Coin not needed.

Maybe you ought to widen your sources of information. I suggest you watch Rachel Maddow for a couple of weeks - along with whatever gives you the mistaken impression you have posted above.

See if you dare: Rachel Maddow Show

and, Rachel Maddow Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -

or, remain willfully ignorant. This is America, you are free to choose.
So, to get to 53%, how many Democrats were oversampled?

That one sentence is so wrong/amusing on so many levels that I don't know where to start. For now, however, :lmao:

If you are truly lost then I suggest a heaping dose of reality. It'll do ya good my friend.
Lots of people swear by it. Some even chose to embrace it 24/7..
Obama has been the most protected and coddled President in history. That is reality, the propaganda you likely prefer tastes better but lacks substance(fiber). Always happy to give a helping hand to my fellow man. A weakness my grandmother forced me to embrace...
If the media was in bushes favor as they are for obama, bush hands down would be considered a great president. I mean the media redeculed bush when unemployment was under 6%, and now the unemployment is over 7% for years and not a peep from the media. If truth was told about obama hillary would've been president.

When all else fails, blame the media.

Sorry, when folks trot out the media boogeymen, they totally lose me.

If you don't see a political bias in the Media you have no place discussing politics. Again, I'm not Republican, so I don't care to defend Republicans... But the Media wants to be liked, muck like Obama... The media hates smaller Government because it would lose them viewership. Hell, Fox news is for big Government, don't believe me? well run us all over your definition of neocon again, tell us how they love to spend on military and other programs.... The tell us how much Fox is bias to Republicans.

The only bias the media has to towards getting ratings. That's it.

The media...print, radio, TV, internet... is in the business of making money and they will operate in order to do that, not to help out politicians they like.
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We have 16 trillion in debt, record number of welfare recipients, no budget, never ending spending, shrinking economy, high unemployment for the 5th year in a row and you feel good about this?

q4 2012 gdp? .1%

The state of our union is strong though because the dow hit 14K.....
We have 16 trillion in debt, record number of welfare recipients, no budget, never ending spending, shrinking economy, high unemployment for the 5th year in a row and you feel good about this?

q4 2012 gdp? .1%

The state of our union is strong though because the dow hit 14K.....

You aren't suggesting that the 'job creators' getting richer while the rest of America flounders is not a good economy are you? But Mitt said that is the way it should be. Who are you going to believe?

You know all you people who are arguing that this is not a good economy are actually agreeing with Obama and disagreeing with Mittens and Ryan.

Did you participate? I did. Thru the whole speech, he never broke out of negative numbers. I think the highest I saw was -32 and the lowest was -77. Gun control and climate change was when he bottomed out in the polling. It was interesting that men and women tracked almost identically and that Republicans and independents did too.

On what channel? I was watching FOX (not my choice) and he never broke out of negative.....but it was FOX and I consider the audience.

As I said, I was participating at Bing's site with my iPad. You watched the feed on Bing and vote as the speech progresses. On the actual site where you vote, you got to watch the graph in real time broken by democrat, independent and republican as well as a different graph by male and female. On Bing's site, the graphs never broke into positive. I probably should have done some screen shots.
Did you participate? I did. Thru the whole speech, he never broke out of negative numbers. I think the highest I saw was -32 and the lowest was -77. Gun control and climate change was when he bottomed out in the polling. It was interesting that men and women tracked almost identically and that Republicans and independents did too.

On what channel? I was watching FOX (not my choice) and he never broke out of negative.....but it was FOX and I consider the audience.

fux co-sponsored the site.

That ANYBODY could participate in and vote as they wished. Moron.
Did you participate? I did. Thru the whole speech, he never broke out of negative numbers. I think the highest I saw was -32 and the lowest was -77. Gun control and climate change was when he bottomed out in the polling. It was interesting that men and women tracked almost identically and that Republicans and independents did too.

On what channel? I was watching FOX (not my choice) and he never broke out of negative.....but it was FOX and I consider the audience.

As I said, I was participating at Bing's site with my iPad. You watched the feed on Bing and vote as the speech progresses. On the actual site where you vote, you got to watch the graph in real time broken by democrat, independent and republican as well as a different graph by male and female. On Bing's site, the graphs never broke into positive. I probably should have done some screen shots.

If internet polling were representative of the country....

Ron Paul would be our President

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