State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

Not open for further replies.'s the're breaking the're stupid....Squawk... have a problem with people expected to be treated legally. All people or just certain...wink, wink....people?
No Muslims on my gun range. I think she's smart. Why don't you go after her?
Why would I? In case you don't know how things work here, a person filing a lawsuit must have a vested interest in having their civil rights violated. I'm not muslim...I've not gone to that gun range...I have no vested interest. My lawsuit would be summarily thrown out. That's one of the things about law in this country....It's not as arbitrary and as frivolous as you might think.
If you had read the link I provided you would realize she is exempt from civil rights laws because her gun range is a private club.
Well, if she's a private club....with no business have a point. But does that in any way change what I said about me having no standing?'s the're breaking the're stupid....Squawk... have a problem with people expected to be treated legally. All people or just certain...wink, wink....people?
No Muslims on my gun range. I think she's smart. Why don't you go after her?
Why would I? In case you don't know how things work here, a person filing a lawsuit must have a vested interest in having their civil rights violated. I'm not muslim...I've not gone to that gun range...I have no vested interest. My lawsuit would be summarily thrown out. That's one of the things about law in this country....It's not as arbitrary and as frivolous as you might think.
If you had read the link I provided you would realize she is exempt from civil rights laws because her gun range is a private club.
Well, if she's a private club....with no business have a point. But does that in any way change what I said about me having no standing?
Expect to see more exemption laws to keep the corrupt government tyranny off our backs.
Not nearly the number of Christian patriots who put their lives on the line defending her rights. Your horde of imaginary patriotic muslims can go to hell.
Imaginary? Like Michael Monsoor?
Leftist amateurs love Wikipedia because it can be edited. I really don't hive a damn about your one Muslim. We're not going to adopt insanity to please your PC agenda.
Who is we? You don't have to adopt anything. You can shut the fuck up and follow the law or pay the price. If some American who happens to be. A Muslim is denied service, her ass Wil be sued and she will lose.
Why don't you shut us up.
If you fail to follow the the rest of will make ugh y's the're breaking the're stupid....Squawk...
The guy says he has three pensions rolling in. Can you imagine the amount America getting soaked to support his stupid ass?
never said anything like you l
Service hell, what about hiring? That matters more. I see lots of examples of only Asians or blacks, or Jews, etc. working at places. But yes, we should be free to associate with whom we please, open to the public doesn't mean publicly owned.
It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, etc. don't like it? Move the fuck away
I just gave you some examples where discrimination is tolerated. Grow a brain you fucking parasitic retard.
So you think it is legal for Jews, Asians or blacks to discriminate? How can one person be so fucking stupid?
Apparently it is, Einstein. Go to an Asian restaurant, it's all Asians working there. Go to a black bar, it's all blacks. Mexican restaurant, all Mexicans. Discrimination laws aren't practiced evenly, whites don't typically sue and make a big shit out of not working where they don't fit in.
Been to all and you are an idiot.
Piss on your tyrannical government laws.'s the're breaking the're stupid....Squawk...
Leftist amateurs love Wikipedia because it can be edited. I really don't hive a damn about your one Muslim. We're not going to adopt insanity to please your PC agenda.
Who is we? You don't have to adopt anything. You can shut the fuck up and follow the law or pay the price. If some American who happens to be. A Muslim is denied service, her ass Wil be sued and she will lose.
Why don't you shut us up.
If you fail to follow the the rest of will make ugh y's the're breaking the're stupid....Squawk...
The guy says he has three pensions rolling in. Can you imagine the amount America getting soaked to support his stupid ass?
never said anything like you l
It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, etc. don't like it? Move the fuck away
I just gave you some examples where discrimination is tolerated. Grow a brain you fucking parasitic retard.
So you think it is legal for Jews, Asians or blacks to discriminate? How can one person be so fucking stupid?
Apparently it is, Einstein. Go to an Asian restaurant, it's all Asians working there. Go to a black bar, it's all blacks. Mexican restaurant, all Mexicans. Discrimination laws aren't practiced evenly, whites don't typically sue and make a big shit out of not working where they don't fit in.
Been to all and you are an idiot.
Piss on your tyrannical government laws.
Right. it is tyranny to not let you be a fucking racist. have a problem with people expected to be treated legally. All people or just certain...wink, wink....people?
No Muslims on my gun range. I think she's smart. Why don't you go after her?
Why would I? In case you don't know how things work here, a person filing a lawsuit must have a vested interest in having their civil rights violated. I'm not muslim...I've not gone to that gun range...I have no vested interest. My lawsuit would be summarily thrown out. That's one of the things about law in this country....It's not as arbitrary and as frivolous as you might think.
If you had read the link I provided you would realize she is exempt from civil rights laws because her gun range is a private club.
Well, if she's a private club....with no business have a point. But does that in any way change what I said about me having no standing?
Expect to see more exemption laws to keep the corrupt government tyranny off our backs.
More exemption laws? What exemption laws have already been passed?

Tho I must add that it is Ironic to have the government pass laws (big government) to "get the government off your back".
Leftist amateurs love Wikipedia because it can be edited. I really don't hive a damn about your one Muslim. We're not going to adopt insanity to please your PC agenda.
Who is we? You don't have to adopt anything. You can shut the fuck up and follow the law or pay the price. If some American who happens to be. A Muslim is denied service, her ass Wil be sued and she will lose.
Why don't you shut us up.
If you fail to follow the the rest of will make ugh y's the're breaking the're stupid....Squawk...
The guy says he has three pensions rolling in. Can you imagine the amount America getting soaked to support his stupid ass?
never said anything like you l
It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, etc. don't like it? Move the fuck away
I just gave you some examples where discrimination is tolerated. Grow a brain you fucking parasitic retard.
So you think it is legal for Jews, Asians or blacks to discriminate? How can one person be so fucking stupid?
Apparently it is, Einstein. Go to an Asian restaurant, it's all Asians working there. Go to a black bar, it's all blacks. Mexican restaurant, all Mexicans. Discrimination laws aren't practiced evenly, whites don't typically sue and make a big shit out of not working where they don't fit in.
Been to all and you are an idiot.
Piss on your tyrannical government laws.
But you just finished saying that you want more laws passed.
Piss on your tyrannical government laws.
Dissent is patriotic!

Lefties aren't singing that tune lately. Hmmmmm.

It still is...and you still suffer the consequences of breaking the law.
Not me. I'll simply lie about it if they try to force me into it. You'll have to prove it. Sorry if you couldn't whip me, asshole!

You did miss the point though, typical of you.
A RWr thru and thru.
Damages to the bakers per state law, once the gay couple pressed the issue: $135,000
Damages to the bakers had the gay couple just told them to go to hell and gone to another baker, one who was happy to work with them: $0

Yep, that's the law. Did the issue have to be pressed? Nope, that was a choice.

Punish, intimidate, control.
Damages to the bakers per state law, once the gay couple pressed the issue: $135,000
Damages to the bakers had the gay couple just told them to go to hell and gone to another baker, one who was happy to work with them: $0

Yep, that's the law. Did the issue have to be pressed? Nope, that was a choice.

Punish, intimidate, control.
So. Your beef is with citizens actually following the law.
Damages to the bakers per state law, once the gay couple pressed the issue: $135,000
Damages to the bakers had the gay couple just told them to go to hell and gone to another baker, one who was happy to work with them: $0

Yep, that's the law. Did the issue have to be pressed? Nope, that was a choice.

Punish, intimidate, control.
So. Your beef is with citizens actually following the law.
Oh, that's right, it's Obtuse Tuesday!

Thanks for the reminder!
Simplified... Voting on situational anything, like Situational morality.

Hashtag spineless
Define "situational morality".
Pretty obvious, just as it sounds.
Morality can be situational at in point, owning slaves used to be it isn't. Killing can be moral depending on the situation. But a good rule of thumb for morality is the Golden Rule....don't do something to someone else if you wouldn't want it done to you. That covers just about everything and can be found in all religions and philosophies throughout history.

So....what is your beef with "situational morality"?
Do you support abortion "rights"?
I believe that a woman's body is her's to decide until a fetus becomes viable. I myself find abortion to be something we need to end legally thru birth control and educational options. The day a woman doesn't need to look to abortion as an option will be a happy day in my opinion....just like the day we no longer resort to war to solve problems will be a happy day. Is it likely........?
I say the last one to blame is the kid that being, the most innocent party it the whole kerfuffle, unfortunately.
But, ends up being the only one paying any type of price in an abortion, that being the ultimate price.

Always devastating, permanent and forever....

...That's just me though
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Damages to the bakers per state law, once the gay couple pressed the issue: $135,000
Damages to the bakers had the gay couple just told them to go to hell and gone to another baker, one who was happy to work with them: $0

Yep, that's the law. Did the issue have to be pressed? Nope, that was a choice.

Punish, intimidate, control.
Agreed. But the 1st Amendment trumps local Johnny-come-lately PA laws. And the Davis case is going to demonstrate that. So will this one.

Gay marriage is about behaviors, not race. And that's the fatal flaw that will make the State reimburse this couple for their legal funds and the punishing, intimidating, controlling gays will have to pound sand as to the $135K.

What this really is, is forcing an established religion to bow to a cult. That is the very root and essence of all of it.
Damages to the bakers per state law, once the gay couple pressed the issue: $135,000
Damages to the bakers had the gay couple just told them to go to hell and gone to another baker, one who was happy to work with them: $0

Yep, that's the law. Did the issue have to be pressed? Nope, that was a choice.

Punish, intimidate, control.
Agreed. But the 1st Amendment trumps local Johnny-come-lately PA laws. And the Davis case is going to demonstrate that. So will this one.

Gay marriage is about behaviors, not race. And that's the fatal flaw that will make the State reimburse this couple for their legal funds and the punishing, intimidating, controlling gays will have to pound sand as to the $135K.

What this really is, is forcing an established religion to bow to a cult. That is the very root and essence of all of it.
If that were true, you'd have an excellent case to bring before the Supreme Court. Why aren't you?
Damages to the bakers per state law, once the gay couple pressed the issue: $135,000
Damages to the bakers had the gay couple just told them to go to hell and gone to another baker, one who was happy to work with them: $0

Yep, that's the law. Did the issue have to be pressed? Nope, that was a choice.

Punish, intimidate, control.
I don't ask my clients who they fuck or how they fuck, it's none of my goddamned business. They hire me and I do the goddamed job, period.
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