States consider drug tests for welfare recipients Mar 26 2009

As I said. Hope you don't get laid low, lose your job and your ability to work, and have to come dragging your sorry backwards ass into my office. Because then you will be suffering a very scary dose of reality.

Never say never, dipshit. I once made fun of a pizza delivery person. Guess what? Within a year, I was delivering pizzas. I also made fun of someone who had epilepsy once. Guess what? The next year my boy was diagnosed with it.

You don't know what the fuck will happen to you, dumbass, or to what straits you will be reduced.

your little rant is hilarious on many, MANY levels. First off, I've said that if i get injured then I probably wont be smoking the pot ANYWAY. JUST LIKE if I were unemployed and needed public assistance; I WOULD NOT BE SMOKING POT. so, really baba, your angry principal rant is nothing short of a knee slapping joke. You have about as much threat to you as a pink dyed poodle swimming in a pool of syrup.

So, in essence, YES I DO know what WILL happen: I won't be making excuses to toke up when I have other pressing issues to deal with. Again, THIS is what we call personal responsibility, bitch. Enjoy trying to scream PARKS AND ROADS... :lol:
this is the dumbest idea I've heard in quite a while. Welfare is one thing but piss tests for unemployment? Come the fvck on! First of all a piss test is about $100 a pop, that adds up quick. Unreasonable search and seizure is unconstitutional for seconds. Unemployment is not a handout, you've already paid into the fund in case your ever jobless, so it's not taxpayer monies for thirds. Whiskey, coke, heroin, pills, anything but weed only stays in your system for 24-36 hrs. Weed stays for about 2-4 weeks. In other words, the worst drugs are less likely to be detected for fourths. And finally, repubs can keep there damn dirty self rightous eyes on there own lives and stop acting like my damn mother. We are adults for crying out loud.

Um ... seriously? What are you scared of, beside saying the word fuck?

So instead of spending $100 a month maybe (many areas it's a lot cheaper) on drug testing you would rather some people waste $1,000's of dollars of our money on drugs? None of it's a hand out by the way, even welfare, as long as the person collected worked at least the same number of years they collect, they paid into it more than as they are collecting (adjusted for inflation), unemployment is no different than any welfare or Social Security, except with stricter time limits. I'm not a republican supporter, never have been, and I think it's a GREAT idea. Oh, and a refresher, I collect Social Security for awhile and lived in shelters for many years. I have seen the best and worst of people, and every group has serious drug abusers, but those getting welfare (or unemployment, same thing) are often more commonly abusing it, taking advantage of a system in place to help people who really need it.

Also, look into hair drug tests, they can check your history for some time back. There are also 30 day UA's that can check for even alcohol in the past 30 days, though they are about $100 in most pharmacies now the impact it will have on the system will be positive. Believe me, most people who need the financial help are also more than willing to jump through simple hoops for it, I know, I was.
Or anyone who uses public transportation. Or public parks. Or public programs like UNEMPLOYMENT or SSI. All those people should be drug tested. After all, they're partaking of things provided by tax payers.

Peejay, you made a REALLY good point.
Yeah, baby! Drug test us, scan our bodies, and give us the good old American anal probe!
Our number one advocate here:

A drug user.

A drug user who admits he gets around drug test.

A drug user who claims part of his job is to catch drug users.

A drug using, drug tester who hasn't offered up his job yet, due to his own drug use.

A drug user who spends US Federal Reserve notes on non taxed, black market drugs.

Me thinks we would need a more credible source.
Our number one advocate here:

A drug user.

A drug user who admits he gets around drug test.

A drug user who claims part of his job is to catch drug users.

A drug using, drug tester who hasn't offered up his job yet, due to his own drug use.

A drug user who spends US Federal Reserve notes on non taxed, black market drugs.

Me thinks we would need a more credible source.

especially when the subject is drug users ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!


hey, I don't blame you for being stupid. Hell, you are only a busker, after all.
Our number one advocate here:

A drug user.

A drug user who admits he gets around drug test.

A drug user who claims part of his job is to catch drug users.

A drug using, drug tester who hasn't offered up his job yet, due to his own drug use.

A drug user who spends US Federal Reserve notes on non taxed, black market drugs.

Me thinks we would need a more credible source.

especially when the subject is drug users ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!


hey, I don't blame you for being stupid. Hell, you are only a busker, after all.

A drug user.

A drug test evading drug user.

A drug user that test others for drugs.

A drug user that only has a job because he lies about his drug use.

A drug user, drug tester who spends his time debating with a lowly busker.

The idea may have legs to stand on. You don't.
Our number one advocate here:

A drug user.

A drug user who admits he gets around drug test.

A drug user who claims part of his job is to catch drug users.

A drug using, drug tester who hasn't offered up his job yet, due to his own drug use.

A drug user who spends US Federal Reserve notes on non taxed, black market drugs.

Me thinks we would need a more credible source.

especially when the subject is drug users ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!


hey, I don't blame you for being stupid. Hell, you are only a busker, after all.

A drug user.

A drug test evading drug user.

A drug user that test others for drugs.

A drug user that only has a job because he lies about his drug use.

A drug user, drug tester who spends his time debating with a lowly busker.

The idea may have legs to stand on. You don't.

What I don't get ... and this is where you lose me and force me to think you are a moron ... why would drug users advocate drug testing? It seems you have more to hide than most others.
especially when the subject is drug users ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!


hey, I don't blame you for being stupid. Hell, you are only a busker, after all.

A drug user.

A drug test evading drug user.

A drug user that test others for drugs.

A drug user that only has a job because he lies about his drug use.

A drug user, drug tester who spends his time debating with a lowly busker.

The idea may have legs to stand on. You don't.

What I don't get ... and this is where you lose me and force me to think you are a moron ... why would drug users advocate drug testing? It seems you have more to hide than most others.

He not only advocates drug testing, he says he gives drug test as part of his job. And he says he knows how to get around drug test so he doesn't get caught. And he spends US currency on illegal, balck market drugs. He's a drug criminal actively and successfully engaged in hiding his drug use from the people who give him job on the condition that he is not a drug user. But he is. He just knows how to get away with it.

A punk. In short.
A drug user.

A drug test evading drug user.

A drug user that test others for drugs.

A drug user that only has a job because he lies about his drug use.

A drug user, drug tester who spends his time debating with a lowly busker.

The idea may have legs to stand on. You don't.

What I don't get ... and this is where you lose me and force me to think you are a moron ... why would drug users advocate drug testing? It seems you have more to hide than most others.

He not only advocates drug testing, he says he gives drug test as part of his job. And he says he knows how to get around drug test so he doesn't get caught. And he spends US currency on illegal, balck market drugs. He's a drug criminal actively and successfully engaged in hiding his drug use from the people who give him job on the condition that he is not a drug user. But he is. He just knows how to get away with it.

A punk. In short.

Really? I know how to get around drug tests ... I have never done more than tobacco (and pot when I was younger, but hey, it was Tucson, not much else to do pre-internet). I know because the second science I loved (just below computers) was chemistry. I also know there are at least a dozen of the junkies in the shelters who know how to as well.

What I don't get is how this makes their support of drug testing for recipients of money they are suppose to use to better themselves wrong.
What I don't get ... and this is where you lose me and force me to think you are a moron ... why would drug users advocate drug testing? It seems you have more to hide than most others.

He not only advocates drug testing, he says he gives drug test as part of his job. And he says he knows how to get around drug test so he doesn't get caught. And he spends US currency on illegal, balck market drugs. He's a drug criminal actively and successfully engaged in hiding his drug use from the people who give him job on the condition that he is not a drug user. But he is. He just knows how to get away with it.

A punk. In short.

Really? I know how to get around drug tests ... I have never done more than tobacco (and pot when I was younger, but hey, it was Tucson, not much else to do pre-internet). I know because the second science I loved (just below computers) was chemistry. I also know there are at least a dozen of the junkies in the shelters who know how to as well.

What I don't get is how this makes their support of drug testing for recipients of money they are suppose to use to better themselves wrong.

It seems that for Shogun to be taken seriously, he should first admit his drug use to his employer, give up his job and maybe enter substance abuse counseling. If his employer requires him to be drug free in order to have a job, I would think he should live up to the same standard as the one he is promoting here. He has no right to his job, as a drug user. He only has it because he lies to his employer. Wouldn't you agree ?
Our number one advocate here:

A drug user.

A drug user who admits he gets around drug test.

A drug user who claims part of his job is to catch drug users.

A drug using, drug tester who hasn't offered up his job yet, due to his own drug use.

A drug user who spends US Federal Reserve notes on non taxed, black market drugs.

Me thinks we would need a more credible source.

especially when the subject is drug users ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!


hey, I don't blame you for being stupid. Hell, you are only a busker, after all.

A drug user.

A drug test evading drug user.

A drug user that test others for drugs.

A drug user that only has a job because he lies about his drug use.

A drug user, drug tester who spends his time debating with a lowly busker.

The idea may have legs to stand on. You don't.

I notice you still didn't add "ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE".... Funny how that seems to be the topic of this thread.

poor guy... go sit in the corner where the rest of the semi-homelss buskers perform tricks for food like a dog.
A drug user.

A drug test evading drug user.

A drug user that test others for drugs.

A drug user that only has a job because he lies about his drug use.

A drug user, drug tester who spends his time debating with a lowly busker.

The idea may have legs to stand on. You don't.

What I don't get ... and this is where you lose me and force me to think you are a moron ... why would drug users advocate drug testing? It seems you have more to hide than most others.

He not only advocates drug testing, he says he gives drug test as part of his job. And he says he knows how to get around drug test so he doesn't get caught. And he spends US currency on illegal, balck market drugs. He's a drug criminal actively and successfully engaged in hiding his drug use from the people who give him job on the condition that he is not a drug user. But he is. He just knows how to get away with it.

A punk. In short.

yea yea yea.. go sit in the corner before we decide to give some other bum a guitar and start paying him hot dogs for entertainment.

Again, you completely dodge the concept that this is a thread about PUBLIC ASSISTANCE just because i've kicked the teeth out of your mouth thus far in this thread. I am not on FOOD STAMPS so my pot use really has no bearing on this subject... even if your last ditch effort is to cry like a quivering little bitch, busker. Again, THIS is why your opinion doesn't matter and, in all probability, why your "employment" amounts to begging for treats.
You're still a hypocrite. Foodstamps are an entitlement program.

You work at a job that gives UAs so presumably will fire for dirty ones. You are taking money from a system that would not give you money if they knew you used, therefore, you're a fraud.

In my mind, that's even worse than using the pittance you do have to purchase pot at $25 a week, rather than taking that $100 a month and applying it to rent...and still getting evicted.
especially when the subject is drug users ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!


hey, I don't blame you for being stupid. Hell, you are only a busker, after all.

A drug user.

A drug test evading drug user.

A drug user that test others for drugs.

A drug user that only has a job because he lies about his drug use.

A drug user, drug tester who spends his time debating with a lowly busker.

The idea may have legs to stand on. You don't.

What I don't get ... and this is where you lose me and force me to think you are a moron ... why would drug users advocate drug testing? It seems you have more to hide than most others.

Should people who smoke pot also advocate driving and getting high on some silly common denominator arguement? Tell me, does personal resonsibility NOT play a role in responsible drug consuption? Should I assume that you are going to make meth now just because you have a cough med with effedrine in it? Of course not. Smoking pot is not some kind of free pass where personal actions have no consequences. Indeed, it is THAT kind of ideals which keeps pot illegal. Would YOU legalize pot if the sole voice you hear is Pejays' stupid fucking "hey, who cares? It's ONLY tax money" rant? Would YOU legalize it if you knew his stupid ass would be out hitting bongs loads while driving? Giving him a ticket for impaired riving would be HYPOCRITICAL, right? Kinda like how it's HYPOCRITICAL for a scotch loving cop to give out drunk driving tickets, RIGHT? NO? There is your answer. Peejay is one of those stupid bastards whose attempt at making this a personal issue about my usage is a pretty apparent attempt to move away from his lost argument. This is why he keeps refusing to acknowledge that I DONT REVIEVE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE.

But, again, he's a busker. Dogs do his job for treats every day. I wouldn't put much water in his bucket, if you know what I mean.
He not only advocates drug testing, he says he gives drug test as part of his job. And he says he knows how to get around drug test so he doesn't get caught. And he spends US currency on illegal, balck market drugs. He's a drug criminal actively and successfully engaged in hiding his drug use from the people who give him job on the condition that he is not a drug user. But he is. He just knows how to get away with it.

A punk. In short.

Really? I know how to get around drug tests ... I have never done more than tobacco (and pot when I was younger, but hey, it was Tucson, not much else to do pre-internet). I know because the second science I loved (just below computers) was chemistry. I also know there are at least a dozen of the junkies in the shelters who know how to as well.

What I don't get is how this makes their support of drug testing for recipients of money they are suppose to use to better themselves wrong.

It seems that for Shogun to be taken seriously, he should first admit his drug use to his employer, give up his job and maybe enter substance abuse counseling. If his employer requires him to be drug free in order to have a job, I would think he should live up to the same standard as the one he is promoting here. He has no right to his job, as a drug user. He only has it because he lies to his employer. Wouldn't you agree ?

riiiight.. because my EMPLOYER loses TAX MONEY givng people like you FOOD STAMPS...

sure, dude... Get back to that E to Am, dude. Your cognitive ability fails.
You're still a hypocrite. Foodstamps are an entitlement program.

You work at a job that gives UAs so presumably will fire for dirty ones. You are taking money from a system that would not give you money if they knew you used, therefore, you're a fraud.

In my mind, that's even worse than using the pittance you do have to purchase pot at $25 a week, rather than taking that $100 a month and applying it to rent...and still getting evicted.

By all means, ****.. Explain how i'm a hypocrite WHEN I DONT RECEIVE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE.


No, i'm not taking money from a system that is funded by tax money. A common pool of nationally collected funds. Your rabid little tantrum is HILARIOUS!

of course, in YOUR mind, bitch. You are absolutelty fucking retarded enough to imagine that a self sufficient user is WORSE than the dregs you keep defending BECAUSE YOUR JOB DEPENDS ON IT. Tell me more about your heroic stance, bitch. I LOVE jokes from stupid motherfuckers.

No, because your employer doesn't want to fund people who take drugs, and you have no problem defrauding him and taking his hard earned money. But you do have a problem from people who are in an entitlement program, with no requirements as far as drug use goes, daring to take the tiny fraction of money you have donated to the program.

Which you wouldn't be donating at all if your boss knew.

You're a hypocrite.
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Just say "NO" to government, period.

If more people would stop looking to government to fix everything, then we would not be in the mess we are in

By the way..I believe that people are signing off on theiir right to privacy..that hurts all of us as a nation.

Doing drug tests is an assinine thing to be cool with and plays right into the hands of all those who wish to destroy the US from the inside
No, because your employer doesn't want to fund people who take drugs, and you have no problem defrauding him and taking his hard earned money. But you do have a problem from people who are in an entitlement program, with no requirements as far as drug use goes, daring to take the tiny fraction of money you have donated to the program.

Which you wouldn't be donating at all if your boss knew.

You're a hypocrite.



you said DEFRAUD! :rofl:

Bitch, that is a stone you really shouldn't be throwing given your take on THE THREAD TOPIC. If your tiny, reptilian brain needs to stick with this tangent then so be it. It's rather sad and desperate but.. those are two good adjectives to describe your thread input anyway so...

after all.. nothing says expert quite like some bitch looking out to protect her MEAL TICKET anyway.

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